GPB Private Placement Investors Continue to File Fraud Lawsuits Against Broker-Dealers. GPB Capital Holdings (GPB) purportedly invests in (among other industries) waste management and automobile dealership businesses. Fax Line: 718-254-7508. Chicago, DallasFort Worth, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Bernardino-Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, TampaSt. Highline currently oversees on GPB's behalf all day-to-day functions of the Partnership and its subsidiaries, including management of all underlying assets, human capital, accounting and financial reporting, and operations pursuant to a Management Services Agreement ("MSA"). For the last two years, GPB Capital Holdings investors have received a continuous flow of bad news about their investments, and Haselkorn & Thibaut has filed a GPB Capital lawsuit has filed numerous GPB Capital lawsuits (in the form of FINRA arbitration claims) nationwide for investors in an effort to successfully assist those investors in recovering their losses and damages. GPBS INABILITY TO HIRE A THIRD-PARTY VALUATION SERVICE PROVIDER & WHAT IT MEANS. Sort by manufacturer, model, year, price, location, sale date, and more. In March 2017, Ascendant Alternative Strategies registered as a broker-dealer with the Securities & Exchange Commission and FINRA. After over a year, investors are still left asking what were those perceived risks and what exactly does it mean to investors if they fell outside of the auditors internal risk tolerance? Brokers and financial advisors also have a responsibility to conduct an investigation. The company is a New York based alternative asset management firm that is believed to have raised 1.8 billion dollars in capital for several funds. GPB is in the final stages of interviewing replacements. Similarly, did it becomes unsuitable for the investor over time? We simply dont have enough information as yet to hazard a guess as to which it is, but its clear that there are investigations going on that will answer that question. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. The business address is 33 E 33rd St Rm 807, New York, NY 10016. Another problem presents itself. The narrative prosecutors can present about Cohn would be damning in front of a jury. I spent several hours last night poring over the ADV and reviewing Jeffs post. SSEK Law Firm has filed stockbroker fraud claims against firms such as Kalos Capital, Arkadios Capital, Money Concepts Capital, Ameriprise, Triad Advisors, and many others on behalf of investors who purchased private placements in one of GPB Capital Holdings many funds. This latest ADV shows GPBs Regulatory Assets Under Management (RAUM) as $238,637,198. If we rely upon the June 2020 ADV number of $238,637,198, GPB Capital Holdings incurred a mind-blowing ~$861 million loss in one year. This leads to our next point: 4. That is a 45.2% plunge. 83 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<59DCC3A806417C4191C61B35B149CCA1><6EB6B510CB9F6C47B18587E9308D851C>]/Index[62 37]/Info 61 0 R/Length 103/Prev 104519/Root 63 0 R/Size 99/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Manhasset, New York, John Marzulli JOHN DEERE S180 For Sale at 3. In truth, a significant portion of GPBs distributions were paid directly from investor funds. Like the other non-Scientology lawyers who work in the Scientology orbit, some of Michael Emanuels work will consist of lining up deck chairs on the Titanic; which is to say David Gentile hired the best lawyer he could find given GPBs present state of chaos. GPB Capital gave this number when they were at their peak and were promoting themselves as the hottest private equity fund in town as were their broker-dealers who were getting obscene commissions averaging about 8%.

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Volkswagen of America is suing GPB Capital/Prime Automotive group. This is because investments like GPB are very risky. Highline, which manages the day-to-day operations of GPB Capital's sponsored partnerships, negotiated the sale with BPOC. This speaks to the role Mike Frosts company Austin Lake Technologies plays within the GPB Capital scheme: Describe any other investment-related business activities conducted from this office location:AUSTIN LAKE TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY SHARES OFFICE SPACE WITH ADVISER PERSONNEL. This site uses cookies. GPB served as the general partner of several investment funds, including GPB Holdings, LP (Holdings I), GPB Holdings II, LP (Holdings II), GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP (Automotive Portfolio), GPB Waste Management, LP (Waste Management) and GPB Cold Storage, LP (Cold Storage) (collectively, the GPB Funds). Cohn maintains that he never disclosed such information with anyone at GPB. As an investor, you may want to begin by reviewing the basic information and records that you have in your files, including your emails, correspondence, account statements, and signed agreements, or other written materials.

