We hope the following helps you get familiarized with the board and helps explain the difference among our features. From 1985 to 2005, Michael Mandelbaum wrote a regular foreign affairs analysis column for Newsday. Two other cartoonists, Jimmy Margulies and Matt Bodkin, contribute regularly. By Observer Staff 01/26/10 8:04pm. in Strategic Communications from American University. Copyright var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();document.write(currentYear); Newsday. Ridgely Ochs Long Island Jennifer Kelleher Long Island Gary Dymski and Carol Polsky, Home section reporters, will be joining Valerie in the move to Business. Also, JACOB GERSHMAN, former higher education/NYU-heavy reporter (many, many Sun interns were NYU kids, showing you where most of his story ideas came from), moved up to Albany. Rich Loretoni becomes News Art Director. Submit via our online form or by writing to letters@washpost.com or to: Letters to the Editor, The Washington Post, 1301 K Street NW, Washington DC 20071. John will work closely with all desks throughout the day on developing strong packages and with the news/copydesk on layout packages. Dave will continue to edit daily graphics and assist with the daily budget. She is Editor of the Editorial and Opinion pages for Newsday, and as a leader in the organization she serves on the Executive. "Inevitably, the readers will be the ones who suffer.". Today, residents can select from Newsday, the Times, Daily News, Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Staten Island Advance along with freebies such as AM New York and Metro New York. After the side bar menu appears, click on manage my subscription. Noel Rubinton is joining the staff as Act Two Editor. John Keating has been promoted to Senior Photo Editor. Michael Dorman Opinion Sign in to save Writer - Editorial at Newsday Media Group. Como said the new. When she's not writing, she is teaching yoga or dancing. December 11, 2006. Valerie Kellogg joins the staff to take on the newly created job of Shelter Editor, in charge of the Home and Real Estate sections. "Tribune has been dismantling that capacity in the name of short-term profits," said Pakistan bureau chief James Rupert. Mark Tyrell has been promoted to News Editor. Como said the new headquarters will contain a TV studio and theater equipped for live broadcasts. DON'T MISS THIS LIMITED-TIME OFFER 1 5 months for only $1 Save on Unlimited Digital Access A health news feed, reviewing the latest and most topical health stories. "Anyone who buys this paper should know that they're getting a newspaper with an incredible staff and limitless potential," said business reporter Tami Luhby. Susan Harrigan New York Business "The bleeding has to stop," science reporter Bryn Nelson said. A New Yorker born and bred, he's a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Canada. This article is about the Long Island newspaper. For instance, candidate endorsements or a stance on a development project, are the sole opinion of the Newsday Editorial Board. Terms of service | Walter Middlebrook, who has been working with towns reporters on the LI desk, joins Part 2 as an editor. Newsday Media Group United States employs 440 employees. For advertising information or to place an ad, call (631) 843-SOLD (631-843-7653), email. Gustavo Pabon Art Bozena Syska Art Peggy Brown Features About Us | Newsday carries the syndicated columnist Froma Harrop. But after realizing the public sector wasnt for her, Randi returned to Newsday to cover the economy, biotechnology and a host of other business issues on Long Island and in New York City. Rich will take the lead on the new design/layout group, responsible for the overall look of the main section of the paper including News and Sports. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from Bloomsburg University. [21][22] However, Altice then sold a majority (75%) stake in Newsday back to Cablevision's former owner Charles Dolan and his son Patrick, making Patrick the CEO of Newsday. Tim Healy takes on the new role of Editor for Graphics and The Fold. Jack Sirica, fresh from his fine editing work in Investigations on the Fire Alarm series and other projects, will help us through this transition period by serving as night editor for the next six months. Help. Rosemary Olander Part 2 He won the inaugural Herblock Prize a year after Herblocks death, received the RFK journalism prize, a National Headliner Award and a bunch of other equally unexpected shiny professional affirmations. He will be our liaison to Tribune as we implement a new production system in the coming years. Deborah Morris Long Island Celeste Hadrick Long Island Andrew Wong Graphics To the current and potential future owners of Newsday: In the newsrooms and bureaus of Newsday, we watch with growing dismay the Tribune Company's stewardship of our newspaper. Sophie Williams New York Subscription terms | However, while Newsday is offering buyouts, it also continues to hire new employees. [35], In 2008, Newsday was ranked 10th in terms of newspaper circulation in the United States. Steve Parks Part 2 Excellent verbal and written communication skills required. We have many new initiatives we are looking at this year and Jack will take a hand at bringing them to fruition. AMH, one of biggest private media companies in Zimbabwe, are publishers of the NewsDay, Zimbabwe Independent, The Standard and online radio and television station, Heart and Soul. Diversity & Inclusion: Newsday is an American daily newspaper that primarily serves Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island, although it is also sold throughout the New York metropolitan area. In cyberspace he wrote and helped curate the SpinCycle and 1600 features from the newsroom. Martin Evans Long Island In a letter to staff dated January 16, AMH's human resources executive Levy Tswatswa said: "We write to announce the resignation of Mr Wisdom Mdzungairi from the position of editor in chief . LYNBROOK, NY Jim Lynn, a Lynbrook resident and former editorial board writer for Newsday, died last week, the newspaper said. Tue Feb 28 2023. Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young, replies to questions during yesterday . Carol Polsky Business "If the cutting continues, we can't be the best watchdog for our region," Long Island reporter Zachary Dowdy said. Newsroom Administration Rob Fiore will be taking over as editorial business manager for the newsroom. Gregg Sarra, who has special expertise in local sports, becomes Assistant Sports Editor, directing high school and college coverage for Long Island and Queens. Graham Rayman Long Island The editorial writers have areas of expertise and interest, or can be assigned an editorial. He will plan and lead coverage of big events, including the Olympics. John Riley National He migrated as a midcareer journalist from India after his reporting on child labor, police atrocities and social and political ills in India won him a scholarship at the United Nations and then a Reuter/Knight Fellowship at Stanford. Tania Padgett, formerly an editor in the Queens operation and a business reporter, joins Part 2 as a general assignment reporter. First arrived an anonymous report of staff intrigue at The New York Sun: A hardworking reporter passed over for a promotion storms out of the office, apparently never to be heard from again. July 25, 2019 [4] By January 2014, Newsday's total average circulation was 437,000 on weekdays, 434,000 on Saturdays and 495,000 on Sundays. The editorial board strives to be a reasoned and pragmatic advocate for Long Island and its values. The action taken by Newsday's employees comes at a time when newspapers across the country are facing staff and space cuts. [8][11][12] Guggenheim, who died a year later, disinherited Moyers from his will.