/S /P /Diagram /Figure /P 457 0 R endobj /Pg 19 0 R /S /P /P 10 0 R << /K 26 /S /P /TT1 359 0 R The study therefore, recommends that building construction projects delivery decision makers should endeavour to implement the findings of research in order to encourage project execution success. >> << % endobj Once you have ascertained the estimated total cost (ETC) of construction the next thing is to break it down. 17 0 obj /TT0 363 0 R Though there was some structural problems during the first phase( i.e to decking level), I must admit all went well. /S /LBody /Lang (EN-GB) >> /Pg 16 0 R 79 0 obj Get a capable and reputable contractor. /Pg 24 0 R /K 14 /K 42 /Pg 18 0 R /K 62 One of the things to put into cognizance if you are to supervise building projects is that you will always be expected to spend more at the end of the day, so earmark at least 20% of the estimate for your building for contingencies. fat endobj 122 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) /P 10 0 R endobj /Pg 20 0 R endobj An integral part of management is monitoring. /S /Sect 325 0 obj >> << /S /P >> /K 11 285 0 obj /K 408 0 R >> /Pg 15 0 R /K 53 /K 28 z'gBr{3,' 9{X.N3FE\\8l?p (q1Ed=>6oB# /S /P endobj >> >> 24 0 obj >> << /S /P /StructParents 0 endobj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] /K 25 /Pg 20 0 R /D [20 0 R /XYZ 126 396 null] /P 448 0 R /Tabs /S 1 0 obj >> What the Nigerian method of fee calculation can learn from Canada. Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria. >> /S /P /Font << best to minimize errors that result in demolition and unnecessary /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 20 0 R 172 0 obj >> 338 0 obj /K 10 0 R >> uuid:0f91b3d7-4433-4375-960a-791b670ff8c4 /S /LBody endobj 15 0 obj << << endobj /Pg 20 0 R >> /Parent 8 0 R That would be wrong, as the buildings are similar and would take less work to produce. << Copyright 2023 www.Imagebali.com All Right Reserved, Cost Calculation Area per m2 for Supervision, Renovating Your Commercial Property in Bali, Taking a Closer Look on Bali Property Market, Tips on Build Great Business in Bali through Real Estate, Best Money Making Method with Bali Real Estate, Researching the Best Bali Real Estate Prior to Purchasing, The Influence Of Heat On Metal Building Materials in Bali. /K 68 This is according to the Africa Construction trends 2019. << /Pg 21 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) << endobj Site supervision beyond the original contract period. /P 10 0 R /Pg 17 0 R /K 101 >> in Building Process, Real Estate, Real Estate Articles This article reports the results of an investigative study on cost overruns for ongoing building projects in Abuja. /K [421 0 R 422 0 R 423 0 R 424 0 R 425 0 R] >> >> >> /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /S /P 4 0 obj /P 502 0 R /S /P >> /Lang (EN-US) endobj >> >> << endobj /Parent 8 0 R /K [410 0 R 411 0 R 412 0 R 413 0 R 414 0 R 415 0 R] >> /DropCap /Figure >> /Font << >> /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 23 0 R 204 0 obj << >> WCrq$PyL_@caSKR7|n| e5Rr47[.OvPLl_?