Sunfish are on the small side but they are eager biters and excellent fighters for their size. Health Information Privacy Information Smallmouth bass are often found around rocky structures along the bank, islands and submerged humps and other cover, where they like to get out of the main current and swim out to ambush passing prey. Here the issue was too many northern pikeminnows, which gobble up smaller game fish and can harm recreational fisheries. See more in our Best Tiger Muskie Fishing in Washington article. The Clark Countys favorite spots tend to be ledges and rock piles off the Camas and Washougal areas. In the past, Klineline Pond stocked tens of thousands of rainbow and cutthroat averaging 0.49 lbs. This is a nice-sized lake on the north side of Camas that provides a little something for every angler all year long. April 14: Special Needs DayApril 15: Main Day, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Tour. Klineline usually hosts an annual kids fishing derby. And Lake Merwin is the only reservoir in the area where you can catch tiger muskie. 16603 NE 50th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98686 . This document is provided for archival purposes only. Lake St. Clair, Long's Pond, and Black, Long, Offutt, and Ward lakes in Thurston County Elton Pond North in Yakima County Additionally, the following lakes on the eastside have been stocked with fry plants in recent years and promise great fishing for Black Friday: Hatch and Williams lakes in Stevens County; Fourth of July Lake in Lincoln and . WDFW Fishing and Stocking ReportsWDFW Fishing RegulationsNational Weather Service forecasts, 13 Best Fishing Spots Near Vancouver and Clark County. However, Vancouver Lake Regional Park on the western side is a much more popular place. Lake Merwin is the only reservoir near Vancouver where you can catch on of these. the Salmon Creek watershed is comprised of 89 square miles of rural, residential, commercial, forrest, and industrial land. Northern Pikeminnow congregate in rocky areas with fast currents near dams, islands, stream mouths, points, eddies, rows of pilings, and ledges or bars in the river. Before beginning work, establish the . Brown Trout were stocked beginning in 1989. Of the three, it has the least amount ofparks and campgrounds, although there are severaldispersed camping sites, making it the most remote and crowd-free. Use the links below to help determine when the pond will be well-stocked with trout. Salmon pass by Clark County in large numbers, with both spring and fall Chinook popular with anglers. Whats more, there are also plenty of hiking trails around. He started working for the Clark County Road Department in 1925 and was in charge of. Amy Asivido Keller Williams Realty. There are no special rules for this body of water, which means the statewide rules apply and it would be open year-round.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'pnwbestlife_com-box-4','ezslot_4',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pnwbestlife_com-box-4-0'); Scan to the section below for links to the statewide freshwater regulations. Last Modified: April 27, 2022 Sunrise, sunset, and night are generally the best fishing times. Klineline Pond RECEIVE FISHING REPORT UPDATES! There are launches on the south side off LaFrambois Road and on the north side in the Felida area. available. Fishing Store 2.2 miles. - Good access in park. Ant and Adams patterns should work. Useful. If you plan on camping, book in advance. Moreover, gas-powered boating is forbidden, making for a serene and tranquil location. $400,000 Last Sold Price. That said, there are reasonable numbers of largemouth bass, crappie, yellow perch and even channel catfish, among other species. These hard-fishing fish strike lures that imitate their favorite meals, including as crayfish and smaller fish. Fishing improves throughout the spring, peaking before the spawning period in May and June. The weather didn't deter the crowd. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Although small, its a popular family destination with a beach, paved trails, and picnic tables. Many Northwest residents love to fish. Website: Klineline Pond: Located along I-5 next to Salmon Creek, north of Hazel Dell, this popular opening-day spot pond will receive lots of catchable-size rainbow trout, including a few jumbos (10-12 inches) and broodstock (20-26 inches), plus some brown trout. