READ: 6 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo (As Written By A Leo). Not only are they stubborn, but when they are angry, never expect them to bend or calm down. If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal.. If it happens, Capricorns get furious and can be easily referred to the most angry zodiac signs. A Leo has a super fragile ego, takes everything personally, and can become hurt and angry at the smallest sign of disrespect. When they are faced with conflicts and annoyances, they respond with. These people cant be called patient and being a fire sign, they get ignited almost instantly and need more time to calm down. Fortunately, it's rare for a Leo to be so immature and undisciplined that they express all of these darker traits. Moreover, they often raise their voices being in a fury so it is better to leave them alone before their fire goes out. Being a king of all animals as well as a fire Zodiac sign Leo makes everyone suffer from their anger that is easily transformed into rage. Since each of the zodiac signs has a different personality, each expresses their anger in unique ways. While they are true romantics at heart, they can get obsessed with the idea of love. Related Reading: What Are Your Most Valuable Zodiac Sign Traits? By extension, the same is true for all zodiac signs too. And they do it out loud, which means they only feel better after yelling. A Leo may get offended over minor things. Your email address will not be published. 2. "Most people assume [they] are mystical, quiet, and soulful," Barretta says. Aquarians dont express their dissatisfaction immediately, instead, they let it build up, and when the cup fills up they burst out spectacularly. Anger can get the best of some people, and some people express their anger more than others. Everyone has those days every now and then when they feel more irritable than usual. Now, from this broad analysis, lets move on to a more specific lowdown of the most dangerous zodiac signs, in the growing order of their hazardous streak. On the other hand, if youre closely associated with people born under these dangerous zodiac signs as a lover, romantic partner or friend tread cautiously to avoid being at the receiving end of their aggression. As soon as quiet and settled, Leos can have their logic and clear mind back. It's all about recognizing unhealthy habits, and making an effort to change. I'm a Leo moon, my mom is a Leo moon and rising and we both have some anger issues (I'm in therapy for it). While the Aries grit and determination are unmatched, their quest for growth and power can make them quite ruthless in their pursuits. If you wonder what is the most dangerous sign when angry you have to know that Leo may be the one. Being dependent on the Moon phases their sudden changes in mood make them annoyed almost with everything and everyone around them. It goes to show that the typical dishonest nature of Librans can often quiet down their conscience. In the case of Aries, its simple. Lions seem to be blinded with their anger and can change their mood for worse if something doesnt go in their way and he is not a center of attention. They do not get angry very often but they are people to be afraid of in this state. At least theyre not holding grudges for long periods of time. Therefore, Leos shouldnt be expected to shower others in praises or to use loving words, not even to be appreciative. Most of the time, when their basic Leo traits are being challenged, theyre becoming angry, this meaning they dont like to be lied to, taken advantage of, gossiped, embarrassed, having their authority undermined or being made a fool. A jealous and competitive Leo won't hesitate to use cunning, lies, and trickery to discredit anyone they see as a rival. When an Aries native is angry, it would be better for those around to get out of the way as quickly as they can. Not only are you anxious most of the time, but youre also incredibly indecisive. Moreover, Virgos are focused on order and tidiness, so they cant stand if not everything is perfect in their homes because of other peoples fault. These people do not like to be ignored. They are unpredictable and their assertiveness always transforms into aggression. The Leo tends to be quick tempered, so if you made them angry it's best if you give them a chance to cool down. Take, for example, Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the culprit who ignited an entire feminist movement. The most famous gangster, Al Capone was a Capricorn native. It is better to leave them alone when they are sad since any attempts to find the reason for such a mood can result in a volcano explosion. Therefore, they shouldnt be told theyre looking tired or that theyve gotten old. Apologies from them shouldnt be expected because they arent good at doing this. Yearly-Horoscope.Org 2023. Geminis are the masters of communication and also of manipulation in a relationship. There is no zodiac sign as driven and as ambitious as this fire sign. They should not be given advice that does not make sense and they are expected to follow it because they need to try things out for themselves. Scorpios will manipulate absolutely anyone to get what they want! Their anxious state of mind can develop the most evil plans, which's unfortunately enhanced with their creative mind. It's part of life. Daniella Urdinlaz. They should be admired for the way they handle any problem and praised for the qualities they have. