Wednesday, Nov. 16, on the Mississippi River near Ferryville in this U.S. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. After . control has been instituted to combat it. It the biggest flyway for migratory birds and is used by 325 different species. 866-763-8310 | The Mississippi kite was first named and described by the Scottish ornithologist Alexander Wilson in 1811, in the third volume of his American Ornithology. Much of the refuge is former cropland that is being reforested. Compared to the uncanny ability of migratory birds, the human navigational system the one we're born with isn't always up to the task. Watch for tree swallows, barn swallows, and cliff swallows diving over wetland waters. American White Pelican and Bald Eagle are seen on and around the reservoir, and a wide variety of ducks can be present from fall through spring. The Mississippi units of the Gulf Islands National Seashore encompass six major islands and one tract on the mainland thats accessible by vehicle. With one of the highest species lists of any site in Mississippi, St. Catherine Creek is a rewarding place to look for waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, and everything in between. Colville Park in Red Wing on the north end of the IBA, and Read? traffic along the river continue to cause degradation and loss of habitat. Killdeer Watch for red-tailed hawks perched in trees near wetland areas and for kestrel and rough-legged hawks near grassland areas. A user permit from the state Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks is required to enter the area; one can be obtained from any department office or online. Bald Eagle is another winter visitor and has nested here. Each spring approximately 500,000 Sandhill Cranes and some endangered Whooping Cranes use the Central Platte River Valley in Nebraska as a staging habitat during their migration north to breeding and nesting grounds in Canada, Alaska, and the Siberian Arctic. High traffic of recreational fishing occurs in these streams. The Cornell Lab's Handbook of Bird Biology provides even more information on the . Canada geese build nests on top of muskrat huts and other high viewpoints near the water. You can try refreshing the page, or you can enjoy our livestreams and highlights on our YouTube Channel Thanks for supporting! The park is the only place in Mississippi where migrating raptors can be found in concentration. Unusual species seen in the area include Pomerine Jaeger in Nov. 1996, and a White-winged Scoter in 2006. Drive to the end of the road leading to the fishing pier to look over the bay, and also take Robert McGhee Road to the roadside boardwalk overlooking a marsh. Mississippi Kites are distinctive in plumage, flight style, and foraging behavior. The other North American flyways include the Central, the Pacific and the Atlantic. MN ?V 2a The refuge has recorded 18 criteria 2a species. The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. More than 2 billion birds pass through this region each year (Horton et al. Dove, Mourning Looking at its total system, the Mississippi extends more than 3,700 miles across the country and is the 4th longest river system in the world. Let us send you the latest in bird and conservation news. The Great River Birding Trail has specific details on birds on the rote, including the abundance of different species, nesting locations and directions to more birding spots along then northern part of the Mississippi. The White River National Wildlife Refuge in Arkansas might be home to a remnant population of the ivory-billed woodpecker. New analysis casts doubts. Published December 23, 2022. Even with the burgeoning spring weather, a bird feeder is a great help to a migrating bird thats been flying for hours. The bottom of their tail has distinct white and black dots/streaks and a soft orange tint on the tips of their wings. Prothonotary Warblers occur at a density of about 0.75 pr/ha. For hummingbird migration, we ask that you log any hummingbird sightings on the Perky-Pet Hummingbird Migration Map. The mighty river serves as a natural highway for more than 325 migrating bird species, according to the . Order a FREE Great River Road 10-state map, Top 5 birds to see on the Great River Road, Birdwatching hotspots on the Great River Road. Pledge to stand with Audubon to call on elected officials to listen to science and work towards climate solutions. Most field guides do not prepare you for that because most people look up as birds fly over. Stop the Destruction of Globally Important Wetland. It has been estimated that up to 40% of the nations waterfowl and shorebirds use the river valley during spring and fall migration. Photo: Dick Dickinson/Audubon Photography Awards, All along the Gulf Coast, Audubon conserves, restores, protects, and monitors coastal sites for colonial and beach-nesting birds More. Photo: Marc Muench/ Spring is an incredible time to go birdwatching along the Mississippi River! Stewards of the Upper Mississippi River Refuge installed five wildlife viewing cameras on the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. 