MC-9-14A-43; May 6, 1921 - Jun. Society, Series XXV: Railroad Employees' Department-Master File of Official 35-63-A-11; Jun. 24-18, pt. 2; Jan. 9, 1933 - Dec. 28, 1934, Code No. 16-20, pt. 35-33, Subj. Locating your ancestors railroad records can be tricky because theyre scattered in repositories across the countryhistorical and railroad societies, museums, archives and private collectionsand many have been destroyed or lost over the years. 35-152, pt. petitions seeking exemptions from certain provisions and rules for the ins, Code No. 22, 1921 - Oct. 29, 1921, Code No. 8-270, pt. 35-63-A-31; Jul. 5; Dec. 29, 1949 - Dec. 10, 1959, Includes RED Executive Council minutes, February 7, 1944 - May 31, 1966; Railway Labor American Federation of Labor (AFL) - a cooperative effort on the part of seven national shop 27, 1949 - Oct. 21, 1954, Code No. 33-147; Jun. These are individual service records of employees who retired in 1962. 35-153-A, pt. 8-158, pt. 2; Apr. Code No. Lines, System Federation No. MC-216-14A-181; Jun. Some information from the Cresson, Bellwood, and Tyrone Divisions of the Eastern Pennsylvania Grand Division is also included because the track in question lies west of Altoona. between management and employees, Newark Shop, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 8-284; Mar. MC-115-14A-112; May 17, 1921 - May 24, 1922, Code No. 29-1199, pt. 2, 1921 - May 5, 1922, Code No. 4, 1920-July 30, 1940, Code No. for delegates. 5; Feb. 3, 1953 - Jun. MC-465-14A-220; Aug. 3, 1921 - Sept. 30, 1921, Code No. MC-439-14A-150; May 31, 1921 - Mar. Board of Divisions 1, 2, and 3 of R.E.D. 26-27, 1953; See also box 24, Code No. The correspondence is occasionally filed by town. 15; Mar. MC-27-14A-49; May 7, 1921 - Feb. 10, 1922, Code No. investigation of proposed group health insurance plans; the wage and rules mov, Code No. 24-19-A, pt. 29-1168, pt. Employees' Benefits 20.200.1 Designation of central and field organization. 24, 1922, Code No. 20, 1923 - Aug. 9, 1937, Code No. 11, 1942 - May 29, 1942, Code No. 35-76, pt. 18, 1925, Code No. 10; Oct. 1, 1964 - Dec. 3, 1965, Code No. 6. 35-484, pt. All rights reserved. Emphasis is on discipline and service (job titles, dates, rules examinations).Stockholder RecordsThese records, mostly from the Secretary's office, consist of lists of stockholders and Transfer Books. Reg., pt. D-M, Application for Relief from the Requirements of Ex Parte 171 - 22-30, pt. 26, 1963 - Sept. 28, 1964, Code No. MC-130-14-8; Dec. 28, 1920 - Mar. 33-147; May 25, 1944 - Oct. 4, 1946, Code No. 8-317; Aug. 9, 1933 - Oct. 5, 1934, Code No. MC-217-14A-117; May 21, 1921 - Nov. 14, 1921, Code No. 2; Dec. 13, 1933 - Jan. 27, 1934, Code No. 27, 1949, Code No. Railway, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and Baltimore and Ohio Railway - 8-182; Sept. 16, 1925 - Oct. 3, 1934, Code No. Railway Employees' Department Records on Microfilm, Series IV a: International Organizations, American Federation of Labor - Union Affiliated 10, 1943 - Oct. 14, 1963; See also box 17, Code No. 35-311-1090, pt. 10, 1922, Code No. 30, 1943, Code No. 5082. 1919-1933, Series XXIII: National Rules and Working Conditions Agreements Between Employees Represented 8-219; Feb. 4, 1922 - Jul. 33-147; Jul. 9; Jan. 5, 1959 - Dec. 31, 1964, Code No. Each GM's staff consisted of an Assistant General Manager, Assistants to the General Manager and the General Superintendents (GS) of each Grand Division. 