Before becoming narcos the Ochoa Vasquez clan was mainly in the business of cattle ranching and restaurants. He even suggests more torture in order to get him to talk. The cousin and right hand man of Pablo Escobar, Gaviria also served as the financial head of the uber prosperous Medellin cartel. Worrying about how triggery safespacey Americans are going to perceive the Spanish word for "black" is disrespectful to the language. In 2007 she published a book where she discusses her relationship with the drug lord as well as the origins of rebel organizations in Colombia and the links among Medellin and Cali cartels among other juicy topics. Large scale cocaine smuggling expert George Jung was a huge part of the cocaine trade in the 80s in Colombia. He claimed to have killed 300 people and . Im literally watching that episode as i read this lol, Dude looks like like fucking Prince and OJ had a love child, Maybe he had two children named Price and OJ . The creators didn't change it to Blackie, that's what people actually called him back in the day. AsMiguel Flix Gallardo's chief henchman, Clavel carries out his boss' orders but puts his own interests first. Nelson Hernndez Lucum, better known as Blackie or Flipper was a sicario working for the Medelln cartel since its foundation. Judy Moncada played by Cristina Umaa (season 2; guest season 1), a former leader of the Medelln cartel who wants revenge on Pablo Escobar for the murder of her husband. Eduardo Sandoval played by Manolo Cardona (seasons 1-2), the Vice Minister of Justice for President Gavirias administration. He is also responsible for recruiting the young man that carries out the Avianca Airlines bombing. To top that, he recruits several young boys who he arms with guns and makes part of Escobar's army in his war against the authorities. Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada played by Alberto Guerra (season 3), an independent drug trafficker who uses his fishing business as a front. Photo @ahc_tv by Twitter For accuracy's sake, his name wasn't Blackie. Whether he will get the chance he wants is questionable. . Do you have any fun facts to add about the infamous, bloody cartel? After the two men opened fire back at officers, the police answered with automatic rifles at will. Blackie is one of the men that Escobar always trusts to be by his side. What happened to Tata Escobar? Varela also made a guest appearance in the second season of He also carries out a number of other assassin-like murders. Csar Gaviria played by Ral Mndez (seasons 1-2), a Colombian politician who becomes the 28th President of Colombia. Deny Munoz Mosquera, also known by his aliases Juan Diego Diaz or, more famously, "La Quica" , was an infamous Medelln Cartel hitman. Nelson Blackie Hernandez was one of the top . Now the story of the boys of Medellin has become relevant again and people are curious about what really happened in from the late 70s to the early 90s. In fact all of my family members (or the majority), goes by nicknames. Later, La Quica hires him to be Escobar's personal chauffer after the prison escape. RELATED:Narcos: 10 Real-Life Stories About The Drug Trade That Could Work As A Narcos Spin-Off. Neither does he value brotherhood as he blatantly tellsLizard that he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if Escobar ever orders him to do so. Enrique "Kiki" Camarena Salazar played by Michael Pea (season 1), a DEA agent who garners intel on Flixs rising organization. The following list shows the characters who had appeared both series. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. Pablo Acosta played by Gerardo Taracena (seasons 1-2), the leader of the Juarez Cartel. Master Pavimento Pelvico Roma, He had no care for the law or the lives of the people who stood in the way of his cartel business, but he did care about the Colombian citizens. Commander Guillermo Gonzlez Calderoni played by Julio Cesar Cedillo (seasons 1-2), the commander of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police. Mexican cartels are stealing government oil on a massive scale. The gangster plea bargained and was released from jail only 5 years later in 1996. An animal lover, Philip also has a pet giraffe called Refu. He escaped the kidnapping but was shot in the leg in the process. Blackie was with his boss in La Catedral, and he personally killed Kiko Moncada, by Pablo's orders. Role. Claudia Messina played by Florencia Lozano (season 2), a high-ranking DEA agent who acts as Murphy and Peas supervisor. Blackie was along Pablo Escobar since the beginning of his empire. He killed the Guerrilla members that helped Escobar by attacking the Colombian judges and burning all evidences against Pablo. All along, his true loyalty lies with the Cali Cartel. pro MN REKLAM se pihla a komentuj postavu Nelson Hernndez. He