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. . When they are angry, Leos strongly think they are right and wont back down from a fight. African Astrology: The Most Primitive And Accurate Astrological Guide, 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About, 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign, 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign, 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign, 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul, 5 Biggest Zodiac Liars: Unmasking The Top 5 Zodiac Signs That Cant Be Trusted, 4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Very Lucky Valentines Day This Year, February 2023 Monthly Horoscope: Predictions For Each Zodiac Sign, How Zodiacs Will Find Soulmates In 2023: Astrology Reveals How You Will Find Your Soulmate Next Year, Want Vs Need: What You Want Versus What You Really Need Based On Your Zodiac Sign, Your 2023 Tarot Reading: Annual Tarot Card Predictions For All Zodiacs, Personal Reminder For Zodiacs: Make 2023 The Best Year Of Your Life. There are several things to consider: What zodiac sign is aggressive? Another point to note is that empathy isnt their strongest suit. When they are frustrated they can get very loud. Aries is typically the most armed, but Leo is also dangerous. "It is good to let [off] some steam every now and then. They don't like to give up or get dominated by others. If someone offends Capricorn, a person of this Zodiac sign will remember that for a long time and get frustrated each time he sees this individual. Expressing anger isn't necessarilya bad thing, but if youre unleashing your temper on your friends over the tiniest conflicts, thats probably not a good sign. If the situation is extreme, they can discreetly try to take down the person who disturbed them, but this cannot be seen in them. Believe it or not, there are a few signs whose temper gets the best of them. So, the next time a Gemini man or woman attempts to charm you, perhaps you would do well to keep in mind how they can be one of the most deadly zodiac signs around. But while he continues to be one of the most adored figures in the hip-hop world, hes also the most controversial. They start accusing others of their misfortune and need time to calm down. When Capricorn and Cancer get together, there's sizzling chemistry. Undoubtedly. When an Aquarian gets angry, they get agitated, but attempt to remain emotionally aloof and completely ignore the person. The dark feels as though the Sun has been rubbed out of the sky. Leo's anger is unleashed at not getting what they want, especially after they have planned and worked hard on something. Because of their lion-like behavior, they enjoy being the leader . Silent people like still waters, are deep and dangerous.. When people have days like this, pretty much anything will irritate them. Since the sign Gemini indicates communication, they may talk a lot when they get angry. As a fire sign, Sagittariuses FUME when they are mad. A perfect example of this is the Italian-American crime boss Frank Castello, whod often win over people and even police officers with his charming personality, but was a very well-known gangster as well. Pisces Some zodiac signs express their anger more than others. Would you like to learn which ones? Often, this leads them to commit psychotic crimes that gain them the most fame. Theyre also one of the most unfaithful signs of the zodiac. Sadly, though, this might also be . You should not be intimidated by their anger and try to sound as convincing as possible to stop their anger. 4. Scorpios rarely show their emotions, which makes them very dangerous when they are angry. Let Them Cool Off. . all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. Everyone has those days where everything ticks them off, but some people have these more frequently than others. Even worst, the smallestthings can make them very upset. "They are a 'quiet' storm," Barretta says. At all. Leo and Libra Love Compatibility: Strengths and Challenges, When a charismatic, optimistic, fun, friendly, playful, and spontaneous Leo is matched with a refined, luxury-loving, artsy, magnetic, and commitment-oriented Libra, there's tons of positive energy, Exploring the Negative Traits of a Sagittarius. For Capricorn, a day without work is like a day without sunshine. When they are angry, Leos strongly think they are right and won't back down from a fight. Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius belong to the air . Which Epic Power Ballad Is Perfect For YOUR Zodiac Sign? However, they may be angry and not express it, at which point they are cold and not angry. 2 They are looking to say any word just to shake peoples confidence. . on Tourist attractions in New York: Get to know the most important, on The energy of money: Know this energy and attract it. The literal symbol of the Sun (Leo's planetary ruler) spells out the flip sidethe dark. They keep their anger inside and do not hurry to express it to others, but this state of anger may occur rather often when it comes to Virgos. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best.. Even when they are in public, Leos are known to make a big scene over tinythings. 