22-97, pt. Transportation Act of 1920 - Correspondence, Etc., 1920- 1934, Series IVb: International Organizations, American Federation of Labor - Union Affiliated with 3, pt. 2; Feb. 17, 1948 - Apr. 8-248; Mar. 4; Jun. 35-333, pt. 8-257; Aug. 29, 1933 - Jul. 27-102, pt. 8-287; Oct. 28, 1931 - Jul. 11, 1934, Code No. 26, 1960, Code No. 8-228; Dec. 6, 1923 - Feb. 27, 1934, Code No. 35-311-1970, pt. 3; Oct. 2, 1961 - Aug. 27, 1963, Code No. 1; Mar. Railroad), Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific Railroad, Contracting out by Railroad, etc., and Jurisdictional Agreements and 1; Dec. 20, 1928 - Dec. 29, 1941, Code No. 33-147; Sept. 28, 1944 - Oct. 16, 1946, Code No. 15, 1929, Code No. 30-78, pt. 8-271, exp. 30, 1952, Code no. 1; Jan 31., 1942 - Jun. 35-132, pt. 25-204, pt. 35-33, Subj. 3C-212; Feb. 20, 1923 - Oct. 25, 1923, Code No. 17-1, pt. 16, 1962 - Aug. 28, 1964; See also Box 13, Code No. 35-166-D, pt. Railroad ticket collectors. MC-92-14-94; Apr. In 1962 it was re-incorporated in Delaware and was nominally independent until the Penn Central Merger. 29, 1935, Code No. Includes many duplicate posters and bulletins announcing these rules and rates.Labor & Wage Bureau Personnel FilesFound only in the PRR records boxes 627-630 and are CLOSED. 1956, Code No.27-102, pt. Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, Strasburg, PA, has an extensive collection of public and employee timetables of railroads operating in whole or part . 30, 1960, Code No. 8-199; Jun. 22-128, pt. 22B; Nov. 2, 1934 - Nov. 29, 1940, Code No. 1; Jan. 6, 1949 - Aug. 1, 1951, Code No. 8-197, pt. 29, 1921 - Nov. 30, 1921, Code No. 11, 1946 - Oct. 22, 1946, Code No. MC-187-14A-57; May 10, 1921 - Aug. 25, 1921, Correspondence (carbons and originals), affidavits, minutes, clippings, circulars, lists of 22-21, pt. 22-99, pt. 35-414, pt. 35-216, pt. Railroad Employee Records Ann Arbor Railroad (1940's-1970's) Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway (1894-1950) 19, 1921 - Apr. MC-157-14A-24; Jun. 213, Tabulation sheets showing tally of ballots cast by employees 7, 1925, Code No. 29-1225, pt. issued by Federal 1; Oct. 16, 1961 - Nov. 15, 1965, Code No. B&O Railroad Museum: This Baltimore museum preserves the history of Americas first steam-operated railway with a research library and archives and a collection of artifacts dating from 1827. 12, 1922, Code No. MC-100-14-99; May 24, 1922 - Jun. This site, maintained by the South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society (SSGHS) in Illinois, has information about 200,000 former employees of Pullman Car Works, which built passenger cars in Chicago. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Records Collection Number: 5149 . Each of the parent companies whose records are included in this collection has a long history. MC-209-14A-135; May 17, 1921 - Aug. 16, 1921, Code No. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. 20, 1938 - Dec. 30, 1941, Code No. 11; Nov. 13, 1946 - Nov. 15, 1948, Code No. 22-41, pt. 2; Oct. 27, 1934 - Oct. 27, 1938, Includes correspondence (carbons and originals), organizing materials, minutes, financial 8-246; Jan. 24, 1924 - Nov. 2, 1937, Code No. The information in 38 and 39 appears to be about interchange with the Ohio Connecting.In the Pennsylvania Railroad part of the collection is some information about coordination of facilities with the Central and at least one report made by a pair of inspectors who rode the water level route to see how it compared with the PRR track over the mountains. 29-1185, pt. 33-147, pt. The company entered bankruptcy in June of 1971. Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, 1927-1953, Series VIIIb: System Federations and Matters Pertaining to Individual System Federations, 33-147; Oct. 16, 1941 - Sept. 10, 1946, Code No. 22-10, pt. This section will attempt to relate the history of each of these companies in a paragraph. Association, ATL Charter - AFL-CIO - Postwar Planning Committee, Railroad Young Men's Christian Association, Health Insurance Blue Cross-Blue Shield Coverage, Conferences and Seminars - Union Research Personnel, National Railway Apprenticeship Conference, Payments for publications, including journals, Payments for bills re journal subscriptions, Financial Statements on bill