Amagami SS Synopsis. As time passes, the booth's wall glasses become foggy and the two embraced each other and share a kiss. Haruka attempts to help by hiding under the table, which only causes more problems for Junichi when Kaoru spots him and inquires as to whom he is with. Amagami SS Plus 07 Cuteness Overload. [1] Two extra episodes which features Risa Kamizaki and Miya Tachibana as the heroines was released on the 13th anime Blu-ray/DVD on April 29, 2011 [2] along with two Short Side-Story OVAs for those who order the first 12 Blu-ray/DVDs. Save Image. The next day at PE class, Tsukasa is ganged up by the trio again in dodgeball but the rest of class sides with her, forcing the trio to give up. Tsukasa drags Junichi to the local shrine and learns he never really read her notebook. Junichi and Kaoru are picked up by a passing truck whose driver sends them to a nearby hot spring inn with a bus stop. Junichi Tachibana Junichi Tachibana ( , Tachibana Junichi) is the protagonist of the anime series and video game Amagami. On one day they get caught in the rain and they stand in the phone booth to wait for the rain to stop. Fantasy Football Gabriel Jesus, img.wp-smiley, In the epilogue ten years later, Hibiki visits Haruka and Junichi, now a happily married couple. A presente poltica tem por finalidade demonstrar o compromisso da Midori Auto Leather Brasil com a privacidade e proteo dos dados pessoais, esclarecendo as regras sobre a coleta, registro, armazenamento, uso, compartilhamento, enriquecimento e eliminao dos dados coletados, de acordo com as leis em vigor, em especial a Lei n 13.709/2018 (Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados Pessoais), com transparncia e clareza. Junichi later offers to teach Ai mathematics upon learning she's taking makeup exams. As they head home, Junichi asks Haruka if she would like to come to his house sometime. In Amagami SS Plus, he is somewhat fond in photography, as seen as in the intro. Mei is heard saying I love you at the end of the closing credits, effectively ending the series by fulfilling the title. Amagami SS is one of few anime that answer the question of what if the guy ended up with another girl. The next day, Kaoru tells Junichi that Tsukasa passed out from overworking so he visits her at her home to give her some bananas and energy drinks. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; The story takes its protagonist through several versions of Earth as it might have been if history had gone a little differently. It has a happy ending and some amusing moments, but it is sad. He can occasionally be a pervert and will even accept to touch a girl who offers herself. Secret Character: Arguably the first in this genre and probably the last bastion of the trope for modern video games at large. An anime, entitled Amagami SS was released in the summer of 2010, produced by AIC. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Noriko, distraught by her loss, vows to her friends she will beat Tsukasa and steal Junichi from her in the next election. Sae manages to pass the interview but she still wants Junichi to be her coach because she still wants him to encourage her. Although Risa reveals to Junichi that Makihara was going to dump him in front of her friends, and that Risa was also invited there to witness Junichi being humiliated. Tsukasa wins the election by a landslide while Miya and Ai celebrate Sae getting second place and overcoming her shyness at a Karaoke bar. This has also started to make her popular amongst the students as Junichi begins to feel threatened as his classmates are in disbelief that he is Sae's boyfriend. Unknown to him, Risa's unwillingness to come is because at the time when he was getting close with Haruka, Kaoru, Sae, Ai, Rihoko and Tsukasa, she was stalking him and prevented the girls from falling in love with him by showing them a doctored photo that Junichi already has a girlfriend. He learns that she works very hard and takes important positions in school to maintain her image and reputation as a school leader. As she reveals who she is in love with, Junichi, who was out buying ice cream, spotted Rihoko and followed her, secretly listens. After the opening ceremonies and hosting this year's Best Couple contest, Sae finally takes a break with Junichi. An anime, entitled Amagami SS was released in the summer of 2010, produced by AIC. Why does amagami SS have different stories? Junichi wants to go the Founder's Festival with Risa and introduce her to his friends, which Risa thinks about it. In the epilogue set at the new school term, Junichi and Rihoko prepares a Freshmen Tea ceremony for new potential