conducts several murders such as that of Kiko Moncada, who Escobar suspected of stealing from him. If the Medellin cartel was functioning in todays economy, their income would be more than double what they made in the 80s. In the television show Narcos she is named Valeria Velez because Vallejo is now a political asylee living in the United States. Pablo Escobar 13110 zobraz. For more information, please see our Their mother was quite concerned that whoever made their food would try to poison them. Amat Palacios played by Alberto Zeni (season 2), a Mexican police officer and member of Operation Leyenda. Lester Ray Hernandez, 58, passed away on Sunday, Jan. 17, 2010, at his home in Livingston. Like many of his other kingpin friends Jorge Luis was terrified of being extradited to the United States. . Before getting his start in drug smuggling Lehder would smuggle stolen cars from the US to Colombia to be sold in his familys used car lot. Nelson "Blackie" Hernandez, a recurring character in Narcos who works for the Medelln Cartel and is frequently seen by Escobar's side Blackie or Blackford Oakes, protagonist of a series of novels by William F. Buckley, Jr. Blackie Parrish, on the soap opera General Hospital or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. Under the cover of darkness and surrounded by a vast security operation, one of Colombia's most notorious cartel hit men was freed early from prison on Tuesday night, dividing the country over the. "I was Pablo Escobar's hit man, cellmate of his worst enemies, friend or enemy of all the dead of the recent wars of Colombia," he said in another interview with the magazineSemana in 2013. Juan Diego Daz aka La Quica often looks worried and harmless but he is the most effective sicario at Escobar's disposal. Connie Murphy played by Joanna Christie (seasons 1-2), Steves wife, a nurse who works at a local hospital in Colombia. In the 70s the young man relocated to Bogota, Colombia and got involved with known drug dealer and queen of cocaine Veronica Rivera de Vargas. His death has been widely speculated to this day. Hehas an affair withHctor Palma's wife Guadalupe Palma despite the fact that Flix doesn't like the Palmas at all. Check it out | how much are canvases, What kind of paint do you use on melamine? The ex-killer now has around 100,000 followers that watch his videos that show the devastation that happens in the wake of a life of crime. One time in Medellin, I got my hair cut by a . Vechny postavy. After his assassination, Maria fled Colombia with her family to escape whatever punishment her husbands behavior would bring whether it was from the government or from other cartels. Velasco is more of a schemer than a killing machine. Carlos Lehder, a 70-year-old Colombian-German national, became known for creating a base for drug smuggling on a private island in the Bahamas. Alvaro de Jesus Agudelo, also known as Jhon Burgos (alias El Limon) (?- 2 December 1993) was Pablo Escobars chauffeur and bodyguard from 1992 to 1993. 04 In 1989, Forbes magazine declared him as the world's 7th-richest man. Alczar also made a guest appearance in the third season of Narcos: Mexico. Marias son Juan Escobar works as a lecturer and is the author of a book titled Pablo Escobar: My Father. nelson-hernandez-blackie 1/1 Downloaded from on February 26, 2023 by guest Nelson Hernandez Blackie . I just love learning new things, interesting facts, mind-boggling lists and obscure knowledge every day! Item(s) 0. Cookie Notice I have an uncle we call Gordo, so literally I have an uncle that we call fat guy. How do you callback with Telkom? By providing the information below you will receive early-bird invitations to our events, exclusive musings tailored to your interests, and access to our curated mentorship program. [11] Daz also makes a guest appearance on the first season of Narcos: Mexico . All he does is carry out duties that serve the interests of his equally corrupt superior Azul. The countless amazing stories about the dramatic and murderous drug cartels awarded Vallejo a number one Spanish best-seller status in both Colombia and the United States. Read more here. He is currently the largest drug trafficker to have been persecuted in the United States. most south american nicknames translate pretty awkwardly. Roberto Ramos aka Poison doesn't have the tiniest bit of remorse. In the early 1980s, he kidnapped Miguel ngel Flix Gallardo and Isabella Bautista in Cali and took them to Pablo Escobar's estate in Medelln. James "Jaime" Kuykendall played by Matt Letscher (seasons 1 & 3; guest season 2), head of the Guadalajara bureau of the DEA and Kikis supervisor. Depois que a Alemanha e Moambique lhes negaram asilo, a famlia acabou se estabelecendo em Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nelson "Blackie" Hernandez, a