The Arab School District hired the Alabama Association of School Boards to find its new . Email: Listing for: TEKsystems. One of her strengths is the ability to truly listen. He and his wife have four children, three of whom are attending the City Schools of Decatur. Weve never dealt with it and its almost like were addressing a problem that never existed.. The district serves the city of Montgomery and surrounding Montgomery County.It is the third largest district in Alabama, with 31,743 students enrolled. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 1-ranked Carbondale in the quarterfinals, 17-6. I mean, how do you address something that youve never done and thats never been a problem? Douglas said. 256-773-5433 Fax. He has served on numerous boards related to innovation as well as, the City Schools of Decaturs Senior Homestead Exemption committee. She has served on the Decatur High PTA and organized its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Decatur City Schools does not discriminate in admission, treatment, or access to program or activities on the basis . Decatur school board member Alana Banks has been named deputy director of The Okra Project, which aims to provide fresh food to Black transgen. . $('span#sw-emailmask-11206').replaceWith(''); Mrs. King and her family are faithful members of Garner Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal church where she serves as a Teen Sunday School Teacher, Pianist, and Director of the Board of Christian Education. POINT/COUNTERPOINT: How do we define the Ukraine-Russia war at it's one-year anniversary? Job in Decatur - Morgan County - AL Alabama - USA , 35601. Decatur, AL 35601 Phone: 256-353-4612 DeSantis takes over Disney district, punishing company, Prison reform legislation deserves fair hearing, If youre tough on crime, you better celebrate Missouri setting Lamar Johnson free, Widening of Old Moulton Road intersection proposed, Survey: 31% of underemployed cite transportation issues as barrier, Reed Blankenship goes from West Limestone to the Super Bowl, Sheriffs feeling pinch of lost pistol permit revenue, A Wild Adventure: 'Madagascar Jr.' full of dancing and fun, Council to consider funding historic Horton home move on Monday, Funding for downtown alley project approved, Brother joins brother in jail after second arrest in Hartselle stabbing death. Decatur City Schools . A vital component to our systems success depends on the relationships we forge with parents, city leaders, and our community. Board of Education Meeting 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. "In a time where citizens, parents, and students are already wary and in a distrustful mood of this district (board) and Kiel administration, you might show some transparency here. var encodedEmail = swrot13('gjuvgr@pfqrpnghe.arg'); Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and Personnel. Mrs. King is married to Mr. Email: One law requires the staff of public and private schools to inform a childs parents of information related to a minors perception that his or her gender or sex is inconsistent with his or her sex. The law also prohibits staff from encouraging the student to withhold such information from the students parent. Cox was also a track star in the 440 and in the sprint relays. Decatur City Schools 212 Fourth Avenue Decatur, Alabama 35601 256-552-3000. Personnel/Employment. #HalifaxRise +2 The reset will include regular input from the Superintendent's Youth Advisory Council and the student ambassadors. that is degrading to another person. Before working for Lawrence County Schools, Priest worked 20 years with Decatur City Schools and served as principal at West Decatur Elementary from 2005 to 2016, when then-Superintendent Dan . An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. If . Dr. Melvin J. DECATUR Assistant Superintendent Jeff Dase has been promoted to a new position within the Decatur School District aimed at promoting equity in its schools. Prior to being elected to the board, Mrs. King was an active member of PTA. She and her husband Okera Hanshaw have three daughters attending the City Schools of Decatur. When we have free time together, we enjoy sports, camping, and I love to listen to music. Pinterest; YouTube; Vimeo; Twitter . Quick Links ; Current Board Agenda ; Student Handbook ; COVID Relief Plans ; Stay Connected . Superintendent of Decatur City Schools. Get Directions. DHS, FHS & PHS Graduation, Last Day for Students - Early Release at 12:00. $(document).ready(function () { Decatur City Schools does not discriminate in admission, treatment, or access to program or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, religious preference, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, non-English speaking ability, or homeless status. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Huntsville has the fifth biggest school system in Alabama and the state's highest paid superintendent. Mr. Bachuss is married to his wife, Jenny, and they have three (3) children in Decatur City Schools, Ty, Jennalei, and Joshua, major contributors to Mr. Bachuss' involvement with Decatur City Schools. Job specializations: Skilled Labor/Trades. Phone: 256-309-2100. The mission of Decatur Heritage Christian Academy is to assist families by providing their children with an education that is excellent and which instills . Every Moment Counts! He has also been an administrator for Cobb County (Georgia) schools and served as principal at Lassiter High in Marietta, Georgia. A controversial clipping call on Joe Risby among many terrible calls that day, according to Coach Smith doomed the team's chances in a 7-6 loss to Geneseo Darnell in the semifinals. Want to be the next superintendent of Decatur Public Schools? I would like to think that we can continue to be a leader in north Alabama as far as how were preparing our students for the future, Joy said. Guy R. King. It is an honor to serve as Decatur City Schools superintendent. Dr. Fehrman earned her bachelors degrees in Anthropology and Secondary Education from Clarion University in 2000. Mr. Palmer is married to his middle school/high school sweetheart, Misti Palmer, and they have three