3:05:51 Wildlife. White . Clark Creek Natural Area (Woodville, MS) The area has 50 waterfalls, ranging from 10 ft to 30 ft in height! Goose Information; Mourning Doves; Teal Information; Waterfowl Migration Survey; Pheasant & Small Game + Turkey Hunting. Here you can make the trek up the 500 foot bluff for views of where the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers meet. Wood Thrush Tundra Swans (daily totals over 20,000 in pools 4-9) are a popular attraction for many bird watchers attracting viewers to towns along the river. Part of the Hancock County Marshes Preserve, Ansley Preserve has a bird list of more than 230 species. Tags: Arkansas, birding, fall, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, MRPC Office: PO BOX 7395 | Madison, WI 53707-7395 ?s 71 State Parks. The refuge Interior Rivers + Trout Streams. ?s landing on the south end of the IBA are both noted for attracting wintering eagles. Swallow, Barn ?regular species?? Latin: Peak birding here happens in April and early May, especially after a storm with northerly winds, when vireos, thrushes, warblers, tanagers, and orioles can decorate the trees. Picking Up the Pen Again: JP Brammer Reignited His Passion Sketching Birds, The Bird Flu Blazes On, Amping Up Concerns for Wildlife and Human Health, National Audubon Society to Celebrate The Birdsong Project at Benefit Event, The Flight of the Spoonbills Holds Lessons for a Changing Evergladesand World, At Last, a Real Possibility to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Change, How Tribes Are Reclaiming and Protecting Their Ancestral Lands From Coast to Coast, Great Lakes Piping Plovers Have a Record-breaking Breeding Season, Bipartisan Water Resources Bill Modernized to Meet 21st Century Issues, The Clean Water Act at 50 and What it Means for Birds, Help power unparalleled conservation work for birds across the Americas, Stay informed on important news about birds and their habitats, Receive reduced or free admission across our network of centers and sanctuaries, Access a free guide of more than 800 species of North American birds, Discover the impacts of climate change on birds and their habitats, Learn more about the birds you love through audio clips, stunning photography, and in-depth text. They even offer eagle viewing field trips that will take you to hotspots along and near the river. The dam area on Highway 315 has many areas from which the lake can be scanned for waterbirds. 111 E. Kellogg Blvd., Suite 105 Usually the swans will stay until the Mississippi River backwaters freeze over, or until late November or early December if the water stays open. Mile 10, Natchez Trace National Parkway, Mississippi. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Large groups of both diving ducks and puddle ducks swim close to the dike and even larger rafts of diving ducks can be seen with a spotting scope as you look north towards the main channel of the Mississippi River. The peak for wading birds is August and September, when wetlands can teem with Wood Stork, herons, egrets, night-herons, ibises, and Roseate Spoonbill. Frontenac State Park, with a total list of 263 species, is one of the most popular birding areas in Minnesota. Ducks nest in the summer months: wood ducks and hooded mergansers in the bottomland forest; blue-winged teal in marshy areas, and mallards in grasslands or tall plants along the islands in the river. The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge is actually 240,000 acres and 261 miles long, running through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois and lies within the Mississippi Flyway, the migratory path for birds. Wood Duck Click below to see maps for some of the different segments on the route. Though it is true that much of the state is cropland, its interspersed with refuges protecting remnants of once-vast bottomland hardwood forests. Inside the center are two floors of interactive exhibits where you can climb inside a nest and test your strength against our national birds. There are also many parks and museums of interest to bird lovers on the route. All About the Mississippi Flyway and the Birds That Travel It Kentucky Warbler perched on a branch As the name indicates, this migration path follows the Mississippi River, spanning the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Canada. Up to 50,000 waterfowl may winter at the refuge, with abundant dabbling ducks such as Gadwall, Mallard, and Northern Shoveler. . It is little wonder then that this large, south-flowing river forms the core of one of North America's great flyways