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) regulates the waters of Clark County under Columbia Basin Rivers and Westside Lakes. Vancouveris pretty amazing when it comes to lakes. Fishing for remaining trout will taper off quickly in late May and into June, and by summer the water likely will be too warm for trout to tolerate. The lake is restricted to motorized boats, making it an excellent place to kayak and paddleboard. If you accidentally catch a grass carp, it must be released. In-Person Fishing Derby Returns for 2023 REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! For example, Battle Ground Lake is the most family and beginner-friendly. Klineline Park is located within the large Salmon Creek Regional Park. Two other men drowned. Klineline Kids Fishing Derby - Get More Kids Fishing More Often! Klineline Pond is a freshwater lake located in Clark County, Washington. The typical rainbow trout stocked out for the event averages 15 or 16 inches. This private pond (also known as Fargher Lake) located west of Amboy has in the past been planted with brown trout but is no longer open to public fishing. Two different roped off swim areas with free life vests for the children to borrow. Click here to unsubcribe from your fishing reports. Klineline is heavily stocked with hatchery trout during the cooler seasons, typically from late fall clear through spring. may contact the Title VI/ADA Compliance Coordinator by phone at That along with wide open waters often whipped up by the wind, and it can be tricky. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. They are deep and mostly along the south and east sides. 2023 Clark County Washington We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The pond is accessed through Salmon Creek Regional Park, which changes a lot throughout the year. It's been virtual since the beginning of the pandemic though. Watercraft of any kind are not allowed at Klineline. and last updated 3:53 PM, Feb 21, 2023. Ft. 1401 NE 85th Way, Vancouver, WA 98665. Klineline Pond provides good shoreline access. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on are affiliate links. Brown trout have also been planted at Klineline at times, but these arent always in the plan. SOLD APR 20, 2022. Online registration is open Feb. 1 thru April 1. Over a two day period, 11000 people gather at Salmon Creek Park/Klineline Pond in Vancouver, WA. Manage Settings This big lake (nearly 2,300 acres) on the northwest side of Vancouver has a lot of different gamefish species but is shallow and often difficult to access and fish. Another drawback to this location is that it gets pretty busy. Skykomish River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Humptulips River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Chehalis River Winter Steelhead 2022-2023, Wynoochee River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Skookumchuck River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Satsop River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Bogachiel Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Cowlitz River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Cowlitz River Spring Chinook Fishing 2023, Lewis River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Kalama River Winter Steelhead Fishing 2022-2023, Columbia River Spring Chinook Fishing 2023, Understanding WDFW Saltwater Salmon Fishing Regulations, Chanterelle Foraging in Western Washington 2021, Washington Stocked Lakes Best Opportunities, 2023 salmon forecasts released as annual season-setting process begins, Adult salmon daily limit reduced in the Wind River, Hatchery steelhead season extended on Salmon Creek (Clark Co.), Adult salmon daily limit reduced in the lower Klickitat River; salmon season delayed in the upper river, Coastal recreational bottomfishing opens Saturday, March 11 with new rockfish regulations. And right across the road isFallen Leaf Lake Parkwith its charming 25-acre pond that used to be known as Dead Lake. Kokanee fishing is nearly always a boat show. Fishing licenses are available at most sporting goods stores and at the WDFW Region Five headquarters, 2108 Grand Blvd, Vancouver. Also, there are restrictions on fishing here. This park pond just off I-5 on the north side of Vancouver is planted with large numbers of rainbow trout and also some cutthroat trout from late fall, through winter and much of spring. Battle Ground Lake and Klineline pond are the only lakes larger than five acres. So, kayaking and paddleboarding are out of the question. Whether your goals are to increase habitat for wildlife, manage your pond for fishing, or a little of both, these practices will maximize the benefit of your pond. Sturgeon fishing is largely catch-and-release in the lower Columbia River but can produce the fishing photo op of a lifetime. During the late fall and again in the spring, the lake is stocked with good numbers of hatchery-raised trout, most often rainbows, which are willing biters on bait and also can be caught with lures and flies. Over a two-day period April 11-12, 8-10,000 people will gather at Salmon Creek Park/Klineline Pond to help children experience fishing, playing outside and learning about water safety and the Sunday, December 4, 2022 Klineline Kids Fishing Nonprofitwas formed for the charitable purpose of assisting children, including low-income, under-privileged and disabled children to help themselves learn how to be more sustainable by being equipped and educated in the fundamentals of fishing. Clark Countys population is approaching a half million people in a relatively