kids, Gage, Easton, and Emme, in the Decatur City Schools. var encodedEmail = swrot13('zsruezna@pfqrpnghe.arg'); MPS SUPERINTENDENT DR. MELVIN J. She is an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Jack and Jill of America, Inc. District: Board of Education District 2Term: Expires 2026. He is a 1983 graduate of Decatur High School and holds degrees from Western Michigan University and the University of Alabama. Controlling the narrative right now doesnt make this look good for any parties involved.". Be Truthful. Decatur Superintendent Paul Fregeau bids the district farewell. Decatur, AL 35601 Phone: 256-353 . Get the new edition of Living 50 Plus sent to you bi-monthly via email. The Georgia School Boards Association, which is conducting CSD's superintendent search, received 34 applications. Lyles, who has served as principal at both Fyffe . James is probably most excited about volunteering to coach, room parent, and be involved in his daughters lives. The Human Resources Department is responsible for all aspects of staff support, including recruitment, employee onboarding, mentoring, evaluation, engagement, and benefits management. Prior to serving on the Board, Mr. Bachuss served as President of the Decatur Middle School PTO for two (2) years, was a member of the Decatur City Schools Foundation Board, and served on a Superintendent's Advisory Council. 211 Celtic Drive, Madison, AL 35758 . TheDecatur Public Schools Board of Education has been working hard to find the districts next superintendent to lead and serve our school community. BROWN. Prior to serving the students, families and stakeholders in Cullman, he served as the superintendent of the Demopolis City School System (2015-2021) and Chickasaw City School System (2012-2015). districts next superintendent to lead and serve our school community. Alabama - Student to school counselor ratio: 415:1--- 1,769 counselors to 734,559 students - Employment per 1,000 jobs: 1.99 (0.94 times the . Editorial: Is the State of the Union speech really necessary? Superintendent Michael Douglas says the bathroom bill is addressing a problem that quote "never existed". The new school will be built on the Eastman School site, and the estimated program is 101,000 sq ft. to formulate and construct a 540-student (600-student core) K-8 school. Arndt and J.D. Superintendent Qualifications 5+ years of experience as a Construction Superintendent B.S. IT/Tech. Office of the Superintendent; Advisory Councils. $('span#sw-emailmask-11207').replaceWith(''); Prior to serving as the Chief School Financial Officer, she served as a local school bookkeeper, Internal Auditor, and Accounting Supervisor. Every Student Matters. State figures show Dr. Moore makes $197,685 a year to run a system of 54 schools with 2,900 employees teaching more than 23,000 students. Hopefully theyve done their due diligence since they applied for the position so they know our strengths and weaknesses, Joy said. As the Superintendent of Morgan County Schools, Im here to ensure our students receive the best education possible. She holds a BS in English Education from Mississippi University for Women and a Masters Degree in English from Delta State University. She is an active member of the Beacon Hill Black Alliance, where she serves on the Education Committee. Despite budget cuts, nearly 200 school superintendents in Alabama bring home six figure salaries. Dwight M. Jett, Jr., was elected to the Board in 2000. She currently serves as the Internship Director for the Davis Bozeman Law Firm. Geo resource failed to load. She and her husband Okera Hanshaw have three daughters attending the City Schools of Decatur. Find jobs. It was an amazing team to be a part of the best weve seen in Decatur.. Receive a weekly newsletter every Thursday about restaurant reviews and health ratings in the Decatur area. Wieseman has beenFlorence Middle principal since 2017. I hold a Bachelor's of Science in Elementary Education from Athens State University and a Master of Science from Samford University in Instructional Leadership. }); Carmen Sulton grew up in Decatur and was elected to serve on the Board of Education in 2021. He holds degrees from Mercer University and the University of Alabama. Lets also remember two members of the team who have passed, G.J. Apply Today for Free or Reduced Lunch for the 22-23 School Year. . James runs his own branch of Edward Jones in Decatur. Fax: Email: . Scott Busboom is retiring from radio in Decatur. DECATUR, Ill. (WCIA) High school students in the Decatur Public Schools system can now travel for free on the city's buses at any time of day or night. All rights reserved. Id like to hear their opinions on what we can do to improve our weaknesses, bolster where were strong, and what challenges they see coming down the road.. Before retiring from the classroom in 2019, Jana taught for 8 years at Renfroe Middle School. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Mrs. King has an Associate Degree from Calhoun Community College and completed her studies at Faulkner University where she earned a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree. Fax: Email: He holds degrees from Mercer University and the University of Alabama. DECATUR, AL (WAFF) - Decatur City Schools, like other school systems statewide, is having problems finding teachers in certain disciplines. Email: On April 26, during the district's job fair, school officials will place an emphasis on recruiting teachers with math, science, special education and English-as-a-Second Language certifications. 305 College Street, NE. Jana received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Florida A&M University, a Masters of Arts in Urban Education from Goddard College, and an Education Specialist degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Piedmont College. The Decatur Board of Education is responsible for setting policy and managing the budget for the school district. Don't Threaten. Jana is a veteran educator with 14 years of classroom experience. The Decatur City School System serves over 8,500 students in eighteen schools. Title IX coordinator is Mr. Cliff Booth and can be reached at 256-309-2100. Would you like to receive our daily news?