{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What Should GPB Capital Investors Do? (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware 000-56285 35-2484347 (State or other . Conversely, a jury of Cohns peers particularly those who have been financially crippled by the pandemic would not look kindly upon a white collar criminal who allegedly broke the law to take a $400,000 salary. Suddenly, however, David Gentile apparently needs to pay two outside companies in order to help him get out of bed in the morning. Assistant United States Attorneys Lauren Howard Elbert, Artie McConnell and Garen Marshall are in charge of the prosecution. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 271 Cadman Plaza East

"about": [

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As of March 2019, the firm is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The taxpayer number is #32079004860. between the end of 2017 and June 2019from $434M in AUM to $196.3M. GPB Capital Holdings LLC - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg Markets Bloomberg Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and. 4A. The company had been tasked with auditing one of the GPB private placement funds, Armada Waste Management. GPB Capital Holdings: Court-Appointed Monitors Report on Q4 2022 Activities. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Finally, there are practical considerations in cases where investors are aware of losses and potential claims but choose to delay taking action. Highline Management, Inc. (Highline) was formed in January 2020 to assume the day to day duties and responsibilities of GPB with respect to the management of the business affairs, operations and financial reporting of the various limited partnerships sponsored by GPB as well as the Portfolio Companies. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for January 2021. Readers can scroll down to the bottom of this article to read the Managed Funds Associations short precis on understanding RAUM. GPB Capital Holdings (?GPB?) Unfortunately, when investors failed to be paid, GPB argued that the returns/income would be distributed based on the partnerships performance. Specifically, Gentile and Schneider, both individually and through employees at Ascendant, represented to investors in Holdings I, Holdings II and Automotive Portfolio that the GPB funds would make a monthly distribution payment to investors that would be fully covered by funds from operations, meaning that the companies purchased by the funds would be sufficiently profitable for the monthly payments to be made from the companies cash flow, without drawing from capital raised by investors. The Monitor says: "Based on the results of the work that my team has performed over the past 60 days, and following consultations with the . Nearly a year after he was charged with obstruction of justice, Michael Cohn, the former Chief Compliance Officer of GPB Capital Holdings, has pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor crime of theft of government property. GPB told prospective investors that it would purchase, among other assets, income-producing auto dealerships and waste management businesses with capital from investors, promising them 8% returns . }}
The structural complexities of GPB Capital Holdings; its funds and sub-funds; and hundreds of bank accounts will be unraveled in due course by regulators and, hopefully, prosecutors. The loss was never explained by GPB Capital Holdings in any way. 169825 | New York | Last Form ADV Filed on 31 Mar 2022 | Registration: SEC Similar Firms ESTANCIA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC $515.6M (+43.00%) DECATHLON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT II, LLC $400.1M ELM RIDGE MANAGEMENT, LLC $212.2M (+0.00%) GCA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC $74.98M BULLDOG INVESTORS, LLP $454.2M (+25.00%)

"headline": "GPB Capital Lawsuit: GPB Holdings Ponzi Scheme",

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As reported by Law360 last week, Mr. Cohn is presently seeking a bench trial: Law360 (August 10, 2020, 2:43 PM EDT) A former compliance examiner accused of stealing information from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission sought a rare criminal bench trial over prosecutors objections on Monday, saying it is the only way to hold a speedy trial during the pandemic Cohn argued that his constitutional right to a speedy trial and due process of law is impaired by the ongoing delay.. GPB Capital SEC Monitor Update as of November 2021 In November 2021, the Court-appointed monitor submitted its quarterly report. , Highline Management Inc., which was set up earlier this year, is now overseeing the firms business affairs. As alleged, the defendants misrepresented the holdings of GPB Capital through deceptive marketing practices, luring investors with promises of monthly distributions that would be covered by funds from the investments and not drawn from underlying invested capital. The same is true of a valuation. The defendants were arrested today, and Gentile will appear this afternoon in federal court in Boston, Massachusetts, Schneider will appear in federal court in Austin, Texas, and Lash in federal court in Fort Myers, Florida. On the other hand, GPB may have created a convenient Catch-22 for itself when it writes, GPB policy requires the use of a valuation provider to support its Valuation Committee in determining appropriate valuation and assets under management. This policy requirement, along with GPBs inability to do something as simple as hiring a third-party Valuation Service Provider during 2019, allows GPB to refrain from stating a real value of its holdings. Professional firms do not engage in this type of activity. The SEC has filed documents in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York arguing that an independent monitor be appointed to oversee GPB Capital Holdings after earlier this month the SEC charged GPB Capital and three of its executives with operating a Ponzi-like scheme that raised . I seem to recall reading that some of the investors either were promised or actually got distributions starting immediately after contributing. Kirkland & Ellis, LLP served as legal advisor and Houlihan Lokey Capital, Inc. served as financial advisor, respectively, to BPOC in connection with the transaction. OK Skip to main content Skip to navigation Compliance Week {

GPB also openly complains of the high costs to become compliant: In another paragraph, GPBs Brochure Part 2 quite openly describes the self-dealing and conflicts of interest inherent in the deliberately-constructed relationship between GPB Capital, Ascendant Alternative Strategies, and Ascendant Capital: The document further states, GPBs Founder and Chief Executive Officer, is an indirect minority owner of AAS (but not Ascendant Capital). Jefferies LLC acted as financial advisor and Skadden . Even more shocking was when investors couldnt sell their GPB Capital funds.

