Since there will be certain types of people choosing to play May vs Axl or Anji vs I-No and btw certain character scarcity also plays a role, atleast for me personally wether i want to play a certain match up at a point in time, we will have certain people dodging certain matchups or favoring others etcetc. The hard knockdown leads into strong okizeme, including OTG c.S into pressure in the corner, though it can be sacrificed in exchange for even more damage with an OTG 6H (useful for closing out rounds). Leo's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. An attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it. Recovery frames which happen under abnormal conditions, such as after landing. Pay attention to this and be less committal with moves at higher Risc values. Its Guard Crush effect also leads to true 50/50 mixups when combined with Blue Roman Cancel, forcing the opponent to guess between either 2K (which will lead to a full combo due to the slowdown) or Wild Throw, as Guard Crush lacks the extra frames of throw protection that regular blockstun has. Baiken has the ability to Hiiragi during your rekka pressure, although this is risky for the Baiken to do and she'll just blow up into a thousand pieces if you delay the rekka. Slow but high reward anti-air that mainly sees use as combo filler. While Gold 6P is wack, if he hits it and cancels it into a Behemoth Typhoon, the Ram is really gonna feel that pain. Ram gets to play neutral as usual due to Faust not having a strong answer to, This all being said, Faust gets a bit more quirky once he has meter. Guard crushes on block, leaving Sol at a significant frame advantage and greatly increasing the opponent's R.I.S.C. Mirror Match Midrange R.P.S and Basic Mirror Match Counterplay. Character Strategy pages generally have at least some basic counter-strategy. Knocks opponent away on hit, Counter Hit gives a hard knockdown. Worst Match. Its +3 frame advantage, wealth of frame trap cancel options, low pushback and especially its significant R.I.S.C. Only 100 matches per match-up. Due to her poor anti-air game and amazing air game, air approaches are used to move around more freely and punish frugal usage of pokes and H Kabari. Sometimes you can CH the delay as she's right in front of you or you may both may trade. What does the symbols of / and /bet symbolize in a dream? Includes first active frame. Apart from this, Ram plays a slightly better neutral than Leo and doesn't have to struggle much against him. If you land 6S on the first active frame, the remaining duration is the same whether you cancel into Gun Flame (Feint) or not, so doing so allows you to build more Tension and pull your hurtbox back, rendering the move more difficult to punish in neutral. Trying doing a grounded approach via dash blocking to get in because he has very solid reward off of his anti airs. Only occurs if the first hit successfully connected. Sol's faster strike invincible reversal. Sol launches significantly higher than Volcanic Viper, making him very punishable on whiff or ground block. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Arc System Works or any other developers whose games are featured on this site. You don't like characters with highly interactive pressure. Pot's worst matchups are almost certainly Zato-1 and Axl. Sol's slower but more powerful strike invincible reversal. You can cancel into this after causing Wall Stick with a normal to build a little bit of Tension and still Wall Break with your attack of choice, as it recovers fast enough that Fafnir can still end the combo. He is playing guilty gear and the other characters are playing strive. Since Hiiragi can punish a lot of her blockstrings, threaten it and force them to structure their offense differently. If the knee attack connects while the opponent is airborne, Sol can drop the follow-up for much stronger okizeme or link into 5K to extend combos. May's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. GIJ&IK - Desktop. Ram has to respect Gold a lot because with just one HKD she's in danger of losing the entire round. Sol Badguy; Giovanna; . Sol Badguy - 4.8. Thanks to its lack of proration, it is easily Sol's strongest starter. Here's how you can play Anji Mito in Guilty Gear Strive. Pay attention to the opponent's meter to determine when to be wary of YouzansenGuard:HighStartup:9Recovery:Landing+7Advantage:-14 (TK) in her mixup. His fast normals and DP can give Ram some trouble even when she does get him to block, and Chipp himself can have some really scary mixups in the right situations. Has the shortest total duration of any of Sol's grounded normals and also hits crouching opponents, making it useful for stuffing slower pokes when approaching at closer ranges. His best poke is 5P/2P at 31/34 frames. For Example: 2369 for a j.236 input. Thanks to her high movement speed and large buttons, Ram is generally difficult to zone. Holding any upward direction during the hitstop of a raw, charged Dust Attack on hit will activate Homing Jump: Initiating a Homing Jump will put the opponent into a unique air combo state, resulting in an Area Shift. If she does the follow up right after, she'll frame trap your mash, if she delays it, she can