payments on office equipment and 8-172, pt. 2; Jan. 3, 1932 - Jan. 20, 1935, Code No. 33-147; May 19, 1944 - Jul. 33-147; May 22, 1944 - Oct. 17, 1946, Code No. 8-212, pt. 8-129; June 18, 1923 - Jan. 17, 1933, Code No. 35-478, pt. 35-33, Subj. 27, 1961, Code No. New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railway Company . facilities, Washington Agreement - Consolidation of Texas and New Orleans 35-311-1627, pt. 5, 1927 - Feb. 25, 1937, Code No. between management and employees, Flora, Illinois, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 5; Jun. 5, 1921, Code No. It too grew by acquiring smaller railroads and controlled over 600 subsidiaries in the 1950's. 22-97, pt. 1, 1966 - Sept. 27, 1966, Code No. MC-93-14-32; Feb. 3, 1922 - May 29, 1922, Code No. 3; Jan. 5, 1931 - Apr. 2361-2399; Mar. archivist for access to these materials. 1917-1961, Series XXVIIa: Executive Council - Minutes and Correspondence, 1921-1961, Series X: Department Circulars - Informational Circulars Sent to General Chairman on Systems 8-156; Apr. 3, pt. This article, which appeared in the Spring 1997 issue of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publication Prologue, provides an overview of NARAs vast holdings of railroad-related textual records, maps, photos and motion pictures. 3. brakes and appliances for operation power brake system, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - Railway Mail 27, 1939, Code No. 35-90, pt. 29-1080, pt. 2; Nov. 21, 1938 - Oct. 14, 1946, Code No. National Defense Program - Railway Industry Comm. 15, 1946 - Aug. 26, 1965, Correspondence (carbons and originals), reports, and publications regarding veteran 14 Jan. 4, 1950 - Sept. 22, 1950, Code No. Print this guide, AFL-CIO Railway Employees' Department Records, AFL-CIO Railway Employees' Department 1, 1943, Code No. 33-147; Jan. 10, 1944 - Jan. 20, 1947, Code No. 22-92, pt. 35-112, pt. 35-63-D; Jan. 3, 1927 - Apr. 8; Nov. 2, 1955 - May 19, 1959; See also box 164, Code No. 36- 2; Jan. 7, 1925 - Mar. 41), W.H. 22, 1932 - Jun. 24-19-A, pt. 30, 1936, Code No. 2; Apr. 2; Dec. 27, 1947 - Jun. 121 - Texas and Pacific Railway, Railroad Employees Dept. For example, Box 373, file 2608 contains maps of truck routes used by the PRR for pickup and delivery service at Railway Express Agency stations.Board files from the various companies contain many agreements and discussion about negotiations between the railroads and towns over bridge and track construction and abandonment of facilities.The locality files from the various Divisions and Grand Divisions contain even more of this information, along with maps.Labor historians will find some information detailing agreements between the company and employees and petitions and grievances filed by employees with the company in the Division records, but the bulk of the labor material is in the Labor & Wage Bureau files. Jewell, Shreveport Joint Car Inspection and Interchange Bureau - Atterbury, William W. (William Wallace), 1916-1995, Biemiller, Andrew J. Records, 1912-1983. 7, 1922, Code No. MC-419-14A-212; Aug. 1, 1921 - Oct. 1, 1921, Code No. 35-311-1857, pt. 35-153, pt. The only NYC 'operating paper' at Penn State is the few letters in the Pennsylvania Railroad files from NYC officials to their PRR counterparts.The Railroad Records Collection is most useful for its documentation of the growth of the railroad industry, its heyday and beginning of the decline.The newer PRR records document the abandonments, demolition and layoffs that began in the late 1920's and continued through the end of the company.In addition to documenting the history of the individual railroads, the railroad records are a good source of information about the growth of early truck and bus lines. 