Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. Related, but separate. 2022 (July 18, 2022), Nuer Hank, "Hazing in Fraternities and Sororities." https://goo.g. A formal invitation to membership in a particular fraternity or sorority. Similar to a lavaliere but much larger and often made out of wood. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. Our line names came from our 'big sisters' and were all greek names (Greek Goddesses). A college student who is interested in joining a Greek Organization and is taking part in the recruitment process. When you think of pledging, it's likely hazing is the next thing that pops into your mind. The membership educator, short for Dean Of Pledges, is an old term that the groups still use. The different items of Greek clothing or items someone is wearing. The group chat name can reflect the theme for that week or month. And there are a lot of them: national dues . As rush progresses, potential new members and sororities list their choices in order of preference. Like are all the sisters in a big room and they just vote for who they want? The use of Greek letters for fraternity names started with Phi Beta Kappa at the College of William and Mary in 1776, and since then the names of newly-founded fraternities and sororities have most often consisted of two or three Greek letters that represent the initials of a Greek motto. The members of a cultural Greek organization new member class. Every national sorority and most local sororities are involved with philanthropy work. If a sorority member would like to engage in behavior not becoming of the sorority, she cannot wear her letters. Often referred to as National Headquarters, International Headquarters, or just Nationals. Costs of being a sorority member differ depending on the campus. Rush usually consists of a few rounds. Sisters are forbidden to reveal the sorority ritual or its secrets. Sororities often have distinct names and symbols, including specific colors, that help to identify and distinguish them from other organizations. Does your fraternity or sorority need custom t-shirts? Pi Rho Pie Pi Rho Pie suggests that these sorority sisters can never have enough dessert! The sororities are: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta and Sigma Gamma Rho [source: Alpha Delta Pi. Phi Bete Lambda - 11:59 PM (the Minute before Midnight) Omega Psi Phi - (official) Pootie Tang (online) LUNATIC. One Black member said that a sign saying "Token" was held up as she played for her sorority's Intramural softball team, and there have been many reported instances of blackface and racially inappropriate dress and actions [source: Skinner]. The mutual selection process that prospective members and chapter members go through during the recruitment period to get to know one another. Others report dissatisfaction at their group's response to social unrest and the Black Lives Matter movement. Marking the transition with a special ceremony, which has been upheld for decades or even a century, is meant to have a powerful effect on the initiate, tying her to a tradition, the ideals of the founders and an idea of sisterhood. Does the pledge have any favorite TV shows or movies? What kinds of clothes does the pledge usually wear? Hazing can happen in any organized group including sports teams and military groups. Theres More to it Than the Social AspectRepeat after us: I will not join a sorority simply so I can throw up my sign for the Gram.. Some chapters charge fees as high as nearly $3,000 per semester [source: The University of Mississippi Panhellenic Council]. (Singular is alumna) Alum - abbreviation for alumnus, alumna, alumni or alumnae. Used to identify members of the same organization. In order to choose a name for a new sorority, it is important to consider factors such as purpose, uniqueness, pronunciation, marketability, and history. A local sorority, on the other hand, has no ties to a national affiliate organization. When I pledged, we were given a swahili line name and I was given a swahili line name. Do you have the time? While every sorority sister may not adhere to the ideals of her organization, there is ample opportunity to be involved in charitable work. Please enter the six letters or digits that appear in the image opposite. Each chapter has a different set of requirements in order to be initiated. The Future of Omega!!!! Were your names Swahili WTB3? That's what we did at Beta Upsilon -- our entire line name was "Thirty-Something" -- mid 80's Television show. Some Latina sororities step as well. The word "sorority" did not come into being until 1882 with the founding of Gamma Phi Beta, whose adviser suggested the word might be more appropriate than "fraternity" to describe the bond of sisterhood [source: ADPi]. is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. What happens if an active advocates highly for you but you are on the line/barely make the gpa cutoff? When you consider the time commitment that most intake processes require, it might be smart to take a lighter course load that wont wreck your GPA. Personally, I thought it was sick and not cute, but the girls were wearing their jackets with pride, - The Fraternity & Sorority Greek Chat Network. Made me wonder. Is your role model an AKA/Delta/Zeta/SGRho? Call/Chant