small area, but this is a place bounded by rivers including the massive Columbia and dotted by lakes, so anglers have plenty to do here. One local adventure you dont want to miss isApe Caves the lava tubes under Mt St. Helens that you can hike through. Swimming is allowed at Merrill Lake, and its a fantastic kayaking and paddleboarding spot, too. The Klineline Kids Fishing derby has been a popular spring activity in the area, and this year will be no exception! There are a number of similar sized lakes relatively close to Klineline Pond, including Klineline Pond was stocked with 1,700 rainbow trout on Jan. 3 and Kress Lake received 20 recycled steelhead on the same date. We will never share your email with third parties or spam you. WDFW stocks it with rainbow trout, but you can also expect lake, Skamania, and cutthroat varieties. Its excellent for family day trips filled with paddling adventures, picnics, and tranquil walks. Klineline Kids Fishing introduces kids to the benefits. The park provides every kid with a rod, and the lake gets stocked with 14,000 rainbow trout before the event. Trout Fishing: Basic How-To Techniques and Tips. Here, you will find a fishing pier, playgrounds, a boat ramp, and miles of hiking and biking trails. Remote, tranquil, and absolutely gorgeous, Swift Reservoir is a fun playground for outdoor lovers that offers a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Brown bullhead The lake is home year-round to largemouth bass, catfish and several species of panfish, including yellow perch. Individuals who need to receive this information FishWA 2014 Lowland Lakes Web Map by The lake is the centerpiece of Battle Ground Lake State Park. Warmouth This year so far, there has been 4 stockings of rainbow and cutthroat at an average of 0.45 lbs. Follow us on Facebook Past Kids Fishing Derby 2 days 14,000+ stocked rainbow trout 3,000+ kids 10,000+ attendees The new schedule announced today calls for Kress Lake and Klineline Pond to remain open indefinitely. There are some largemouth bass and other warmwater fish here as well, which will be the primary pursuit for summertime angling. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Boat fishing is best, but be careful to find deeper channels, especially if you bring a larger boat. The fall run on the North Fork is likely to be the larger return, with best fishing in September and October, with some catches into November. Also, because Swift Reservoir is the highest, its water level tends to fluctuate the most throughout the seasons, so launching big boats may be problematic at times. Winter is the most difficult season in which to catch Bluegill, but persistent anglers can find them in schools of like-sized fish offshore. in an alternative format, language, or who need reasonable accommodations Cool. Its the nearest full-on recreational lake with no restrictions on activities. Which is actually supposed to be this weekend. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. There are sturgeon there. Come to the Klineline Kids Fishing Derby for a day of fun at Salmon Creek Regional Park/Klineline Pond. Continue with Recommended Cookies, A site dedicated to promoting sustainable outdoor harvest recreation in the PNW, This blog post describes fishing regulations and trout plants for Klineline Pond Clark County, Recent catchable fish stocked per acre of lake size: 1181.51 fish per acre. All four of its parks offer designated beaches and boat ramps. Eric Burnley. The land-locked sockeye salmon are tasty and at times can be caught in good numbers. About Klineline Pond Fishing Those interested in supporting the efforts of the Klineline Pond Fishing nonprofit, which extend well beyond the two-day derby, are asked to visit or call (360) 818-4897. The ponds have very clear water and receive a good amount of pressure on the trout, which makes the bass finicky. Whats more, WDFW is very generous with rainbow and brown trout here. Mike Randall. Vancouver Lakeis a 2,287-acre body of water on the Columbia River. March 6, 2015 hey! The reservoir is the lowest of the three on the Lewis River. You can use the search and filter functions to search the stocking schedule for specific locations and dates. Klineline trout plants often include thousands of pan-sized trout, mostly rainbows but also good numbers of cutthroat trout. Stocking began in 1973 with Rainbow Trout. Fishing areas." . At times, Lacamas can suffer from water quality issues and aquatic weeds. Klineline Pond provides excellent opportunities for brown trout and rainbow trout. Klineline Kids Fishing Nonprofit puts on a yearly two-day derby for kids. The county, named for William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition, also includes part of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, part of the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, two national wildlife refuges, and a growing Washington State University campus. 