and offers birders wonderful opportunities to observe a wide variety of species. The Great River Road National Scenic Byway follows the path of the Mississippi Flyway, a migratory route used by 35 percent of North American birds. Olive-sided Flycatcher Vulture, Turkey Mississippi River Bird Cam | livecams Films Looks like we're having trouble loading the page It seems there was an issue trying to load the page. "The migration north usually has two. Consider bring along some binoculars and a birding book so you can identify the birds you encounter. Vast wildlife refuges, state forests, federal forests and parks protect the habitat and food sources these birds depend on. Many miles of inviting trails wind through various habitats on the refuge, and boardwalks offer the opportunity to experience the bottomland swamp. This includes 29 species of shorebirds and 33 species of warblers (10 breeding). Turkey vultures ride the air currents around the bluffs along the river. Bald Eagles nest, migrate, and winter within this IBA. The Mississippi Kite makes a streamlined silhouette as it careens through the sky on the hunt for small prey, or dive-bombs intruders that come too close to its nest tree. Osprey nests in this area, and depending on water level the lake can attract wading birds and shorebirds. Daily high waterfowl counts in fall 2005 exceeded 600,000 birds in pools 4-9. The checklist will almost always contain fewer species than the full list. Send Mississippi River water to southwestern reservoirs? Your support helps secure a future for birds at risk. These forecasts come from models trained on the last 23 years of bird movements in the atmosphere as detected by the US NEXRAD weather surveillance radar network. Mississippi Kite. Yazoo has many miles of roads for wildlife watching, as well as a quarter-mile boardwalk trail and two observation platforms. MN Most birding is done by simply driving the road and getting out at likely spots to look and listen. It is used by about 40% of the migratory birds that spend the spring and summer in the U.S. The Mississippi Flyway is the migration route followed by 40% of all waterfowl and shorebirds in North America. The Great River Road connects you with some of the best birdwatching opportunities in the world. In the daytime they fly much lower, often below 200 feet. Let us send you the latest in bird and conservation news. The Delta forms the most important bird and waterfowl migration corridor on the continent and supports North America's largest wetland area and . The Brownsville Overlook is located off of Highway 26, about three miles south of Brownsville, Minnesota. During this period birders may find Mottled Duck, Neotropic Cormorant, American White Pelican, and Peregrine Falcon as well. What birds migrate during the day? In addition, its home to a very large nesting colony of wading birds such as Great Egret, Snowy Egret, and Little Blue Heron. The US Geologic Survey has published a number of 2,300 miles, the EPA says it is 2,320 miles long, and the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area suggests the river's length is 2,350 miles. Migratory woodpeckers like yellow-bellied sapsuckers and northern flicker also return to the woods; see if you can find the characteristic lines of sap wells that yellow-bellied sapsuckers drill into the bark of trees and search for northern flicker along the ground as they look for their favorite food - ants! We protect birds and the places they need. Prothonotary Warbler White-throated Sparrow 12. Its the least you can do. Blackbird, Red-winged Search for volunteer opportunities around the country, News about wonderful wild things and places, FWS is taking steps to mitigate climate impacts, Search employment opportunities with USFWS, Candidate Conservation Agreements (CCA & CCAA), Coastal Barrier Resources Act Project Consultation, Coastal Barrier Resources System Property Documentation, Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. It is an important site for migrating waterfowl, particularly Canvasbacks and Tundra Swans as well as nesting waterbirds, and breeding and wintering Bald Eagles. Bird enthusiasts of all ages will love Minnesotas National Eagle Center. Harvest season is underway for crops such as soybeans and corn, but farmers' yields are piling up. This paved parking lot provides multiple parking spots and hosts a portable accessible restroom from mid-October to mid-November. Weve established a Gulf-wide stewardship plan for the full range of coastal waterbirds, and this year Audubon received the first installment of funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to get those restoration projects started. + Migratory Game Birds. Save 5% with coupon. Occurrence values are defined below. On pools 4-8 the number of nesting Great Blue Herons ranged from 786 ?V 1,306 pairs between 