either go right through you which will leave you advantageous due to Baiken being in endlag. This forces you to either find your opponents habits or keep your pressure very tight, leaving little gaps. Ya I was watching SQ (top ram player) stream and someone asked her about Ram vs. Pot and she jokingly said "Potemkin wins 100-0" then was like "realistically it's probably close but comes down to the players and match up knowledge". This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 20:20. Almost always abbreviated to TK. But regardless, here it is: Strive Tier-List Based on Average Win Rate against the entire cast: Full Match-Up Chart with legend on right: Methodology:I searched for the match-up I wanted in replay mode, and scrolled through the list by pressing Right to jump ahead. Telegraphing orange glow appears Frame 4, and reaches full brightness on Frame 5. Legend. Potempkin is somewhat similar to May, bodying lower tiers but losing to all the top tiers, thus being so low. Do one of 3 things on reaction during a forward empty hop: FD if there's a Rensen below you so that Up-Rensen isn't plus after it pulls you to Axl, Air dash or land and dash if you jumped over a winter mantis/2H, Block a 6K/2S/5P, get pushed back a bit, and reset. Giovanna vs Happy Chaos Matchup Knowledge. by 25% before applying R.I.S.C. Ideal combo ender and potential extender. Sol matchup chart. Bounces higher on Counter Hit, allowing the follow-up Night Raid Vortex to combo into c.S rather than 5K or 2K. Business as usual but just make sure you stay aware of Testament being able to use. Can be used when fighting extremely distant and defensive opponents to build Tension, though the amount built is too small to mean much unless it's spammed multiple times. High-level replays may also be found in-game (Main Menu > Collection > Replay > Search). Its start-up and travel distance increases the longer S is held. While the round start can feel Baiken favored, you can bait out her Far Slash and play around her 2H. This makes pressure that isnt the primary mixup incredibly risky as not only does parry punish these strings, but attempting to counter it leaves her vulnerable to her 4 frame 5P as an AbareAn attack during the opponent's pressure, intended to interrupt it.. Every knockdown is a Strike Throw situation due to parry and Tatami Gaeshi safejumps are the safest way to start the primary mixup. Essentially, by running the matchup data through the code that he wrote, you can get a projection of how much each character should be expected to be played in that game's meta. Ending a combo with it allows for a safe jump setup (backward jump j.P into air dash j.H). Vote for Leo's tiers . As this is Sol's fastest grounded overhead, 5D is needed to threaten the opponent with high/low mix-ups. Combos into 5H as far as near max range or 2H at close range. Agree or Disagree, but these are my thoughts rig. Baiken has powerful defensive abilities, mostly attributed to Hiiragi and her 5P. Slow start-up makes it difficult to use in scaled combos, particularly mid-screen. Giovanna is the game's easiest rushdown character to use, even for Guilty Gear . Anji has an array of frametraps and mixups to open up Baiken on defense, but is weak to HiiragiGuard:Startup:1Recovery:32Advantage:. Try to keep Axl locked down as tight as possible as any escape will lead to more RPS in neutral which can end badly for Baiken. Combos directly into c.S, though 5K should be used instead if the forward movement doesn't bring Sol close enough for c.S or the gravity is too severe. Knocks opponent away and causes slight ground bounce on air hit. Either way, the opponent will be pushed away. Cannot Roman Cancel unless the opponent is in hitstun or blockstun. Credit: Arc System Works. Slower than 5P and 5K, but hits lower to the ground. Hits overhead, but is very reactable. Hard knockdown on ground hit or Counter Hit. Extremely powerful combo tool in the corner thanks to its high damage, good scaling, and wall bounce. * Proration: Forced 75%. The attack launches higher and deals more damage at full charge, launching even higher on Counter Hit. Dustloop Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to games developed by Arc System Works. Score - Sum of match-up values for this character. You're gonna be guessing a lot since as Nago makes you block a normal, he can always just special cancel and decide to either be safe or plus. Most things Leo does round start loses to Ram's. It doesn't matter if she bodies all the lower tiers if she loses to the top tiers. This attack is Sol's best point to use Roman Cancels in most combos. He doodled me and a friend as if we were Sol and Ky from Guilty Gear Strive. Thanks Daisuke. If Sol guardpoints through a strike, the opponent will be stuck in hitstop while Sol continues to move, making it next to impossible for them to escape if they're on the ground. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: An enemy Baiken's Tether will not act the same in combos as your own tether, the pull is not as strong as it would be normally, so adaptation is required to capitalize on the tether's abilities. It is integral to watch for Chaos' bullet amount and concentration, as they are extremely important to his gameplan. Data in [] represents values on Clean Hit (All versions). Damage changes with each set of 8 active frames. It loses to throws, so try to only use it if the opponent isn't at point blank range. The meaning of the symbols of / and /bet seen in a dream. The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in hitstun. Yo, I did the same:, I have slightly different data, but this could be tipping errors. In the case of 2H, this is faster than letting the move recover by itself. If Anji has 50 Tension, Kachoufuugetsu KaiGuard:Startup:Recovery:Total 40Advantage: becomes a large threat in pressure as the counter can potentially be done as a prediction to reckless cancelling of normals into H Kabari on reaction. This can be exploited by air-dashing and immediately cancelling into Faultless Defense, to trick the Axl into spending his meter while keeping Baiken safe. Popularity. They are still quite awful on whiff however, and proper baiting of moves like Nago's, Keep an eye on his blood! Has much better range than the animation implies, enough to hit from round start. In the corner, you can also link into dash 5K for big meterless damage. Battle Version 2.04Rankings shown are current rankings as at the time of video upload.#ggst #strive #guiltygear #g. Use this to break the wall if Fafnir won't combo in time and the opponent is at ground level. Furthermore, 6P special cancels on block which will let you start running your pressure. Giovanna: Although she's a rushdown character, she feels less threatening than other rushdowns. Guilty Gear Strive is the latest entry into a more than two-decade old franchise, . Vote for tiers. Worst Match. His pokes are good on block but have enough recovery that one whiff is usually enough to close the gap. Edit:I forgot to mention. Competent neutral and approach tools that get even stronger with meter. Axl just doesn't get as much leeway in neutral because the range she can start threatening him is much larger than most other characters. In the corner or on Counter Hit against an airborne opponent, following up 6P with the first hit of Bandit Revolver can link into 5K for a full combo. Sol Nascente also serves as a risky poke thats usefulness is often matchup-dependent, but in the right scenarios is able to beat out many high/air options with its frame 1 low profile and large vertical . Zato-1 - 4.7. Sol's primary pressure tool, and flexible combo starter. I-No - 19. Hits twice. Happy Chaos and Ramlethal both share a deep connection, that being that you simply have to endure the rest on the match suffering in a corner as you hold this mix. Her speed and range just make it very difficult for Faust to ever get the space he wants to set up for items. An offensive technique where the attacker leaves a small opening in their offense, goading the defender into performing an attack. This is also Sol's optimal corner combo ender after causing a Wall Stick thanks to its high damage, single hit nature. Both hits are air jump and air dash cancelable. Guilty Gear Strive is a fighting video game developed and published by Arc System Works.It is the seventh mainline installment of the Guilty Gear series, and the 25th overall. With his own parry and Autoguard properties on his specials, Anji presents a unique threat to Baiken's normal gameplan, Overview | Frame data | Matchups | Strategy Return to Top, Frame Data Counterstrategy Reverse Matchup Videos. Good for frame traps as most light normals can cancel into it and immediate cancels leave a very small gap in blockstun. However, as it hits the floor and is lower commitment, it still has its place as a poke when compared to 2S, allowing Sol to check low-profile attacks with less risk of whiff punishment. He's too fast, period. Ramlethal is a top character in Justin Wong's Guilty Gear Strive tier list. Guilty Gear -Strive-Anji. Millia bottom 3. If the first hit connects at close proximity, the second hit will Clean Hit, dealing even more damage and making it highly potent at overpowering Guts to end rounds. Compared to 6P, its hurtbox is a bit taller, but a raw 2D is safer if there's a chance of it being blocked. Our Guilty Gear Strive leaderboards are designed to give players an overview of what a duel feels like in GGST and give you a good idea of what players are using to win battles in the current version of the game. Day diff. 5H has moderate horizontal range and a surprisingly tall vertical hitbox, but it shouldn't be used as an anti-air as it is very unsafe on whiff. It's even possible to perform a safe jump after hitting Bandit Bringer on an airborne opponent by doing a forward jump IAD into delay j.S. Be ready to jump! Ramlethal does have really high reward off successful hits, more so than Millia, though she will struggle to get those hits more than any other matchup, except possibly Chipp. Don't take this seriously. Don't know if I just sucked at the game, but playing as Zato vs Axl was a fucking nightmare. You can actually beat Leo's guard point stance with a grab or low (the low will cause a counterhit). It's obviously subject to change, but right now, what are the matchups that you most struggled with. Dashing forward in small increments to force Anji into