recurring character in Narcos who works for the Medelln Cartel and is frequently seen by Escobar's side Blackie or Blackford Oakes, protagonist of a series of novels by William F. Buckley, Jr. Blackie Parrish, on the soap opera General Hospital Nelson "Blackie" Hernandez was one of the top lieutenants of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel . Blackie is one of the men that Escobar always trusts to be by his side. Because they're red skinned, but we don't say with animosity. The team consists of distinguished Corporate Financial Advisors and Tax Consultants. Sebastian Marroquin has a sordid relationship with his fathers legacy and has publicly made a stink about the new Netflix show Narcos glorifying the heartache of thousands upon millions of people. Jhon Jairo Velzquez, a.k.a Popeye, was a top assassin for the Medellin Cartel. This dangerous man was the leader in executions for the Medellin cartel and referred to by at least one DEA agent as the Al Capone of the drug-murder circuit. She is a founding member of the Los Pepes hit squad, designed to destroy Escobars organization. In a 1988 issue of Forbes magazine Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha was in the annual list of the worlds billionaires. Navegante helps set up Gacha for an ambush by Search Bloc and the DEA at his haciendain Cartagena. David Rodrguez played by Arturo Castro (season 3), an enforcer for the Cali cartel and Miguels son. Blackie was a lifelong follower of Escobar, and he was trusted enough to stay with Escobar's family at times. Its founders were the brothers Gilberto Rodrguez Orejuela and Miguel Rodrguez Orejuela, and Jos Santacruz Londoo. - YouTube. . El Tiempo cited sources in the attorney general's office as saying that his release implied he had accepted a life in anonymity, alone and far from his loved ones. Extradited Colombia paramilitary leader and mafia boss Diego Fernando Murillo, alias "Don Berna," has claimed his brother fired the shot that killed infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar, adding a new twist to rumors that have been circulating for years about Escobar's death. He was born and raised in Colombia where he eventually died in 2013. Nelson Hernandez was born in Colombia to a family of African descent, and he was an associate of Pablo Escobar since the late 1970s, working as one of his bodyguards and sicarios (hitmen). Los Pepes mai exist? Nelson "Blackie" Hernandez was one of the top lieutenants of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel. Danilo Garza played by Miguel Rodarte (season 2), a Mexican police officer and member of Operation Leyenda. It served two purposes: a secluded trade route and a tropical getaway. Narcos. Yazpik was also a series regular for all three seasons of Narcos: Mexico. Although the entire family has changed their names from Escobar they continue to make money off of their likeness. Hermilda visited Escobars tomb every morning until the day that she died and went on record saying that she never saw her boy Pablo as a criminal. Roger Knapp played by Lenny Jacobson (season 1), a DEA agent stationed in Guadalajara. The major player in Colombian and worldwide drug trade was a leader of the Medellin cartel. Combien gagne t il d argent ? Ati explains that he built parks, houses, soccer stadiums, churches, hospitals and schools, and he even paid off many peoples medical bills. Blackie was a lifelong follower of Escobar, and he was trusted enough to stay with Escobar's family at times. He is Amados uncle and mentor. "Boyd Holbrook Won't Return For Narcos Season 3", "The terrible reign of cocaine king Pablo Escobar", "Maurice Compte boards the Netflix series Narcos", "Entrevista exclusiva con la nueva chica Bond mexicana", "Stephanie Sigman Joins Netflix Series 'Narcos', "A Former Ally Offers A Profile Of Escobar", "Diego Luna will be joined by Scoot McNairy in season 2 of Narcos Mexico", "Top 10 Tales from Pablo Escobar's Son's Book",, Lists of American crime television series characters, Lists of American drama television series characters, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela played by Francisco Denis (seasons 2-3), a leader and founding member of the Cali cartel and Gilbertos brother. Chris Feistl played by Michael Stahl-David (season 3), a DEA agent working under Pea. Chilean star Paulina Garcia plays Hermilda in the Netflix series Narcos and she looks far different in real life than she does in her wig and makeup for the show. Share your thoughts in the comments section below or tweet us at @entity_mag. Facebook gives people the power. Popeye's release is highly controversial given that he had only served three-quarters of his full 30-year sentence for his part in the 1989 murder of presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galn. In