\wk-:J_z-wvmJ.QsQYZ%aC1N-#,)`ZG bAq#r^'.v=`uQ.Z^e7 zO]GzRdVg~|(OGOxWqpsM$pp,HF` T5 Provide instructions and guidelines that need to contractors in the execution of work in order to really take place in accordance with contract provisions. /F11 366 0 R 115 0 R 116 0 R 117 0 R 118 0 R 119 0 R 120 0 R 121 0 R 122 0 R 123 0 R 124 0 R /P 461 0 R /S /P /K 6 /Lang (EN-GB) 150 0 obj 270 0 obj 140 0 obj 242 0 obj 12 0 obj >> /K 116 /S /P /P 471 0 R << How to Calculate Architects fees using the most recent condition of engagement (2016) by clicking here. /Lang (EN-GB) /P 498 0 R << /Pg 22 0 R endobj /S /P /ExtGState << Perform inspection and examination of all work areas and all agencies that support the implementation of the work. << endobj /P 493 0 R endobj HUMo0W( /K6PH[C8]eIz)J"UvYgg-L1]fgumf*Tz:i-c3 << /Pg 20 0 R << 105 0 obj /K 102 /Lang (EN-US) << /Pg 20 0 R /K 0 310 0 obj << >> /Lang (EN-GB) /K 51 /K 117 >> /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) 124 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /S /LBody << >> /Pg 22 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /K 3 /S /P 239 0 obj 58 0 obj <>stream 176 0 obj 199 0 obj /K 16 i=_{EGL@Z-^f)1G`Vl"wl6tWp4#eGGBE1=BWJq(i /Lang (EN-US) /P 416 0 R 2.35). /S /P /K 75 Your presentations are quite educative and I have gained a lot more. /K 55 /Lang (EN-US) >> /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) << /S /P endobj >> /K 4 << /K 5 endobj /Lang (EN-GB) /Superscript /Span /S /LBody 112 0 obj /S /LBody 53 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R Construction Supervision approach to be adopted, aiming to deliver the best to minimize errors that result in demolition and unnecessary repetition of work because of an error or image quality jobs that do not meet the requirement. /Lang (EN-GB) SaiduI. /Rotate 0 << 109 0 obj endobj endobj << /K 0 Make sure everyone is qualified for the job at hand and dont allow any contractor to decide for you. endobj endobj /K 13 /S /P Your email address will not be published. /TT0 363 0 R /P 451 0 R I am a result-oriented professional with 15+ years of Progressive Experience in Construction Project Management with roles in Estimating, Contract Administration, Vendor Management, Change & Claims Management and Project Controls of landmark Residential, ICI and Infrastructure projects cumulatively worth over CAD$1.50 Billion.<br><br>Core Professional Strengths:<br>Construction Cost & Contract . /S /P /P 486 0 R /Rotate 0 >> /S /P >> /Lang (EN-GB) /P 467 0 R It involves the use of percentages. /P 406 0 R /P 468 0 R << /Pg 22 0 R endobj /Pg 21 0 R /K 30 You can also save cost unknowingly when you build the biggest possible size you can afford as it will cost less if done at the initial stage rather than as extension later on especially when you are sure of your capabilities. /K 1 /S /S endobj /S /P /P 485 0 R /K 56 /P 10 0 R /P 10 0 R 83 0 obj /K 12 /P 469 0 R /Pg 23 0 R /S /LBody /K 80 Next 10=50%. /Producer (Adobe PDF Library 11.0) >> << >> << 250 0 obj /S /L /Pg 21 0 R /Resources << << /P 423 0 R /K 9 << endobj << }$p>7Prv"eB;lBn+JKzb;:r~1Zx S)Sp,|^(Q]Q=DB` @YMt2tI(hH\*[G >^FEfaS3k6y0Rx?rQ9 5=vb3&yH3{!4r:.4L- :$LT}2qw=>{nTc%tNq&e0XNfm;!}y#p0M:[peV;t$*IiF+ eQX /*q"LNDVJ*MFWy|M^v:V|NhgYS 7r6lZ^Kx8uuBBF^+Z>}?XMsN{;h45 ~s << /P 453 0 R endobj The quantitative technique was adopted in this study. /Pg 22 0 R endobj /K 12 /P 10 0 R Before composing tender bids, the cost estimates. /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P /K 26 endobj >> >> /P 452 0 R endobj 0000005126 00000 n /P 441 0 R << endobj << /K 3 326 0 obj 183 0 obj >> /Lang (EN-GB) endobj /P 10 0 R endstream endobj /S /P >> /K 63 endobj /Parent 8 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) As a result, there is an urgent need to address the high cost of these products which is said to have slowed down the growth of the building and construction sector in Nigeria.Building materials constitute the largest single input in housing construction. /Lang (EN-GB) /S /P >> When purchasing materials, always go for the best quality. 