1999 - 2002. Migration also brings the shorebirds to the Mississippi coast. The Davis Bayou area, in Ocean Springs, offers a chance for birders to walk through a maritime forest and scan marsh, bayou, and open water, and can be especially good in spring migration. Bald Eagle. Cardinal, Northern Interested in learning even more? Membership benefits include one year of Audubon magazineand the latest on birds and their habitats. Much of Canada is also included in the flyway. Its the least you can do. Bald Eagle. The seven flyways are located within the four larger geographical areas. MN ?V 1d The Mississippi River is one of the most important Bald Eagle wintering areas in North America. Not In Park: Species is not known to occur in park. The Upper Mississippi Valley provides habitat for 305 species of birds, 57 species of mammals, 45 species of amphibians and reptiles, and 134 species of fish. 2017 we have partnered with JCWifi to stream live footage of the eagle nest. Visit your local Audubon center, join a chapter, or help save birds with your state program. Nesting birds in this area include Wild Turkey, Anhinga, Least Bittern, Mississippi Kite, King Rail, Purple Gallinule, Common Gallinule, Red-headed Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Wood Thrush, Prothonotary Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, and Summer Tanager. The Frontenac area is known throughout the birding community as one of the main and most famous areas in the state to view the May migration of warblers and other neotropical migrants. Fall migration on the Great River Road Thursday, October 08, 2020 Travelers on the Great River Road this season may notice they have some company. Ten miles northwest of Oxford lies Sardis Lake, a very popular recreation reservoir. Audubon protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow. Several sites along the coast, including Ansley Preserve, can host this spectacle, though such events are always weather-dependent and cant be predicted very far in advance. Sixty species were seen in at least 30 of the 32 years. ?s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. From March to May, the western and northern coasts of North America's Gulf of Mexico can host remarkable bird migration events. ?s Vireo Click here for more information on birds of the upper Mississippi River. Our camera operators noted that she seemed restless at around 4:03 PM. Bald Eagle is regularly seen and nests, as does Osprey. is heavily used by hunters, fishers and other recreationists. Stay up to date on the latest Great River Road events, contests and deals. One of the great birding experiences of the Gulf Coast is a spring fallout, when northbound birds swarm a patch of woods after crossing the Gulf of Mexico. On cross-country flights, migratory birds gravitate toward efficient paths with plenty of rest stops. Bird migration forecasts show predicted nocturnal migration 3 hours after local sunset and are updated every 6 hours. Highlights among the areas nesting birds are Least Bittern, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Swallow-tailed Kite (scarce), Clapper Rail, Seaside Sparrow, and Painted Bunting. The Cox Ponds area is managed for shorebirds in late summer and can attract 15 or more species. This is the general phone line at the Mississippi River Visitor Center. Tundra swans begin to arrive from the arctic around late October/early November, with the peak of migration typically being the second or third weekend in November. systems is an important conservation objective in this subsection. Song birds, raptors, ducks and wading birds all travel this route this season. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The Central Flyway represents a broad area east of the Rockies, stretching from Canada through Central America. Forestry is also an important land use, and outdoor recreational opportunities abound, with significant amounts of public lands along the river corridor. Search using the keyword "Birds" selected from the drop-down menu. Fish and Wildlife Service photo. Barn Bluff is another beautiful spot to see eagles, located in Red Wing, Minnesota. For bird lovers, this is paradise. Membership benefits include one year of Audubon magazineand the latest on birds and their habitats. Many of those birds and their critical habitats were profoundly affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spillhabitat that will be further eroded by sea-level rise. Forestry is See wood storks, ibises, yellow rails and other rare birds in Louisiana. Dees Trail winds through pine savanna to Bayou Castille, where visitors may see Northern Bobwhite, Osprey, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Bachmans Sparrow, Henslows Sparrow (winter), and Orchard Oriole. The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Picking Up the Pen Again: JP Brammer