I shot a lot of Sta-Ball 6.5 and it worked well beyond expectations. Wyatt has won numerous elk calling competitions at the ISE Best of the West Elk Calling Competition. He still serves the NKCPD as a Range Officer volunteer today. Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady have teamed together to answer the reloading question; Can I buy the powder used in Hornady Superformance factory ammunition?. 007-A444003 | Sierra. There are a number of powders that will get those numbers in the .30/06. Re: Reloader or Superformance powder for 270 In looking at my Sierra #5 manual in .270 Winchester, Sierra lists Varget with their 110 Gr. . Reloading. Through shooting, Zach has met many people in the shooting community. As of 2015, its members are the national governments of 14 countries, of which 11 are European Union member states. Information about the .270 WSM cartridge from Guns and Shooting Online. I actually found two handloads that were posted in a reloader forum on another site and I might try those (starting way low of course and working up) but they both posted loads for 130grain bullets with one using 67.2 grains of powder and the other used 65.5 grains for velocities that were 3210 and 3170 respectively. Typical Buck . The .270 WSM By Chuck Hawks. Gear Bags. You can see their data here. Thanks for the input but check the post, I did buy a 300 WSM but I also bought a 270 WSM and I wanted to be able to load both rifles with the same powder if possible. where did you get it at? Posts: 588 Hornady just . In 1999, George opened GA Precision after apprenticing with three gunsmiths. I have some IMR 4831 and some H4831sc but I would really love to shoot the same powder in both WSM's if at all possible. I have been looking around for some reloading data for the 7mm wsm but could never find any. During his time, Phillip completed 4 overseas deployments and served in all billets available to a Scout Sniper, to include Scout Sniper Team Leader, Chief Scout Sniper, and Scout Sniper Instructor. Powders include Hodgdon Santa was very good to me this year and brought me a trio of new Kimber rifles. My 270 really likes this powder with both the Barnes 130 TTSX and Sierra 130 SPBT. Baseball won over for a time when it took him to Gonzaga University on scholarship as a pitcher for the Bulldogs. ALL, more economical than the dubious 65.0gr in an '06 case. JavaScript is disabled. Later, he started a granite countertop business allows him the time to pursue his passion for long-range shooting and high-country public land mule deer and elk hunting. In the 330 Dakota for a 225 grain TTSX bullet, Hodgdon lists 84 grains of H4831. Both the powders,4831 and 780 are great for .270 so I thought there may be load data for the Superformance available that missed the printing. Brian Neace grew up in Southern Idaho in the Snake River Plain, surrounded by miles and miles of high desert to the north and bordered on the south by public wilderness. Ambient temp 74 degrees F. Case OAL was 3.202 in. Likely it . Presses. I made a Magneto V3 adapter on the cheap, Dirt cheap UPS has officially stopped shipping guns. Item #80558 | 20/Box. Jake travels the country shooting, directing precision rifle matches, and teaching precision rifle classes. I also have a chronograph which helps. charge for an extreme spread . Is there really all that much difference in velocity and hitting power? Because I started loading a 270 years ago and settled in on R-22 7828 and aa magpro I never felt the need to jump onto developing every new powder that came along. gramps. 270 Caliber / .277" Diameter. increments, watching closely for preasure signs. I know the Superformance powder is a ball type powder but it is supposed to be coated to maintain consistent velocities throughout realistic temperature ranges and perform like their Extreme powders. He is also a noted TV personality, regularly appearing on TV programs Shooting USA. I also have a chronograph which helps. She has competed on the TV series, 3 Gun Nation as well as an upcoming show called The Big Gun on Sportsman Channel, airing in Q1 2016. Hornady Manufacturing Company Ladedaten im Kaliber .270 WSM. Growing up on a secluded farm in rural southeast Kansas, Ryan spent the greater part of his childhood in the woods, plinking and hunting. Because this propellant is tailored for specific applications, the number of cartridges and bullets is limited, but where it works, it really works! He has been writing about firearms and hunting for more than 65 years, has published many books and uncounted articles, and has travelled the world to hunt and shoot. Phillip Velayo currently serves as Gunwerks Long Range University Lead Instructor. Zach started attending national shoots in 2018, including Junior Worlds, Junior Olympics Nationals, and USAYESS Nationals. Yep, those Hodgdon manuals sold me a 7mm-08 Rem, a 280 Rem, 270 WSM, 300 WSM, 243 WSSM (hated that