211 0 obj endobj 292 0 obj /S /L endobj << /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 20 0 R 105 0 R 106 0 R 107 0 R 108 0 R 109 0 R 110 0 R 111 0 R 112 0 R 113 0 R 114 0 R /P 384 0 R << /S /LBody /P 389 0 R /Pg 20 0 R /P 488 0 R /Pg 14 0 R endobj 264 0 obj /P 424 0 R /Pg 20 0 R 173 0 obj /K 17 >> endobj >> /Type /Border endobj endobj /S /P >> null 339 0 R null null null 340 0 R null null 125 0 R] /TT2 356 0 R /P 472 0 R << >> Here are the largest construction projects in Nigeria and their value. /S /P >> endobj /Pg 18 0 R /P 453 0 R << Based on these findings, it can be concluded that continuous investigation into, and analyses of cost overruns at stages of building projects would encourage professionals to apply the best mitigation measures, in order to achieve a significant reduction in the total cost overrun at the completion of a project. stream << >> /TT4 375 0 R The total amount of cost overruns for any construction project can be fully determined once the project is completed. endobj << /S /P /K 6 /K 24 /Pg 22 0 R endobj %PDF-1.5 << endobj 149 0 obj 2 0 obj /Rotate 0 /P 435 0 R /S /P How did you come about this cost per sqm for projects in Nigeria "In Nigeria, you can use a value of between N70,000 - N150,000 per square meter depending on the quality of construction (2018 . 153 0 obj The balance of 60% is shared among the other consultants. /K 115 /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] << /K 10 271 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R >> >> >> << << /Pg 24 0 R /P 10 0 R 209 0 obj /K 3 /Lang (EN-GB) >> /K 49 /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) endobj endobj Whatever your estimate, our economy is besieged by unending inflation. >> /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) >> endobj 4 [73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R null null 130 0 R null null null 131 0 R << >> endobj /P 10 0 R . /ParentTreeNextKey 11 /K 47 >> /Lang (EN-GB) 108 0 obj /K 79 19 0 obj /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 23 0 R /K 31 /F12 367 0 R /S /P /S /P endobj << /Pg 20 0 R >> /S /P endobj >> /K 25 /K 99 and ShakantuW. >> Examples of Construction Supervision Fee in a sentence. /Pg 20 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 21 0 R /Pg 21 0 R 125 0 obj mjd%-@ysqUc465 WDSeL|k|:SUJ%}[I3[;v~/@GK6|wc:m~}gN: ! q:SXtsr.Zbbs3,FfY>fD@,sgro^,kL}Yal]zjg8nrU>pa+|cWa|`o"k[f^_Ck^^7Y U+A5{qj;l/luhTQ'bV, }5k[fcG #QCU Q[(T|YYm << /S /P Fee calculation for repetitive building can be tricky. 142 0 R 143 0 R 144 0 R 145 0 R 146 0 R 147 0 R 148 0 R 149 0 R 150 0 R 151 0 R 31 0 obj >> 233 0 obj 164 0 obj /K 20 endobj /Lang (EN-US) /K 5 Ideally, every architect who negotiates should negotiate without going less than the total cost of the professional manpower needed, material costs such as printing, travel, utilities etc and profit margin. >> null 320 0 R null null null 321 0 R null null] 289 0 R 290 0 R 104 0 R 105 0 R 106 0 R null null 291 0 R null null mo *=L*rP(5{ba,v8\Qv .y@*B(;lr>j%#Z#M"hIr^]uRS~2/x& >> 296 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R >> /K 18 << 307 0 obj /TT5 361 0 R This article teaches you how to calculate the fees of architects either as an architect yourself or a client. /P 10 0 R endobj /Parent 4 0 R 188 0 obj . /K 9 8 [null null 293 0 R null null 109 0 R 294 0 R 295 0 R 296 0 R 297 0 R The cost per area can be gotten from a QS or from your construction experience. /Pg 14 0 R /ModDate (D:20151028204217+03'00') /TT1 359 0 R 36 0 obj /S /P 257 0 obj >> /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) /K 5 8,47kO:d^"fp`~. << endobj 218 0 obj >> /P 10 0 R /Tabs /S /S /P /P 507 0 R << /P 10 0 R %PDF-1.4 >> /Pg 20 0 R 242 0 R 243 0 R 244 0 R 245 0 R 246 0 R 247 0 R 248 0 R 249 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) << >> /Pg 21 0 R >> endobj /Pg 20 0 R 93 0 obj 212 0 obj /Pg 21 0 R /K 67 << /S /P /Pg 20 0 R >> << /StructParents 2 >> % It has been positioned to offer the South-West zone strategic shipping market and huge job opportunity, with a high prospect of redefining the economic power of the zone. /S /P /P 10 0 R >> << endobj >> /Lang (EN-GB) /K 67 /P 464 0 R /Pg 14 0 R 232 0 R 233 0 R 234 0 R 235 0 R 236 0 R 237 0 R 238 0 R 239 0 R 240 0 R 241 0 R /Pg 20 0 R endobj /TT4 361 0 R endobj /K 13 /S /P << endobj << /Tabs /S 299 0 obj 295 0 obj 135 The city is to be built from scratch on a 1,260 hectares of virgin land located several kilometres southeast of Nigerias capital,Abujaand five kilometers from the International Airport. stream /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-US) /P 460 0 R /CS0 [/ICCBased 353 0 R] 41 0 obj This range may no longer be accurate today because of inflation. >> /P 463 0 R /Pg 20 0 R /S /P /Pg 16 0 R << Make your living Our building materials are based on such top notch design system. I will focus on the scale of fees but briefly shed some light on time charges. /S /P << 320 0 obj << /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 23 0 R null 292 0 R null null] /Pg 19 0 R endobj << /Lang (EN-GB) In the second phase (2005 to 2008), no project was picked from Nigeria but the cost range was from $62,400 to . /S /P /S /LBody /TT1 359 0 R endobj /Type /Page /P 466 0 R Choices are varied for indoor or outdoor furniture. /P 10 0 R >> 100 0 obj << 2015-10-28T20:42:17+03:00 endobj /TT1 359 0 R /Pg 20 0 R /Pg 24 0 R uuid:bbc45c1e-14a2-4045-8453-adcf2766d173 /K 0 /S /LBody /S /P endobj Construction professionals should be well informed of these consequences (cost overruns) at an early stage, in order to evaluate the extent to which these consequences could be minimised. /K 37 /S /P << /K 2 /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.2 841.92] /Type /StructTreeRoot << << /K 5 /P 469 0 R /S /P /Lang (EN-GB) Lagos Ibadan Railway Modernisation Project. endobj /P 455 0 R >> /Type /Page /Pg 24 0 R >> >> endobj >> << /Lang (EN-GB) %PDF-1.4 % /P 428 0 R >> 9 [115 0 R 116 0 R 117 0 R 118 0 R 119 0 R null null 312 0 R null null /Pg 20 0 R 56 0 obj It is estimated to cost $18 billion to construct.It is a planned city, located in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria. /Lang (EN-GB) /StructParents 8 However,this article has helped me to understand these changes better.As I could compare your detailed breakdown and calculations with the revised one. /P 10 0 R The decking should be completed in October after the rains. Publishing rights:When an author/s publish an article inActa Structilia, the author/s enter into a non-exclusive publishing agreement. The Service is limited to the supervision of the endobj The total cost of construction in normal [4 circumstances is expected to be the sum of the following cost: Materials, Labours, Site overheads, Equipment/ Plant, Head office cost and profit but in many parts of the world particularly in Nigeria, there are other costs to /K 31 /Lang (EN-GB) << /CS0 [/ICCBased 353 0 R] /S /LBody /K 21 /Pg 20 0 R /K 15 << << /Im3 370 0 R endobj /Lang (EN-GB) /Pg 20 0 R Also, Repetitive reduction doesnt apply to external works, stage 3 fees (site supervision), or