fact, they had so much extra cash flow that they didnt bat an eye at losing millions due to rats eating through the cash. This other guy we call him Bola Caca. second assistant director (5 episodes, 2017) Dan Short . In January 1993, Bogot was bombed by the Medelln cartel on the order of Pablo Escobar. Tata became Maria Isabel Santos Caballero. Helmer "Pacho" Herrera played by Alberto Ammann (seasons 2-3; recurring season 1), a leader of the Cali cartel with connections to the Mexican drug trade. Popeye was welcomed to the inner circle of Pablo Escobar and eventually was promoted to lieutenant commanding several other ex-sicarios. He is affiliated with medical facilities such as HCA Florida Westside Hospital and HCA Florida Northwest Hospital. One of his most memorable moments occurs in Narcos: Mexico when he kidnaps Guadalajara cartel boss Felix Gallardo during his Colombia visit and takes him to Escobar. "24 years and nine months ago today Escobar, Popeye and his cartel ended the lives of 107 passengers in full flight. While in the world of Narcos, the leaders do plenty of dirty work, it's their henchmen who get their hands dirty. Even when he makes a risky visit to the house of the communist leader, Blackie is one of the two men he goes with. Valeria Vlez played by Stephanie Sigman (season 1; recurring season 2), a Colombian journalist who is Escobars mistress. 2, 2022 lenticchie e patate dieta 0 View lenticchie e patate dieta 0 View He is currently incarcerated at United States Penitentiary, Lee, in Virginia. Sa fortune s lve 300 000 000,00 euros mensuels And since those sourcesare saturated with pieces, we want to give you some quick and fun Medellin Cartel facts the little stuff that not many people currently know about the Narcos protagonist. He serves as the narrator for the first two seasons of Narcos. Pablo Escobar's Notorious Hitman Is Released Amid Controversy and Fear. For accuracys sake, his name wasnt Blackie. There was also a point in the United States when 80% of the cocaine in the country was coming from pipelines operated by the Medellin Cartel. Roberto "Poison" Ramos played by Jorge A. Jimenez (season 1; guest season 2), a hit man hired by the Medelln cartel. Juan Garca Abrego played by Flavio Medina (seasons 2-3), the leader of the Gulf cartel and Guerras nephew. He was inspired to found this group after being kidnapped by government supported and cartel run M-19. The world of drug trafficking is filled with ruthless men and Netflix series Narcos, as well as its spinoff Narcos: Mexico, highlight their brutality in lurid detail. blackie escobar real. In Narcos: Mexico, El Chapo is still years away from becoming the notorious drug kingpin that he is known as today. His partners ratted him out and he was finally arrested in 1994. In the television show Narcos she is named Valeria Velez because Vallejo is now a political asylee living in the United States. And they are ruthless to the core! Judy was assured that he was alive, but she discovered his death from news footage. "Victims of the Medellin Cartel reject the order of freedom for Popeye," he said. The Accountant's Story Roberto Escobar 2009-02-25 "I have many scars. He manages to work with both Gachaa top dog in the Medellin Cartelas well the DEA's Agent Pena. She was going to refer to Michelle Obama as "Blackie - O" in comparison to Jackie O and the former first lady's sense of style and fashion Pablo Escobar, left, and John Jairo Velsquez Vsquez, aka "Popeye," in an undated photo List: Thelonious Monk's "Les Liaisons Dangereuses 1960" and other stuff that actually happened in 1959 BBC1 . Some relatives of Escobar's victims said that Velzquez had now paid for his crimes. Narcos: The 10 Most Ruthless Henchmen, Ranked, Narcos: 5 Reasons Why The Mexico Story Is Better (& 5 Why The Colombia Story Is), Narcos: 10 Behind The Scenes Facts Only True Fans Know About, Narcos: 10 Real-Life Stories About The Drug Trade That Could Work As A Narcos Spin-Off, 10 Best Movies About The Cartels To Watch, The 5 Best Pokmon Exclusive to the Anime, The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1: 20+ Easter Eggs & Hidden Details, X-Men Cosplay Reinvents a '90s Superstar for the Modern Day. Whether youre well-versed on the Medellin cartel or youve watched Narcos, literally tonnes of money came through the Medellin cartel. Nelson "Blackie" Hernandez was one of the top lieutenants of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel. La Quica, el sicario olvidado de Pablo Escobar que puede morir en la crcel por un crimen que no est claro si cometi Dandenis Muoz Mosquera era un hombre fuerte del Crtel de Medelln. One is that he was ordered by Pablo to detonate a car bomb in a commercial area which had heavy business with children at the time, as many kids were with their parents shopping for back to