members, with Kanae, Manaka and Ruriko also being invited. The game is a dating sim, and was supposedly the successor to kimikiss, with a similar plot and characters. While both of them are cleaning the Tea Club, Junichi reveals to Rihoko that he is suffering from heat fatigue due to eating only watermelons and noodles ever since his parents went out to help his injured uncle. Its romance is natural and heartwarming, achieving more in four episodes than some romance anime does in twelve. As they go to bed, Haruka reveals she is leaving for England to be with her grandparents after her graduation ceremony which comes as a shock to Junichi. Junichi finds himself getting his back washed by his girlfriend Tsukasa in the bathroom until he realizes it's a dream after Miya wakes him up. Despite this, Tsukasa chose to remain her partner because of his love for her. Megaton Punch: Kaoru all the time to Junichi. However, as luck would have it, Junichi may have a second chance at love when he meets several girls whom he becomes romantically interested in: Haruka Morishima, the energetic and popular upperclassman with a love for cute things; Kaoru Tanamachi, his childhood friend who harbors secret feelings for him; Sae Nakata, the timid transfer student Its heartbreaking. The show doesnt have a lot of songs, and most of the time youll be stuck with the same ones. Synopsis: Two years ago, on Christmas Eve, Junichi Tachibana's heart was broken when a girl he was supposed to meet for a date didn't show up. But when Masayoshi reveals to Junichi about a girl he never got to confess at grade school, he tells Junichi not to make the same mistake as he did, inspiring him and regaining his composure. As she goes on for her speech, Junichi comforts a nervous Tsukasa who goes on to give an inspiring speech to the students. In the present, Rihoko takes a shortcut to school through a hole in a fence, but gets stuck until Junichi helps pulls her out. That night, Junichi tries to convince Tsukasa to apologize to the class but, feeling betrayed that he does not understand her, she slaps him and runs away. With no girlfriends and feeling left out on valentines day, Junichi and Mashayoshi decide to fantasize about receiving chocolates from the main heroines by impersonating them, using the dialogue from the 7th OVA. With the festival behind schedule and Tsukasa's health worrying her, Miss Takahashi suggests they cancel some events, but Tsukasa assures her the festival will be ready unchanged. An anime, entitled Amagami SS was released in the summer of 2010, produced by AIC. It tries to take the same route as the visual novel and brings six different story arcs where the main male character ends up romancing six different female protagonists. Amagami SS Review. As she washes him, Tsukasa thanks Junichi for being with her all this time and reaffirm their love for each other and kiss. #moove_gdpr_cookie_modal,#moove_gdpr_cookie_info_bar,.gdpr_cookie_settings_shortcode_content{font-family:Nunito,sans-serif}#moove_gdpr_save_popup_settings_button{background-color:#373737;color:#22cc3f}#moove_gdpr_save_popup_settings_button:hover{background-color:#000}#moove_gdpr_cookie_info_bar .moove-gdpr-info-bar-container .moove-gdpr-info-bar-content a.mgbutton,#moove_gdpr_cookie_info_bar .moove-gdpr-info-bar-container .moove-gdpr-info-bar-content button.mgbutton{background-color:#0c4da2}#moove_gdpr_cookie_modal .moove-gdpr-modal-content .moove-gdpr-modal-footer-content .moove-gdpr-button-holder a.mgbutton,#moove_gdpr_cookie_modal .moove-gdpr-modal-content .moove-gdpr-modal-footer-content .moove-gdpr-button-holder button.mgbutton,.gdpr_cookie_settings_shortcode_content 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As the new semester starts, Kaoru thanks Keiko for suggesting the trip between her and Junichi. Ai Nanasaki arc. He reveals to her how they first meet and reminisces over the memories they made together and how he wants to make more memories with her. After punching him and bringing him to the infirmary, Kaoru asks Junichi to come to the flower garden after school. However, she blackmails him to keep her other personality a secret. Makabe decides to leave Rihoko alone after hearing who she is in love and with goes after another girl only to embarrassingly realize it's Hibiki and Haruka. However, a trio of girls complain and accuses Junichi and Tsukasa's flirting with each other as the root of the festival's problems. Unfortunately, the manga has 11 volumes, and 9 volumes have already been made into anime. Our hero, Junichi Tachibana, has a problem. Junichi encourages Rihoko to reach her goals and assists her along the way, giving junichi something to aim for. Junichi is broken-hearted after a girl stood him up on Christmas Eve two years before but as another Christmas approaches, various chance encounters mean he ends up meeting and having a relationship with one of six beautiful girls; each story with each girl split into four episode segments from start to finish - covering each available route from Later, Tsukasa brings Junichi to the shrine again where she burns her notebook, makes him promise to be hers and seals the deal with a kiss. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! With the new school year starting, Tsukasa and Junichi begin their duty as student president and vice-president together. The next day, Tsukasa is back to normal and helps Hibiki with entering the Miss Santa contest and what she can wear. Amagami SS 25, Risa Kamizaki (END) In the last episode of the series, Junichi meets a girl in the supply closet where she confesses to him before introducing herself as Risa Kamizaki while she cries tears of happiness about the prospect of being his girlfriend. Amagami SS Plus 05 Taming the monster within. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Later, Junichi pulls Ai into his bed, resulting in Ai catching his cold and having the recovered Junichi to take care of her in return. Kaoru Tanamachi, Amagami SS Favorite Arc Review. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. As she tries to forget about the incident, Junichi arrives at the restaurant, making her nervous every time she sees him. But soon, a turn of events gives him a second chance at dating when he ends up meeting several girls he could potentially get into a relationship with. At Meis house, the cookies are done and turn out to be delicious. In Amagami SS, who is the MC? This makes the anime unique while also giving it a handicap. Hibiki pays a visit to Haruka and Junichi, who are now a happily married couple, in the epilogue ten years later. While eating at the restaurant where Kaoru works at, Rihoko asks Junichi to accompany her to go the local shrine on New Year's Eve. Quick Impressions Amagami SS+ 07. I can't go into details, but it is important to note that Junichi is filming Sae and his daughter. Later that afternoon, Junichi trains Sae to change her clothes in a corner within a short amount time, getting mistaken for a pervert by Miya when Sae, wearing a swimsuit, accidentally falls on him in a compromising position, in the process. Feeling guilty, Risa tells Junichi he deserves someone better than her, but he forgives her since he feels better now that he knows the truth as he still loves her. January 9, 2011 by zerotheloner. While buying lunch for his friends, he helps Sae, a friend of his sister, Miya, which catches the attention of the popular school idol, Haruka. Stars Tomoaki Maeno Shizuka It Ryko Shintani See production, box office & company info Add to Watchlist : Togusa Saburo Maid Sama! There are six main heroines and each of their arcs are 4 episodes long. Amagami SS. An anime TV series adaptation by AIC titled Amagami SS aired from July 2, 2010 to December 23, 2010 in Japan. Mei, Aiko, Asami, and Nagi are baking cookies at Meis house. is another that often ranks highly on most heartbreaking anime lists, with good reason. Junichi heads to the library, having heard about a cute librarian there, and ends up running into Ai. Wanting payback for what happened, Junichi brings Kaoru to the library to tickle her. After selling all the cakes, both decide to ask the other what to do for their upcoming Christmas date, but ultimately neither one does, out of embarrassment. Now a second-year student in high school, Junichi Plot. He usually seen wearing black coat rather than vest. its time to head home but Kaoru misses the last bus to her house and ends up spending the night with Junichi, there they end up sleeping in the same bed and it never went beyond that. Two years ago, Junichi asked his childhood friend Rihoko, to come and help him select a present for his date on Christmas Eve. After having a good time at the resort, Miya brings a packet of bath salts for Junichi. There may be several mailboxes outside your home if you live in an apartment, condo, or townhouse, and you will be given a key to, How many calories are in a single serving? Morishima Harukas character comes in quite a large package. On the night when he was stood up, a heartbroken Junichi is about to go home when he meets his friend Kaoru. When Hodaka and Hina ultimately decide not to have Hina sacrifice herself (after Hinas initial attempt and a subsequent rescue by Hodaka), the story is valuing the preservation of the couple over the preservation of the world.