Council adopts Maroondah Housing Strategy: 2022 Refresh Council endorses the Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy Local events See all events 14 Feb In/Visible: Persephone Thacker 14 Feb OMISSION: Ciaran Frame and Amber Cronin 24 Feb LGBTI+ Peer Social Support Group (aged 50+) Ive lived in our local Maroondah community all my life. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? Gday im David Maloney. We here at Connecting Maroondah, in collaboration with Transition Towns Maroondah (TTM) have noted an increase of interest in local council matters and the upcoming elections. I agree that globally and locally we are in the midst of a Climate Emergency and with so many prominent leaders (from Greta Thunberg to Al Gore) advocating for change in the way were looking after our planet. I am committed to leading with passion and integrity. Location: Based at Ringwood but will work across Maroondah Council area; Position Description - pdf Opens in new window Position Description - docx Opens in new window: 05-Mar-2023 11:30 PM (AEDT) Start New Application; Access Existing Application; Preview Application Form; Statutory Planner Job Ref - SPL013 20917, Floodlighting upgrade - Contract no. I am excited to be running for Tarralla Ward within Maroondah City Council. Those advocacy skills ensured that at the last federal election, as Mayor, I was able to secure over $140m in funding for Maroondah. While The Council of Capital City of Lord Mayors, major Global corporations and community groups have now signed on to the Climate Emergency pledge, a lot of work needs to be done at a local council level on the protection of our environment. May I look forward to your vote? Council is a multimilliondollar business do no waste your vote on an amateur. Please Vote 1 Neil Rose. I understand the challenges businesses are facing right now because I grew up in a family business. Gardens for Wildlife or similar programs, more community gardens across the municipality with leadership from locals, not necessarily Council. I will ensure council provides essential services such as more footpaths, improved sporting facilities, quality public spaces, and support for community groups. Our environment is important. Candidates: Ron Davis Matthew Mitnick Kenneth Wilson District 5 I will ensure that Council uses our rates for good by continuing to deliver Covid-19 recovery and relief programs for rate-payers, community groups and businesses. BH: (03) 9723 4545AH: (03) 9723 4545Mob: 0417 391 743les.willmott@gmail.comFacebook Short answer; scientists and other QUALIFIED experts in the field. Hit your fitness goals in time for Run Maroondah. Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? No rate increases. Introduce a new notification system to alert neighbours when a permit is being applied for to remove a canopy tree.f. I know when I was last on council they were more bitumen than green, not sure where they are nowWhat would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?Invite groups & individuals in on discussions of topics e.g. I will push for Council to be given more power to order repairs or demolition at the owners expense. Lets not just buy local, lets employ local. Former appointments, chair Melbourne Metropolitan waste board, Director Eastern Regional Tafe Board, Director Incolink, Director Co-invest, Director Australian Bone marrow institute. Maintain our green and leafy environment, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Stop the loss of mature trees. Results for this election have now been finalised. I know most sports fields have water tanks but very few have solar. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?For council to hold public meetings. Part of living in a democracy is undertaking your civic duty and engaging with government Im glad Transition Towns does this on a regular basis. If I am elected, I will fight for: Government funding for mental health, child, and hardship services, Job opportunities and training programs, Community engagement for our elderly, Introduction of sustainable environmental practices, Growth in our small business and local economy, Lower rates and council expenses, Improved roads, foot paths and infrastructure, Appropriate sanitation of public facilities and parks I am serious about change and will use my position in the council to voice all your concerns. In Ward 5 which encompasses southwest Oklahoma City largely between Interstate 44 and S Santa Fe Avenue Councilman David Greenwell stepped aside to make way for four candidates to run for his seat held since 2011. 20890, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - The Age - 15 August 2018, Notice of Tender - Footpath, Kerb & Channel Works - Contract No. If you give me the privilege of representing you on Council, rest assured that I will listen to you and work for you. Hi Tarralla Ward residents: My Name is Jay Bhat, and I am running to be your local council representative for the city of Maroondah. Whilst many services are of high standards, our Council can always do better. Jobs give people purpose, especially our youth. I am well versed in the operation of council and have studied and attended many training sessions and council meetings in preparation for the position of councillor. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?ABC News, The Guardian, Michael West Media, SBS, What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I would like Maroondah council to declare a climate emergency. 6. In the current climate and over the next 4 years it will be hard, really hard. I will take tough action to stop developers from sitting on vacant shops, cut the red tape and reduce bureaucracy for small businesses and residents. Councillors of Maroondah City Council See a list of Councillors since 1997. Tony Dib is the only candidate for this ward. We need better access to public transport and parking at Railway stations and I will work with the community to find the best solutions to provide more spaces. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Australian Conservation Foundation, Emergency Management Australia, Climate council, fb sites, Captain Paul WatsonWhat most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?start with solar panels on council buildings, Im sure their energy provider is a coal muncher, What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?with more building we need to make sure our parks are protected, make sure that wildlife corridors work, we need to plant now for the futureDo you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? The Local Government Disqualification Act 2022 came into effect on 28 June 2022. Maroondah is on an exciting sustainability and livability journey and I want to keep bringing my energy, passion and experience of developing equitable policies and innovative thinking to the decision making table. Professionally I am a banker, my past work experience include working in Retail industry, postal services and various Customer service based roles. 20976, High voltage relocation - contract no. I will represent your voice honestly on council. I will keep advocating for upgrades to intersections such as Yarra Rd & Maroondah Highway and for public transport improvements (especially buses). Our local Transition Town (TTM) has sent sent a questionnaire to each candidate across Maroondah's three council wards. 20942, Depot waste collection services - contract no. The Hon Michael Sukkar MP Member for Deakin Shadow Minister for Homelessness Shadow Minister for Housing Shadow Minister for Social Services Liberal Party 5/602 Whitehorse Road Together we will build a stronger Maroondah. The Victorian Electoral Commission acknowledges and pays respect to the Traditional Owners of the land. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?From various sources, like the Climate Council of Australia, Climate Action Network Australia, and Environment Victoria. My promise is to be accessible, to listen and consult with you. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Climate change, replacement of canopy cover being lost to development but also due to die-back, replacement of loss of shrubs and understorey vegetation due to development, water saving initiatives on public land and incentives for new developments to implement more water sensitive urban design principals. We must continue to have community consultation meetings, to ensure that the residents concerns are heard and acted upon. 20943, Sports lighting upgrade - contract no. If youre interested in finding more about what your candidates hope to achieve, if elected, check out our latest podcast episodes and join the Connecting Maroondah Facebook group to stay up to date with all things Maroondah. I kindly ask for your vote. This election was uncontested and the following candidate(s) are declared elected unopposed. It is why I am also supporting ideas like greening greyfields, community gardens, green street projects, food organics and garden organics waste services, and gardens for wildlife, which neighbourhoods and residents can lead themselves, with the support of Council. Almost 30 years as your councillor, 8 mayoral terms, last mayor Croydon, first mayor Maroondah. Why or why not?The overall information points towards this, the data is compelling and I will always rely on the expertise of environmental scientists. Given the states growing population, Maroondahs schools are going to be squeezed for space very soon. At-large Councilmembers Bob Mendes and Sharon Hurt were. My family and I have lived in South Croydon since I joined the Victoria Police Force in 1975. 7. Council can do more to assist them. Im married to a policewoman, together, we understand community safety. Lets work together to make McAlpin Ward an even better place to live, work and raise a family. This is what we need to be as a community. Doesnt matter if youre a small business owner, single resident, small or large family, rate payer or renter, we all pay good money to live here, and would simply like to pick up the phone, report a problem and get it sorted! As a parent myself, I am seeing that many young families are needing additional support right now, and as we emerge from COVID, there is going to be a real need to support the mental and physical health and wellbeing of our children and young people, who have been disconnected from education, play and recreation with friends and family. Find out more about the candidates and I will also complete the now defunct promise to acquire the vacant South Croydon Primary School and soon to be vacant Croydon Community School Sites for community use and stop the possibility of their sell off for housing development. We must protect, maintain and enhance our natural and beautiful environment. However, the golf course makes a profit now, so why change it now, or is the council looking to sell the surplus land to a developer for a housing estate? With your vote, I will be a strong voice on the Maroondah City Council. Ward boundaries Councillor code of conduct Council elections Women in local government Maroondah City Council Electoral Representation Review Back to top Ill fight for the following issues: Development in youth, open parks and sports grounds; Upgrading the South Croydon Football Club Pavilion; Keep vacant land at the old Croydon South primary school in community hands; Reject any inappropriate developments that lead to an increase in traffic congestions; Fund the enhancement of Tarralla creek with a shared pass for bike tracks and an underground water storage system; Ensure the Dorset golf course remains an 18 hole course; Improve community services for the