Hiiragi or 5P Abare range is also recomended. Used to call out opponents who make predictable jump-ins or keep chicken blocking. Arc System Work's Guilty Gear Strive released this past June, and while players are still learning the plenty of nuanced mechanics the game offers, certain characters are already rising above the rest.. However, the short range of the first hit, the high knockback of the second, and the forced Wall Break in the corner makes this difficult mid-screen and impossible in the corner. The amount of Tension gained when the move is input. On a ground hit, it combos directly into 2D for a hard knockdown or a follow-up combo. Combos into 6S against crouching opponents for both better damage and a knockdown. Make sure you keep Zato at bay with your strong pokes and go for the throat after you take out Edwin. Roman Cancels allow this attack to continue into further pressure or convert into a combo without charging it. Here's how to play Goldlewis Dickinson well in Guilty Gear Strive. Press J to jump to the feed. Combos into Aerial Volcanic Viper or Aerial Bandit Revolver for more damage and a swift knockdown. Upward swipe that hits overhead pretty quickly. The opposite of hoping your main will be buffed, ________ thinking. Games With its stylish visuals, unique characters, and complex mechanics, Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 is a game that rewards dedication and skill. Worst Match. Has the longest horizontal range amongst all his normals, very fast start-up, and high damage but also has poor vertical range, long recovery on whiff, is very unsafe on block, and cannot be special canceled. It can clip him which puts him into a stagger state, allowing Ram to get in. It's a better idea to play more passive and to let her come to you, forcing her to commit to something you can punish. If anyone else here is interested in this, please check out the code Alex Jaffe wrote here: Anyways, running the code on my own, this is the chart that I got from it: (Sorry in advance for the axis labels!). Corner combo staple, and Sol's only disjointed air button. Baiken threatens her own offense heavily with HiiragiGuard:Startup:1Recovery:32Advantage:, meaning blockstrings that normally go unpunished such as 2D-Tatami Gaeshi and c.s-2H are now vulnerable to parry. SOL; Balance KY; Balance MAY; Long Range AXL; High Speed CHIPP; Power Throw POTEMKIN; Unique FAUST; High Speed MILLIA; Technical ZATO; Shooting RAMLETHAL; Balance LEO; One Shot NAGORIYUKI; Rush GIOVANNA; Balance ANJI; Rush I-NO; Power GOLDLEWIS; Technical Jack-O' Shooting HAPPY CHAOS; Balance BAIKEN; Balance TESTAMENT; Balance BRIDGET; Rush SIN Overview | Frame data | Matchups | Strategy Return to Top. This is Sol's only fully invincible reversal, but the first hit has poor range and the entire attack is unsafe on block or whiff. Despite what the animation implies, it can hit certain crouching opponents. Just try to turtle with FD and let him slowly back off via the block pushback. Axl's fastest Abare option is his 2K, which also has a generous low profile that can duck under Baiken's f.S, so keep a close eye on that move and pay attention to when and where they use that button. When a character's hurtbox is entirely beneath an opponent's attack. How much R.I.S.C. Much like with Gun Flame, Fafnir can carry dash momentum to increase its range. Sol stabs downward with his sword. He doesn't do great in average win chance, but because he does so well against Sol (according to the data) and goes even against Chipp, he moves up a bit. Sol Badguy is the protagonist of the Guilty Gear series and Ky Kiske's rival. Roman Cancels can be used to combo after it connects for even more damage. When he whiffs something like, Business as usual, watch out for Nago doing. The character whose not only not bad but good, it's Sol Badguy! Low hitting disjoint used to help control neutral. Axl will likely attempt to reset to neutral over extending pressure sequences. Battle Version 2.04#ggst #strive #guiltygear #guiltygearstrive #matchups #ggst_br #ggst_so A grounded attack that hits the opponent out of the air, Link to Gun Flame (Feint) Special Cancel Table, This is a very small sample size, so should be taken with a big spoon of salt. This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 04:05. Hes the best overall balanced character in this game vs the rest of the cast. This is because she loses to Sol and Chipp, two of the best characters in the game. But some people in support of -STRIVE-welcomed lowered difficulty barrier for newbies (in the series . Significantly slower than an uncharged 5D, making it easier to react to. Leads into Bandit Revolver on hit from just about any range aside from the very tip (in which case the second hit can still be used to take a knockdown), which can then be Red Roman Canceled for more damage. As Ram, you might have to rely on faster normals to avoid his spin, but. While he does do an obscene amount of damage off the right hits, and while he can call her out in neutral, Ram generally has the upper hand. For Example: 2369 for a j.236 input. Win rate. - Difference between the tier scores from today and . Sol Badguy; People just love playing as Sol. However, Testament can