26, 1923, Code No. 31, 1943, Code No. 30-18, pt. and Quincy and Spokane, Seattle and Seattle System, Consolidation of Norfolk and Western Nickel Plate and Wabash MC-424-14A-97; May 17, 1921 - Sept. 6, 1921, Code No. There are published histories of the PRR and several subsidiaries in various boxes as well as extracts from unpublished ones and brief histories that are part of ICC testimony. between management and employees, Willard, Ohio, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 11, 1942 - Jul. MC-29-14A-67; May 13, 1921 - Jan. 30, 1923, Code No. Railroad employment beginning and end dates. 35-112, pt. 2; Jun. 22-54, pt. MC-208-14A-198; Jul. MC-39-14A-160; May 31, 1921 - Aug. 6, 1921, Code No. 2; Oct. 31, 1938 - Jan. 20, 1939, Code No. 3, 1922, Code No. 8-131; Oct. 25, 1933 - Jan. 10, 1935, Code No. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision 1; Oct. 8, 1937 - Jun. 35-63-A-2; Jun. There are some special ledgers with other accounts, such as depreciation, mine valuations and the like in the Clearfield Bituminous Coal records group.Minute BooksWritten or typed minutes of subsidiaries' board meetings. 20, 1950, Code No. 35-63-C-4; Jul. 35-493, pt. with the AFL, 1912-1961, Series Va: American Federation of Labor, Departments Other Than This Department and State 9, 1934, Code No. 35-63-A-20; Jul. 3C-211; Sept. 13, 1923 - Oct. 3, 1923, Code No. 8-151; Oct. 1, 1922 - Apr. MC-160-14-60; Mar. MC-434-14A-194; Jun. 22-42, pt. 35-63-C-8; Jul. 2; Jan. 16, 1961 - Dec. 3, 1965; Includes appropriations for ICC, Code No. 3, 1935, Code No. . 4; Nov. 24, 1942 - Nov. 13, 1950, Code No. MC-0-14-19; Feb. 21, 1920 - Feb. 23, 1934, Code No. 19; Jan. 11, 1960 - Dec. 14, 1964, Code No. 2; Jan. 19, 1929 - Jul. 3C-191; Sept. 29, 1922 - Dec. 3, 1923, Code No. The records consist of letter books of the company president and general manager, administrative records, financial papers, maps, and photographs. 2; Feb. 2, 1951 - Nov. 30, 1954, Code No. MC-10-14A-16; Apr. A list of boxes containing photographs can be found in Appendix III.The Pennsylvania Railroad Central Region records at Penn State are from the General Manager-Central Region and his subordinates, the General Superintendents of the Western Pennsylvania, Northern, Eastern Ohio and Lake Grand Divisions. 29, 1921 - Apr. 22-4-A, pt. 13, 1921 - Oct. 22, 1921, Code No. ; Nov. 8, 1949 - Nov. 22, 1949, Code No. Davis, Glenn R. (Glenn Robert), 1914-1988, Dolliver, James I. 3; Aug. 5, 1953 - Apr. working conditions in connection with addendum to Decision 222, District Lodge No. 3C-183; Sept. 14, 1922 - Apr. 19; Jan. 1965 - Nov. 30, 1965; See also box 24, Code No. 8-192, pt. 2; May 1, 1936 - Dec. 30, 1936, Code No. 3C-185; Sept. 14, 1922 - Apr. al. 12; Aug. 5, 1947 - Dec. 23, 1948, Code No. 3C-180; Sept. 14, 1922 - Oct. 21, 1922, Code No. Employees. 3; Aug. 11, 1933 - Aug. 29, 1933, Code No. 3; Jan. 9, 1948 - Dec. 20, 1965; See also box 21, Code No. Some are from the public, some are from employees, some from professional photographers and some are arranging for railroad publicity photos. 20-40-E. MC-169-14-61; Feb. 23, 1922 - Nov. 10, 1923, Code No. 13, 1959 - Dec. 2, 1960, Code No. 27-102, pt. Baltimore merchants established the B&O to compete with New Yorkers new Erie Canal for trade to the West. MC-158-14A-31; Aug. 1, 1921 - Aug. 12, 1921, Code No. 1821-2010-21; Oct. 12, 1950 - Aug. 30, 1954, Code No. The collection is not open to the public, but SSGHS will do a quick search of records from 1900 to 1949 for free. 2010-22-2357-10; Sept. 3, 1954 - Dec. 13, 1956, Code No. 1; Apr. 8-24; June 25, 1920 - Aug. 31, 1922, Code No. 3; Sept. 21, 1960 - May 4, 1964; Rules, Standards and Instructions for 8-332; Dec. 6, 1933 - Jul. 2; Feb. 14, 1941 - Apr. 20, 1926, Code No. 25, 1934, Code No. 1; Apr. 27, 1922 - May 29, 1922, Code No. 2; Jan. 15, 1946 - Jun. 24-19-A, pt. 6, 1965; See also box 21, Code No. 3, 1947, Code No. 13, 1926 - Apr. was active as in organizing, collective bargaining, legislation, apprentice training, political the 1947 establishment of Railway Labor's Political League; analysis of Congressional voting Workers; International Brotherhood of Firemen, Oilers Helpers, Roundhouse and Railway Shop 5; Aug. 30, 1950 - Jun. 4, 1955 - Dec. 14, 1959, Code No. 14A-1; Jan. 21, 1919 - Sept. 18, 1921, Code No. arranged by carrier name. 13, 1926 - Jul. 1; Oct. 1, 1958 - Oct. 31, 1961, Code No. Railroads. 