In the intervening years, people have been investigated as suspects with nothing coming of it. Police: Yes, the danger of long-unsolved crimes is that police start to get desperate, and they can round up some other scumbag and frame him for the crime. Ive never mentioned it before but ATrueLady is a source for some of my statements. The whole story about them accidentally posting those transcripts online and the podcast just so happened to grab them before they realized their mistake was a joke. Unlike any other sleuths, we have determined the main suspects in the case, have a good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like, and have recently figured out the motive. I mean they might be telling kegan "we know it wasn't you blah blah blah." It looked like people lived in it long-term. 65, 310 pounds Tony Kline, makes no sense! Went to Lewis Cass Jr-Sr High School What I mean by this is that Kegans CP crimes were blown up larger than life in order to extrapolate information via the computer and Internet data to hopefully reel in the actual killer. Genetics. Kegan Kline ran the anthony_shots account, and police said he used the account to solicit nude pictures of underage girls. Youll be sorry you made fun of me. Kegan Anthony Kline, 27, is a Peru, Indiana native. I do see his distinctive "beak" (nose, chin) in the photo of the perp on the bridge that Libby took more so than the others who have been suspected of this crime (at least on this forum). If not isn't it time? In December 2021, the Indiana police shockingly tied the Peru native to Libby and Abbys murders thanks to a fake social media profile called anthony_shots.. I know for a fact that they are. Authorities allege he used the models pictures to catfish young girls. To gauge your reaction? In the intervening years, people have been investigated as suspects with nothing coming of it. Any info from your sources on the latest break? She shared the police YouTube video. The appeal was issued as part of their ongoing investigation into the Feb. 2017 murders of Liberty "Libby" German, 14, and Abigail "Abby" Williams, 13, in Delphi, Indiana. . They lie about lots of stuff. This case is a complete mess, it is chaotic, and I am certain that it has way too much publicity and this feature hinders the investigation. It was filed by David R. Vido, of the Indiana State Police Department in Indianas Miami County for a residence in Peru, Indiana. And then I found a career path that would get me to the spot I wanted to be in, where I could help these people for the rest of my life. This doesnt sound like much of a crime to me, but its definitely illegal. Lots of time when police are interrogating a suspect, they will say, We know you committed this murder. They say that even if they dont think you did it or if they have no idea if you did it or not. I wonder if he will kill again if they push this Kline nonsense. He currently has a marketing company called Kline&CO. Pictured below, youll see images of the known male model and images the fictitious anthony_shots profile sent to underage females., Continued police, We have already identified the male in these images that were used by the anthony_shots profile. Im going to double down on that one more time. Tony Kline & Kegan were BOTH in Delphi | Tony's Dirty Secrets | Kegan's Voice | The Delphi Murders Navillus True Crime 17.3K subscribers Join Subscribe 802 Share Save 16K views 9 months. Delphi Docs exists to act like theyre better than everyone else. The police also know for a fact that Mr. X had an accomplice and was also very close to people in the community. I recall Mr. Xs roommate fingered him and told the police several times that BG was Mr. X and to look no further. Good for them! According to the transcripts, a middle school-age girl in Galveston, Indiana, messaged the anthony_shots account that she wanted to hook up after school. Kline said his father also liked "younger women" and claimed he once slept with a 17-year-old when Kline was 20. In August 2020, more than three years after Abigail Williams and Liberty German were found murdered in Delphi, Ind., Feb. 14, 2017, police questioned Kegan Kline about his conversations with one of the teenage girls the night before they were killed. Kegan told investigators he finds girls on Instagram and then tells them to talk to him on Snapchat. Its all either the Klines did it or Ron Logan did it, two of the most unoriginal theses out there. Kegan stated if a girl told him she was 16 0r under he wouldnt care and would still talk to them. There is a hearing in the case on December 16, 2021. I think back to what Leigh Kerr said: This case will never be solved.. People profit off of true crime journalism all the time. Kegan admitted t0 speaking to approximately 15 girls that were underage and advised he probably received pictures from every one of them. I had this switch that went off in my head and I found my passion with helping people in the true crime community, especially, German told PEOPLE. He is seen at right in a photo taken from the cell phone of one of the victims. Studied at UNLV Im not some sanctimonious moral freak who goes around accusing everyone of being bad people. Fold an opp like a lawn chair.. Per reports, this account had allegedly been in touch with Libby just a few days before her death and had even asked to meet her near the hiking spot she had disappeared from. Last week we reached out to the clerks of the courts where Tony has faced charges and learned some disturbing new details. At first we didnt know what hes just a decoy meant, but I just learned the last sentence today. I heard that. Im quite worried that the police will try to frame Kegan or Tony Kline for this crime. His page indicates he was on tour throughout the country a lot in 2018, with much time spent in Las Vegas, Nevada, although he periodically returned to Indiana. Apparently thats not enough for an arrest though, much less a conviction. They also released Snapchat video from Libbys phone of a man walking on a bridge