Reignited His Passion Sketching Birds, The Bird Flu Blazes On, Amping Up Concerns for Wildlife and Human Health, National Audubon Society to Celebrate The Birdsong Project at Benefit Event, The Flight of the Spoonbills Holds Lessons for a Changing Evergladesand World, At Last, a Real Possibility to Avoid Catastrophic Climate Change, How Tribes Are Reclaiming and Protecting Their Ancestral Lands From Coast to Coast, Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Help power unparalleled conservation work for birds across the Americas, Stay informed on important news about birds and their habitats, Receive reduced or free admission across our network of centers and sanctuaries, Access a free guide of more than 800 species of North American birds, Discover the impacts of climate change on birds and their habitats, Learn more about the birds you love through audio clips, stunning photography, and in-depth text. Mississippi Birding Hot Spots To give one famous example, when Mark Twain found he was expected to learn 1,200 miles of the Mississippi River before becoming a riverboat captain, he expressed an immediate desire to die. [1] This area in southeast Minnesota comprises the Mississippi River Valley from the Hwy 63 bridge in Red Wing (Goodhue County) to Reads Landing (Wabasha County). The Mississippi Flyway is not only a tremendously important flyway for waterbirds, but also for raptors and all other migratory birds. Visit your local Audubon center, join a chapter, or help save birds with your state program. Red-headed Woodpecker For the average backyard bird-lover, that can mean a surge of new visitors to feeders. By using our website, you agree to our, How to Attract Wrens to Your Backyard Bird Feeders, 6 Native Plants That Will Attract Hummingbirds to Your Regional Garden. point and non-point pollution also threaten the biological integrity of habitats along the river. The refuge is located on the Mississippi River, west of Highway 61 about 12 miles south of Natchez. With their graceful flight patterns, the white pelican migration is one of the most anticipated events for birders. Birds are on the move above the Mississippi River! Wading birds such as Great Egret, Snowy Egret, and White Ibis roost around the refuge lakes, and post-breeding Wood Stork arrives in late summer, when Roseate Spoonbill sometimes shows up. Diving ducks such as Redheads, Buffleheads, and Ruddy Ducks gather in open water, while American Wigeon, Gadwall, teal and other puddle ducks are found in the shallow backwaters. Be aware that this is a hunting area in parts of fall and winter. Look for a brown-and-white canoe emblem on the west side of the road as you drive south on Hwy 26, then for a small paved driveway on the east side of the road soon after. Legal Notices Privacy Policy Contact Us. The Mississippi River is truly massive, combining three major tributaries that together drain 32 US states and two Canadian provinces, from Alberta to New York to New Mexico. Its the least you can do. Stop the Destruction of Globally Important Wetland. Bloomberg writers Michael Hirtzer, Elizabeth Elkin, and Joe Deaux reported yesterday that, "A logjam of more than 100 ships, tugboats and their convoys of barges in the shrinking Mississippi River is threatening to grind trade of grains, fertilizer, metals and petroleum to a halt. Falcon, Peregrine Grassy fields and marshes add variety to the birding. False Report: Species was reported to occur within the park, but current evidence indicates the report was based on misidentification, a taxonomic concept no longer accepted, or other similar problem of error or interpretation. MN-2a (Species of conservation concern) ?V Frontenac State Park is a site for significant numbers of breeding Henslow? Other species of concern include the Bald Eagle, Cerulean Warbler and Louisiana Waterthrush. Birds navigate along more or less regular routes when they migrate. Summer Tanager 9. , A 1.8-mile nature trail leads through woodland recovering from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and accesses a lookout platform at a bayou. In spring 2006, daily high counts of 2,499 on 12 March, and 3,450 on 17 March were recorded. From Tomorrow? Peregrine Falcons nest on cliffs located just outside the refuge boundary but certainly hunt within the IBA. Your support helps secure a future for birds at risk. The sandy beach can have wading birds, shorebirds, gulls, and terns, and winter can bring sightings of scoters, Red-breasted Merganser, and Northern Gannet. introduced purple loosestrife is responsible for the degradation of many prime wetland habitats; biological "The largest US barge operator warned customers it won't be able to make good on deliveries. One estimate suggests that 326 species use the flyway. Let us send you the latest in bird and conservation news. Stopping by a boat landing