600 years ago a great tension began building 3,000 miles under the Pacific Ocean. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon."[3] So, what the prophecy essentially tells us is that, the dance of the Blue Star kachina in the plaza will herald the appearance of the Blue Star i.e. So, we are now awaiting the fulfillment of the Ninth and final sign of the Hopi, before the Fourth World ends. It is known that our True White Brother, when he comes, will be all powerful and will wear a red cap or red cloak. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon.[3]. What happens when this reaches the surface? Prophecies of The Hopi. The Chupacabra: Could There be FOUR Different Types? This will be the Day of Purification. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. No life force in their eyes. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. The elite will be safe in their bunkers underground while the rest of us will be culled. The falling of Seven Macaw or Cygnus the Swan relates to the Hopi prophecy of the return of Massau and the emergence of the Fifth World. [2] Frank Waters, Book of the Hopi, Ballantine Books, New York, 1963, p 408-409[3] Ibid[4] Ibid[5] Ibid[6] Pliny, Natural History 2.90, taken from A. Hopi Prophecy: The Signs. Hopi Prophecies: Blue Star Kachina. The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohul, the Blue Star Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, the story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest HopiIt was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. As their grandson, Pahana must, therefore, be a very powerful deity or kachina, who will come from the east, dressed in red, accompanied by two powerful helpers and a large host, to exterminate evil, deliver people from oppression, renew and revitalize the Earth and inaugurate a new way of living in peace, harmony and brotherhood. EDIT: It appears that the Pleiades cluster will be obscured by the sun during the eclipse on May 20, 2012. A. Barrett, "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vol. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Other ancient mysteries tend to relate with many genesis stories and religious beliefs of other archaic civilizations in both South and North America. Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier The Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification. But a comet doesn't fill the 'dwelling place' prophecy. We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our ways from below the Earth as well as above. When the Saquahuh (blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here." The Hopi believe that only they will be saved. They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days, The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. The older brother's mission when he returned was to help his younger brother (Hopi) bring about peace, brotherhood and everlasting life. Considering that the kachinas had accompanied the Hopi during their migrations, had passed on all manners of skills and esoteric wisdom to the Hopi people, and still respond to their prayers, it is quite likely that the white brother Pahana, who went towards the east, was actually a kachina and a very powerful one at that - who was capable of bringing in the dawn of the Fifth World. Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers of the Spirit. This was determined by an analysis of the magnetic pole wanderings from 1590 to a projected 2025. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana, men who took the land that was not theirs. The way through this time it is said is to be found in our hearts, and reuniting with our spiritual self. The Hopi say that their ancestors were star people who came from the Pleiades a place they call Chuhukon i.e. *This article was originally published atufoholic.com. This is Kachina rock with the Blue Star. Today there are 12 Hopi villages on or below the three mesas, with Moencopi to the west (on Dinetah), and Keams Canyon to the east. As translator for Hopi elders, Thomas Banyacya Sr. (1909-1999) traversed the globe for 50 years sharing the Hopi Prophecy. It is important to understand that these messages will be found upon every living thing, even within our bodies, even within a drop of our blood. It will be a very hard time for women with children for they will be shunned, and many of the children in these times will be unnatural. They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old waysThe messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the watersThe appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years which will be our final opportunity to change our ways, When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. There was, in fact, a widely held belief in the ancient world that certain comets act as portents of war, by driving men into a state of madness and frenzy. Ada Lovelace was the daughter of Lord Byron in Victorian London. The Crop Circle phenomenon, which has been going on unabated for the past few decades, could be an early warning system, sending us signals of the impending transition. ( Crop Circles have been found in ice) From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Light. [6], According to Hopi prophecy (as reported by Waters), shortly after the Blue Star Kachina is visible to all and the Day of Purification is realized, the True White Brother will come to earth in search of Hopi "who steadfastly adhere to their ancient teachings". There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. When the First World was destroyed, people returned from the ground to the outer world to live as ants for the continuation of the Second World. An ancient Hopi prophecy states that when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge.. . After the arrival of the twins, they will begin to vanish before your eyes like so muck smoke. Of course, the Hopi are not reticent about their beliefs in UFOs and extraterrestrials. The word Nibiru comes from the Ancient Akkadian language, meaning crossing. The Blue Star Katsina has a twin brother, the Red Star Katsina, whose arrival will come later, [citation needed] This idea of the Blue Star Kachina marking the end of all Hopi rituals is reflected in Waters' book, Book of the Hopi, in which he states, "The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children. Another connection exists between the Hopis Ant People and the Mesoamerican legend of Quetzalcoatl. In the ancient Native American Hopi prophecy it states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge into view.". About Nemesis / Nibiru - Anunnaki - Red & Blue Kachina Hopi Prophecy. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. Apophis is coming in 2029. The Hopi believe the Star People and their star knowledge will return at the end of the current period of time, as they have in past times. Naked eye visible in 3-4 years. the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had (Hale-bopp) passed from our . "[6] This absence of Hopi ceremonialism will coincide with the destruction of the fourth world. When he left, a piece of the sacred tablet was broken off and given to him so that when he rejoined his brothers this piece would match the tablet it had been broken from and identify him as their brother.[9]. ! Getting simple and returning to living with and upon the Earth and in harmony with her creatures. It is interesting that the Hopi regarded the Blue Star Kachina as a portent of global conflicts. The kachinas, in general, appear to correlate to the various classes of underworld spirits of other cultures who were associated with wisdom, fertility, healing and rainfall - the same spirits that the shaman encounters during his journey to the underworld in an altered state of consciousness. The Hopi prophecy says, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". Tawa is the creator, and it was he who formed the "First World" out of Tokpella, or endless space, as well as its original inhabitants. The name "Saquasohuh" means "Blue Star," the same "blue star" referred to by White . Everything we experience is all a mater of choice. More Controversy on the Roswell Affair: An Alien Accident? Comets have historically been described as hairy stars. But there were no Hopi participants and it was decried by Hopi elders. However, this still makes sense with respect to Hopi prophecy. the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had (Hale-bopp) passed from our heavens. [11] Ibid, p 82. (NOTE: Pahana is a Hopi "Star-Being" or Kachina, which they see as one of their ancestors that now resides somewhere else among the stars, but who is destined to return to the Earth one day. It was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. Today we call this blue star Sirius (for the Greeks, to the Hopi it is . What we can gather from this is that, the lost white brother Pahana is someone who will return with the missing piece of the stone tablet given to the Fire Clan. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World. This represents a restructuring of the Earth. Imprint of a gray alien placed in my crystal, while I meditated in the mountains of Sedona. Far from it, actually. Then one morning in a moment. All the mysteries and the powers in the Above belonged to Tawa, while Spider Woman controlled the magic of the Below. Subscribe Today! Their place of origin, however, is supposed to be far, far away. The twins will be seen in our North Western skies. The Blue Star Kachina would remove his mask in the village plaza during a sacred kachina dance. The messages will appear everywhere on the soil, water, rocks, crops etc. Some being from the Stars some from past worlds, some will even be created by man in an unnatural manner and will be souless.