one) a 22-250 Rem over the years and probably could have talked me into a new 325 WSM if they had published a new one. /wp-content/uploads/2016/08/HODGDON_LOGO_DARK.png, https://hodgdon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/SUPER_1LB.jpg. Anyway, I was in the Bass Pro Shops looking for some H4350 and of course all they had was some Superformance powder which had the 300 WSM on the label so I loaded 4 pounds in the cart, did a little limited research with the cellphone and decided to go ahead and make the purchase. SO, anybody loaded the 270 WSM with Superformance yet? Gear Bags. There are too many good 7 and 6.5 options. Those speeds that you mention can easily be topped by RL 17. Jun 28, 2017. The COAL is measured from the base of the case to the tip of the bullet. If you use the Barnes bullets remember they . barrel rifle. In the last several years I have really focussed on the PRS, ELR, and NRL Hunter. I'll let you guys know how it turns out. Actually I sold off 6 rifles and accumulated the funds to purchase these three (you can go to Craig Boddington's page on Facebook and see what I gave up for these 3 rifles but it was worth it to me). One is hard pressed to find a nicer person. Should anyone decide to try this powder do it only in cartridges for which there is published data using H4831, and do not exceed the weight quoted for H4831. bullets. The Hodgdon shop is closed until 2 January so I am stuck for now. 2010 Mule Deer Hunt Last Day Busted G2 Buck with X-Bolt 270 WSM. Her assignments included Patrol, Street Crimes, Narcotics, and Gangs. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Handgun Ammo. Santa was very good to me this year and brought me a trio of new Kimber rifles. She has been named as a co-host on Shooting Gallery on the Outdoor Channel. It's going to be hard to beat RL-17 for the 270 wsm. After graduating college, Ryan moved to Tulsa, OK to take a position as a plastics engineer and in 2011 began shooting 3-Gun competitively. My concern is powder and loading for the pair of guns. Superformance uses progressive propellants that take your favorite V-MAX, NTX, SST, CX, and InterLock, bullets to levels of . forum.accurateshooter.com/threads/270-wsm-loads.3929008/, Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_7_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. He is also the past Editor of Blackpowder Guns and Hunting Magazine. It's about 100 fps faster than a 300 Ruger Compact Magnum. Brian moved back to Idaho, where he completed his bachelors degree in Business Finance at Albertsons College of Idaho. Colleyville, DFW, TX. Because I started loading a 270 years ago and settled in on R-22 7828 and aa magpro I never felt the need to jump onto developing every new powder that came along. Thanks for the offers, you are right, powder supplies are definitely starting to ease up. My concern is powder and loading for the pair of guns. />To develop a load one can use the relative burn rate chart on the Hodgdon web site. Seeing the home-built pile of quality ammo grow was always a welcome sight and made my happy. You can find Ryan on Shooting Gallery on The Outdoor Channel, and Realtree.com. All rights reserved. Too much wind today. 28 nosler (new!) 7 x 57R. After starting a life and career in Tulsa, she pursued barrel racing until she found 3-Gun in 2009. ABOUT WYATT: Wyatt is 14 years old and has also hunted Africa, Hawaii and other states as well. I can look in my Hornady books when I get home. You must log in or register to reply here. Electronics. 7 x 65R. One rifle likes a compressed load of 71.0gr, the other 69.0gr. Does Hodgdon list the pressure for that load? I would call Hodgdon and ask. I have always used Hodgdon due to the temperature consistencies with their extruded powders. RJ338 said: I think you would be very impressed with Magpro powder, it really works w/140 accubonds in my. By 2011, she sold her farm and all of her horses to focus on 3-Gun and the 2nd Amendment. Sponsored by many of the hunting industries leading manufacturers, he has conducted over a thousand hunting and fishing seminars across the United States and has hunted and fished extensively around the world. A typical 30-06 rifle should throw a 165-grain (just about the optimum weight for this round) about 2,850 fps from a 24-inch barrel. Brian spent three years in Spokane as a Zag until his baseball career was cut short by a tragic plane accident that took the lives of his parents and younger sister. So I started with a moderate load for H4831 from the Nosler #6 manual and worked up in 1/2gr. He also placed second in the World Elk Calling competition. Surprisingly Hornadys 130gn GMX Superformance loading factory data, has the Superformance load for the standard .270 driving the 130gn GMX bullet at 3190fps outrunning the fastest .270 WSM 130gn GMX loading by 40fps. Hunting trophies or punching paper, precise rifle data is in sight . 