Vazquez said that was because of Hanna's interactions with her ex-boyfriend, whom Vazquez said told her that Hanna also asked him to make an "expos" video with her about Vazquez. Jeremy Michael Lewis is an American digital marketing consultant and an entrepreneur. Vazquez described Hanna's messages with Deanna as inappropriate and the catalyst for her video. Bianca Devins was murdered 2 years ago, and graphic images of her body circulated on social media. Jeremy and 12 of his college friends were part of an a cappella group called AcoUstiKats; they were contestants in the reality show The Sing-Off in 2013, and made it through to the fifth round. Similarly, Zach Filkins is an American musician and songwriter. Home Try-Ons are only offered in the US.THIRD LOVE: Go to to get 20% off your first purchase!APOSTROPHE: Go to and use promo code GABBIE for $15 dollars off your dermatology visit.Follow Kyle!instagram: Gabbie:spotify: twitter: tiktok: books: official website: for privacy information.Support the show: for privacy information. He returned to the United Kingdom for a short period to finish his education. Learn how your comment data is processed. The song is a cappella medley of Tarzan's You'll Be in My Heart, Tangled's I See the Light, and Hercules' Go the Distance. At the time I recorded everything for my own legal protection. Lewis was put in the spotlight thanks to his relationship with Kirstin Maldonado. Love Is In The Air A Complete Guide To YouTube Star LaurDIY's Love Life, Yikes Alex Wassabi Is Furious At Deji For Mocking His Breakup With LaurDIY, Over It Logan Paul Reveals His YouTube Career Might Be Coming to an End, D.R.E.A.M. So when it's about net worth, being an owner of a company and also being the Director, itinevitably secures him a set of perks. . and our His viral hit "Disney Love Medley" showed off his singing ability collaborating with his then-girlfriend Kirstin Maldonado. During the leaked 2020 call, Hanna said that Vazquez repeatedly made videos about her without naming her, tweeted about her without naming her, and liked tweets about her. He has been the director of TagBoard's sales department since May 2019. Similarly, Zach Filkins is an American musician and songwriter. Then, on May 10, 2020, Vazquez posted a Q&A segment on YouTube in which she answered a question asking whether Hanna reached out privately after that 2019 video. Except for entrepreneurship, he is a social media influencer and singer as well. She is the daughter of Michelle and James Hanna. A few days later, Vazquez released portions of the three-hour call on Twitter, making details of the call public for the first time to show Hanna's admission about the 2014 tweets and Hanna's legal threat regarding Vazquez posting a public retraction of her November 2019 expos. YouTuber Jessi Smiles accused her ex-boyfriend Curtis Lepore of raping her in 2013 while she was asleep and recovering from a concussion. Eventually, they launched theWild Til 9 podcast in May 2020 and have since spilled some major tea about their relationship. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'wikinetworth_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',603,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wikinetworth_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'wikinetworth_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',603,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wikinetworth_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-603{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. However they never married, ending the engagement in 2017 without explaining the reason for their break up. Hanna also described Vazquez's video as a "disproportionate" reaction to Hanna having a conversation with a former fan about Vazquez. Jeremy was previously in a live-in together relationship with the singer, Kirstin Maldonaldo. Her mother, Kim Devins, is campaigning to hold social media platforms accountable with Bianca's Law. A post shared by Jeremy Lewis (@jeremymichael22) on Jan 3, 2015 at 4:32pm PST, Stay updated with Thecelebscloset for more celebrity news and entertainment. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function() { Gabbies paternal grandmother was Patricia Rupchak (the daughter of Paul P. Rupchak/Kopchock/Ropchock and Elizabeth H. Gibala). The social media influencer is also a singer and most notable of that being his viral hit "Disney Love Medley.". Lewis likes to sing and is best known from the viral music hit Disney Love Medley in 2016. They confirmed the relationship while on a vacation in Hawaii in March 2019. The couple confirmed their relationship while on a vacation in Hawaii in March 2019. It is all about relationships, spotting the red flags, and giving the green lights. They also made their red carpet debut at theToy Story 4 film premiere. = 'rc_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); Because of some personal issue, the lovebirds called off their marriage which was scheduled to be in December 2017. For more information, please see our This made the single an empowering song for women.. Lewis and 12 of his college friends were part of a cappella group called AcoUstiKats. She also began claiming that Vazquez and Vazquez's friends had been perpetuating lies and rumors about her online for six years. They became engaged during a trip to Paris, Jeremy asking the question in front of the Eiffel Tower they shared the news as well as the proposal photos on social media. I hope you come back and do more episodes I really miss this podcast! She is the daughter of Michelle and James Hanna. Search by couple's first names, last names, or event handle. var referer="";try{if(referer=document.referrer,"undefined"==typeof referer||""==referer)throw"undefined"}catch(exception){referer=document.location.href,(""==referer||"undefined"==typeof referer)&&(referer=document.URL)}referer=referer.substr(0,700); He also owns and operates his own business, Platobrand, as a digital marketing consultant. Hanna, who has over 5.5 million YouTube subscribers and releases poetry and alternative pop music on the side, has long been a polarizing figure online who is frequently involved in YouTube drama. Gabbie has stated that, ethnically-speaking, "I like to call myself 'the perfect mix.'". Top editors give you the stories you want delivered . But it seems, the issues were never sorted out as the pair not only called-off their wedding but also called it quits on their relationship. Lewis was born on January 22,1992, in Rockford, IL, United States. Kirstin is living in NYC right now, but just bought a new house in LA according to the Build Series Kinky Boots interview. However, no information on his body statics is available on the media. He celebrates his birthday on the 22nd of January every year. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'wikinetworth_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',604,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wikinetworth_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'wikinetworth_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',604,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-wikinetworth_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-604{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, You Might Enjoy:Christine McConnell Wiki, Age, Married, Net Worth. From the beginning, he was a bright and intelligent student. J-14 is part of the a360media Entertainment Group.Copyright a360media 2023. Hanna also claimed that, as part of her ongoing series, she will post the two videos that she says contains more evidence regarding her relationship with Vazquez. im just bored. But on the 2020 call, Hanna told Vazquez that the FaceTime took place in addition to their interaction at a party. I wont be vlogging the relationship and vlogging our time together and our travels together and doing boyfriend tags or different boyfriend-related videos on YouTube. She is an American songwriter, singer, and member of the Cappella group Pentatonix. Hanna said on the call that she had "damn near killed [herself]" because she was being called a "rape apologist." The song actually is a cappella compact of the songs Youll be in my Heart from Tarzan, I See the Light from Tangled, and Go the Distance from Hercules. Also read: Who is Bennet Omalu Married to? This culminated with a widely meme-ed podcast episode Hanna posted on June 22 hours before the leaked three-hour call with Vazquez took place where she called Vazquez a "high school f---ing bully" and said she was the victim of a "hate campaign" Vazquez started against Hanna. In the messages, Hanna asks when, because she's leaving to go on tour. Hanna said in a recent YouTube video that at the time, she wanted that information removed from Vazquez's video. In 2013 he won the Bryan Clark Outstanding Executive Officer Award for his advocacy and leadership, as an excellent executive officer of all student organizations. Lewis is the owner and digital marketing consultant of the company Platobrand, which handles digital marketing for social influencers and small businesses. He owns two Siberian husky dogs, and is currently dating YouTube star Lauren Riihimaki, known as LaurDIY. The pair were spotted cuddling up and enjoying the 2019 Coachella Music Festival. I think Im going to keep [my relationship and YouTube] separate, Lauren toldJ-14during an exclusive interview from 2019. In addition to saying that Lepore blackmailed her, Hanna alleged that Vazquez told her to take one of her 2017 "Storytime" videos down or else Vazquez would publicly dispute it. Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade, The Sip with Ryland Adams and Lizze Gordon, RELAX! He is also known for his viral hit Disney Love Medley. The songs featured in the medley are Tangleds I See the Light, Tarzans Youll Be in My Heart, and Hercules Go the Distance.. He celebrates his birthday on the 22nd of January every year. In 2020, they attended the Coachella Music Festival, sharing these and other photos of their private moments. Hanna took aim at YouTubers Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda, the creative team behind the YouTube Originals scripted reality series "Escape the Night." In her video, Hanna implied that her eating . Samuel was born in Pennsylvania. It is unlikely that Hanna would be able to sue Vazquez for tortious interference due to the statute of limitations for torts in California (two years) and Florida, where Vazquez resides and where Hanna said she would sue her (four years). When Hanna moved to LA later that year, the two became "best friends" and even lived together for a period of time, they said on the call. S1E2: I Used To Not Be Afraid To Be Myself. As a result, his current source of income is his business. Meet My New Producer With Me ft. Landon Tewers. He is a man of average stature and stands at a height of 5 ft 7 in (Approx. She earns over $100 thousand from her job. FEB 16, 2022; S1E3: That Poor Girl . The information overload is part of a YouTube series the 30-year-old influencer is calling "Confessions of a Washed-Up YouTube Has-Been," in which Hanna painstakingly recounts her sides of the scandals she's been involved in both privately and publicly over the past seven years. Signup for our Hollywood and pop culture newsletter. Lewis rose to fame for his viral hit song "Disney Love Medley". My vibes are different. His ex-girlfriend Kirstin Maldonaldo has a net worth of $8 million. However, their wedding didnt push through, and ended the engagement in 2017 without explaining the reason for their break up. She's backkkkkk! Norma was born in Pennsylvania, the daughter of Louis/Lewis James Faller and Helen Maureen Wynder. Samuel was born in Pennsylvania. At around this time, Hanna said on the call that an unnamed mutual friend gave Lepore her number. Vazquez said that