event: 'gtm.js' Calendar with 2022 Celebrations and Holidays of the United States. We included it since social work is part of healthcare regardless of where it occurs. 05/02/2022 Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Have a happy, productive, and rewarding year! Baldwin Publishing has created calendars for health awareness days for nearly 30 years, and the 2022 employee health calendar is one of our best. 1 6 Statistics that Confirm Employee Recognition and Retention are Related, https://www.toolbox.com/hr/employee-recognition/articles/employee-recognition-and-retention-statistics/, 2021, 2 The 2018 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Report, http://go.globoforce.com/rs/862-JIQ-698/images/SHRM2017_GloboforceEmployeeRecognitionReportFinal.pdf?_ga=2.181556775.1655145278.1641946474-1785039714.1641946474, 2018, 3 Morgan Stanley Study Finds that Financial Wellness Is an Opportunity to Reduce Employee Stress, Improve Retention and Engagement, and Differentiate Companies, https://apnews.com/article/lifestyle-business-stress-job-stress-management-mental-health-1165d1e23e934b4a8d828844b97fb0ac, 2019, 4 Money is no longer the biggest incentive in selecting a job, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/11/29/money-no-longer-biggest-incentive-selecting-job/901899001/, 2017, Call us MondayFriday, 9:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. }); In Canada, Visa* Prepaid Card is issued by Peoples Trust Company pursuant to licence by Visa Int. Helping employees have a positive experience at work is key for improving job satisfaction. Whatever the celebration may be, enter the new year with these days, weeks, and months in consideration. Celebrate our countrys payroll professionals who do the critical work of paying Americas employees. 25-29, Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, North American Occupational Safety & Health Week May 1-7, National Skilled Nursing Care Week May 8-14, Healthcare Technology Management Week May 15-21, Healthcare Documentation Integrity Week May 15-21, National Employee Health and Fitness Day May 18, National Accounts Receivable Appreciation Day May 19, National Nursing Assistant Week June 16-22, Healthcare Risk Management Week June 20-24, National Therapeutic Recreation Week July 10-16, National Infant Mortality Awareness Month, National Environmental Services Week Sept. 11-17, National Assisted Living Week Sept. 11-17, Nursing Professional Development Week Sept. 18-24, Human Resource Professionals Day -Sept. 26, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week Oct. 2-8, National Physician Assistant Week Oct. 6-12, Dialysis Technician Recognition Week Oct. 10-15, International Infection Prevention Week Oct. 16-22, Medical Assistants Recognition Week Oct. 17-21, National Healthcare Facilities & Engineering Week Oct. 23-29, National Respiratory Care Week Oct. 23-29, National Patient Transport Week Nov. 1-7, Allied Health Professionals Week Nov. 6-12, National Radiologic Technology Week Nov. 6-12, National Nurse Practitioner Week Nov. 13-19, National Handwashing Awareness Week Dec. 4-10, National Influenza Vaccination Week Dec. 4-10. Terryberry's list of recognition holidays can help you make sure you don't miss important days to thank certain employees, and it can also make you aware of days like Just . Tip: Integrate financial health into your wellness program. This is a perfect opportunity to honor their laborious work that often goes uncredited. Nurses Week and Hospital Week in May and Breast Cancer Awareness in October are just three of the many BIG events for promotional gift-giving! See our criteria for highlighting NHOs. Company Holiday Parties Are Out. Consistent, meaningful recognition is more important than ever for 2023. Recognize the vital role of pharmacy technicians in supporting pharmacists and pharmacy operations. Your email address will not be published. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a512814ac6b19596f76fea7aef75069e" );document.getElementById("ae4446e82a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=' + i + dl; If you need articles, social media posts, images or graphics to promote Health Awareness days for your hospital website and social media campaign, contact Baldwin Publishing. Recognize the cultural significance of hair braiding and the talent, hard work, and contributions of hair braiding professionals. Ready to join us? Recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals have had on local, national, and international history. Diwali* (11/12/2023) Diwali is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. 