get positive bonus easier in theory due to high conversion ability due to stain state and, Testament has two strong ways to stop Ram from jumping out of the corner with. When not spending Tension for a follow-up combo, it's often a better idea to do a normal ground throw for slightly less damage to keep the corner and get a better knockdown. Vote for Sol Badguy's tiers . It's not reliable to try going for these though. Dustloop focuses on the competitive elements of these games, and provides instructional content aimed at helping players improve. Concerns: 12,000 matches is a fuck-tonne and took way too long, but it's actually a super tiny number. I don't have time to do any Eddie setups at all, he's rushing me down 24/7, and taking advantage of Zato's weak defense (as . At max range, Pot can play at the mid range effectively due to his big buttons like f.S and 5H. Brings Sol close while being plus on block, making it a powerful pressure tool which can also build the opponent's R.I.S.C Level very quickly and very easily. Vote for Ramlethal's tiers . Ram gets strong punishes on both block and startup due to its generally risky nature, being -17 on block. Instead, it should be used to control the air, as it easily allows Sol to continue pressure if the opponent air blocks it, and may score stray hits due to its long active frames. With the right autoguard triggers, Anji Mito can make explosive plays to punish a foe's advance. On air hit, it floats the opponent for a reliable juggle. Vote for tiers. Standard Ramlethal offense works fine here. Floating crumple on ground hit: Total 28F (airborne 1~11F, standing 12~28F, can block 19~28F). While Gold can start enforcing chip pressure off a HKD, he's not going to be able to push you to the corner as easily as Ram can meaning that his midscreen reward is slightly less favorable than Ram's. Wall bounces airborne opponents in the corner. Here's how you can play Anji Mito in Guilty Gear Strive. Vote for tiers. Testie has a deceptively good j.H jump in that Ram needs to keep an eye out for. Baiken presents threatening abilities to counteract her own playstyle. If you get knocked down and she sets up a Yo-Yo, you'll have to hold the mix. During a Homing Jump, canceling any normal into the same normal during hitstop will activate a Finish Blow. Gun Flame is plus on block if it hits meaty or at a range, making it a strong pressure and okizeme tool. Try to get Axl to whiff. Accompanied by a wolf spirit called Rei, Giovanna is an officer in the special operations unit that protects the President of the United States. Useful for mashing without releasing the input for crouch blocking. Launches opponent and switches sides on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. Weird that I'd have them exactly reversed. Ram plays in about the same ranges and spaces Ky plays, but she does it better. Can be done out of a dash to let Sol slide closer to the opponent as the projectile moves forward, making it easier for him to utilize the plus frames of a late hit Gun Flame. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. Guilty Gear -Strive-. Its fast speed and quick recovery make it a strong poke at mid range, though to be used with caution as it can easily be low profiled by some preemptive options, such as most 2K normals. 5P, 6K, and 2S are large anti-air moves that control the airspace very well. Ground bounces on hit, hard knockdown upon landing. The recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before he may perform another action, even blocking. Sol also boasts a set of versatile defensive moves that complement universal defensive mechanics. Sol Badguy's Guilty Gear Strive tier match ups. A flying knee which can be followed-up with a spin kick. Used to contest an opponent's air approach or to open up opponents with a fast overhead after doing a delayed air dash. Has high damage and incredible disjointed range, albeit with somewhat slow start-up. Character Win rate Total usage; 25 %: 16: . Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 is a fast-paced, anime-style fighting game that has captured the hearts of many gamers around the world. And Axl is the only one I have a decent chance of beating if I bump into a level 600 one. Its vertical range and fast recovery makes it a low risk anti-air, and in some cases is more useful than 5K, being easier to utilise on Counter Hit for short burst damage conversions into Clean Hit Volcanic Viper. Alternatively, you can cancel into 6S for a frame trap, although 6S will lose to 3 frame attacks and trade with 4 frame attacks. Hits twice. On Counter Hit, confirming to Bandit Revolver will allow Sol to link to 5K for a follow-up combo. Concerns:12,000 matches is a fuck-tonne and took way too long, but it's actually a super tiny number. This can be caused by crouching, certain moves, and being short. Goldlewis player: PROMOTE May and Millia! Keep in mind that while this Overdrive cannot be blocked, it also cannot be canceled into or used during a combo. Remember that the longer you block, the higher the Risc gauge will be, which in turn makes any stray hit from Axl do a ton more damage. Pay close attention to how much Axl is committing to that button and counterattack.