The Kennedy half dollar replaced the Franklin half dollar which was struck from 1948 to 1963. Related: What Makes a 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar Rare? The second coin in the set was a specially struck Kennedy half-dollar that had a matte finish and was made out of 90 percent silver. Designers Gilroy Roberts was the ninth Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint, serving from 1948-1965. The 1776 to 1976 S silver proof half dollar had a mintage of just 4 million. And some complained that the GR looked like a hammer and a sickle the anti-communist panic was huge at the time! Type 2 Reverse lettering is refined with serifs that much more closely resemble the lettering style ordinarily seen on the obverse of the Eisenhower Dollar. It contains American President John Fitzgerald Kennedys profile facing left, surrounded by the word LIBERTY. Your email address will not be published. The PCGS3000 reflects the opinions of PCGSs coin price experts with respect to indexes developed by PCGS for specific coin categories. Its outermost cladding was 80% silver and 20% copper while the inner layer was 79% copper and 21% silver. Even though the 1776 to 1976 Kennedy half dollar value is not a lot, its worth lie in its significance. The Denver Mint had the highest mintage with a total of 287,565,248. This item can be shipped to United States. Below, you will see how much Kennedy half dollars are worth (including the Bicentennial half dollar), and which ones are considered rare Kennedy Half dollars. Eventually though, even the Kennedy half dollar had to acclimatize. The proof coins also carry the S mint mark that shows it was struck at the San Francisco Mint. What is the value of 1776 1976 Kennedy half dollar with S mint mark? All Rights Reserved. 1972 Kennedy Half Dollar Value and Price Chart, 1973 Kennedy Half Dollar Value and Price Chart, 1922 Peace Silver Dollar Value and Price Chart, 1958 Jefferson Nickel Value and Price chart, Outer layers 80% Silver, 20% Copper; Center 79% Copper, 21% Silver. One 1776-1976 Bicentennial Kennedy Half Dollar Coin. The U.S. President at the time, William, Read More The Ultimate Guide to Lincoln Wheat Penny Value ($840,000 for a 1943-S Bronze MS)Continue. Thats when a foreign object slips between the die and the coin so the images are blurred. Those with a cameo finish are typically worth $4 to $175, while you should set aside $7 to $280 for a coin with deep cameo contrast. Most 1776 to 1976 half dollars in circulation fall under this grade. Most dates from the mid 1980s and on have very light (if any) perceptible wear because they are used so infrequently. Type: Kennedy Edge: Reeded Mint Mark: S Year: 1776-1976 Face Value: $0.50 USD Price: $0.50 to $220.00 (or more) Quantity produced: 11,000,000 Composition: 40% silver and 60% copper Mass: 11.50 grams Diameter: 31 mm Thickness: 2.15 mm photo source: PCGS As a special and limited edition, the U.S. Mint produced a 1976-S 50-cent silver coin. Between 1965 and 1970, that amount reduced to 40%, and after 1971, half dollars adopted the same copper-nickel clad used in quarters and dollars. Well, the outside of the coin still looked sterling. Thats the tails side. They have a 1.20512 inches (30.61 mm) diameter and are thick 0.08465 inches (2.15 mm). ): These coins were composed of a copper-nickel clad. What is the rarest Kennedy Half Dollar? (Value Chart), 17 Most Valuable Kennedy Half Dollar Worth Money, 18 Most Valuable Franklin Half Dollars Worth Money, 1972 Half Dollar Value Guides (Rare Errors, D, and No Mint Mark), 1943 Half Dollar Value Guides (Rare Errors, D, S and No Mint Mark), 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar Value (Rare Errors, D, S & No Mint Mark), 1963 Franklin Half Dollar Value (Rare Errors & D Mint Mark), 1925 Stone Mountain Half Dollar Value (Rare Errors), 1980 Half Dollar Value (Rare Errors, D, S & P Mint Marks), 1944 Nickel Value (Rare Errors, D, S & P Mint Marks), 1971 Quarter Value (Rare Errors, D, S & No Mint Marks), 1911 Wheat Penny Value (Rare Errors, D, S & No Mint Marks), 1979 Nickel Value (Rare Errors, D, S & No Mint Marks), The core of 100% copper and a layer of 75% copper with nickel, 1976 D PCGS Genuine clad Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $10,000 on eBay in 2021, 1976 S MS 69 silver Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $9,600 at Heritage Auctions in 2022, 1976 S PR 70 DCAM clad Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $5,175 at Heritage Auctions in 2008, 1976 S PR 70 DCAM silver Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $4,370 at Heritage Auctions in 2003, 1976 No Mint mark MS 64 clad Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $3,105 at Heritage Auctions in 2004, 1976 S PR 70 silver Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $2,800 on eBay in 2020, 1976 S PR 67 clad Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $1,100 at Great Collections auctions in 2013, 1976 S PR 70 CAM silver Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $330 on eBay in 2022, 1976 S PR 66 CAM clad Kennedy half-dollar that was sold for $105 on eBay in 2019. My love for coins began when I was 11 years old. PCGS Recognizes Excellence in Writing Achievements, Gold Bullion Spotlight: Mexico Centenario Coins, Return to Bicentennial Coinage: Silver Business