1. More than this, it is not a good idea to be brutally honest with these people because they really do not like to be told the truth to their face. Scorpios are assertive and fierce. Among the people who belong to one of the zodiac signs below can be parents, friends, or even life partners. Whereas other signs will be the type to call you 17 times in one night or cry at your doorstep for months post-split . The main thing that makes them angry is jokes or making fun of them. Its possible theyre throwing things and scream. So it never hurts for Leo to find ways to tamp down this reactionary side, and learn how to focus their energy in a healthier way. More than this, those with whom they are angry must bring proof that they are innocent, so that they can be treated in a fairly way. A Leo can hold onto a wrong idea or belief out of stubborn pride. An Aquarius isnt usually angry, however, whenever they are, they scare people to another level. Cancers are also pessimistic and suspicious. If you want to know what makes this zodiac sign angry, take a look! Those who are hurrying to engage them too fast and too rationally can be left out in the cold. All rights reserved. Moreover, they can insult another person severely and you will never hear any words of excuse from them. Its also worth noting that the unique characteristics of each zodiac result in different manifestations of evil. However, if you are extremely close to them, consider yourself privileged. People of this sign are also mean and use their aggressive behavior to pave their way to success. Calmness and composure are features that characterize Scorpio but this is one of the zodiac signs with anger issues too. It would also not be a good idea to dress like these people. People of this sign do not have some distinct features that make them outstanding from others. As Susan Shumsky, Vedic astrologer and author of Instant Healing, tells Bustle, "Perhaps they might excuse themselves, leave the room, go to another location where they can be alone, and take out their aggression on an inanimate object." Social, adventurous, vivacious and upbeat, Libras detest monotony. When Virgo is feeling upset, their tempers can flare up in a cold and calculating way. These are the folks who are quick to anger, who get frustrated easily, and who may say a thing or two they don't really mean, all in the heat of the moment. Instead of attacking, "they need to pause, take a moment to consider their actions, and express themselves in a more dignified manner," Shumsky says. However, their own emotions can sometimes overwhelm them. 2. There are no people who do not get angry but it is the fact that each of us does it in absolutely different ways. They are also unafraid to resort to insults when they are angry with someone. When they are angry, there is little you can say to calm them down. Once they recognize this tendency in themselves, they can learn how to extinguish their temper before it gets out of hand. And that's often not worth it. These people are quick learners and have a very good sense of humour but their decisions . Get your dose of relationship advice from Bonobology right in your inbox. Incredibly creative, if these folks manage to channel their energy correctly, they could easily end up with a tony or an Oscar for their amazing work. "They should realize they are responsible for their own lives and have the power to change themselves.". However, some people are way more short-tempered than others, and astrology can reveal which zodiac signs are predisposed to having short tempers. Like a lion, Leos will be staying calm for almost all day. But otherwise, they can be brutal. A Leo who goes to the dark side can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable. Fortunately, hes fully aware when he oversteps his bounds and, although he wont admit hes wrong, hell know what he has to do to make things right. But thats not all. Accused of sexual assault and rape by multiple women, his pattern of crimes just shows the heinous nature of someone who doesnt think much about the consequences of their actions. They love drama and are dominant. All rights reserved. She wrote a monthly column for the Atlanta Astrological Society and shares her insights in Daily Astro Inspirations. That way, whenever their feelings are hurt, Leo can express themselves without making the situation worse. 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And they're doing this in a loud manner, meaning they're only feeling better after yelling. Taurus. You will not argue that nobody wants to be on its way. As a warning, Leo natives shouldnt be annoyed because they can cause a scene, no matter where they may be. While they dont shout or get violent, its their anger itself that speaks of fire. The 7 Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs Ranked Less To More. And you cant help but cry. When someone speaks on their behalf and is interacting to express themselves, not to make small talk. Power is always dangerous. At least this does not happen all the time. They simply stop talking to a person who spoilt their mood and turn away to leave this individual and cool down. At least this doesnt happen all the time. What is acceptable for one seems unbearable for others. Related Reading: Find Out How Each Zodiac Sign Shows Love, All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness.. They desire to establish authority over others and do not mind displaying anger in nasty words too. They just need time to cool down. Some zodiac signs are more likely to get furious while others not. When they are angry, they firmly believe that they are correct and they will not back down from an argument. Leos believe the world revolves around only them, and when they don't get respect, attention, praise, applause, and adulation from others, their self-esteem suffers, their darker side emerges, and they morph into a person no one wants to be around either in public or private. 