Hanna also reached out to Vazquez's ex-boyfriend the one who Hanna's "Storytime" was about on OKCupid. Three months later, in March 2014, Hanna and Vazquez met for the first time at a Vine meet-up in New York City, according to the call recording. Screenshot Instagram/@gabbiehanna, Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/FilmMagic, Screenshot YouTube/The Gabbie Show, Photo by Barry King/FilmMagic, Screenshot: Instagram/@jessismiles_, Instagram/@gabbiehanna, YouTube/blndsundoll4mj, a number of drama and commentary channels, Lepore made a public statement on Twitter, TMZ broke the news of the rape allegations, has said she deleted the tweet later that day, would have been archived on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, texts Hanna showed in her most recent YouTube video. Similar:Rah Ali Wiki, Net Worth, Husband, Baby. Gabrielle stumbled upon the viral video, and decided to respond. Kirstin Maldonado was born and raised in Texas; her birth date is 16 May 1992. orange you glad i. Lewis also worked as a digital marketing consultant in the company. Navigation Menu jeremy michael lewis and gabbie hanna. Youre only showing the best times, youre not showing any of the lows, the fights. Voctave, an 11 member a cappella group, performed the song together with Jeremy Michael Lewis and Kirstin Maldonado, and the video has attracted over 27 million views on YouTube. Where Jeremy comes in is, I didnt want to do this podcast by myself. As Insider previously reported, Hanna started sending direct messages to that Twitter user, whose name is Deanna, telling her that she never tweeted in support of Lepore. (Vazquez didn't call Hanna a "rape apologist" or say she collaborated with Lepore in the video with Deanna.). He later took a plea deal on a charge of felony assault and the charge was dropped to a misdemeanor months later. Lewis is currently in a romantic relationship with his girlfriend Lauren Riihimaki (LaurDIY). Finding love amid YouTube fame! Last year the couple attended the Coachella Music Festival, sharing these and other photos of their private moments. ", The person purported to be Lepore also wrote, "I asked her to speak publicly which honestly I'm glad she didn't and she said no. Lewis took to his social media site to share a photo of their engagement. A day after Hanna's confessional, Graceffa uploaded a video titled "Gabbie Hanna Needs to Stop.". Interesting:EvanTubeHD Wiki, Age, Net Worth, Girlfriend. (Photo: She is an American songwriter, singer and member of the a cappella group Pentatonix the group was founded in 2011 with members from Arlington, Texas. In terms of his schooling, he graduated from Rock Valley College in 2010. He became publicly known due to his relationship with Kirstin Maldonado, singer and songwriter. Since May 2019 he has been the director of the sales department in TagBoard. By the end of the three-hour call, Hanna told Vazquez that she was considering suing her for "tortious interference" but didn't want to "take food out of [her] kid's mouth." Marriage record of Gabbies maternal stepgrandfather and maternal grandmother The Illinois native is not just an entrepreneur but a singer as well. Similarly, Jeremy is an avid pet lover, he owns two Siberian husky dogs which costs $600-$1,300. He also refused to reveal any information about his siblings. She said that she made her 2019 video to "stop [Hanna's] behavior," including the DMs with Deanna about the feud. The 27 years old lad has an athletic build body with a height of 6 feet 1 inch. Lewis serves as the co-host of the podcast, Wild Til 9! He earned a BA in business management from the Gatton College of Business. Its your real relationship, its real feelings, but youre kind of living in this really weird fairytale world because youre only showing the highlights, she said at the time. Later that day, on the three-hour call, Hanna accused Vazquez of putting out negative videos about her while she released music in order to derail her career. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for fun, exclusive videos with your favorite stars. Jeremy and Kristin met in August 2013 and began dating in 2014 after a few meetings. He was the president of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity at the University of Kentucky. However their relationship ended, and they never exchanged vows. He attended Rock Valley College from 2010 to 2011. In between, Hanna appeared on Drama Alert, the YouTube channel hosted by Daniel Keem (also known as Keemstar), who has publicly argued against Vazquez's rape allegations. Charles was born in Pennnsylvania, to French parents, Andrew/Andre Vigne and Mathilda/Matilda Ressouche. Lewis holds an American nationality and belongs to the white ethnicity. He was born and raised in Rockford, IL by his parents. In that video, she denied tweeting in defense of Lepore or against Vazquez on January 16, 2014. Jeremy Michael Lewis is an American musician, entrepreneur, and social media influencer. Hanna didn't elaborate on which business agreement Vazquez's video impacted, but she also said she wanted Vazquez to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). However their relationship ended, and they never exchanged vows. 1.70 m). Kirstin started her solo career in 2017 with the single Break a Little, and the same year her debut album Love Ep was promoted. Gabbies paternal grandfather was Samuel P. Hanna (the son of James Howash Hanna and Katherine/Katharine Jacobs). The two did not end up having sex, Hanna saidon the 2020 phone call, but on the same call, Hanna said, "If I wanted to have sex with [him] I would, so stop trying to tell people I f---ed your ex-boyfriend when I didn't." Lepore did not respond to an inquiry from Insider for this article. Vazquez denied that she intentionally wanted to hurt Hanna's career and said that she didn't keep up with her music releases. He has a toned body, and a net worth of over $1 million.