Strike Edition.. The uncirculated series, however, had a 40% silver component. The United States Mint began striking 1776-1976 Bicentennial Dollars in 1975, which is why there are no Eisenhower Dollars bearing a "1975" date - and the same goes for the Washington Quarters and Kennedy Half Dollars, also struck in 1975 and 1976 with special 1776-1976 dual dating and reverse Bicentennial designs. The 1776-1976 proof silver dollar is worth around $20 in PR 65 condition. Also, the 1976 Half Dollar with no mint mark has no silver component, further reducing its value. Proof coins are minted for quality control. It was minted to celebrate the 1976 United States Bicentennial alongside the then quarter and dollar. You could refer to the coins composition section above to learn their distinct composition. As expected, its composition also determines if the coin will sell for more or less. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Their average price is less than $10 on the current coin market. The most pricey are 1976 S DCAM silver proof Kennedy half dollars, so you should pay $10 to $250 for one, on average. The best way to make this easy is to start with the 1776 to 1976 S silver proof half dollar since it is the least common. Have the silver 1976-S Kennedy half dollar? These unique coins are often very valuable. The coin pictured is the coin you will receive! This coin was part of a special commemorative set that featured a commemorative silver dollar of Robert F. Kennedy. We do not buy or sell precious metal. 2021. The San Francisco mint produced 4,000,000 proof Kennedy silver dollars with the 1776-1976 date. A rare 1976 D 1st strike full brockage with the Kennedy profile struck backward on the coin reverse is a pretty awesome error. Then what sites to believe when it comes to facts and which ones are out to just get traffic. She always remembered several facilities introduced to commemorate the US Bicentennial festivities, including the ceremonial coinage. A Bicentennial half-dollar coins weight depends on its composition. Real Experiences. But before we get into common Kennedy coin errors, lets talk terms. Customers who viewed this item also viewed EISENHOWER (IKE) DOLLARS SET OF 4 DIFFERENT DATES BETWEEN 1971-1978 Congress authorized this coin about a month after his assassination. People hoarded those 1964 Kennedy half dollars, both for their melt value and historical merit. Intricate details have worn off due to serious exposure during exchanges. The silver melt value for this coin is $3.10 as of March 02, 2023. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The dies based on existing sculptors Gilroy Roberts and Frank Gasparros works were prepared quickly, and the first coins appeared in January 1964. What Is the Value of a 1776 to 1976 Half Dollar? $19.90 Buy coins from the United States at eBay Acquiring the coin makes assembling the rest of the collection easy. Lets look closer at these bicentennial mistakes. Both the 1776-1976 half dollar with no mint mark and the 1776-1976 D half dollar are each worth around $3 in uncirculated condition with an MS 63 grade. Considering the Bicentennial Dollars are technically only a one-year issue in terms of the single date reflected on these coins, there certainly are a large number of varieties to account for and thats not even counting some very rare presentation strikes. The Bicentennial (1776 to 1976) half-dollar coin is numismatically valuable to coin collectors, primarily due to its historical relevance. . A 1776 to 1976 half dollar can sell for as low as $0.50 in circulated condition, $2.6 in uncirculated condition, and $4 for proof coins. 1776-1976 S SILVER 1776-1976 S SILVER 50C PFUC Varieties Shop! GitHub export from English Wikipedia. The edge of the 1776-1976 D Kennedy half dollar is reeded with 150 reeds. For instance, those with an MS 66 ranking cost $100, while coins in the MS 67 grade can be worth up to $1,300. You generally want to buy or sell your 1976 half dollar in a way that yields the most value. Click image to enlarge. On the other hand, its reverse (tails) has a unique design that emphasises the purpose of celebration. CAM-proof pieces are more expensive and typically cost $8 to $125, depending on the condition. The reverse side of the coin features an image of Independence Hall in Philadelphia along with the motto "200 YEARS OF FREEDOM". When it comes to the George, Read More George Washington Gold Dollar Coin 1789 To 1797 ValueContinue, Until now I figured out one thing: numismatics and avid coin lovers have their most reliable partners, Read More Most Valuable Presidential Dollar Coins (Ultimate Guide And Value Chart)Continue, Costume jewelry, also known as fashion jewelry, includes items which have been designed as more affordable ornamentation, Read More Most Valuable Costume Jewelry: Identification, Valuation, And Buying Guide (Rare & Vintage)Continue, The special edition 1867 to 1992 Canadian penny, also known as the 1992 Canadian one cent, was, Read More 1867 To 1992 Canadian Penny: Value Chart And Identification GuideContinue, 1909 was a year of change for the Lincoln cent. The standard 1776-1976 Kennedy half dollars are made of a clad composition that contains copper and nickel. Both the Kennedy half dollar and Eisenhower dollar also received temporary Bicentennial