12 Tue. National Submarine Day. Swap roles with the boss or an employee for a day and get a direct experience of the others work responsibilities. Use this day to your advantage as a franchise owner and learn something new that will benefit your business. Though we cant predict how 2022 will turn out, we can take the time to celebrate our most important asset: our employees. Because of this, there is often disagreement. Well highlight a few here but check out our website for the entire product line! 2022 Healthcare Awareness & Recognition Calendar Umbrellas are one of the most popular promotional items for healthcare programs, thanks to their high perceived value, effectiveness in getting the message out to the community as people use them and everyone appreciating them as gifts. NATIONAL PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT WEEK October 6-12, Inject a little fun into the workday to help with team building, foster happiness, create bonds with team members, and boost team morale. Today, women account for close to 40% of the physicians in this country. These 5 Ingenious Ideas Are In. Celebrate the contributions women have made in American history and recognize the specific achievements of women in a variety of fields. Three-quarters of employees who work for a company with similar values report higher satisfaction with their jobs. Encourage awareness of how all of us in the public are responsible for maintaining the safety of construction zones as well as workers and motorists. Check out the list of employee appreciation day ideas below to view each month's employee celebrations! hb```f`` B,@Qj4 +l"X3,}HyzQ@ K]P#|pS%Y~]4%eGKE%^j^Z(hW(6B_wR{JqBY-g8l7u nV~S;|8 @Xt dB fNV2~y^-)'@8NNxQiq Administrative Professionals Day, Apr 26, 2023 Labor Day, Sep 4, 2023 Boss's Day, Oct 16, 2023 Upcoming holidays in United States Holidays in United States 2023 Holidays in United States 2024 Bosses across the United States have the chance to support, thank and reward workers on Employee Appreciation Day on the first Friday in March. This is also a day to recognize local small businesses. This health observance calendar can be customized with your organizations logo and brand colors. Important note: This is not an exhaustive list and may be updated throughout the year. Rating scales are an important part of performance appraisals. Give rewards for participation and to employees for ideas that your company uses! At the very least, it's a great idea for your company to participate in this holiday and give some much-deserved recognition to your employees. In addition to celebrating the days, weeks, and months listed above, you can also take a variety of specific actions in the workplace to show employee appreciation and keep employees motivated, such as company swag, gift cards, happy hour, trivia, ice cream or donuts in the break room, you name it! NOTE: There are even more healthcare holidays, but we chose these as the most prominent. With many people reporting burnout during work-from-home, show you value your employees human side by giving them time to do a hobby each week. To make the most of this tool, print it out or download it to your desktop and plan your employee events against our suggested tips and dates. National Midwifery Week Oct. 1-7. March 12-16: Long Term Care Administrators Week. Whether its a holiday or not, your people are worth celebrating any day of the year! Click here to learn about our enterprise solution. Spread kindness in the food industry through generosity and gratitude. 9, Patient Safety Awareness Week Mar. " A@6Y [contact-form-7 id=21190 title=Social Media Guide], Premium Health Content and Digital Strategy, Hospitals should use recipes in social media marketing to grow an online audience. National Case Management Week Oct. 8-14. International Infection Prevention Week Oct. 22-28. International Orthopaedic Nurses Day Oct. 29. If you havent already, consider embracing flexible scheduling, host a virtual picnic, or give your employees an extra day-off to enjoy summer fun. Take some time to declutter and arrange your office to help you be more comfortable and productive. March is Social Work Month. 05/02/2022 World Nutella Day. It is the time of year that HR professionals start planning for 2022. Emphasize wellness in the workplace to ensure business growth and success, attract top talent, and drive employee retention. Ultimately, the best recognition strategy involves your employees feedback, so ask them what matters to themthen, rinse and repeat! What about National Nurse Practitioner Week. January Cervical Cancer Awareness Month Glaucoma Awareness Month National Birth Defects Awareness Month National Blood Donor Month Thyroid Awareness Month National Activity Professionals Week - Jan. 22-28 World Leprosy Week - Jan. 29 - Feb. 4 w[l] = w[l] || []; Raise awareness of the role of health information professionals in the medical field whose work helps document the progress of medicine and enhances healthcare. Many general health awareness dates have been included for two reasons: HR professionals use them in employee wellness communications, and I have discovered many healthcare marketing departments are using our list as well. Recognize the network of logistics professionals throughout the country who tirelessly orchestrate the distribution, shipping, and transportation of consumer goods. Keeping employees engaged and motivated in the workplace is both necessary and rewarding. 