Keep in mind that people cancel consular appointments all the time, so there is a good chance that you will find an opening convenient for you. Before You Begin: Why cant I find an appointment is our most asked question, so we will answer that first before explaining all the basics of Prenota. Website: You can be eligible only through Italian Court application. You will need to gather a lot of documentation to back up your claims and support your bid for Italian citizenship. When you are finished. You will automatically be taken to the last month available for scheduling, and you can navigate to earlier months to see if appointments are available. Applications for recognition of Italian citizenship by descent must be presented to the Italian consulate or embassy that serves where you live. When you log into Prenota and first pull up the calendar, it will default to the first available appointment. However, you might find none are open on your first try. : (415) 292-9200Fax: (415) I am a foreigner married to an Italian citizen. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS PRENOTA FOR WASHINGTON D.C. Dual U.S.-Italian Citizenship Facebook Group. For level B1 Citizenship, results are usually available in 45 days; for all other levels, results are usually available in about 3 . Bersani Law Firm, 2013 - 2022. For example, the Boston consulate currently accepts bookings for 2022. Websites are, unfortunately, not free like the time we donate. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS PRENOTA FOR PHILADELPHIA, CLICK HERE TO ACCESS PRENOTA FOR LOS ANGELES, CLICK HERE TO ACCESS PRENOTA FOR NEW YORK CITY, CLICK HERE TO ACCESS PRENOTA FOR SAN FRANCISCO. : (305) 374-6322 main numberFax: (305) Whether your Italian citizenship is obtained by marriage or by descent, the necessary documents are sent by your local consulate to the relevant government agency in Italy. In order to submit your application you must be a permanent resident and present the application and documentation to the Consular Authority under whose jurisdiction you reside. Use the contact form on this page and we will get back to you within 24 hours. 600ATLANTIC AVENUE Email: [emailprotected] 1 Information 2 Select Service 3 Schedule Appointments: Days/Times: Mondays, 11 am - 4 pm Duration: 15 minutes Email: [emailprotected] The applicant must register on the portal of the Ministry of the Interior called ALI, at the followinglink. : (310) 826-6207 Fax: (310) 820-0727 Website : (Select "Passport & Services" and then "Citizenship) The calendar will automatically show you the first available appointment. Even if you have booked an appointment sometime in the future, we recommend checking out what has become available at random. As You can understand, Boost Italian Citizenship by Descent became a maximum priority. It is generally a more expedited process. Can I apply? Some might ask you what type of citizenship appointment you want, so you click on Jure Sanguinis.. You might not be able to create a second Prenota on the same computer. Please note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will never ask you, for any reason, to give your personal information or to make a payment by telephone. THE CONSULAR JURSIDICTION (STATES COVERED BY THIS CONSULATE) HONORARY CONSULATES . Then you can log in. The Italian law on citizenship (Law 91/1992) does not entitle someone to acquire Italian citizenship for the mere fact of being born on the Italian territory. HOUSTON, TX. For example, San Francisco and Chicago usually update the calendar daily, but for different time periods. The process of obtaining dual citizenship is not easyit is time-consuming and can be frustrating and confusing at times. You will be asked to verify your identity once more, usually by passport number, occupation, address, or some other personal information. You'll find two colors in the online booking calendar: black and red. NEW YORK, NY 10021-5044 Keeping a second account can be quite handy, especially in case you need to have your consular appointment as soon as possible. The information and images on this site are the intellectual property of the Administrators and shall not be used in any way without the express prior written approval of the Administrative team. 2. Keep in mind that switching months has the same effect, so you can simply change months every few minutes to the same effect. Contact Us! Bostonserving the states of Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, Chicagoserving the states of Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, Detroitserving the states of Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee, Houstonserving the states of Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, Los Angelesserving the states of Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, and Southern California (Counties of S. Luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Imperial Valley, Orange), San Franciscoserving the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and California (except Imperial Valley, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura counties), and the American Territories of Samoa, American Territory of Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Johnston Atoll, Wake Island, and Midways Islands, Miamiserving the states of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina, as well as Puerto