reverse designs for 1976. After the read, youll appreciate the distinctive features and worth of the Bicentennial Half Dollar and realize how to determine its value. Theyre minted to be stored in a protective case, not to withstand the wear of daily use. With the high mintage of 1776 to 1976 bicentennial half dollars came a significant percentage of errors. Contains a Washington quarter, Kennedy half dollar and Eisenhower dollar. .15 cents shipping as an additional item. These newer coins had a lower melt value but were just as shiny, heavy, and pretty. She subsequently isolated ten Bicentennial half-dollar coins in her closet towards the end of 1977. Why Was The 1973-S 40% Silver Eisenhower Dollar So Valuable? Relatively few Kennedy half dollars made in the 2000s have really ever reached circulation. Couple that effect with the overall zeal to keep all silver coins from circulation during the mid 1960s, when people hoarded coins which contained any trace of silver, and you can easily see how half dollars in circulation became a thing of the past. Common features for a DDO error include the coins production year and WE TRUST. Unfortunately, a DDO error only adds a little bit extra to the coins value. This melt value is calculated from the current silver spot price of $20.76 per ounce. The three mints responsible for minting the Bicentennial half-dollar coins are: Lets observe these mints through a broader lens. Therefore, the Type 1 and Type 2 varieties mentioned in this article primarily concern the business-strike issues and copper-nickel clad proofs. In total, over a billion Kennedy coins were released to the public, and most of them were hoarded. The bicentennial marks the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The period between 1975 and 1976 saw the production of 234,308,000 business strike Bicentennial halves in Philadelphia. Because half dollars dont circulate very much and most people dont even think to ask for them in change or, for that matter, spend much time looking at half dollars silver half dollars do turn up on occasion in bank rolls. Own a piece of history! Interestingly, the silver-clad coins had a mintage of 11 million, putting them in the common section. All About the 1776 to 1976 Half Dollar While most people prefer dollar bills or credit cards, half dollars and dollar coins have always been popular at casinos. Naturally, these coins will have the highest value of the 1976 Kennedy half dollar series. Because of such a low price, most collectors only consider coins in uncirculated condition as collectibles. Furthermore, the Bicentennial Half Dollar portrays the dual date 17761976 on the bottom of its obverse side, with the figure 1 in 1776 placed under the G in GOD, and the 6 in 1976 beneath the R in TRUST. This dual-date notation is distinctive to the Bicentennial coinage. Your email address will not be published. 2023 VIP Art Fair Collectibles - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, 1944 Dime Value Chart (Worth As Much As $11,750 ), George Washington Gold Dollar Coin 1789 To 1797 Value, Most Valuable Presidential Dollar Coins (Ultimate Guide And Value Chart), Most Valuable Costume Jewelry: Identification, Valuation, And Buying Guide (Rare & Vintage), 1867 To 1992 Canadian Penny: Value Chart And Identification Guide, The Ultimate Guide to Lincoln Wheat Penny Value ($840,000 for a 1943-S Bronze MS). Standard coins are worth their face value but are uninteresting for serious collectors. 50 cents. Add Coin. JFKs neck also has a tiny monogram of Chief Engraver Gilroy Roberts, GR. This post may contain affiliate links. Manage Settings The standard 1776 to1976 half dollar value in circulated condition are worth only $0.50 of their face value. Factors That Determine the 1776 to 1976 Half Dollar, 1776 to 1976 Half Dollar No Mint Mark Value, Where to Buy or Sell Your 1776 to 1976 Half Dollar. It should be noted here that among the copper-nickel proofs, the Type I Dollars can be found in 1975 Proof Sets (which include a cent, nickel, and dime bearing the 1975 date along with the Bicentennial Quarter and Half Dollar). The table shows the prices at which this variety sold under different grades and attributes. You must bid at least 1.00 USD USD. Ive authored nearly 1,000 articles here at The Fun Times Guide to Coins (many of them with over 50K shares), and I welcome your coin questions in the comments below! 1976 Kennedy Half Dollar. Discolouration, wear, and scratches are almost non-existent too. Conversely, the coins struck in the San Francisco Mint were exclusively for collectors. Hence, the Bicentennial Half Dollar is identical to the regular equivalent in weight and diameter. A Bicentennial half struck in the Philadelphia Mint will bear no mintmark. The sandwich contained 75% of copper and 25% of nickel around a core of 100% pure copper. Are There Any Rare Kennedy Half Dollars? As for the bicentennial Kennedy half dollars, the US Mint coined over 500M from 1975 to 1976, all bearing the 1776 to 1976 date. Unlike the other mints, the San Francisco Mint exclusively struck Bicentennial half-dollar coins for collectors. The most valuable clad proof was paid $1,100 at Great Collections in 2013, while the one with a cameo contrast reached a modest $150 on eBay in 2019. CURRENT BID 0.00 USD + applicable fees & taxes.