Rule 1 is then enabled. E.g., it works with OpenWeatherMap but not OpenWeatherMap Sensor. Ive tested this template in Developer Tools for tomorrows forecast. Create Home Assistant control REST commands Armed with the commands I need I started off by creating some REST commands in Home Assistant that correspond to the API calls. However if its going to be a warm day, its a waste of energy to heat up the house that the weather would have. You can look at current inside temperature and decide whether or not to heat or cool. But where in the docs i can see a text formatting like yours? If not, no double quotes needed. The Weather entity was introduced in Home Assistant 0.32, and it's used by. The met platform uses the web service as a source for meteorological data for your location. For each weather entity, the user also has the option to override the presentation units, i.e., the units used in the state objects. There, you'll see the weather channel available. Sever . I have patio stones outside the patio door. Restart Home Assistant and if configuration went well, a temperature sensor is detected and a name is assigned to it, similar to sensor.28_011937d1c3d1_temperature. The hourly weather card is used to visualize upcoming weather conditions on a colored horizontal bar. #--------------------------Weather maps-----------------------------------------------, //, //, //, // In Home Assistant, go to Configuration -> Integrations -> Click "+ Add Integration" Search for "Ecowitt Weather Station" and follow the instructions to setup. This one is slightly different that the other weather cards showcased. It combines a room-temperature sensor, window/door sensors, weather forecasts, or an ambient temperature probe to decide when it should call for heat and automatically calibrate your TRVs to fix the . The weather platform only knows the below listed conditions. If forecast temperature is > Y then turn off heating and turn on cooling Looking at the possible states of integration, I saw that those that predict bad weather are different. should all be taken into account. If that doesnt solve it, then rather than going round in circles, can you explain what it is youre trying to achieve? So your trigger could be when any of those states change and the conditions would be ORs: And like @pedolsky mentioned, use the dev tools to determine what state values are since you need to be literal when testing for them. Im going to set a helper to chose the temp at which to change at. It supports most of the core weather integrations as well as custom integrations like MeteoAlarm (EU), Mto-France (France), DWD (Germany), WeatherAlerts (USA) and more. This card will seem familiar to many people, because its been forked a couple of times in the community. If not set, it will default to Extrema (High/Low) if available, if not available then Precipitation and if precipitation isnt available then Humidity. A custom integration feeding more advanced weather data to Home Assistant is needed to fully utilize the capabilities of the Weather Conditions Card. Then, in the next step just select "Cloudy" from the dropdown list. So a change from windy to sunny will trigger it, which is not what you want. The sun card by dev AitorDB uses the Sun integration to mirror the position of the sun for your location. FarmOS Raspberry Pi Docker Install with SSL. What you want to do is connect multiple conditions with OR statements to achieve what you are looking for. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Check this if you would like to show the upcoming forecast under the current weather. I havent found a blueprint that does this either. This card displays information in three distinct rows: The current weather icon, the current temperature and title, The details about the current weather, The X day forecast or hourly forecast. You can change icons with text, add wind direction, speed or humidity under each segment of the bar. Check Weather Maps on Home Assistant UI, 8 Amazing Raspberry Pi Ideas [2022]: Beginners and, Raspberry Pi Models and Cool Projects for Each in 2022. Select the Automation: Trigger service, select your automation, then disable the Skip Condition option before clicking the Call Service button. It is for adjusting the heating as the outside temperature changes. I was trying to explain the the mistakes I was making, but maybe I didnt succeed very much I have to put all the conditions simultaneously in FROM e in TO. However, an hourly electricity pricing would be a reason to heat/cool in advance - to reduce energy usage when price is high. - #14 by Tom7320. Getting data from the OpenWeatherMaps integration is easy and will expose sensors with forecast data. For me, I try not to rely on static values too much just in case (and maybe Im just paranoid), so I might trigger it every minute so I dont have to have so many values in multiple locations or worry about making sure I took into accounting for all the to and from and just worry about what the current state is now: I dont know if you can do this, and if you can then awesome, but Ive not implemented the multiple to/from entries like what was proposed, so this may or may not work: It triggers when the weather changes from anything to one of the listed foul weather conditions (hail, lightning, etc). If anyone has any experience or links to share Id be super grateful. Current conditions are generated from the wundergroundpws configured pws_id. A full list of paths and potential weather forecast sensors can be worked out by parsing the Json output from the OpenWeatherMap API using a path finder like You can test to see if it will work for your location by going to the demo site: 3 lightfire0 2 yr. ago Does it only work with hacs? Heres something that might be useful once its included in a stable version. A trending up/down near that threshold allows me to prematurely turn on heating/cooling if so desired. EDIT Actually, doesn't look like they do 12pm, every 3 hours so they jump from 11am to 2pm. I found this thread as Im looking for something broadly similar (but not the same). Required if native_wind_speed is set. I wonder if the characteristics of a building can