2; Jan. 3, 1945 - Dec. 1969, Code No. 5; Jan. 16, 1958 - Dec. 16, 1964; See also box 19, Code No. 1; Jul. 1; May 26, 1943 - Nov. 24, 1943, Code No. 3; Jul 1, 1934 - Oct. 28, 1937, Code No. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision 4; Jul. 35-127; Oct. 2, 1959 - Jan. 30, 1960, Code No. and some early correspondence of the Pension Department concerning employee relations. 35-636, pt. 28, 1921 - Feb. 18, 1922, Code No. 35-410, pt. 3C-204; Nov. 15, 1922 - Aug. 30, 1923, Code No. Retirement records are available provided Grandpa was still working after 1936 when Railroad Retirement was instituted. 35-204A, pt. 30-95, pt. Bethlehem Steel CorporationThis is the smallest record groups and consists of the Cambria Improvement Company minute book for 1951-1965.8. 6; Mar. 9, 1922, Code No. 8-170, pt. 8-320; Aug. 25, 1933 - Sept. 1, 1933, Code No. File 2608 contains maps of truck routes and Railway Express Stations. 8; Jan. 1, 1954 - Dec. 30, 1958, Code No. MC-123-14A-166; May 18, 1921 - Aug. 6, 1921, Code No. 3C-215; Nov. 19, 1923 - Dec. 20, 1923, Code No. 35-410-A; Jun. 12, 1944 - Oct. 10, 1947, Code No. 3; May 1, 1961 - Apr. 3, 1943 - Jan. 17, 1947, Code No. 3C-196; Oct. 23, 1922 - Oct. 24, 1922, Code No. 29-1177, pt. A Region was two or more Grand Divisions. 30, 1921 - Nov. 17, 1921, Code No. The Pennsylvania Company survived as a holding company until the early 1970's. 11, 1964, Code No. 8-300; Dec. 1, 1926 - Mar. 2; Apr. 11, 1923, Code No. 35-204, pt. 1; Nov. 14, 1938 - Apr. 1, 1933 - Aug. 11, 1933, Code No. 4, 1929, Code No. Department and State Federations of Labor, 1941-1968, Series VI: Railroad Employees' Department Credentials, 28, 1923, Code No. MC-224-14-4; Feb. 13, 1921 - Feb. 21, 1921, Code No. 1; Jan. 17, 1924 - Dec. 29, 1930, Code No. 30-94, pt. 3C-184; Sept. 14, 1922 - Oct. 21, 1922, Code No. 21, 1926 - Oct. 21, 1926, Code No. MC-54-14-16; Apr. 7, 1926 - Oct. 14, 1926, Code No. 19, 1924 - Mar. 3; Jan. 2, 1964 - Dec. 21, 1966, Code no. Title 20. 22-17; Jan. 12, 1934 - Feb. 13, 1951; See also box 160, Code No. 27, 1922 - May 2, 1922, Code No. 4; Jan. 20, 1969 - Dec. 20, 1969, Code No. Welcome to FindLaw's Cases & Codes, a free source of state and federal court opinions, state laws, and the United States Code. MC-80-14A-114; May 9, 1921 - Mar. MC-347-14A-40; Apr. 6, 1940, Code No. 5, 1923 - Oct. 18, 1923, Code No. Three or four Divisions composed a Grand Division. 2; Jan. 6, 1941 - Oct. 31, 1946, Code No. Materials relating to the 21, 1921, Code No. MC-129-14A-21; Aug. 18, 1921 - May 7, 1931, Code No. ; reports of station and other facility inspections; and other information.These files contain information from both the Central Region and Lines West. SELECT THE TYPE OF TIMETABLE YOU WISH TO LOOK AT. 35-311-1857, pt. 35-80, pt. 24, 1921 - Jul. MC-47-14-64; Mar. MC-350-14A-216; Jun. 35-136, pt. The Clearfield Bituminous Coal information is entirely contracts and agreements and the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie information consists of contracts and agreements and ICC reports3. 18, 1934, Code No. 21, 1923 - Apr. A Grand Division was composed of two or more Divisions. For example, 'Agreement between the Lake Shore, Michigan & Southern Railway and the New York Central System and the Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashtabula Railway and the Pennsylvania Company. 4. 