", [quote]Eric: "Morris, Nate, if you guys live, I want you guys to have whatever you want from my room and the computer room.". He was enrolled in a program for juvenile offenders run by the county court, he was taken to a psychiatrist and given both therapy and medication. I am with R14 and 15. Dylan has been so reclusive. Goodbye. On April 20, 1999, two teenage gunmen kill 13 people in a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, south of Denver. Wayne & Kathy Harris' son is widely seen as the . You're far too stupid to ever see that though. It would drive me insane to have my kids behave like that, but some people are utterly oblivious to the cacaphony and strife being caused by their children. I think those that readily (and outrightly) blame the parents are inclined to do so as to perpetuate some aspect of control, otherwise the shear nature of the case becomes too frightening. I hated her for a few years but its not a clear depiction of the totality of our relationship. The parents of Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, remained in seclusion Wednesday as a global media horde encamped at their houses after the murderous rampage Tuesday at Columbine High School. Tom and I failed to recognize these conditions and to curtail the influences violent entertainment, his friendship with Eric that exacerbated them. Sorry. Dylan was giddy and beaming, all cleaned up for once. R17, would you call yourself more of a Harris or more of a Klebold? Tom had a huge hobby for fixing up BMW's. Sunday, April 25, 1999; Page A8. [quote]No, they hated the gay boys almost as much as they hated the jocks. One young doctor said, "I don't know if you can teach compassion, but you surely can teach the opposite! Now, she spends her time advocating for suicide prevention and mental health services. Dylan Klebold. LITTLETON, Colo., April 24 - The parents of Dylan Klebold, one of the teenage shooters in the Columbine High School massacre, said goodbye to their dead son . "I wonder if there was any homosex between those two.". Tom's surgery was today. In any case, teenagers can be quite unfair to their parents. It just seems all a bit odd. It didn't seem to slow down the ordinary media train. Tom seemed to view Dylan as his best friend/soulmate, at least according to what Sue has told us. The glaring one that Americans seem unable to see is the huge amount of available weapons in the US. "American Tragedy" premieres at the Boston Film Festival on Thursday at 7 p.m. Their teenage son, along with his classmate Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, on April 20, 1999. I think you did an excellent job with this blog post. How can that not bother you? They believe what they want to believe. Tom was a geophysicist, Sue worked with handicapped people. He injured 2 students before his gun jammed and he was arrested. on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020 R16 = Female with daddy issues who doesn't take kindly to unkind remarks toward her fellow twats. (21 at the time). I suppose it's ok to let children scream in restaurants and theaters as well? I read a lot of opinions on Eric and his dad Wayne. But she came to realize the truth was far more troubling. It is actually a lot of conformist bunk to serve the status quo. I can handle them "spending too much time on the killers", but unfortunately I recognize there are too many whackjobs in this country who would just see it as glorification. We've hardly seen him & attempts to engage him have been futile. Do you think Dylans dad could embarrass him as a child in front of other people or humiliate him in other ways that could result in Dylans low self esteem or was Dylan naturally shy? 9-11-1981 -- 17 year old son of Mr. Thomas Klebold (then 52) and Mrs. Susan (Yassenoff) Klebold (then 50), younger brother to Byron (21 at the time). When I was in high school, my mother knew everyone I went, who I associated with, what I read, what I had my room, etc. If I didn't know that I would have done the same. He was one of the teens behind the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999. No, they hated the gay boys almost as much as they hated the jocks. He and his partner Dylan Klebold were responsible for the Columbine High School massacre (1999). Children learn psychopathy from their parents (e.g., the Bushes). Tom is a geophysicist, Sue works with handicapped people. Eric was born in Wichita, Kansas. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. He was fiercely independent, insisting his mother teach him how to bathe himself at the age of 5 or 6, and how to do his own laundry at age 10. Sue Klebold broke down in tears as she remembered the funeral of her son Dylan. I couldn't put the book down, and even though I thought I knew the ending of the story, or at least most of it, I have to admit, the last couple of chapters, specifically the one detailing the Basement Tapes, and the one about what had happened leading up to Harris and Klebold committing suicide were fucking frightening. What happened to them? After sitting and waiting for 13 hours, I just needed to get home. (talks about his mother being thoughtful, bringing him candy and Slim Jims) "I really am sorry about all this. Sue Klebold is the mother of Dylan Klebold. I also agree with R7. Sue and her husband were vehemently opposed, but Dylan still asked for a gun for Christmas his final year. Dylan and Robyn had fun. Dylan Klebold's father, is Lutheran, and said her son . A lot of psychiatry is and has always been about cheap quick labels, rather than an honest analysis of the society in which individuals live. In the days after Dylan Klebold along with Eric Harris shot and killed 12 students and one teacher and then himself at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, his mother, Sue Klebold, remembered . Unfortunately, we only have her word today as to what went on in the home. His parents knew this, though not the extent of it. The couple said they felt under siege after the shooting and never had a chance to grieve for their son. of course, tom has never come out and publicly spoken the way sue has; from my personal observation he seems to be a little more torn up about it than she. Not only would that give us someone to blame (someone still living, unlike Eric and Dylan, who turned their guns on themselves), but it would also allow the psychic distance between x93usx94 and x93themx94 that frightened humans crave. Brooks Brown, now 31 years-old was a senior at Columbine during what was considered to be the worst school shooting in U.S. history. Klebold was depressed and fell under Harris's influence. "This was murder," he said. I go into Target and there are children shrieking like banshees in the shopping cart and the mother never says "Be quite. They crowned a queen, they crowned a king. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 13 people on April 20, 1999, before taking their own lives. They made sure to know who their kids were spending time with, and made sure they knew and felt that they were loved. R71, having seen Patti Lupone shit all over Gypsy, I can assure you, there's a Hell. Eric said his father never asked whether the caller even had the right phone number. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that most serial killers/mass murderers had excessive discipline rather than lenient upbringings. Younger brother to Kevin Harris (21 at the time). crap. I'm sorry, all right. This page is focused on the tragedy as well as its perpetrators so we can try to better understand the psychology and motives behind this horrific event. Jefferson County Public Schools officials have consistently denied that bullying was tolerated or that athletes received special treatment. . That kid was born with some sort of brain injury. additionally, dylan was definitely naturally shy. 04-20-1999 Died. Has anyone seen it who can comment? The problem, Cullen concludes, was that there is almost nothing that can be done to help psychopaths. ", Dylan: (sticks his face in the camera) "Goodbye. Making intentions known ahead of time? His parents were Wayne Harris and his wife Katherine Ann Poole. ", Eric: (shrugs) "My parents might have made some mistakes that they weren't really aware of. The prom was the standard affair. When you think about it, in his journals he didn't have too much positive to say across the board. Dylan Klebold and Ryan Harris killed 13 people at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999. His father, who had been in the military, was strict with Eric, and actions in that house had consequences. Dylan was behaving differently, getting in more trouble, not always acting like himself. I read recently that neither set of parents ever spoke publicly or to the media. . Byron indicated the last time he saw Dylan was on their father's birthday. Bratty kids in Target are not mass murderers in the making. From her comment on her official website, she felt it was disrespectful to focus on the killers when today should be all about the victims. one of their coworkers at blackjack (again, cannot remember the name; most of this is just top of my head knowledge but it was a girl) said that dylan was not close with his dad and even disliked him (something to that effect), also in the 11k. You unterstand. Eric Harris was an American murderer from Wichita, Kansas. It may have hurt him. He deflates a lot of myths surrounding the event. By his junior and senior years, Dylans parents knew something was wrong. And even then we may never uncover the truth. There's a blurb on the back flap comparing the book to Helter Skelter and In Cold Blood, and I thought that was just kind of typical PR purple mumbo-jumbo. In this case, the other shooter played a pivotal role in stoking Dylans rage and allowing him to break out of his own passivity and actually take steps toward the suicide he craved. And then later on, how was he able to conceal his mental state so successfully? Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. M. (2017). It's far more complicated than a matter of discipline. Sue is from a prominent Jewish community . Harris' family eventually settled in Colorado in 1992. Im horrified, Dawn Anna, whose daughter Lauren Townsend was killed at Columbine, told The Associated Press. Answer (1 of 2): His mother has (admirably, if belatedly) committed herself to educating people on how to spot the signs of malignant tendencies in their children in an effort to help separate real danger signs from "normal" teen BS. Adding to the tragedy: Six months after Hochhalter's wounding, her mother, Carla, took her own life. If there is a hell, they are there, burning. (The OP was looking for books on personality mirroring and other techniques sociopaths use). COLUMBINE, pisode 3 : l'impact sur la socit, 3. One particular incident was uncovered where Dylan and Eric (the other shooter) were surrounded by a group, pushed around, called slurs, and had ketchup sprayed on them. They were not the mainstream group. All the bullying stuff is bullshit. Isaiah's father said. A 'Gentle Boy,' His Parents Told Investigators, Klebold Was Enrolled in an Elementary School Program for High Intellectual Potential Students. I worked as a dishwasher, then busboy then waiter in a German-American restaurant years ago when I was growing up. He started getting in trouble, and complained of how certain groups of kids were ruthless bullies, yet the school did nothing to stop them. Eric's dad answered a phone call from Green Mountain Guns. crap, that is what I think of. Eric Harris was a garden variety psychopath, nothing very interesting about him. There are a lot more R&V followers out there than you would think. Really just the gerden variety sociopath stuff? Over time, they became increasingly close, hanging out by often going out bowling, carpooling and playing the video game Doom over a private server connected to their personal computers. The bombing was planned for April 19th, to coincide with the Oklahoma bombing, but for some reason, they were set back to the 20th. I remember Oprah had teachers and students from Columbine on her show within a month of the event. If a kid is screaming endlessy, you remove the child from the area. Another migrant here from the other Columbine thread who's reading Cullen's book--. As I often do, Ill leave the author the last word on why understanding the process her son went through is important: Dylan was vulnerable in many ways unquestionably emotionally immature, depressed, possibly suffering from a more serious mood or personality disorder. Also when I was growing up, people had no qualms about calling a parent and saying "Your little boy Johnny said something really awful to my son today." or "Your little Janey slapped Susey today and she needs to stop doing that." Harris was a sociopath. Too bad a pack of rabid Columbine mommies can't get together and make a punching bag out of her. The Klebolds said their son was set off by the toxic culture of the school, where athletes were worshipped and bullying was tolerated. "some manipulate, like my parents.". The half-Jewish Dylan Klebold is more of a cipher. Hell, Klebold and a bunch of their friends went to the prom the weekend before the killings. Attention was paid. They always have, and unless we can change it (which might be very "Pandora") they always will. . Maybe I'm just feeling too knowledgeable having been re-reading Steve Pinker's "How The Mind Works" recently. He still was the boy his parents joked seemed to be on autopilot (p. 65), but Sue notes that this may have been particularly dangerous in his case. But Sue and her husband didnt know what the signs they were seeing meant. His negative traits werent out of the ordinary either, really: he was very sensitive to embarrassment, which sometimes led to anger; and he was perhaps a little too independent, where he wouldnt ask for help even if he needed it like when he had to take a break from baseball after pains he never mentioned became so bad they caused his arm real damage. Dylan (Klebold) did not do this because of the way he was raised, Susan Klebold told columnist David Brooks in Saturdays editions of The New York Times. Too bad. His father Wayne was a U.S. Air Force transport pilot . To be clear, I'm sure the Klebold's obviously loved their children, but reading Dylan's writings, there was more going on in that home that Sue would say today. They haff come here to haff a nice dinner und a nice time. It would be satisfying to blame the parents. Or, as Eric himself said, quoting Shakespeare, in the farewell video he left for his parents: x93Good wombs have borne bad sons.x94. A place to discuss the massacre that took place at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO on April 20th, 1999. ", Dylan: (interrupts) "We did what we had to do. The goal seems to have been parental appeasement. Parenting is the ultimate denial of responsibility because it is always the OTHER PARENT'S FAULT. "If a person was denying it, he would say, 'One of . Ten years after the Columbine killings, the Harris family has not spoken publicly at all, and the Klebold parents have given one interview, to the columnist David Brooks here at the New York Times. I don't think I can categorize Dylan's relationship with his parents as bad or good, because Dylan was incredibly disturbed teen and clearly had a skewed perception of reality. I'd add that Tom watched the basement tapes and even after seeing them first-hand, stated something to the effect of 'see he didn't want to do it' (I'm paraphrasing here). However, there is credible, tangible, measurable, and