post-contract services of the project. Labour cost for mixing, pouring and consolidation of concrete = 170,000 Supervision cost = 50,000 Casting of ground floor slab = 1,633,300 Therefore, the tentative cost of raising the building from foundation to DPC is 5,193,935 without the contractor's profit and overhead. /Pg 20 0 R Once you break down your ETC with the above template, you then multiply each segment by its corresponding percentage. /K 92 >> /K 3 << /S /P startxref /K 1 /Pg 22 0 R /K 97 /Pg 20 0 R endobj /Pg 17 0 R /P 10 0 R >> /Resources << /P 453 0 R >> /S /P >> /C2_0 374 0 R /K 4 >> << >> >> K8\Bk4q/8Ql[gk_]GHi$q /i~$GFVpwbuSPY5?,j~6>I(I'GovHK5CC. << /S /P endobj /S /P /Type /Page /Pg 21 0 R endobj iv) Building projects are seen as a major for the social benefit of all and sundry. << 160 0 obj ETC is the preliminary amount the Quantity surveyor (QS) arrives at and says would be the approximate cost at which the construction will be executed. /P 10 0 R >> /K 2 /Tabs /S /S /P /S /P /P 467 0 R /Lang (EN-GB) Posted by: FEMI ADEFAKA 345 0 obj /P 509 0 R >> /Lang (EN-US) /K 4 << 287 0 obj >> << /P 468 0 R endobj endobj Globacom to Rehabilitate Ota-Idiroko Road, Chief tenant chased out of apartment, moved into his house 27days after, History of Bodija, the first housing estate in Nigeria, Groups Propose Bill To Address Housing Deficit In Lagos, How To Deal With Craftsmen And Artisans On Site, Important Things to consider when building your dream home, 9 Shady Things To Expect From Contractors & Construction Workers On Site, Contractor decries LASGs refusal to pay 20-year debt, Akeredolu sacks Mimikos contractor for abandoned road project. >> endobj endobj /S /P /P 464 0 R /Pg 20 0 R 98 0 obj >> /K 10 << /Pg 20 0 R >> /K 11 /S /P << /K 89 /K 107 179 0 obj The Federal Lighter Terminal has 1670 meters and four berths operated by Intels. >> /Pg 20 0 R /S /L endobj A clean latrine or toilet is also mandatory. /K 39 251 0 obj >> /Lang (EN-US) Selecting Various Building Materials for Various Climates in Bali, Learning the Modern House Construction in Bali. endobj /K 45 /K 1 >> @*V1LPx} aJfHZp 4YoGGW@y`d,71DCJu;F << /S /P /P 10 0 R >> /S /P /S /LBody >> /Pg 17 0 R Hi Bunmi, x]Kf$A&v';{fB/eY Q@}5"u7 /Pg 17 0 R >> 113 0 obj /K 2 /K 25 /A 398 0 R Required fields are marked *, School of Estate celebrates successful completion of her Real Estate Business Course 53rd Stream, The Affordable Mass Housing Provision N3trillion Pension Boost, Why cement price is highest in Kano, Lagos markets, Stakeholders query FGs costly housing prices nationwide. endobj << /P 10 0 R >> /Lang (EN-US) 63 0 obj >> << /K 41 /Lang (EN-GB) /Lang (EN-GB) >> 111 0 obj Nov 2022 - Present5 months. 18 0 obj /K 124 Its good to hear from you. << 35 0 R 36 0 R] /Pg 20 0 R March 7, 2018 /Lang (EN-GB) >> /S /P /Pg 20 0 R 260 0 obj >> endobj /S /P 319 0 obj /K 20 /Lang (EN-GB) << /K 43 endobj /P 10 0 R /P 464 0 R /Pg 20 0 R /ColorSpace << /S /P /P 450 0 R /K 31 It is expected to be the Africas biggest oil refinery and the worlds biggest single-train facility, upon completion in 2020. /S /P << /P 10 0 R /S /P /TT3 375 0 R /Count 5 276 0 obj << /P 387 0 R /Pg 20 0 R << /Lang (EN-GB) 286 0 obj endobj * Prepare and review project budgets, cost plans and cash flow projections. >> 3. endobj << 2. /Lang (EN-GB) 104 0 obj endobj 321 0 obj /Pg 20 0 R /K 11 /S /P /K 17 /Filter /FlateDecode /P 451 0 R Required fields are marked *. /Lang (EN-US) << Estimating the amount of cost overruns at different stages of ongoing construction projects is important for project success.