Some sororities choose names that have a historical or cultural significance, while others choose names that are unique or memorable. According to a University of Maine national survey, about half of all students acknowledge that they belong to groups that haze. Within a sorority, there may be different "family trees." Here is a list of 57 sorority names, in alphabetical order: Below are some ideas for sorority names that could reflect the values and goals of the organization: Its important to keep in mind that the name of a sorority should reflect the values, goals, and identity of the organization, and should serve as a symbol of unity and sisterhood among its members. It has the same root word, but clearly differentiates itself from the traditional idea of a sorority woman. It's also a safe bet that prospective members should do a quick social media scrub to ensure that it's tasteful, as it's a safe bet that existing sisters scroll through rushee accounts to make sure their standards and presence are in line with the organization's. When sororities were founded, college campuses were dominated by men. Iota Phi Theta (fraternity, but often associated with the Divine Nine historically black Greek organizations). What do the pledges tastes in music look like? A Panhellenic sorority member who has temporarily disaffiliated from her chapter during formal membership recruitment. The name given to a pledge class. Here are some of the most well-known sororities that are not historically African American: Its important to note that these sororities are open to all individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity, and aim to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members. 4. Ideally, rush is a time for potential new members and sisters to meet one another and see if they would be a good fit. Some sororities earmark specific charities and causes for which they work to raise money. Our line names came from our 'big sisters' and were all greek names (Greek Goddesses). Whats the pledges family background? My line was described as classy,sophisticated,pretty etc. She'll meet the other new members and spend time bonding with current members. What may be right for one woman may not be right for another even if you are a legacy with your mother and grandmother in good alumna standing with a certain sorority. If more than 1,000 girls go through rush, realistically most of the sorority members will not meet each girl. These organizations are often identified by their Greek letters and have distinct names and symbols. The organization encourages academic excellence, social responsibility, respect for diversity, and strong personal values. While some sororities have a historical connection to a particular racial or ethnic community, they are not exclusive to any one race or ethnicity and strive to promote diversity and inclusion. She was a strong goddess who even Zeus could not stand up to. Similarly, Alpha Phi is pronounced al-fuh fee, and Kappa Alpha Theta is pronounced kap-pah al-fuh theh-tah. If you're considering going through rush, there are some sorority recruitment terms you might want to know: Each sorority has a different private way of voting for new members. I still don't understand this. What other hobbies does the pledge have? Moreover, many sisters of a particular sorority often use nicknames as social shorthand for their groups name. Additionally, the name and logo of the sorority should be protected through trademark registration. Naturally, this means each line name should be unique. What possessions does the pledge have? These organizations are often identified by their Greek letters and have distinct names and symbols. Probably the best way to go about this would be to get other sisters to latch onto the idea of making mini-families within each family so there won't be any hurt feelings. But the larger the Greek population and university, the more difficult that goal is. A term used by sorority members to refer to one another. i thought it was a cute topic and i'd certainly like to know what some of my sorors' lines' names were. A famous figure from history? During initiation, she will learn the sorority's secrets, from the secret meaning behind the Greek letters to secret passwords and secret handshakes. Congrats! Recruitment event for culturally based groups. Today, cultural-interest sororities are starting to crop up on a growing number of college campuses. A new member of a cultural Greek organization. The women prayed, sang and wrote and recited poetry at their meetings [source: ADPi ]. Aug 23, 2006. Sorority houses are often named after their respective organizations or have unique names that have special significance to the members of the sorority. Is there anything they seem like they cant live without? For example, the name Lambda Phi Omega is composed of three separate terms: Lambda (Greek letter), Phi (an acronym for love and friendship) and Omega (last letter of the Greek alphabet). March 5, 2023 12:30 am EDT. Thus, while hazing in sororities is often reported, it only occasionally rises to the level of an actual crime and is more likely to be addressed by the hazers' institution than by a criminal prosecution," wrote Hank Nuwer in a 2015 study on hazing in fraternities and sororities.