and scanning the tree tops, or taking a walk on a trail through the floodplain forest can be great places to view spring warblers. Watch on. The Checklist contains only those species that are designated as "present" or "probably present" in the park. Migratory flyways. The refuge stretches 261 river miles from Wabasha, Minnesota to Rock Island, Illinois, and protects more than 240,000 acres of Mississippi River floodplain. They occupy the only known pelican nesting colony on the Upper Mississippi River. Type in your search and hit Enter on desktop or hit Go on mobile device. Ansley Preserve A site on Ansley Road, about seven miles south of Highway 90 in Hancock County, is a noted hot spot for spring and fall migrant songbirds. This becomes even more important during migration as birds are often moving through unfamiliar terrain with unknown risks. Swift, strong fliers and hunters are often daytime, or diurnal migrants. The results may be printed, exported, or downloaded as a spreadsheet for greater analysis. All three scoters and Red-throated Loon have been recorded here, and American White Pelican is present from fall through spring. One of the finest wildlife-viewing sites in the region, Noxubee is located about 13 miles south of Starkville. Agriculture, both row crops and pastures, takes place in former savanna and prairie areas and is the most prominent land use in this subsection. Native: Species naturally occurs in park or region. Black-billed Cuckoo During the months of October and November, staff from the Mississippi River Delta Restoration Campaignwill be making stops along the Mississippi River, talking with people about the importance of the Mississippi River Delta to birds migrating along the flywaythis fall. Red-billed Tropicbird 7. Bald Eagle. Bluffs diminish in size and spectacular appearance from Bellevue southward. Some species will break up their travels into smaller trips (for example, 200 mile flights per trek) across certain parts of the country. Driving through the refuge or walking one of its two hiking trails, birders may find nesting species including Wild Turkey, Anhinga, Mississippi Kite, Yellow-throated Vireo, Wood Thrush, Prothonotary Warbler, Hooded Warbler, and Painted Bunting. #4 The Mississippi Flyway is a major migration path for birds that follows along the Mississippi River. Starling Other mammals include gray and fox squirrels, cottontails, jackrabbits and white-tailed deer which are abundant in the timbered areas. Vast wildlife refuges, state forests, federal forests and parks protect the habitat and food sources these birds depend on. The Mississippi Flyway is the migration route followed by 40% of all waterfowl and shorebirds in North America. It should be noted that some maps include slightly different or a smaller range of states for each flyway. The Mississippi River Delta Restoration Campaign is organizing a fall migration . Haliaeetus leucocephalus. Two nature trails, one near the visitor center and another seven miles southwest in Ocean Springs, offer good birding. Large reservoirs, including Sardis Lake and Ross Barnett Reservoir, are at their best from fall through late winter, when theyre home to waterfowl such as loons, grebes, and rarities like the occasional scoter. Anhinga 13. Stay up to date on the latest Great River Road events, contests and deals. They arrive at the Mississippi Middle Valley around March and stay 3-5 weeks before setting off. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Order a FREE Great River Road 10-state map, Click here for more information on birds of the upper Mississippi River, Explore natural beauty along the Great River Road, Flavors of the Great River Road: Kentucky, Flavors the Great River Road: Mississippi, Follow the Pilots Wheel along the Great River Road, Fun facts & trivia about the Great River Road, Spotlight KY: Columbus-Belmont State Park, Must-see attractions in the Show Me State, Historic photos: sights along the Mississippi River. Bobolink. While is has much bottomland hardwood forest, its also noted for its uplands formed of loess, a fine, wind-deposited soil. Significant 2005 daily high counts for selected individual species were: Canvasbacks (356,630); scaup (>135,000), Ring-necked Ducks (approx. Dedicated to one of the rarest bird subspecies in the world, this refuge was established to protect the Mississippi Sandhill Crane, a nonmigratory form that nests in the pine savannah along the Gulf Coast. The Service . The Mississippi River valley--along with its rich diversity of habitats--provides birds with those important resources. The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge offers weekly counts of numerous bird species on their Recent Bird Sightings web page. Robin, American, Sandpiper, Spotted 1). Seen often are Brown Pelican, Reddish Egret, Bald Eagle, and abundant shorebirds.