elderly; Oppose any further development of Eastfield Park by private developers; Responsible financial management, with no rate increases for the next financial year to help ease the burden on local families; Genuinely consult residents on planning issues. (1) The improvement, maintenance and protection of Maroondahs canopy and unique native flora & fauna, (2) Assisting residents to create Gardens for Wildlife, (3) Lowering Maroondahs carbon emissions and moving to more renewable energy initiatives, (4) Maroondah council declaring a Climate Emergency, (5) The council consulting with the community about the environment on a ongoing basis that is transparent. Vision: Is to meet resident needs of today, without compromising the future. Mission: I Love our local area and it is time we focus on the things that matter to us. Since then, Council spent $54M and borrowed $25M to build the Ringwood Pool and have budgeted $28M to relocate the offices to Eastland. Ill inject funding into junior sports, create first class sporting facilities, and upgrade rooms to be female friendly, which will also assist to improve female participation in local sports. Maroondah is also represented on the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action, which provides regular reports to Council. With your vote, Ill prioritise the repair and installation of new footpaths. I am also a member of the amazing Eastern Regional Coop and have a strong environmental sustainability focus. citizenship and awards, Engineering Development Design Guidelines. Community Focussed. I pledge to provide initiative, reliability, and strong advocacy in Council. Mr Marks nominated as a candidate for McAlpin Ward in Maroondah Council in the 2020 general election. I will continue advocating for the Croydon level crossing removal. We need councillors that care more about the community rather than visions of grandeur.,, With the ongoing challenge of Council planning decisions being contested and declining outcomes for revegetation and canopy in the private realm, do you have any other suggestions for improving outcomes.Improving our planning control. Manager at Early Childhood Centre. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?Global Warming (is everyones problem)Degradation of local waterwaysLoss of wildlife habitatDo you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? When I left Council in 2005, there was $12M in the bank that was used to build the Croydon Pool. I will advocate for council to maintain and improve the vital local community services, including aged and disability services. where does our green waste & recycling really end up? Do you think a council should declare a Climate Emergency? If so, what are these improvements and how would you make them happen?A heritage review study has recently been undertaken, and I know that there are controls and protections in place. Question 1. Moreover, I pledge to balance the needs of our families and single members households, students and workers, young people and older residents. Our Global Local bulletin highlights local solutions to global challenges, with a different theme each week offering critical insights, policy suggestions and case studies. Why or why not?I would need more information from council as to where it currently sits. Please vote 1 for Todd Greaney. Over the years, I have been involved in our community both as a volunteer and in my years as a local secondary Maths teacher. 1.Maintaining and enhancing our parks and gardens.2.Improving our sporting facilities.3.More bicycle paths and walking tracks.4.An improved waste management system, to stop reliance on land fill, and improved recycling. I am passionate about protecting the environment we live in. October 24, 2023 - November 30, 2023 (27 day post-election) 11. Maroondah City Council Map - Detailed Arrabri Ward (3 vacancies) Results for this election have now been finalised. Hi, Im Veronica. Amid these disasters, we have learnt that what we need most is a local community that we can rely upon. As a candidate for the Arrabri ward in the upcoming Maroondah Council elections, I guarantee to do something exceptionally well. What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?A stronger online presence from council, easier to use consultation process instead of the clunky not suitable for phones website. They face an uncertain future, as evidenced by the horrendous bushfires over summer. Australia. thank you. Why or why not?Yes! Find your current ward Find out your ward, councillors, and see the parks and facilities near you by entering your address in My Maroondah: Our children have asked for more places to ride their bikes. As a resident of Maroondah, with a young family, I know the importance of council services. Theyre a message of hope. I know where and how to get results for you. Council being the final Responsible Authority/decision maker for all residential development in Maroondah?d. Why or why not?Yes. 20962, Floodlighting upgrade - contract no. A hard-working health care worker for the last 16 years. Any access to the information, amendments that may be required or any privacy enquiries may be directed to Council's Privacy Officer & Health Records Officer on, Swimming pool and spa registration and fencing compliance requirements, Community celebrations. 20922, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2019/20 Update) and Budget 2019/20, Notice of intention to discontinue road and sell land, Amenities refurbishment - contact no. I ask that you vote 1 Suzanne Stojanovic to represent McAlpin Ward. 20978, Notice of the preparation of an amendment - Amendment C142maro, Manage and operate MFE Cafe - EOI - Contract no.20853, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. 