Democrats’ Pro-Union ‘PRO Act’ Is A Threat To Jobs And The Free Market

Not enough attention is being paid to one section of the Democrats’ pro-union ‘PRO Act’ that poses the greatest threat to jobs and the free market: Putting government bureaucrats in charge of setting wages and benefits.


61% of Small Businesses Say PRO Act Will Destroy Their Business – Small Business Trends

“Just as small business owners are starting to feel more optimistic about surviving the COVID Crisis, certain legislators in Washington are plotting to crush them once again — this time with what we’re calling the PRO Act Virus,” said Eric Groves, Alignable Co-founder and CEO of Alignable tells us. “And we’re not being dramatic, we’ve collected the data and we’re highlighting the impact this bill could have on millions of small business owners.”


Support American Workers? Oppose the PRO Act

“Don’t be fooled by the PRO Act’s promise to “restore fairness” to the economy. It’s a Trojan horse designed to quash our nation’s burgeoning independent workforce.”


Unions Seek to ‘Liberate’ Gig Workers From Flexibility

“Many freelancers who get jobs from apps would rather quit than become regular employees.”


Labor’s Litany of Dangerous Ideas:The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act

“Unions and their allies are promoting a bill that would destabilize America’s workplaces and impose a long list of dangerous changes to labor law. The proposal, called the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (S. 420/H.R. 842), is a litany of almost every failed idea from the past 30 years of labor policy. The PRO Act would undermine worker rights, ensnare employers in unrelated labor disputes, disrupt the economy, and force individual Americans to pay union dues regardless of their wishes.”


I backed Biden and the Democrats. But their pro-union bill could kill my career.

“…for the 1 in 5 American workers who are independent contractors, that option might disappear. Last year, when California enacted a bill, known as AB5, that supposedly protected gig workers from exploitation, it used the ABC test. The stories of lost work in more than 150 professions were heartbreaking.


6 Ways the Union-Backed PRO Act Would Hurt Workers

Unemployment is at a 50-year low. Wage growth is incredibly strong, with the lowest-wage earners experiencing twice the average gains. The number of discouraged workers plummeted more than 25% over the past year as favorable work opportunities opened up for them.

The PRO Act threatens all of those gains at the expense of benefiting union bosses who send hundreds of millions of dollars to liberal causes and politicians each year.

The PRO Act is bad for employees, economy

Politicians constantly talk about how they are “pro-jobs.” But you cannot be pro-jobs and anti-business, nor can you be pro-jobs and anti-worker.

Economic Costs of the PRO Act

“While the press and public have not given the PRO Act much attention, the bill deserves increased scrutiny as it would fundamentally change U.S. labor law and impose significant costs on our economy….The bill’s provisions are a compilation of prior, mostly failed legislative initiatives, many of which faced bipartisan opposition, and regulatory actions that have been rejected by courts or subsequently revoked or modified for other reasons.


Democrats’ forced labor unionization bill threatens jobs, tramples rights

The PRO Act Is Anti-worker

PRO Act Would Help Unions at the Expense of American Workers

PRO Act Is Anything But Pro-Worker

“To date, the PRO Act represents the most blatant attack on established labor law.”

“If enacted, it would make significant changes to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and other laws that would undermine worker freedom and threaten worker privacy when deciding whether to unionize, while also hurting businesses and threatening entire industries and sectors that keep America’s economy thriving.”


What Big Labor Wants

“The PRO Act is little more than a power grab by organized labor, which has seen its share of the workforce steadily fall over the years. It would undermine the economy, hamstring employers, and weaken worker free choice.”


Divide and Conquer: Democrats in Congress Pushing Unions on Workers

Under the PRO Act, when discussing unionization, unions get unfettered access to employees while employers are restricted from making their case against unionization. This essentially limits the ability of employees and employers to build relationships and have open and honest dialog about workplace interactions. Numerous surveys and studies show that, while compensation and benefits are important to employee satisfaction, culture, leadership quality, and communication and relationships with supervisors’ matter too, and the PRO Act will make it more difficult for employees and employers to create positive work cultures that are mutually beneficial.


Associated Builders & Contractors Letter to the members of the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee

“H.R. 2474 would drastically reshape the construction industry and America’s workplaces by stripping employees and employers of their constitutionally protected rights and hand power over to politically powerful union bosses.”


Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Letter to the members of the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee’s Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee

The PRO Act “contains many provisions that strip workers of essential rights” as well as “tramples on rights and ignores the consequences of dangerous
policies on our economy.”