60 Second Trout Fishing System *ILLEGAL IN SOME AREAS* TroutNinjaTV 3.47K subscribers Subscribe 3K Share Save 1.7M views 12 years ago Trout bites in less than 10. Battle Ground Lake, Fargher Lake, Kress Lake, Lakeview Peak and Rock Creek. 0:57. Fishing improves throughout the spring, peaking during the spawn in early-Summer. Klineline Pond, a former gravel pit, was created in the early 1970s by County Parks to provide a recreational opportunity. Kelulau's body was found just after 2:30 p.m. Thursday in water about 30 feet deep near the location he His remains were taken to the Clark County medical examiner's office. 3 Beds. A 2-day affair is when an army of 3,000 kids (+parents) flock to the lake to catch a fish and celebrate outdoors. Yale Lake is the most accessible of the three reservoirs here, partly because it hasfour parksand partly because it offers opportunities fordispersed lakeside camping. Pumpkinseed Sunfish Summer runs start showing in May and peak in June and early July. Stocking began in 1973 with Rainbow Trout. Skamania County: To the east, salmon, steelhead and more in the Columbia River and tributaries, plus some very good trout and bass lakes. PacifiCorp maintains several boat ramps, but these may be out of the water when levels are well down, usually later in the season. 17 reviews of Salmon Creek Park "Great park! Prizes will be awarded for the largest and . The shore access for fishing isnt great, though. The kokanee are a trout-sized land-locked sockeye salmon known for being feisty and quite tasty and traveling in large schools. Winter steelhead also are caught more often in the Clark County section of the river, with December and early January your best bet. Fishing is best for Coastal Cutthroat in the spring and fall. During late spring, summer and early fall, there is a modest fishery for largemouth bass and other warmwater fish. Related:13 Stunning Recreational Lakes near Olympia, WA. Most fish are around 10 inches long and 2 1/2 pounds, but of the 9,000, 600 are "jumbo." Kittitas County's lakes are open year-round, but as it gets deeper into the summer, chances to get a bite go. Black crappie There is excellent bank-fishing access on the south and west banks. Open in Google Maps. Its an excellent choice for renting an RV and spending a weekend in nature. Emergency fishing rule changes; Sportfishing rules pamphlet; Fish stocking reports; Fish Washington mobile app; Buy a fishing license; Discover Pass; Data From https . For March: An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Lacamas Regional Parkprovides access to Round Lake and Lacamas Lake and offers picnic shelters, grills, and 10 miles of hiking trails. Salmon and steelhead fishing are highly regulated and open and close based on run size and other factors, so be sure to check with WDFW for the latest information. Watercraft of any kind are not allowed at Klineline. Other fish you might catch here include bullhead catfish, common carp and northern pikeminnows. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. When it comes to activities, there are no limits on recreation here. 12 reviews of Klineline Pond "Great place to play in the water! Steelhead The other smaller ponds in the park likely have some of the same warmwater species but are not planted with trout. Yet, it offers plenty of recreational opportunities and is the nearest place to relax and unwind in nature. Horseshoe Lake will close March 31 and reopen April 25. These days the Columbia is home to many introduced species, including some excellent game fish. Swift Reservoiris the highest of the three lakes on Lewis River, and at 4,585 acres, its also the largest. WDFW stocks it with rainbow trout and tiger muskie. Shore access is limited. Most anglers tie those below blades or flashers to attract fish attention. Once every few years, WDFW stocks it with rainbow or brown trout to make things interesting for anglers. Catch rates for these fish arent high in the mainstem, but there are some opportunities for summer-run fish, including a chance to catch them from the bank because they migrate in shallow water. Bilby1, rhberg and Michael Gilbert. Manage Settings Nearby homes similar to 9704 NE 28th Pl have recently sold between $355K to $425K at an average of $235 per square foot. Klineline Pond is a 11.9-acre lake located in the Salmon Creek drainage, western Clark County. The lake offers great bank access; floating devices on the pond are restricted. March 4, 2023. Yet, WDFW stocks Lacamas and Round Lakes with plenty of rainbow trout, and anglers also report largemouth bass, bluegill, and perch catches. Or try our advanced Washington fishing lake finder - search for any species of fish, filter by stocked lakes only, lake amenities and more. According to "Names in Clark County" ("The Columbian", 2014): Salmon Creek Regional Park/Klineline Pond is located six miles up Salmon Creek. Summer and winter steelhead also run up the Columbia. Chris Graham. If not too many people there, move around the lake, try different things. However, fishing isnt great here. The latter is a gorgeous