be inferred from outside/inside temperature history and electricity consumption. This. So long as the state names stay consistent from both the integration and the weather data then youre just fine doing what was proposed. Hadnt thought about an automation. Derive entity platforms from Your email address will not be published. The weather platforms gather meteorological information from web services and display the conditions and other details about the weather at the given location. It needs weather forecast data. Sorry, probably didnt make it clear. For more information, see the action documentation. I dont know where youre getting the comma-separated list syntax from for the from: statement Ive never seen that and dont believe it will work. Both correctly return partlycloudy : If I try to use State type condition with the list attribute as: It always returns false, despite that list index state being 'partlycloudy'. Recommended values for state and condition. For more information, see the action documentation. How to add an animated Weather Radar on Home Assistant? Is it to have a more stable temperature inside? ition changes to". While most thermostats are on/off at a threshold. It changes by the hour. Temperature and humidity changes have an immediate effect - depending on sunshine/cloudiness and on humidity, but also a delayed effect. This test function is a prime example. What if in the trigger i set like this: Will it work if any of the two state become true? Create a simple automation in the GUI to use the data and switch devices on/off. Btw: If the template is one-liner, it needs double quotes around it. Ive already fixed it. Home Assistant already has support for numerous weather services. Extrema, Precipitation, Humidity. Here's how that works. Oh well, bug I guess. At (time), check the weather forecast. Configuration Adding Meteorologisk institutt ( to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button: Or as Id do few months / years ago when it wasnt there. This custom component for Home Assistant integrates weather data (measurements and forecasts) from the Deutscher Wetterdienst Open Data server into Home Assistant via weather entities. Icons are neatly animated and look great on a wall mounted tablet. At (time), check the weather forecast. Now I have to build testing automation with artifical trigger just to test the conditions work and are tested properly as the test doesnt work. Required fields are marked *. Implement update() or async_update() to fetch data. At the moment, just for try, i set for action a simple notification to my smartphone. When there are any alerts issued, card will change color to let you know about upcoming dangerous conditions. Adding Meteorologisk institutt ( to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user But if it work for you then thats all that really matters. Same information, just the second one actually works for me. Yes, the Test function, in its current form, needs improvement because it doesnt handle some things correctly (bug; reports an error when there isnt one). Not a bug; the behavior is known and documented. No weather forecast accounts for this and cloudcover forecast is rarely reliable for me. I live in northen Europe, Finland, and I have in my area outside temp from +35 to These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Home Assistant Free software 15 comments Best [deleted] 5 yr. ago Presuming you already have a tts platform working and the darksky weather sensor. The current wind speed in m/s, km/h, mi/h, ft/s or kn. Ive tried this and although it reports an error when I test on the Automation dialog, just like all condition based on templates, it works properly: In my case the index 0 on forecast is today, so Ive used 1 for tomorrow. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. HA is immensely powerful and without doubt one of the best solutions for home automation. Ive tinkered my own 2 story house heating/ cooling with two air heatpumps, many room temperature sensors and weather prediction to conserve energy with predictive automations. Yet when defined, the condition is not tested (manual test produces an error), result is ignored and the automation runs anyway. Its very versatile and highly customizable, capable of showing a variety of weather conditions such as temp, humidity, precipitation, UV index and much more. 1 Like Phantomski (David Dosoudil) June 15, 2022, 7:09pm #13 I was trying to make a simple automation based on the current weather state. default_view: name: Home view: yes icon: mdi:home entities: - - group.indoors - group.lights - weather: name: Weather Forecast view: no entities: - And finally all you have to do now is restart Home Assistant and clear your cache. Follow the instruction on screen to complete the set up. That would work independent of weather forecast. For more information about themes, see the frontend documentation. If your heating system has enough power, it can react faster than weather ever changes. The mere difference between direct sunlight and cloudy can change the temperature outside my patio by 10C above forecast. Id like to do as many people posting here say: at X time if temp tomorrow > Y do something. The trigger should be what starts thing but the condition makes the decision. Its followed by several paragraphs about the behavioral difference between automatic versus manual triggering and concluded by Oh well, bug I guess. A custom integration is needed to display useful data. Even though its not an actual weather forecast card, its one of the most beautiful cards on this list. IF (tomorrow > 25C) THEN start climate with some settings, I did see this channel How to automate based on weather temperature forcast for current day? If I use this template as Automation / Conditions it doesnt test when created (produces an error), is always ignored in the trace when triggered and because of that the Automation runs and action gets always performed, regardless of this condition. | Am I Normal? Your email address will not be published. I agree that a very simplistic system can reap the lowest hanging fruits, but the engineer in me wants to do it properly.