5. I am here to listen, and work with you to make things better where we can. My family and I love walking around the golf course, unfortunately, I have heard that the council is looking to change the courses from 18-hole to a 9-hole course. Protecting our unique biodiversity. Voting in the Wonga Ward by-election was conducted by post, with voting closing at 6pm on Friday 11 March, 2022. Deputy Mayor Maroondah City Council 2019-20. I think after the experience of the Corkman Pub demolition in Carlton, there is extra vigilance and sensitivity to heritage protections. Yes. So, weve collated their campaign statements and responses from a TTM survey. With a background of 15+ years working in Logistics and Client (End to End) Service industries, I want to invest my time into matters that affect us all living here, and reinvent how a small town relationship can be if you only need to deal with the one person. Because someday in life you will have been all. Please contact me 0409003048 or or look at my fb page https://www. Better protections for canopy trees and open space in private spaces?e. I am committed to continuing this advocacy on your behalf. I have a Graduate Diploma in Arts from the University of Melbourne which is excellent training for balancing issues faced by Council. We here at Connecting Maroondah, in collaboration with Transition Towns Maroondah (TTM) have noted an increase of interest in local council matters and the upcoming elections. With our economy in recession, local families are doing it tough. I will be an advocate for the smaller issues we have, such as emptying bins at our parks, getting the unfinished footpaths to full footpaths in our streets, and keeping residents informed about developments in our area. (2) UNLEASH Alumni UNLEASH is a non-profit founded in 2016 with the aim of developing solutions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and building capacity for young people from around the world. How do you think the outcomes can be improved within your capacity as a Councillor?a. It seems that all you see are more vacant shopfronts and gutted buildings. I am here for all of you. This candidate has not yet taken the survey. Local government can directly improve the lives of residents. Its going to have a significant impact on Councils budget and our ability to fund projects and initiatives into the future. If you have any questions about voting or about my policies, please call 0492500340 or email I will act to maintain our distinctive neighborhoods. I will ensure your voice is heard and I will work with all levels of government as your representative for Tarralla Ward. Upgrading community and sporting facilities for more inclusive activities. What most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?Better recycling, including reuse of hard rubbish and reducing corporate food waste. The Maroondah community welcomed my family with support and opportunities to prosper. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?News Media, Scientific Journals, Nature Magazines (eg National Geographic and Nature Shows (e.g. David Attenborough) andorganizations such as the ACFWhat most innovative action would you like the council to make in response to local environmental issues?I am not sure until I see what the situation is from the inside. I am not a member of any political party, nor am I a career politician. Each ward is represented by 1 councillor, giving a total of 9 councillors. Local planning laws that require a detailed assessment of the cumulative impact of development on neighbourhood character and streetscapes prior to any approval?c. The rate and size of development in Croydon is increasing. The environment and climate change are also significant issues, particularly in the eyes of younger people. I went to high school at Heathmont College, my kids go to a school within the Maroondah area. You deserve better, McAlpin Ward and Greater Maroondah deserve better! I have a lifetime of local knowledge to draw upon, having attended primary and secondary schools locally and been a volunteer in many community organisations, including as President of South Croydon Football Club. $2.3m increased investment on footpaths across the municipality, reviewed, updated and introduced the Disability Policy and Action Plan for 2019-2021, $2.7m Coopersmith Pavilion at East Ringwood Reserve including the Chin Community Hub, new Maroondah Golf Strategy, Dog Park at Eastfield reserve, Annual Maroondah Kindergarten Expo and much more. I am not a member of any political party. My local knowledge, strong collaborative and advocacy skills, together with my real passion to energetically represent the community of McAlpin Ward, make me the best candidate to fill the position of councillor. 20987, Sportsfield redevelopment - contract no. D. D. R. Following the 2020 presidential election, 62.2% of Utahns lived in one of the state's 26 Solid Republican counties, which voted for the Republican presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 37.5% lived in one of two Trending Democratic counties: Salt Lake and Summit. I have excellent working relationships with all levels of government, which is important for our advocacy platform. I have been a community representative for local councils and NGOs, advocating for communities on both local and global platforms. If it benefits the community, Ill support it. I will work to save the leafy environment of our city and limit overdevelopment, keep Dorset Golf Course intact, maintain Eastfield Park and not relocate the Croydon Outdoor Pool but relocate some services back to Croydon. I have worked for government and have successfully run my own business for the last 29 years. Last election councillors promised to save the former South Croydon school site for public open space, yet four years on we still have no answer whether the site will be saved for open space or sold to a developer to turn into a large housing estate. We have updated Part 1 of our guidance for Candidates and Agents to reflect this. At present I dont believe there are any in Maroondah..I would like council to work with a group like Ironbark to assess where the biggest gain in emissions reduction can be achieved in our community. 