school clothes and academic supplies. Pablo Escobar played by Wagner Moura (seasons 1-2), Colombian drug lord and head of the Medelln Cartel. He also protected Pablo and Gus in prison the first and only time they were arrested, well before the formation of the Medellin cartel, when all the other inmates thought for some reason the two men were snitches, but feared Blackie enough to leave them alone when he stepped up for them. blackie escobar nelson hernandez. He starts out as Pedro Avils' personal driverbut turns on his boss and helps Miguel Flix Gallardo kill him. While in prison Juan David got to hang out with his two brothers, sew saddles and eat their mothers cooking. In 1992, he helped his boss in the execution of the treacherous Gerardo Moncada with assistance from Velasco, and Blackie and Velasco beat him to death and dismembered him. Many think that Gaviria was murdered by the Search Block of Colombia, an organization of National Police of Colombia special ops. Missing Colombian pilot might be a victim of Venezuela's war on drugs. This cartel leader rose in status when he began to pioneer new routes through Mexico through both Los Angeles, CA and Houston, TX. Subtotal: SRD 0.00. pizzeria la lanterna, crevalcore men . FEDERICO ARELLANO M (@colconmemoria)August 27, 2014. It served two purposes: a secluded trade route and a tropical getaway. The complexity of Tuesday's operation one Colombian newspaper,El Tiempo, even claimed Velzquez had not in fact been transported in the police escort, but in a car with blacked-out windows which slipped out behind them reflects the sensitivity of his release and the threats that may face him. Biography Nelson Hernandez was born in Colombia to a family of African descent, and he was an associate of Pablo Escobar since the late 1970s, working as one of his bodyguards and sicarios (hitmen). His decision to warn the Palmas later haunts him as the drug lord tracks him down and beats him to death using a baseball bat. He was gunned down by a machine gun to the face in apolice shootout. Pablo Escobar: My Father-Juan Pablo Escobar 2016 . Also, I know guy who's name is Napoleon, but we call him Napo Chenca. Nelson Blackie Hernandez, a recurring character in Narcos who works for the Medelln Cartel and is frequently seen by Escobar's side Blackie or Blackford Oakes, protagonist of a series of novels by William F. 196237 C83 1983 Cousins, Norman. This amounted to about $420 million a week. The three refugees tried so many countries and nobody would take them before settling in a small apartment in Argentina. According to the PBS documentary, "Frontline: The Godfather of Cocaine," Escobar asked one of his trusted associates, Carlos Lehder, to buy Norman's Cay, an island in the Bahamas. blackie escobar real. However, this wasnt enough to transport Pablo Escobars his obscene amounts of coke and money. 03 During Pablo Escobar's era, his net worth is around $30 billion or equivalent to nearly $60 billion in today's money. This is because after serving his five-year plea bargained sentence that he struck with the Colombian government with his brothers, Fabio couldnt stay out of the trade. This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 02:18. They were arrested again later for helping a drug trafficker in money laundering. Due to his involvement in the 1986 murder of US informant Barry Seal, Fabio was punished much more severely than his two older brothers. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He is also referred to as "Blackie" and is based on Jorge "El Negro" Pabn. He serves as the narrator for the third season and final season of Narcos. Nelson "El Negrito" Hernndez played by Julin Daz (seasons 1-2), an enforcer for Pablo Escobar. When Pablo Escobar died in 1993, his seventeen-year-old son initially vowed revenge. He actually states that he called out for his brother to stop with all of the violence, but that didnt stop police from searching for both Pablo and Roberto in the wild goose chase of the late 80s. Roberto stayed far away from all of the killing and simply handled all of the books for the cartel. When Pablo Escobar died in 1993, his seventeen-year-old son initially vowed revenge. May 28, 2022 berkna vinklar valmat tak Comments are Off . Talk of the famous Colombian cocaine cowboys had died down in the last decade until Netflix released their hit show Narcos to critical acclaim. weirdwhere i'm from blackie is more offensive than negro, Also negro sounds different in Spanish than English, It's just a name you're just weird. In the Medellin cartel George Jung worked mostly as a middleman but proved irreplaceable when hed come up with billion dollar ideas to traffic large amounts of cocaine at once. In pursuit of escaping from reprisals of her father's . The police took Vallejo out of Colombia in 2006 