[13]. Bernadette Murray Long Island After eight years on Newsdays investigations team, where she found the most difficult part of her job was juggling parenthood, mortgage meltdowns and the future of the New York Islanders, Randi joined the editorial board in 2015. All rights reserved. As a former marketing consultant for her own sole-proprietorship and political consultant with a background in real estate, ECommerce and technology marketing, Mary brings a diverse, cerebral skill set to HealthDays marketing and sales programs. He also will oversee scheduling of the reporting staff and share responsibility for generating and editing enterprise stories. Judy Cartwright, who has been producing strong Sunday and Monday sections for the Business desk, formally joins the desk as Sunday Editor. revenue, Newsday Editor-in-Chief Tony Marro formed a task force to examine how to deal with the impending competition for ad dollars. Our mission is to create engaging content which delivers better outcomes for all of our clients. Bart Jones Long Island Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. . Gregory Long Sports Jayme Wolfson Part 2 He has also been a reporter for New York Newsday, The Dallas Times Herald and The Kansas City Star. Amanda Fiscina-Wells uses digital tools to amplify the boards message online and to connect with readers. Newsday has won 19 Pulitzer Prizes and has been a finalist for 20 more. Then followed stints at the Times Herald-Record in Middletown and at the Courier-Post in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where he won a Rising Star award for his editing of storm coverage and other enterprise stories. Part 2 Newsday's staff is still utterly dedicated to doing the best reporting and writing anywhere. Privacy Policy | For the offshoot New York daily (19851995), see. Reluctant to do the work of grown-ups, Davies is also a childrens book author and illustrator. The paper's roster of columnists and critics has included Cathy Young, Jimmy Breslin, Barbara Garson, Normand Poirier, Murray Kempton, Gail Collins, Pete Hamill, Sydney Schanberg, Robert Reno (died 2012), Jim Dwyer, sportswriter Mike Lupica, music critic Tim Page, and television critic Marvin Kitman. Her interests include running and reading on South Shore beaches and advocating for a healthy and smart future for the suburb that keeps pulling her back. Ted Scala News Desk Joe Haberstroh, who has produced week after week of strong LI Life sections, takes on expanded duties as he continues to direct the education staff and adds oversight of other Long Island specialist reporters. Andrew Strickler Long Island Many get late breaking news from the Internet. For her editorials about battered women in Kentucky, which focused statewide attention on the . What's Going On Prior to Newsday he worked at several other New York newspapers. Alpha Media. He has a strong passion for educational journalism and has covered events around New York City for multiple publications. Long Island Newsday had outsourced its printing and distribution operations to The New York Times plant in College Point last year as part of its downsizing. Stacey Altherr Long Island Sign in to create your job alert for Editorial Writer jobs in Melville, NY. 2m. In what seems to be an attempt to demonstrate why they're reporters and not business experts, a group of over one hundred Newsday employees have sent a letter calling on "Tribune Co., Newsday's parent company, to invest in the newspaper's "creative, original journalism," while halting the widespread staff cuts and space trims that have hurt the paper, its readers and its advertiser." Paul Moran Sports Newsday is an "extremely lucrative enterprise" that could grow even further if new investments were made and some open staff positions were filled. J. Jioni Palmer Washington For reprints, rights & and permissions to republish Newsday stories or photographs, contact. He will continue to oversee the night design and copy desks, and will assist in helping to generate and edit enterprise. By clicking Agree & Join, you agree to the LinkedIn. Jim Bernstein Business Tim has been doing an excellent job of filling these roles over the past year. pp. Their work appears on a regular basis. [29], In 2004, the alternative weekly newspaper Long Island Press (which is not related to the defunct daily of the same name) wrote that Newsday has used its clout to influence local politics in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Prior to HealthDay, Bodansky held leadership roles at Eat This, Not That! Over the last 17 years, Elana has worked with doctors and research scientists in the field of medical and scientific writing and editing, and has spent the past 9 years working on Physician's Briefings. This Saturday feature invites readers to introduce a public policy matter beyond what is covered in Newsday. In its six years of ownership, Tribune has damaged Newsday as an instrument of public information and accountability and, for that matter, as a business. He's responsible for opinion content and leads the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom . Hartz Mountain plans to redevelop the property into an industrial complex. Engaging with community groups, helping to bring context to regional datasets. The company has forced us to replace much of our unique journalism with wire stories that can be found on the Internet. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. They may face competitors in the surrounding suburbs, along with national editions of USA Today, Wall Street Journal and NY Times. Coralie was born and raised in Haiti and is passionate about changing the narrative around media representation of minority groups. - Researches and executes search-friendly headlines and overall SEO strategy - Trained department heads, editors and reporters in SEO best practices and strategies - Runs the newsday.com. Former HealthDay President and CEO, McKillen continues in a consultancy role, particularly in liaison roles with some of HealthDays longest standing clients. Our letters section is a forum for readers to comment on the news, or to respond to our commentary.