{"@type": "Thing", "name": "GBP", "sameAs": ""},

Investors that are worried about investing in a Ponzi scheme should consult a third-party investment lawyer. This has serious implications. This comes after the change of the CEO, an additional lawsuit by the former CEO, and the arrest of GPBs Compliance officer for obstruction of justice. According to InvestmentNews, Highline Management Inc., which was set up earlier this year, is now overseeing the firms business affairs.
5. Any proposed material corporate transactions by GPB and/or Highline Management, Inc. ("Highline"), the GPB Funds or the Portfolio Companies, or any other proposed material corporate transactions as the Monitor may, in the Monitor's sole discretion, deem appropriate. This has serious implications. Usually, its not hard to guess at whats at the heart of a fund falling apart, but there are so many different things apparently going on here that its really impossible to tell, and its impossible to predict how things will turn out, other than being certain that theyll end badly for investors. The governments case is being handled by the Offices Business & Securities Fraud Section. Financial advisors and brokers have legal and regulatory responsibilities to adhere to the rules and regulations of the securities industry. How many securities arbitration cases have you actually tried during the past 30 years? The SEC charged investment adviser GPB Capital Holdings and three executives with defrauding over 17,000 retail investors in a Ponzi-like scheme that raised over $1.7 billion on Thursday. Brokers and financial advisors selling GPB investments are believed to have received more than $165 million in commissions. The case is currently delayed because of the coronavirus.

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Gentile and Schneider were aware that the GPB Funds were underperforming, and authorized repeated distribution payments that used investor funds to cover income shortfalls, to the obvious detriment of investors. HQ Phone (212) 235-2650 Company GPB Capital Rob Chmiel Current Workplace GPB Capital Location 535 W 24th St Fl 6, New York, New York, 10011, United States Description Read More Industry Venture Capital & Private Equity Finance Discover more about GPB Capital Org Chart - GPB Capital Rob Chmiel Interim Chief Executive Officer Phone Email Phone Email The GPB Capital Holdings Brochure of August 12, 2020 confirms that Highline Management, Inc. has taken over the daily operations of GPB: ` BZ WELDING Farm Equipment Auction Results. For brokers and financial advisors with a strong financial incentive to recommend clients invest in GPB, the question is often whether the broker-dealer firm properly and adequately reviewed the investment, properly approved it as a potential new product and whether or not the individual financial advisor performed his or her due diligence properly to determine that the investment was suitable at the time it was recommended. Pa. 18-cv-01826. As was widely reported, Cohn was charged with felony obstruction of justice related to his employment at GPB Capital Holdings. The primary cause of the decline is the continued struggles of Armada's New York . This Office is committed to ensuring honesty and integrity in the management of investment funds.. Tom Hawkins worked for AutoNation in the past. %PDF-1.5 % Myrianthopoulos was previously employed as CFO at Soligenix Inc. (formerly named Dor Biopharma). Of course, one can easily see the highly negative results David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology have produced by adherence to Hubbards policies. Given the Gentile-Schneider undisclosed and bad faith architecture of paying excessively high commissions, paying themselves excessive fees at every step of the way, and failing to disclose their self-dealing and numerous conflicts of interests, we think there is a case to be made that GPB Capital was inherently fraudulent from the beginning. GPB Automotive Portfolio, LP. Browse our inventory of new and used HIGHLINE XL-W5 For Sale near you at If you purchased GPB and you have realized or unrealized investment losses, you should consult an attorney. TORONTO, March 2, 2023 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU), the global financial technology platform that makes TurboTax, Credit Karma, QuickBooks, and Mailchimp, along with Highline Beta, a venture studio and venture capital firm, announced today the 2023 cohort of the Intuit Prosperity Accelerator: Toronto. Access additional case information on PACER Use the links below to access additional information about this case on the US Court's PACER system. This statement concerning other investment-related business activities conducted at GPB Capital Holdings office in Austin, Texas. GPB Capital paid Ascendant Alternative Strategies and Ascendant Capital millions of dollars in connection with marketing GPB Capital funds and in connection with acquisitions made by GPB Capital. Michael Emanuels name is no longer listed on Stroocks website, but it is listed on GPB Capitals most recent ADV dated August 12, 2020: The document shows Emanuel acquired his title in August 2020.