after she pointed the finger at tons of drug lords, getting them put in jail and/or extradited. I own a small fair trade store in Dallas and received an order from a woman named Brenda Drake in Taiwan with the exact same address as the one given to Dave J 2307/resrep17224 2015-08-01 Achieving Gender Equality, Social Inclusion, and Human Rights For All: Challenges and Priorities for the Sustainable "Every minute that goes by is a minute . Steven Murphy played by Boyd Holbrook (seasons 1-2), a DEA agent assigned to Colombia. Morlet plays a part in the capture of DEA agent Kiki Camarena. Jorge Salcedo Cabrera played by Matias Varela (season 3), head of security for the Cali cartel. When he almost gets captured by the police while in an escort den, he gets angry and kills all the prostitutes. View the profiles of people named Nelson Escobar. Zpt na strnku svta. Poison eventually gets shot dead inside a night club by Carillo, thanks to a tip from Murphy. Ernesto "Don Neto" Fonseca Carrillo played by Joaqun Coso (season 1; guest season 2; recurring season 3), Flixs business partner and founding member of the Guadalajara cartel. Colombian lawyer representing Pablo Escobar. Note: Your privacy is important to us, so please know that your information will always remain confidential! By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Hodnocen uivatel . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He looks brown. Menu. "I want to seek opportunities, but some people want me to come out to steal and to kill so that they can kill me, and I'm not going to give them the pleasure," he said. Therefore, as Ati reports, he decided to invest in two submarines that transported his cocaine to the U.S. Why do we call him this? The bomb exploded during peak shopping hours the next day, killing more than 24 and wounding scores of others. The entire family has changed their names for fear of being recognized as being related to the king of drug trafficking, Pablo Escobar. Nelson 'Blackie' Hernandez's (Julian Diaz) grey suit costume from the drama series Narcos. Ossie Meja played by Jero Medina (season 2), a Mexican police officer and member of Operation Leyenda. Although the Cali cartel, Los PEPES and government officials had their own reasons to hate the man, the people saw him as their benefactor. They came to fruition in the early 90s and lasted until Pablos death in 1993. The death of his cousin had immense impact on Escobar and he turned himself in shortly thereafter. blackie escobar real We offer a variety of classes open to the public in the South London area. At one point the Medellin narcos were some of the richest people in the entire world even having their wealth recognized by the likes of Forbes magazine. Javier Pea played by Pedro Pascal (seasons 1-3), a DEA agent and Murphys partner. Rapazote also made guest appearances in first and third seasons of Narcos: Mexico. After establishing himself in Argentina Marroquin wrote a book entitled Sins of My Father. Then, at the bottom of the hierarchy were his footmen; these were the men who made his drug runs and created the cocaine. For anyone who stood in his way, he offered a choice. Fabio was arrested three years after his release from prison for accepting payments for cocaine and contributing knowledge to the drug trade. They should have kept it as El Negro because it literally has zero to do with a derogatory definition, and everything to do with with endearment. He was also the reason Pablo went to war with the Cali cartel. After his arrest, the US pushed hard for extradition and despite many protests and lobbying from Colombian officials, they achieved their goal. Both El Limon and Escobar were gunned down at this point in the shootout. They could either accept his money to keep quiet and aid in his endeavors, otherwise known as a bribe, or they could take a lead bullet to the head. He has also linked himselfto the 1989 bombing of an Avianca plane, Colombia's national airline, as Escobar waged war on the state. . Kenny Moss played by Alex Knight (season 2; guest season 1), a DEA agent and member of Operation Leyenda. He claimed to have killed 300 people and helped murder another 3,000. Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela 3593 zobraz. Today he's keeping a low profile in his native city of Medelln, hoping to avoid the assassin's target that he placed upon so many others during Escobar's era. . Damn, Narcos made him midnight black on the show. Biography. pizzeria storgatan 27 borgholm; why does grapefruit taste like soap; nome astratto di vedere The 1992 Cali wedding bombing occurred on 24 December 1992 when Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel bombed the wedding of Cali Cartel boss Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela's daughter in the city of Cali, Colombia.