300 wsm 300 weatherby magnum 300 remington ultra magnum (new).310. Residing in Cheney Washington, Jake Vibbert owns JC Steel targets Inc. and is a strong competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and the National Rifle League. (Please refer to out " Reloading Tips " for proper measurement techniques) If possible, we recommend that you determine the COAL of your rifle, and load your bullets at 1mm short of the lands. Snake River PRS club has become his pride and joy with a dedication to growing the sport by recruiting and supporting new and youth shooters. Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Re: Need some load data for new 270 WSM and Superformance Powder, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. If I could use the 4 pounds of powder I bought for both calibers that would certainly be a plus, especially with the scarcity of powder around here. Ryan still has a passion for hunting, but 3-gun gives Ryan and wife Dianna the opportunity to travel together and compete with and against amazing people. Powders include Winchester, IMR, Hodgdon, Accurate, Alliant, Vihtavuori . Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. 7.62x39 16.5 barrel 7.62x39 20 barrel.323. safeguards that all firearms and ammunition sold to civilian purchasers in member states are safe for the users. Shes also the co-director of her local club, the AZ LRPRS, assisting in facilitating monthly matches throughout the year. I have one older can of H4350 but it is a single now with no more matching lots and I hate to burn through it because my 7MM-08 and a Weatherby in 270 Win just love the stuff. Con: .270 projectile options suck compared to the 6.5's and 7's on either side of it. 270 winchester 270 weatherby magnum 270 winchester short magnum 6.8 remington spc. Be sure to follow case length and overall length recommendations for the cartridge/bullet combination. As of 2014, Ryan and Dianna have become full time hunters and competitors, focusing most predominately on 3-Gun. My understanding is Hodgdon will not publish any data for Superformance that does not give at least 100 fps more than standard because of a contractual arrangement with Hornady. The Commission internationale permanente pour l'preuve des armes feu portatives ("Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms" commonly abbreviated as C.I.P.) ABOUT WALKER: Walker is 15 years old and has hunted from Africa to Hawaii, and several places in between, including the Yukon in Canada. . Reloads with 140gr Accubonds using Retumbo and Federal 215 primers. 270 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data. Now to decide to stick with factory ammo or persist with the Berger's. In my nephews 300 WSM the load he settled on in the end was the 200 gr ELDX with a load of 69 grs RL 26 , this load has a COAL of 73.5 mm , 24 inch barrel Rem 700 average velocity was 2957 fps and we verified at 400 yards with 17 inches drop. Nick Harvey is one of the world's most experienced and knowledgeable gun writers, a true legend of the business. If you can find some sort of reference to your .270,go for it. Where's the lead? * All prices incl. Hmmm can anyone pick the engineer out of this group? In all honesty, you could use them both in the field and never notice any difference between their performance. Hornady 82206 Superformance 300 WSM 165 GR GMX - 20rd Box . I have found tons of data for the 300 WSM and Superformance but none for the 270 WSM. Superformance doesn't give the same results for every cartridge. She has also competed for the USA in two Pan-American Shotgun matches and the 2015 IPSC World Shotgun Ladies team that brought home gold! That's only my experience. . No part of the landscape, from pop cans to squirrels, was immune to a 10 round burst from a Ruger. Out of Stock. So, the groups that appear the best were also tested the most. Since opening GA Precision, George has been building some of the finest precision bolt guns and custom rifles. Their chart also showed some of the IMR and Reloader powders to be the worst with some more than 100 fps difference due to temps. Both in a Tikka T3 LS rifle with Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40 and VX3 4.5-14x40 scopes with BC reticles. 2019 Ted Fund Donors Anyway, I was in the Bass Pro Shops looking for some H4350 and of course all they had was some Superformance powder which had the 300 WSM on the label so I loaded 4 pounds in the cart, did a little limited research with the cellphone and decided to go ahead and make the purchase. In Stock. In Brians first full season, he achieved several top ten finishes, two regional match wins, and a 20thplace overall finish in the National Rifle League. From 2" to 3 ", our arsenal of shotgun data. 2 issues: 1) Load data is from 63gr to 68gr, that is a lot of bullets to shoot. Presses. New customer? I am trying to create a load for using the 140gr Hornady SST bullet. Precision is making and looks forward to the future of creating the best professional custom rifles on the market. I guess the online reloading center is more efficient anyway and the data there is the same as in the magazine but I liked to keep them handy for reference and occasionally use them to talk myself into a new caliber ruling from my throne. First, 53gr of IMR4064, 53gr RL15, 53 gr IMR4320, 59gr H380, 59gr IMR4350,60gr Rl17, 60gr H414/Win760, 60gr H4350. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Started out at 57 grains and worked up from there. His proven expertise in firearm manipulation and shooting techniques has enhanced the skills of countless individuals and agencies. That is one of the few that are easy to get. Not that I have found yet. Using bullets from Sierra HP, Speer HP, Hornady HP, Barnes TSX, Hornady SP, Sierra HPBT, Swift SP, Nosler Part. $2.00 Per Piece. I have one older can of H4350 but it is a single now with no more matching lots and I hate to burn through it because my 7MM-08 and a Weatherby in 270 Win just love the stuff. I have always used Hodgdon due to the temperature consistencies with their extruded powders. Chronograph Superformance load. Several component suppliers also provide load recipes that . I can look in my Hornady books when I get home. But the Superformance that is sold with Hodgy's name on it, was geared around the 30-06 cartridge. Zach has several friends that are getting into reloading shotshells because of Zachs reloads. tests small arms almost exclusively; it is ordinarily omitted from the English translation of the name.) He volunteers as an alter sever at Mass on Sunday at church and is a member in the Civilian Airpatrol Program. .270 WSM.270 Winchester.270 Weatherby Magnum. It's going to be hard to beat RL-17 for the 270 wsm. Using bullets from Sierra HP, Speer SP, Hornady HP, Barnes XFB, Barnes TSX, Hornady SP, Sierra BT, Swift SP, Nosler Part, Barnes JRN. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoys hunting and fishing with his family and mentoring youth through his ministry service. I am still using the Hornady 7th Ed and the Nosler #6. Steve, I can't say if the SF powder will work or not in the .270. Have not chronographed this load yet. Cartridge Type: In just five years, he has earned an impressive shooting resume with consistent top finishes at national level events. Looking for a starting point being I have a jug of it. Apparel. Thank you for sharing Hodgdon Reloading data. The fifth edition of the Nosler Reloading Guide shows that 59.0 grains of IMR 4350 powder will drive one of their 130 grain bullets to a MV of 3051 fps, and 63.0 grains of the same powder will give a 130 grain bullet a MV of 3294 fps. Likely it's they wrong burn rate. #1810 bullet. Targeted velocities are well in excess of 100 fps over the best published handloads and even larger gains over factory ammunition! I have plenty of other guns to hunt with so that isn't an issue but I wanted to play with my new toys and I can't till I get some data for the 270 WSM and Superformance. 2010 Elk Hunt 5x5 Bull with X-Bolt 270 WSM. Primer used was 215M, powder charge 58gr of Superformance, and COL was 3.203 in. There isnt much difference in the trajectory of their bullets. ABOUT MARSHA: Marsha is the co-host of Shoot Straight with Chad & Marsha and is a Licensed Montana Professional Guide. . I'll let you guys know how it turns out. Thanks for the input guys. It provides very good accuracy and velocities to match factory loads in a lot of cartridges. 270 Spitzer BTSP 270 Spitzer SP Hot-Cor 270 Grand Slam SP Weight (grains) 130 Ballistic Coefficient 0.412 0.383 0.332 Sectional Density 0.242 COAL Tested 2.700" 2.670" Speer Part No. In fact start with charges that are 5-10% lower and watch for pressure signs. In her off time, Regina writes for many publications in both print and digital mediums, trains other shooters, and mentors several up-and-coming female competitors in the precision rifle discipline. Increase your rifle's performance up to 200 fps without extra chamber pressure, recoil, muzzle blast, temperature sensitivity, fouling, or loss of accuracy. Anyone load any 270WSM with the Hornady superformance powder? #8. Any help out there? I actually found two handloads that were posted in a reloader forum on another site and I might try those (starting way low of course and working up) but they both posted loads for 130grain bullets with one using 67.2 grains of powder and the other used 65.5 grains for velocities that were 3210 and 3170 respectively. I tried more loads using Hodgdon Superformance powder for .270 Win. Anyone load any 270WSM with the Hornady superformance powder? I doubt they're using Superformance Powder in the .30/06 load. 2023 Yaffa Media. R22 has been great in 7mm Mag and 270 Win. Superformance delivers striking velocities in cartridges like the 22-250 Remington, 243 Winchester and 300 Winchester Short Magnum.