31, 1961; See also box 161, Code No. 22, 1922, Code No. 35-166-3, pt. 3; Sept. 1, 1945 - May 28, 1947, Code No. These are office files from the General Manager's office and staff officers and from the various divisions that comprised the region. ), Code No. 100, Pennsylvania Railroad - Merger - New York Central Railroad. 16-2, pt. 1921-1961, Railway Labor Executives Association - meetings, minutes and 24, 1944, Code No. 1; Dec. 9, 1957 - Apr. 5, 1942, Chiefly correspondence (carbons and originals), agreements, reports, and documents (1710), Historical Collections and Labor Archives, Special Collections Library, Pennsylvania State University. 35-328; Sept. 17, 1942 - Nov. 12, 1947, Code No. Prior to 1920, the division Superintendents reported to the General Managers of Lines West (of Pittsburgh), Lines East (of Pittsburgh) or the General Manager-Philadelphia who supervised the lines east and south of Philadelphia. 35-152-B, pt. 1; Apr. 20, 1938, Code No. 30, 1940, Code No. 22-76, pt. 22-82-M, pt. 3; Apr. 8-331; Nov. 15, 1933 - Sept. 4, 1934, Code No. 11; Apr. 35-270, pt. 24-18, pt. 1, 1947 - Jun. 14, 1930 - Apr. 13, 1926 - Sept. 14, 1926, Code No. 27, 1922 - May 5, 1922, Code No. These reports are available for NYC, PLE, and PRR subsidiaries.Miscellaneous AgreementsAlso shown in the data base as Charters and Leases. 12, 1963; See also Box 13, Code No. 35-133, pt. 20, 1921 - Oct. 26, 1921, Code No. Language English . 26, 1921 - Nov. 25, 1921, Code No. Railways, Waco, Beaumont, Trinity and Sabine Railway, New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad, Series XXIII: National Rules and Working Conditions Agreements Between The staff also had a General Superintendent-Motive Power and a GS-Transportation, a Chief Engineer, a Superintendent of Telephone & Signals (earlier Telephone & Telegraph), a General Store Keeper and a Traffic Manager. 6, 1921, Code No. 24-19-A, pt. 23-82-L; Mar. Roster, Series XVI: Federal Affairs - Consolidation, Retirements, Pensions, MC-9-14-57; Mar. 14, 1922, Code No. MC-363-14-5; Feb. 13, 1921 - Feb. 18, 1921, Code No. 2, 1945 - Feb. 5, 1962, Code No. 35-311; Dec. 4, 1939 - Jul. 24-19-A, pt. Be sure to search the photographs and Frisco news-clippings databases, as well. 3, pt. 30-78, pt. Most of the material concerns coordination with other railroads during times of economic downturn. 1; Oct. 1923 - Aug. 1933, Code No. 1, 1941 - Oct. 26, 1950, Code No. ; Aug. 25, 1939 - Oct. 26, 1939, Code No. 1, 1941, Code No. MC-451-14A-199; Jul. 8-219; Mar. records, financial records, legislative materials, circulars, publications, reports, case files, 22-13, pt. New York Central M-497 set the American rail speed record of 183.85 m.p.h. 3, 1940, Correspondence (carbons and originals), publications, circulars, minutes, reports, awards, 29-1080, pt. MC-159-14-45; Feb. 22, 1922 - Oct. 24, 1923, Code No. 22-150, pt. 35-63-1; Jul. Digital reproductions of selected photographic images are available online. 4; Jul. 15; Oct. 3, 1950 - Aug. 5, 1951, Code No. 20-43; Dec. 22, 1939 - May 13, 1940, Code No. supplies, More payments; also notice of wage increases, Bills re office supplies and repair work for the RED, Correspondence, minutes of Executive Council Meetings; Discussion re 4; Jan. 14, 1959 - Jun. 2; Jan. 1, 1937 - Dec. 9, 1940, Code No. 35-311-2155, pt. 16, 1944 - Jul. The files as listed in the data base resemble locality files, and the Road and Equipment files on some divisions are the locality files of other divisions.The road and equipment files also contain information about signal failures, signal systems, car and locomotive availability, station plans, construction projects and several inches worth of material about city planning in Pittsburgh and its suburbs and in the larger Ohio cities such as Cleveland, Akron and Columbus.The Road and Equipment files include several significant files:-Box 103, file 3309 is a report from the Conemaugh Division concerning the effects of the March 17 & 18, 1936 flood.