toward the girls before they were killed. I realize that your average person is psychodynamically illiterate. Born Nov. 24, 1945, in Peru, Indiana, he was the son of Richard and Betty L . And by the way, we are the only Delphi group who has actual sources in the police who leak to us regularly. In an unrelated case, the state police and FBI had served a search warrant against him on February 25, 2017, just eleven days after Libby and Abby's deaths. This is most unfortunate but it shows that if this rumor is true, then the police in this case have already tried to beat a confession out of some scumbag that they knew full well wasnt guilty. He was linked to the Delphi murders after he. Kegan Anthony Kline, 27, is allegedly the man behind a fake social media account that investigators say might be connected to the 2017 murders of teens Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Are the cops really leaking to these clowns or are these fame hounds just lying and claiming that. Now the Murder Sheets guys are saying KK admitted to waiting nearby in a red jeep while the murders were committed. Yeah, I agree. As you can see over in the Reddit groups, this search in the river obviously means that Kegan and Tony Kline murdered those girls! You were emailing me for a while. Hes just a decoy. They were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, Fox59 reported, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails. Police spoke about this incident and a case that was blacked out and Kegan again admitted to creating the fake Anthony_shots profiles and speaking to underage girls. They ranged from 15 to 17 years old and he received approximately 100 sexual pictures form underage girls, it alleges. Thanks for this! In other words, hes every other man within 25 miles of Delphi, Indiana. They used to fish there for sure but what else - Bart knows that voice! Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aaadfcbba014c49df036722a7054fb4e" );document.getElementById("b83dbe3da2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. The creator of the fictitious profile used this information while communicating with juvenile females to solicit nude images, obtain their addresses, and attempt to meet them. They dont have the faintest idea what they are doing. At this point, we have good enough sources in the police that we can afford to just accept their narrative and reject everything that goes against it. Kegan admitted t0 speaking to approximately 15 girls that were underage and advised he probably received pictures from every one of them. Go ahead, ride your high horse off into the distance. I've spoken to ex-friends and acquaintances of Kegan Kline. Heres the audio clip police released of the suspects voice in the Abby and Libby case. His. So the cops are in on this fake Klines did it thing! We dont understand what the Anthony Shots profile and Kegan Kline is all about. By all means, make all the money you want to off of this case. What about them? I hope he doesnt get to have the last laugh like that. To be clear, police have not accused Kegan Kline of involvement in the Delphi murders. Kegan was a musician who previously worked in a casino in Las Vegas and was living in Peru with his father. Kegan stated he meets girls on Instagram. Indiana State Police Delphi News via @YouTube, Kelsi German (@libertyg_sister) December 7, 2021. Guess what? We have interviewed search party ladies about the crime scene. RIP Fredo Santana., He wrote, I stopped smoking weed a year ago Go ahead, cast the first stone! No, the only one pinging the CPS building was Mr. Xs. His full name is Kegan Anthony Kline. Have they not recorded their voices and tried to tie it in through voice recognition systems. Just so happens to coincide with Mr. Xs phone pinging at that exact same location during that exact same period. They also say that he is transparent, but we dont know what that means. Search Results - Showing 0 - 34 Of 122. But we dont even know that. But according to the Lords of Sleuthdom, Kegan Kline killed those girls because hes a bad person. Please provide as much information as you possibly can, police wrote on Facebook. He then got a gig with Emarosa for a fall tour. Now we need to send one of our sleuths over there to find an exact name and address and hopefully to get photographs. Mr. X is very transparent and he also suspected of being involved in the Evansdale Murders after the first suspects panned out. He shared anti Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz on Facebook. He was given a polygraph. The page says Kline moved to Spokane, Washington, in 2019. There was a very unfortunate Supreme Court case along those lines. All you will learn is the basic background of the case, which is admittedly of some value. The Trump post, from someone else, read, Its been three years since we learned just how much Donald Grab Them By The P**** Trump respects women. But in 2018 he shared a Fox News post touting Trump on minority unemployment rates. Interestingly, the contents of Libbys phone played a pivotal role in guiding the authorities to potential suspects, including Kegan Kline. A theory is popping into my mind after listening is that maybe Libby who we know was talking to Keegan later found out his true identity and was threatening to tell someone about him because he was manipulating her or threatening her and either he coerced her into wiping her phone or she did it herselfgiven his dads history with intimidation of the 11yo girl Austin in the Amy/Austin history in the podcast maybe his dad decided to take care of the problem since they knew the girls were there that day. Everyone who makes money off any true crime case somehow disrespects the families. Who cares! Mr. X is a regular, ordinary member of the community with deep ties there. Hes never attacked a woman. We only deal in info the police and press have released! Oh noes! Of course, over and over, we hear the endless refrain that Ron Logan killed those girls. READ NEXT: Read More About the Delphi Murders