A myth traced in origin to the Boeotia region mentions a relationship between Narcissus and the smitten Ameinias, whom Narcissus would eventually grow tired of before sending him a sword as a kiss-off. Well, many scholars suggest the idea of a lesbian culture is just modern fantasy, though there is art from the time that depicts Amazonian Queen Penthesilia accepting a love gift from a Thracian huntress. The notion of reincarnation is that deceased family members make their journey back to life as a new baby in the same . So what happened the rest of the year? The incident drew a curse upon the city of Thebes. Antique fresco from Pompeii. Cernunnos is often depicted in a cross-legged seat, with antlers or horns on his head and sometimes wearing a sacred torque neck ornament. Thanks for your support! If you say something like that about anyone, people are bound to think that the person who is asexual is a crazed lunatic of some kind. He is credited with the creation of a large hunting game. rev2023.3.3.43278. I'm not catholic (or any sort of Christian, or any sort of religion, actually) but I think I have prayed to the Virgin Mary before. Athena/Miverva - Athena was probably one of the most important gods to the greeks, if actually not THE most important after Zeus. Iphis was born female but raised male by his mother, who concealed the truth because her husband wanted a male heir. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, warfare and craftsmanship. In some myths, Pandora is the first woman, created by Hephaestus for Zeus to punish humanity. Cattle were seen as a measure of wealth by the Celts, so it could have been only natural for them to have a deity dedicated to cattle and their fertility. ApolloThe sun god, one of the most important in all literature, was also quite the libertine. Tonatiuh was also the patron of warriors. Hestia is described as a kind, forgiving and discreet goddess with a passive, non-confrontational nature. Tlaloc (pronounced Tlh-lock), the rain god, is one of the most ancient deities in all Mesoamerica. Osiris was a god responsible for taking care of the departed souls in the next world. The names of Celtic gods and the names of Celtic goddesses that occur often in Celtic mythology are listed below.. For example: Dionysius is, based on what I've read, abstinent due to indifference to sexuality. to a lesser degree.. Elli - Goddess of old age. However, that ended poorly when Myrmex pretended to have invented the plow, one of Athena's creations, and Athena turned the girl into an ant. Seemingly not all of them, Lugh is said to have been speared and drowned in Loch Lugborta(or Loch Lugh) in County Westmeath, by the sons of Cermait after he killed their father. Aetna (aka Aitna) - Nymph Goddess of the volcano Mount Etna, located in Sicily. Plato's familiar name either refers to his broad style of wrestling as a youth or to his broad forehead. I've always been a pretty big mythology nerd, and Athena was always my favorite of the gods, from any culture. Water is strongly associated with healing and both the Celtic goddess Brigid and Saint Brigid are connected with the healing power of wells. At this time, the Dagda was living in. The stories a myth, so it's going to sound really strange, but here it is. a more solid source for that version of the Erichthonius story. Lugh is thought to have been the father of demi god and famous Irish warrior, Are Celtic gods immortal? A few more things that I find interesting about Athena and her asexuality is that she really does seem sexless in the way that she acts. Athena didn't catch the innuendo. I don't expect that the ancient Greeks shared our modern conception of asexuality (though I'd definitely be open to an answer discovering that they did). On the other hand, she was the goddess of the crafts, many of which (such as weaving) are more associated with women. Well most of them cheated on their spouse anyway. Lines 9601022 of Hesiod's. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? In addition to the connection of the holy wells, Brigid and Catholic Saint Brigid are also connected by the feast day of February 1st. Egyptian Gods Ancient Egyptian gods are recorded on tombs and manuscripts beginning in the Old Kingdom of about 2600 BCE and lasting until the Romans conquered Egypt in 33 BCE. This name means Lugh of the long arm in Irish. And while some stories list Daphnis, the inventor of pastoral poetry, as the son of Hermes, other sources claim him to be the god of speed's favorite lover. The Goddess Athena - Asexuality and the Gods, AVEN Unofficial discord and other resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, July/August/September 2022 - Asexual Dating. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. She is biologically female - and a very beautiful one, given how the other gods wanted to marry her - but she did not act really like a female or a male. Patroclus's death at the hands of Trojan Prince Hector sent Achilles into a rage in which he killed Hector and dragged his body around Troy. She was a sibling to Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus. Some myths suggest a romantic relationship between Hermes and the hero Perseus. Aphrodite was, in fact, widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and of . Several areas in Scotland and Ireland are named after Manannan, including Mannin Lake (County Mayo), and Mannin Island (County Cork). According to some versions, the war goddess Morrigan is the wife of the Dagda and they have a special coupling around the feast of Samhain. It is in the Cattle Raid of Cooley that Flidias had a magical herd of cattle who produced so much milk that they could supply for the entire army every seven days. Much turns on whether "bend" means "influence at all" or "arouse desire to such an extent that consquences would ensue," but it is certainly less than "ensnare," and that she has no influence at all on all three is a probable reading. I don't know exactly why I am writing this post, and I know that nobody else cares, I just think that it's interesting, especially in our society where sex is so valued above almost everything else, that a completely asexual woman could be viewed as one of the most powerful and respected dieties to ancient greek society. And while some stories list Daphnis, the inventor of pastoral poetry, as the son of Hermes, other sources claim him to be the god of speed's favorite lover. Scholars studying the Aztec (or Mexica) religion have identified no fewer than 200 gods and goddesses, divided into three groups. Enjoyed this post? Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? Manannan was well equipped with armor and weapons, some of which he supplied to the god Lugh when the Fomorians attacked the Tuatha d Danann. Among them: Abderos, who kept the mares of Diomedes for Heracles but was eaten by the beasts; Hylas, Heracles' companion when he sailed on the Argo, who was eventually kidnapped by nymphs in Mysia; and Iolaus, who help cauterize the necks of the hydra when Heracles famously chopped off the beast's many heads. By some accounts, she was Callisto's lover before the nymph was raped by Zeus. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. He was the patron of knowledge and learning and also a creative god. HermesThe wing-heeled messenger of the gods was said in multiple myths to have male lovers. 1 ESO. A gay cupbearer on Mount Olympus? https://www.thoughtco.com/deities-of-mexica-mythology-170042 (accessed March 4, 2023). His image has black stripes on his face and he carries an obsidian mirror. There is just something about her that is comforting. Pelops for a time was taken to Olympus by Poseidon and trained to drive the divine chariot. ), While there isn't a whole lot of evidence either way, the speculation I've read about whether Athena had sex with anyone seems to have trouble differentiating between Athena as an asexual figure or an abstinent one. She acquired the land from the King of Leinster by promising to only take as much ground as her cloak covered. Are you asking if asexuality can be read into the texts through a modern understanding of sexuality, or are you looking for evidence that asexuality in the modern sense is a concept we share with the ancient Greeks? The triple goddess is composed of the goddesses Badb, Macha and Nemain. It only takes a minute to sign up. Often, the origins of the Aztec gods can be traced back to those from earlier Mesoamerican religionsor shared by other societies of the day. Huitzilopochtli (pronounced Weetz-ee-loh-POSHT-lee) was the patron god of the Aztecs. - Dionysus, god of the parties, was bisexual. Call him mythology's original transgender person. Asexual Goddess Births Starting in the Epic period of Hinduism (400 B.C.E. (Just in case you were wondering, it is not completely clear whether the god Lir was the same individual named Lir in the Children of Lir.). If you click on one of them, we might receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). Ovid is Roman, not Greek, of course. The Dagda is the Celtic god of. A myth traced in origin to the Boeotia region mentions a relationship between Narcissus and the smitten Ameinias, whom Narcissus would eventually grow tired of before sending him a sword as a kiss-off. You can find the links to the blogs here. Above: Enrique Simonet, El Juicio de Paris (1904), ErosWhile the best-known myths of Eros depict the son of Aphrodite as a fertility god -- the version that proved inspirational to the popularized Roman god Cupid -- later Greek myths portrayed Eros as one of several winged erotes, and the one regarded as a protector of homosexual culture, according to research in the scholarly book Among Women: From the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient World. I personally think Artemis was Demiromantic Asexual. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Pan frequently was depicted in sculpture chasing both women and men around with his always-erect penis and oversized scrotum. PanOf course, many mythological texts and artworks connect Daphnis to the satyr Pan, god of music. Aglaia is one of three daughters to Zeus and the Oceanid Eurynome. Irish mythology usually depicts the sun as being feminine and interestingly there appears to have been two goddesses connected with the sun. Brigid (also sometimes known as Brighid or Brigit) is another descendant of the Tuatha d Danann (her father being the god Dagda). Codex Borgia/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. In another story of rape, ine exacted revenge by turned her offender, Additionally, the goddess Brigid associations include, Interestingly, Brigid is thought to have been a. Brigid was the goddess Celtic people turned to when they needed to be healed. Above: Alexander Kiselev, Apollo and Hyacinth (1884), ChrysippusEuripedes wrote that this divine Peloponnesian hero was on the way to compete in the Nemean Games when his Theban tutor Laius ran off with him and raped him. A mix of stories from ancient history and mythology merged together by bards or the kings poets to record important family history of kings. It was at this point that he also first encountered another famous Irish goddess, The Morrigan. Much like in Greece, Roman Gods and Goddesses were also arranged in couples: Jupiter-Juno, Neptune-Minerva, Mars-Venus, Apollo-Diana . "Important Aztec Gods and Goddesses." His name means Maize cob Lord. Above: Johann Georg Platzer, The Amazon Queen Thalestris in the Camp of Alexander the Great, TeiresiasThe blind prophet of Apollo was most famous in Greek myth for being transformed from a man into a woman for seven years. Greek Gods and goddesses. Other myths also disclose Achilles was struck by the beauty of Troilus, a Trojan prince. The Pseudo-Apollodorus also said Apollo had been with Thracian singer Thamyris in the first man-on-man relationship in history. She is a complex deity known as the Phantom Queen, who is both a single goddess and also a triple goddess. His father, Lugh, was one of the major Celtic gods and his mother, Deichtine, was a mortal making him a demi-god, although some say that he was the reincarnation of his father Lugh. Bustin' Out! If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Tlaltechutli represents the surface of the earth, who angrily devours the sun every evening to give it back the next day. - Artemis, goddess of hunt, was either aroace or a lesbian according to many people. Dagur - God of the daytime, son of Delling and Ntt. Eight gods (Apollo, Areas, Dionysus, Hades, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus) are arguably the most important of the Greek gods. Well I choose them by two things, the first is if they are known virgins or restrain from relationships, the second is if they're influenced by Aphrodites magic. This marks Imbolc, the pagan festival that celebrates the first day of spring and now is also the feast day of the Christian Saint Brigid. Above: Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Education of Achilles (1780-1790). Are there any myths where Artemis or Athena fell in love with women? Saint Brigid founded a monastery in County Kildare on the site of a sacred place dedicated to the goddess Brigid. Above: Athena, center, in a mural by John Singer Sargent, AphroditeWhile the goddess of love is not identified prominently as lesbian herself, the Greek poet Sappho (as in sapphic) of Lesbos (yes, as in lesbian) told many homoerotic tales and named Aphrodite as the greatest patron and ally of lesbians and homosexuals within the Greek pantheon of gods. Asexuality has been around for a long time, and some of those asexuals were very well respected by their societies. Gifted with the ability to shapeshift, she has the capacity to take many forms, but commonly takes the form of a crow. Additionally, the goddess Brigid associations include fire, flames and light. While tolerance is often presented as a sign of civilization's advancement, a reading of Greek mythology reveals greater acceptance of homosexuality in ancient Athens than can be boasted within today's world religions. NarcissusA figure mostly known for his obsessive vanity, this son of a nymph and a river god would spend his last days gazing at his own reflection, but the first man he showed affection for was not himself. Some of the Dagdas most prized possessions included an enchanted harp and a magical staff, with which he could kill 9 men at once with or restore their lives at will. Sigils Emblems Insignias Collection. The frenzy of battle is connected with the aspect of Nemian. Her name means the exalted one in old Irish. Brigid was the goddess Celtic people turned to when they needed to be healed. Aglaia - The Goddess of beauty, splendour, glory and adornment. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. As another example, Eros is often referred to as being one of those omnipresent entities in male interactions in Greek culture. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Artemis ( / rtms /; Greek: ) is the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature, vegetation, childbirth, care of children, and chastity. Both the gods of Lugh and the Dagda are supposedly buried in the sacred center of the island of Ireland, Uisneach. Lugh Celtic God of Justice and Mischief, The Dagda Celtic God of Agriculture, Fertility and Seasons and King of the Gods, Aengus Celtic God of Love, Youth, Summer and poetry, ine Celtic Goddess of Love, Wealth and Sovereignty, Brigid Celtic Goddess of Healing, Poetry and Blacksmithing, Flidas Celtic Goddess of Cattle and Fertility, Stories of the main gods of Celtic mythology and the early battles and invasions on the the Island of Ireland. Indeed, the relationship with Iolaus was enshrined in Thebes, where male couples of the day could be found "exchanging vows and pledges with their beloved at his tomb," according to historian Louis Crompton. AVEN #1 fan, After the gods changed him back, Zeus asked who enjoyed sex more, men or women. What exactly were all those men doing before she came? I posted this at the livejournal community, and it's become a pretty interesting topic, so I thought I would post it here. Among Women: From the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient World. The Dagda is the Celtic god of agriculture, fertility of the land and animals, weather, time and seasons. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Some of these gods and goddesses of Celtic mythology were revered across the Celtic world, whereas others seemed to have been less well known and worshiped only in certain regions or specific locations. Above: Diego Velazquez, The Triumph of Bacchus, a.k.a. He is primarily the god of justice and oaths. Literature Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scholars and enthusiasts of literature. There is one story in which the god Hephestis, (I can't spell his name, but it's close to that) was told by Ares that Athena wanted to make love to him, so when she asked him to make her some new weapons, he said that the only payment he would need was her love. Above: Caravaggio, Amor Vincet Omnia. The three sisters are known as the three Charities or Graces. Thanks for the help! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. - Zeus, god of the thunder, was bisexual. Hestia/Vesta - The goddess of the home. It is likely that the early Christian Church decided to incorporate Brigid in the form of Saint Brigid of Kildare into their teachings to appeal to her worshippers.. For her, love was what most people feel for their brothers and their sisters. There is much scholarly debate on this topic and no clear conclusions. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? The Morrigan goddess is usually thought of as the Celtic goddess of war and sometimes the Celtic goddess of death, but she has strong association with fertility and sovereignty as well. Codex Magliabechiano/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. Now of course, being a virgin doesn't necessarily imply being asexual - Artemis, for example, seems to recognise the idea of sexuality, and some stories even have it that she was in love with her hunting companion Orion. Patroclus's death at the hands of Trojan Prince Hector sent Achilles into a rage in which he killed Hector and dragged his body around Troy. Most of the evidence supporting the worship of Cernunnos was found in Gaul (the name given to France by the Romans) and Britain, with less influence in Ireland. Hestia, goddess of the hearth, the fireside, architecture, domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. At this time, the Dagda was living in Newgrange and Aengus tricked him into letting him live there permanently. Seemingly not all of them, Lugh is said to have been speared and drowned in. Retribution payments for certain crimes were also paid in cattle according to the old Irish Brehon laws. As noted on Owlcation, this may have been a heterosexual ending, but the love story was laced with LGBT themes. Then he also transformed into a swan and flew with her to his home in the Br na Boinne.. The horned god Cernunnos, was connected mostly with wild animals, especially the horned kind such as stags and bulls. Good, fruitful harvests were required to provide for the people and animals, therefore much emphasis was placed on gods and goddesses that represent fertility, such as ine. He was closely related to Tlaloc and is usually represented as a young man with a maize cob sprouting from his headdress. He is also connected with life and death. Male lovers of the god included the satyr Ampelos and the famously handsome Adonis. But when Zeus disguised himself as Artemis, she was lured into the goddess's embrace. iva, goddess of love and fertility. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. One story exists of how the Dagda when assigning land to his children, he forgot to leave land for Aengus. ThoughtCo. I'm going to have to poke through the sources you linked, too. While belief in God is nearly universal in India, the kind of God (s) that Indians believe in varies. Twin sister to Apollo, the goddess was by differing accounts a nearly asexual virgin or a lesbian with many nymph lovers, including Cyrene, Atalanta, and Anticleia as well as moon goddess. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? Callisto and Arcas were later put in the stars as the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Xipe Totec (pronounced Shee-peh Toh-tek) is Our Lord with the flayed skin. Xipe Totec was the god of agricultural fertility, the east and the goldsmiths. Are Celtic gods immortal? Namma (goddess) Goddess from Eridu. In addition to the connection of the holy wells, Brigid and Catholic Saint Brigid are also connected by the, For a long time she was associated as being a, Lugh, is one of the most important of all the gods of the Celts. Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, moon and archery. Researcher Johanna Hypatia-Cybelaia writes that lesbian and gay devotees worshipped her as Artemis Orthia, and that lesbian port Pamphilia referred to the goddess in hymn as Artemis Pergaea. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Maestri, Nicoletta. His sword, Moralltach, or the Great Fury given to him by thegod of the sea, Manannan mac Lir, was one of his prized possessions. For her, love was what most people feel for their brothers and their sisters, so she was quite suprised and disgusted when he tried to have sex with her, and left immediatly, of course. Should I clarify that with an edit? Above: Pentheus Scorns The Prophecies of Tiresias, AthenaThe goddess of wisdom and patron of Athens was a virgin by nearly every mythological account but did express a romantic attraction to the Attic maiden Myrmex. Legend states that Lugh was also a bit of a trickster and is sometimes known as the Celtic god of mischief. At birth, Plato was given the name Aristocles, after his grandfather, according to the 3rd century Greek historian Diogenes Laertius. The incident drew a curse upon the city of Thebes. In a variation of the Hyacinth myth, it was Hermes' lover Crocus who was killed by a discus thrown by a god before being turned into a flower. I forgot about Orion! Male lovers in the Trojan War? Related pages [ change | change source] Demigod Divinity This page was last changed on 10 February 2023, at 02:08. And didn't Athena get born by popping whole out of Zeus's head? Hestia was the eldest daughter of Cronos and Rhea. But she was wholly unwilling, nay, stubbornly refused; and touching the head of father Zeus who holds the aegis, she, that fair goddess, swear a great oath which has in truth been fulfilled, that she would be a maiden all her days. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. NarcissusA figure mostly known for his obsessive vanity, this son of a nymph and a river god would spend his last days gazing at his own reflection, but the first man he showed affection for was not himself. Manannans father Lir, was likely the main sea god before Mannanan came to prominence., There are actually several Celtic goddesses connected with water. However, some later Greek writers did come to treat Artemis as inherently asexual and as an opposite to Aphrodite. Mayahuel is also known as "the woman of the 400 breasts" to feed her children, the Centzon Totochtin or "400 rabbits". In greek culture heterosexual males would engage in sexual activities with each other. In addition, Greek Mythology also has two other virgin goddesses, Artemis and Hestia. Feel free. I don't expect that the ancient Greeks shared our modern conception of asexuality to a T; however, if it's possible to identify that ancient Greek writings reflect an idea of asexuality comparable to our modern one, that would probably count as an example. What is Artemis? The Greek word aphros means "foam," and Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus (Heaven), after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. Teiresias revealed the ladies had it roughly 10 times better than the lads. In addition to his role as a sea god, Manannn also took care of the welfare of the Tuatha d Danann when they were forced into the fairy mound, or sdhe, after being defeated by the Milesian invaders. Anyone would like to add anything i missed? Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying, How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. Their roles appear to be more all encompassing than just related to birth and children. Ameinias, desperately depressed over the rejection, killed himself. At times, these names could be used interchangeably. It is said that upon hearing the news that Boann was pregnant, the Dagda attempted to hide the pregnancy by keeping the sun still in the sky for 9 months so that the gestation would take place in the space of a day. During his female years, Teiresias became a priestess of Hera, married, and even had children, according to Hesiod. Surly Straggler vs. other types of steel frames, Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. She is also said to have the ability to foretell the outcome of battles and predict violent deaths. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Having successfully completed the challenges, C Chulainn proceeded to attack the castle of Emers father and kill many in the process before eloping with the maiden. Perhaps a case can be made for Hermaphroditus. The real question, then, is whether old Greek writings reflect an idea of asexuality similar to our modern one. Does anyone know of any other virgin/asexual gods or goddesses in other religions and cultures? In order to do so, he needed sacrificial blood. Bisexual. Consort: Iunn. And no: it only says Hephaestus ". We don't even have any evidence that the men outnumbered the gods significantly. Ameinias, desperately depressed over the rejection, killed himself. She is most often illustrated wearing a green/blue skirt from which flows a stream of water. For example, the Morrigan was sometimes referred to as Badb, the Crow, even when clearly not referenced as part of a trinity.