20920, Notice of Intention to Sell Land - 45, 47 and 49 Eastfield Road, Ringwood East, Golf cart path construction - Contract no.20921, Project management services - Car park redevelopment EOI - Contract no. As the former MP for Deakin from 2007-2013 I worked closely with Maroondah to fund Community projects like Aquanation, the Soccer and Boxing pavilion at Jubilee park and the AG Lavis Baseball pavilion in Heathmont. Following the resignation of former Councillor Nora Lamont, the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) managed a by-election for the Wonga Ward. The rate of vegetation loss in Maroondah will have significant ecological, climatic, and biodiversity impacts. Protecting our leafy green environment and stopping inappropriate development. Im Melinda Canavan. Day time in person and evenings on Zoom or similar perhaps. 20984, Pavilion redevelopment - contract no. To represent your community, its important to be active in it. Maroondah City Council's elections will go ahead as scheduled on October 24 - with all residents to cast their votes by postal vote. Im asking you to please Vote 1 for Melinda Canavan for McAlpin Ward. It provides a simple, secure and efficient means for managing tendering activities and quotations. Vote 1 Nora Lamont delivering for the community since 2008. I would also like the community to engage more with Council consultation. We appreciate the time that Councillors and prospective Councillors have take to respond to our questions, and the interest in appearing on our podcast. I support the need for council to provide more in relation to rate and fee concessions, waivers and relief to the many businesses that have been affected. 20878, Adoption of Council Plan 2017-2021 (2018/19 Update) and Budget 2018/2019, Ringwood East Shopping Centre Proposed Declaration of Special Rate Scheme, Draft Maroondah Affordable and Social Housing Policy & Draft Maroondah Gambling Policy, Maroondah City Council Extraordinary Vacancy - Maroondah Leader - 3 July 2018, Notice of Tender - Pool Boiler Replacement - Contract No. I grew up in Ringwood. I believe in fairness and equity and will always put our community first. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Ha ha, excellent question! I will consult with community on all big decisions and will always address your concerns. 20895, Proposed Local Law No. I have volunteered for local organisations associated with the council , participated in fundraising activities for the RMH, Movember, Cancer Council Victoria, Eastern Health and RSPCA. What environmental issues in Maroondah do you regard as needing strong action now?We need to make where possible a transition to viable renewable energy sources. 20935, Floodlighting upgrade - contract no. The Reformed Residential Zones (State Planning Scheme) were enacted in 2014. In my relatively short time coming from Vermont South Ive seen a lot of Ringwood, and a lot that can be improved! NOTICE: The contents of candidate statements were provided by the candidates and from their responses to the Victorian Electoral Commission, for your reference here. I will advocate for a more open and transparent Council and for Council governance reform. Vote 1 for me, your independent candidate Mob: 0491 643 139Email: marijkegrahammaroondah@gmail.comFacebook:, Transition Towns Maroondah: Questionnaire Responses. Id also like to see in-person consultation this could be at various times by various means. A healthy community is a happy community. Mother. We need councillors that are willing to scrutinise the budget and trim the fat. I think it is a gesture which is meaningless at the Local Government level.What would you like to do regarding better community consultation from the council?More transparency in Council planning. My husband and I are raising our 2 kids in Croydon North. 20888, Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment - Amendment C104 - Maroondah Leader - 29 May 2018, Notice of Tender - Building Upgrade Works - Contract No. Improved protections for residents against inappropriate development?b. I care about our native habitats and will ensure the Mullum creek area native program continues. Vote 1 for Andrew Schafer for Yarrunga Ward. Where do you find your information on Climate Change?Usually abc news or google for things, david Attenborough, my partner is usually all over that sort of news so we talk about it. I want our elderly to maintain their dignity and receive the optimal care that they are entitled to. It would be my honour to serve as your councillor on the Maroondah City Council. This unprecedented period of time has brought our local environment and wellbeing into sharp relief, and I believe that council has a critical role to play in ensuring that everyone in Maroondah has a chance to feel supported and uplifted. I live near Federation Estate with my two daughters. For more info, call me on 0417814355 or email See the Australian Electoral Commission website to find out which Federal electorate you live in. And, its an old and ongoing issue, but residents always bring up the issue of safer roads, intersections, pedestrian crossings, and traffic signalling. 20967, Design and construct multi-deck carpark - EOI - contract no. Our elderly have been treated as disposable lately. View the Maroondah City Council 2020 results. Shortlisting takes place after the closing date for applications. (1) Undertaking co-design workshops with the community, community leaders and environmental groups to achieve sustainable outcomes.