repeatable evidence that there are some people, for whatever reason, have their brains wired differently. There's no remorse, no connection to anything we would call human. The next deadliest school shooting (based on fatalities) was the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, with 27 fatalities. How often did they fix things up, was he emotionally available for Dylan? Betty Shoels, Isaiah's aunt, said that "her 18-year-old nephew was a fun-loving athlete who was always smiling, despite feeling out of place as one of the school's few African-American students." . Who is "limiting" the discussion to the brain? Sue Klebold with son Dylan in 1985. Credit: Sue Klebold via Penguin/Random House Tall, slim and graceful (her younger son was a gangly 193 centimetres tall), she is given to direct eye contact . Bit of a warning, it's a PDF file. Dylan kept talking about college, about his future. His parents were Wayne and Katherine. I found this thred on accident and had to comment. But perhaps he/she IS a charter member of the Reb&VoDKa fan club - and you're just going to IGNORE it? My own experience is that my gifted teacher dragged me out of sporting events because they weren't academic enough, encouraged my teachers to assign me extra work that the other kids didn't do, and basically didn't understand teenagers, high school, or what it was like to be ostracized at all. Harris was excelling in classes in the year leading up to the murders. And now she won't show it. He was steady enough on his feet to run, but not to stop himself from losing balance and falling, which he did, forehead-first right into the metal bed frame. Harris and Klebold met at Ken Caryl Middle School during their seventh grade year. She is the mother of Dylan Klebold, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine High School massacre that occurred on April 20, 1999. Sue Klebold, whose son Dylan, 17, went on a shooting rampage with his friend Eric Harris, 18, at their high school in Colorado in 1999, . She didn't do anything that would be perceived as spying. 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I've met members in USA, UK, Norway, Sweden,Germany,Brazil, Chile, Ireland, India and the Bahamas. . Posted February 7, 2011. No one could control him. , What was the deadliest school shooting? I want you to have that fly CD. Dave Cullen, in a radio interview that I've been listening to, is very quick to point out that psychopathy doesn't equate automatically with murder. When I was in high school, i was friends with a guy who very well could have done what those kids did. Any pix of the monster creators? . Sue Klebold decided to speak up now because she wants to tell other parents the signs she missed and what she would do differently. So he called me and offered to go to the school in hopes of negotiating with Dylan. AAron Ontiveroz/the Denver Post via Getty Images "Doctors" can profit, too, financially, when their names are attached to certain "studies.". Read a little more about the case, R28. Sue would later find out through his journals though that by sophomore year he was battling depression and suicidal thoughts. There are a myriad of factors to consider. To me its really hard to determine the quality of a relationship based on how teenagers feel about it. I still think it's easy to place blame on the parents within the context of what happened, but tons of kids are little miscreant assholes who commit petty shit like Eric & Dylan were doing. I don't know if the Klebolds had any inkling at all, but I really don't get the Harrises. I wish the Harris and Klebold parents were rotting in prison right now as a lesson to parents that wash their hands of it and say "not my problem. Both Adam and Dylan seemed to have good relationships with their moms (though Adam actually ended up killing his mother the day of the shooting), both struggled in school (Adam actually switched schools a few times. It's still about management. (p. 277). He was also very close friends with the killers. ". here are some tidbits that might help you with the question. Are any of Robert Hare's books of interest, if you know? People that want to pretend that the parents were just innocent distant bystanders who had no responsibility for anything that happened are repulsive. It is absolutely the parents vault. so it seems that they had a pretty solid relationship from what has been released. I have cousins who did shit like this - what was I supposed to do, call the cops and tell them to search their bedrooms because they might be crazy? I'm just thinking of the argument Sue mentioned in her book where Tom was insisting that Dylan remove his baseball hat before they went for breakfast (during their visit to Arizona State University). I just wanted to apologize to you guys for any crap this might instigate as far as (inaudible) or something. Hail Reb &VoDka!!!!!!!!! I got picked on a lot and dealt with a lot of shit from the "jocks" and the "cool kids." While Id argue that violent media doesnt cause people to act violently if theyre not otherwise inclined, it seems Dylan was vulnerable to the violent games and movies he consumed outside the home. Funny how things cycle.