10 /13 Gemini. They cant be interrupted when speaking or when theyre bragging. "Taurus will patiently wait things out but if you push this sign too far they will charge at you." Represented by the twins, Gemini can have "extreme sides to their [personality]," Amid says, including a surprisingly bad temper. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. They would react very badly to someone if someone tries to put them down, hurt their ego or test their temper. See additional information. When they can't control those around them, they become frustrated and throw fiery temper tantrums. They won't rest until they've got their revenge. For example, Aries is likely to curse a lot when faced with traffic or packed subways during their commute to work. A Pisces is otherwise calm and serious but their anger scares off everybody. These are very impulsive people who cant hold their anger inside and need to express it with words. For example, if a Cancer is not invited to a friend's party, she will likely send an angry text to her the next day, or even lash out on her on social media. Their excellent memory does not allow them to forget offends and they seem mad being angry. Each zodiac sign expresses their anger in different ways. Not patient, theyre not wasting their time thinking why they should get revenge or why apologies are necessary for them, not to mention theyre like royals for whom pride is everything. What makes them the most aggressive zodiac sign is the fact that they can often turn violent and extremely hostile when they feel theyre being dominated. They love attention, so they can even commit crimes to get famous. A Cancer can turn aggressive when angry. If some zodiac signs are well known for being the most romantic, the most friendly at work, the kindest Others are known for being the most jealous, the most hated, or the most dangerous of the zodiac. Leos attach great importance to their pride. All rights reserved. People always find it challenging to communicate or work with people who get irritated very easily. If you werent aware, more people died under his presidency than Hitler and Stalin combined. Its just that they need to express their feelings, no matter what. Ranked: Most to least dangerous zodiac signs. Leo can be surprising when it comes to just how upset they get. They can become really aggressive and hard to handle once they lose their cool and enter into a fight. They usually do not have emotional outbursts, but sometimes their anger gets the best of them. Known for the ability to conceal their deepest emotions, Aquarius is one of the most dangerous zodiac signs. There are no comments in this article yet. From defrauding to violating the law, these signs can go to any lengths in their quest for revenge. They are prone to be borderline criminal in nature when pushed into a corner, but they also know how to get away with it. They may even go so far as lying or manipulating others to get what they desire. This also makes it difficult for them to set healthy boundaries when it comes to achieving what they want. And yet, just like the other signs, this is a bad habit they can definitely overcome. When Leos are good, they're very, very good, but when they're bad, they're horrid. Sometimes it only takes an ignored message or a nasty comment to set them off. Cancer. It is enough to give them about 20 minutes after a conflict and then apologize. All signs exhibit certain dangerous characteristics. Yes, we're aware this is a bit of an understatement but the point still stands! People born under Leo must be clearly explained how they are bothering others. They're never angry, but raging. Although Scorpios are usually calm and cool, they can also be mean and nasty when they are irritated. Leo people have the worst tempers. READ: 5 Brutal Truths About Loving A Taurus (As Written By A Taurus). Bestie. These people have a hot head and can use their anger to show others their authority. Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Tauruses are stubborn and uncompromising. Its no secret that you probably shouldnt mess with someone if theyre already mad. Perhaps some of your friends and acquaintances are easily annoyed. But they might actually be one of the signs that is quickest to anger. Even while it may seem that you know everything about them, there will always be a part of them left to unravel, like a twisted mystery. His or her anger may scare off people but it's usually for some time. And weve all had moments where something as small as a spilled coffee or a jammed printer practically ruinour day. Yet, they wait for the proper opportunity to attack . Here are the seven signs that tend to have bad tempers, according to experts, as well as what they can do to cool off, think twice before the react, and control their tempers in a healthier way. As a matter of fact, they wouldnt mind to be called divine either. Not to forget their nonchalant attitude that makes it difficult to judge the havoc this sign can cause.