{"@type": "Organization", "name": "FINRA", "sameAs": ""},

Ascendant Capital began as a branch office of a New York-based broker-dealer but in 2017 became a branch office of the Gentile-owned broker-dealer Ascendant Alternative Strategies, LLC (Ascendant Alternative Strategies). In other words, innocent people would have to surrender their distributions, even if they have to dig deep to do so because it was money they lived on. GPB is under investigation by the Financial Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and several states and/or local regulatory agenci" }} ,

Recover your GPB Holdings losses by calling us 1 800 856 3352 for a free consultation.

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Proposed material corporate transactions by GPB and Highline Management, which oversees the alternative asset firm's business affairs; Any credit extension not in line with regular business; Key business strategy changes, as well as compensation modifications involving a GPB executive, affiliate, or party related to Highline Management or GPB; After purportedly sharing this data during job interviews with GPB Capital, Cohn resigned from the SEC and accepted a $400,000 a year position as GPBs Chief Compliance Officer. Sort by manufacturer, model, year, price, location, sale date, and more. Attorney Michael Emanuel is the new General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer for GPB Capital Holdings. With redemptions suspended, all of the GPB Funds plunging in value, no statements provided over the value of their private placementsthat is, if they are worth anything at allinvestors are turning to the brokerage firms and their registered representatives that sold them these investments to recover their losses. Page 1 of 1. If you invested in any of the following funds, contact our securities fraud lawyers today for your free case consultation. Main Office A former AutoNation car guy is now on the Board of Highline Management Inc. As stated in the Massachusetts complaint against GPB: Ascendant Capital is wholly-owned by Gentiles business partner Jeffry Schneider. About 60 broker-dealers made more than $167M in commissions from selling GPB private placements. 7. Seth D. DuCharme, Acting United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and William F. Sweeney, Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (FBI), announced the charges. TORONTO, March 02, 2023 -- ( BUSINESS WIRE )--Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ: INTU), the global financial technology platform that makes TurboTax, Credit Karma, QuickBooks, and Mailchimp, along with Highline . GPB Capital has many hundreds of bank accounts under its purview. Highline Management Inc., which manages the day-to-day operations of GPB Capital's sponsored partnerships, negotiated the . That is a 45.2% plunge. Highland Management Group, Inc Location New York, New York, United States Regions Greater New York Area, East Coast, Northeastern US Gender Male Also Known As Mike Frost Facebook View on Facebook LinkedIn View on LinkedIn Mike Frost is the President at Highline Management, Inc. Mike Frost attended The University of Texas at Austin. It all seems like smoke and mirrors. This is due to the fact that GPB disclosed in its latest ADV that it was unable to hire a third-party Valuation Service Provider in 2019. Gentile and Schneider worked closely together on the founding, development, operation and marketing of the GPB Funds. For example, GPB admits it is not fully in compliance with the reporting requirements of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act; the 1940 Act; and Sarbanes-Oxley. "text": "GPB Capital Holdings was founded by David Gentile in 2013 and headquartered in New York City. The new brochure describes GPB Capital Holdings excessive commissions and fees in a rather cavalier fashion as if these excessive commissions and fees are inconsequential: GPB Capital Holdings ADV: . With todays guilty plea, Modile is revealed as a prolific fraudster and money launderer who has left a trail of fake documents, plundered bank accounts, and financial victims from Brooklyn A three-count indictment was unsealed today in United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York charging Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi, a Lebanese and Belgian citizen, and Talal Chahine As alleged, Carlos Watson is a con man whose business strategy was based on outright deceit and fraud he ran Ozy as a criminal organization rather than as a Eastern District of New York The point of the above paragraph is to note that it is possible that GPB paid out a lot of money in distributions, which is part of the writedown in assets. The company had been tasked with auditing one of the GPB private placement funds, Armada Waste Management.

"mainEntity": [

In July, the alternative asset firm reported in its Form ADV to the SEC that its assets under management (AUM) had declined by nearly $200M between the end of 2017 and June 2019from $434M in AUM to $196.3M. Financial advisors and brokers have legal and regulatory responsibilities to adhere to the rules and regulations of the securities industry.. Our research shows a Highline Management, Inc. as being a Delaware corporation. Highline Management, Inc., which .