01 Sat. NATIONAL POW/MIA RECOGNITION DAY - Third Friday in September; NATIONAL POWER RANGERS DAY - August 28 . If you need help planning awareness day activities, contact us! It can help hospitals plan community health events, employee communications, and social media campaigns. '&l=' + l : ''; (function(w, d, s, l, i) { American Civil War. Thank an engineer this year and elevate their efforts from building the roads and bridges to the cars and planes we use to travel. Draw attention to America's laborers and convey your admiration, respect, and gratitude for all they do. National Educational Support Professionals Day: Appreciate the hard work and dedication of education support professionals who help students inside and outside the classroom through a variety of valuable services. Learn about how and why we are re-imagining workplace experience, Learn about what makes us different and why our customers love us, Learn about our culture, values, and the teams behind our success. Gain important insight into the lives and work of farmers, as well as agriculture, through entertainment, exhibitions and displays, tours, and other activities. About the time I retire this will be THE comprehensive list. Acknowledge the great and dedicated bosses out there who shoulder many business responsibilities and keep the workplace humming. It is a cool celebration. Raise a toast to the bartenders who serve us drinks and food, engage us in conversation, and help make our overall experience in a bar or restaurant enjoyable. In verifying it, I learned that Feb. 3 is the birthday of Elizabeth Blackwell who was the first woman to attend medical school (in spite of her perceived genetic inferiority). March 10: Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day. 2024: April 24. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other . Recognize the significance of the job that project managers perform within our businesses. In the U.S., Prepaid Mastercard and Mastercard Gift Card is issued by Pathward, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International Incorporated. The Biggest Calendar of Employee Recognition Holidays. Looking for an Employee Recognition Software? The last page of the calendar includes a 12-month calendar for 2023. National Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Day: If youre a small business owner, take advantage of this day to get together with your peers and share knowledge. Celebrate the hard work and dedication of community managers and vendors who work in the social media space. Increase your employees engagement by rewarding the small wins! Whats the date for Medical Assistants Recognition Day? Our 2022 Calendar of Healthcare Recognition Days is an invaluable resource for you and your team. 13-19, Healthcare HR Professionals Week Mar. Use this day to take a moment to relax, reward yourself, and recognize all your accomplishments. As a people leader, were likely preaching to the choir when we say its been a year. Celebrate the integral role interns play in the workplace and how interning is a great opportunity for people to learn valuable skills and take the next step on their career path. endstream endobj startxref 11 Mon. National Health Observances (NHOs) are special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. 30 National Doctors' Day April Recognition Dates May Recognition Dates June Recognition Dates July Recognition Dates August Recognition Dates September Recognition Dates October Recognition Dates November Recognition Dates December Recognition Dates January Recognition Dates February Recognition Dates National employee and workplace days are prime, morale-boosting opportunities for employee recognition that goes beyond the usual celebrations of a promotion or specific milestone. IAY+::aG1 2 Awareness Days: 12: National Pharmacist Day 25: National IV Nurses Day Awareness Weeks: 23-27: NAP (National Activity Professionals) Week 23-29: National CRNA Week All Month: National Blood Donor Month February Awareness Days: 17: National Caregivers Day Awareness Weeks: 1-7: Patient Recognition Week 6-12: Ambulatory Nurses Week Acknowledge the contribution of female police officers who enforce law and order around the country, and encourage more women to join the service. Our Employee Recognition Calendar lists the best recognition days in one place so you can stay on top of all your workplace celebrations. Recognize and value the contributions that black-owned businesses across the nation have made to the nation's ongoing efforts to promote diversity and equality. CONTACT US TODAY AND LET US CREATE THE BEST CANDIDATE EXPERIENCE. 11/02/2022 International Day of Women and Girls in Science. It is a great hospital giveaway to connect with employees and thank them for their hard work throughout the year. The CDE will be closed on Friday, November 10, 2023. 18-24, Administrative Professionals Week Apr. NATIONAL DAY CALENDAR CLASSROOM - WEEK 11 - Week of November 19 - 25, 2017 . . Emergency Nurses Day Oct. 11. Give incentives for class participation and for employees who meet their goals, like starting a savings account! National employee appreciation day falls on the first Friday of March every year. Recognize the difficult and dangerous job of mining and show support for the miners whose hard work makes a difference in society in countless ways. Celebrate the self-employed and those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Dont miss a single one. I did consider it and it is now included. All Rights Reserved. Graduation ceremonies continue in June, a month that also brings summer breaks, vacations, weddings, beach days, as well as: Wed love to explain your best prepaid card options.866.829.0707. National Nutrition Month. Honor the early educators who instilled a passion for learning in us.