but vicious fish that grows to 50 inches in size. Klineline Park is located within the large Salmon Creek Regional Park. Pumpkinseed Sunfish This is the most peaceful spot where motorized boating and fishing are prohibited. Walleye can be tricky to catch. Lake Merwinis a 3,836-acre reservoir just 40 minutes from Vancouver. This subbasin has historically supported populations of fall Chinook, winter steelhead, chum, and coho. Cowlitz and Wahkiakum Counties: To the north, excellent salmon and steelhead rivers, a few spectacular trout and kokanee spots and one of the states best bass lakes. The new schedule announced today calls for Kress Lake and Klineline Pond to remain open indefinitely. Get a next-day email alert when this lake get stocked! Klineline Pond open? However, in summer, it becomes a hectic hive of parents and kids enjoying the splash pad and racing down the Salmon Creek Trail. During the closure, Horseshoe Lake will be treated with alum to reduce phosphorous levels. The pond also is stocked with some trout in the the 1- to 2-pound range, and even several dozen broodstock trout that can average as much as 10 pounds, potentially with some larger individual trout in the mix. Stocking began in 1973 with Rainbow Trout. Its very deep and has plenty of space for water activities like jet skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing. Bring a flashlight! Fishing may pick up in early Fall, followed by a decrease in action as waters cool. Some cutthroat trout also are typically stocked here in the spring. In addition to these two types, there are also cutthroat and lake trout to look forward to. The reservoir also is home to some bull trout, which along with dolly varden are protected and must be released unharmed if caught incidentally. Successful anglers typically catch them by trolling a nightcrawler or fish-shaped crankbait close to the bottom of the river, often with a special rig that helps keep the offering on the bottom but out of snags. Still, there are no restrictions on recreation here either. Fishing improves throughout the spring as waters warm and fish move onshore, peaking during the spawn. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Near the mouth of Siouxon Creek is one spot to find them. Required fields are marked *. Coho salmon are caught during the same time frame here. Fishing areas. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. to participate in WDFW-sponsored public meetings or other activities Is klineline pond open for fishing? Whats more, its an exceptional fishing reservoir. Before we get there, we know that Southwest Washington has a ton of good fishing beyond the county line. Home page; . Studies show there are greater concentrations of Northern Pikeminnow in shallow water during low-light conditions. Fire investigators will be looking into a cause at an Oakwood Village metal manufacturing plant Monday afternoon following an explosion. Klineline Pond Clark County Fishing 2023 This blog post describes fishing regulations and trout plants for Klineline Pond Clark County Recent Trout Plants for Klineline Pond Clark County Recent catchable fish stocked per acre of lake size: 1181.51 fish per acre Fishing Regulations for Klineline Pond Clark County Although there is a wide paved launch, motorized boating is prohibited at Horseshoe Lake unless its an electric motor. Located near the center of Clark County, the watershed extends from Elkhorn Mountain in the Cascade foothills east of Hockinson and flows 26 miles west to Lake River on the Columbia River flood plain. Horseshoe Lake will close March 31 and reopen April 25. Clark County also is home to Battle Ground, Camas, La Center, Ridgefield, Washougal and a number of other communities, including sharing Woodland with Cowlitz County to the north. Yale Lakeis a 3,612-acre reservoir on the Lewis River. These fish were planted to help control aquatic weeds that might otherwise overrun the pond. There is a summer lull as fish move offshore into deeper waters to escape the summer heat in July and August. And if fishing is your priority, try colder months, when the park is at its quietest. Those so-called warmwater fish species tend to bite best starting in the spring and continuing throughout summer and into early fall. There is a small population of largemouth bass.The lake offers great bank access; floating devices on the pond are restricted. The North Fork, which forms the northern boundary of Clark County (bordering Cowlitz County), is the larger and typically most fished of the two rivers. Catch improves in Fall as waters cool, vegetation begins to die back, and prey becomes more available. Lost Lake in this drainage hasnt been stocked for years but might have a few trout. Special Needs Day Friday April 14th Kids Only Day Saturday, April 15th Get the latest! Channel catfish This forested lake in a little crater near its namesake city offers very good trout fishing during the fall, winter and spring, when it is stocked with hatchery rainbow trout.