Rico, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks, Caicos, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius, Saba, and the Bahamas, NYCthe consulate of Italy in New York serves the states of New York and Connecticut, and the British Territories of the Bermuda Islands, Philadelphiaserving Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland (except Prince George and Montgomery counties), New Jersey (only Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, and Salem Counties), North Carolina, Virginia (except Fairfax and Arlington counties), and West Virginia, Washington Embassyproviding Consular Services for the states and areas of District of Columbia, Maryland (only Montgomery and Prince Georges counties), and Virginia (only Arlington and Fairfax Counties and the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax). Have other questions? 2590 Webster St.San Francisco, CA 94115Tel. Continuing navigation accept the use of cookies by us. After the Italian government has reviewed these documents and approved your dual citizenship, you can then focus on the steps necessary to get an Italian passport. Periodically the consulate will open up another day, week, or month at the end of the calendar. However, if you see green or yellow dates for the current month, you can proceed. IDC is founded on the passion of helping those of Italian descent restore their heritage and connection to Italy. EMERGENCIES - FOR ITALIAN CITIZENS ONLY LOS ANGELES, CA. So: what about the Italian Citizenship Law? I was born in Italy to foreign parents, after which we all returned to their country of origin when I was very young. Grazie mille! Verify to immediately update business information, respond to reviews, and more! who is extremely knowledgeable, very thorough and provides exceptional professional service. Filing an application for citizenship by descent via an Italian consulate December 29, 2022; The Consulate cannot: Issue or renew a "carta di identit" Use, for private purposes, consular funds Allow use of telephone for private purposes Make travel or hotel reservations Exchange money Provide interpreters Citizens duties Citizens resident abroad have the duty to register with AIRE (Association of Italians resident abroad). If this page has helped you on your path to citizenship, we would sincerely appreciate a small donation of $5 USD to help keep this site running. If this page has helped you on your path to citizenship, we would sincerely appreciate a small donation of $5 USD to help keep this site running. It says maximum 2 years wait!. For more information, please consult the , Recognition of Italian citizenship is subordinated to the applicant providing proof that his/her direct progenitors have continuously maintained and handed down their Italian citizenship. And we will explain Why and How Italian Citizenship Assistance Los Angeles is (almost) mandatory. Address: 1900 Avenue of the Stars - Suite 1250 - Los Angeles, CA 90067; Miami Consulate General. Read below for more information. If this is the case, try signing in at regular intervals, just after 6 p.m. Eastern Time each day. All rights reserved. The foreign-born spouse of an Italian citizen residing abroad may apply for Italian citizenship through marriage three years after it was celebrated. Citizenship is passed on from parent to child without limitation of generations, on the condition that none of the ancestors has ever renounced or lost their citizenship. after the application you can have to wait up to 2 Years for the final decision on your Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis Application. IMPORTANT REMINDER: All Dates in Prenota are in the format of DAY/MONTH/YEAR. For example, if your father and his father (your paternal grandfather) were born in the United States, but your paternal great-grandfather was an Italian citizen at the time of your grandfathers birth, you may qualify for Italian citizenship under jure sanguinis. They also have the right to partecipate in local elections and those of the European Parliament. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed guide on how to schedule an appointment at Prenota. IS HAVING ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP ADVANTAGEOUS. 500, NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE SUITE 1850 Getting it right the first try saves time. Currently, the Italian honorary consulate in San Diego accepts appointments for passports and student visas. One of our representatives will review your case and contact you within 24 hours. The Codice Fiscale can also be issued to NON-Italian citizens, but only for some specific purpose, such as paying Italian taxes, or fulfill a specific administrative or legal procedure in Italy, and cannot be issued for unspecified or future needs. Also, you need to know that bookings are usually made for many months, or even years, in advance. (except the following counties, which are under the jurisdiction of the Italian Consulate in Los Angeles: Imperial Valley, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside . Green: All appointment slots available for this day. and we evaluate Your case on our Consultancy. The final step after obtaining dual citizenship is to make an appointment at one of the locations below. Can I just do walk in for visa application? (305)374 6322 fax(305)374 7945 This resource will give you all the information you need to know.