Newton County has a total area of 273 square miles. Lucky Benhur Huynh, 25, 5117 Newton Drive, Covington, was arrested Aug. 11 and charged with probation violation. is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. Johnnie Lee Robinson, 2424 Santa Barbara Court, Conyers, was arrested Aug. 6 and charged with disobeying a traffic control device, fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, hit and run; duty of driver to stop at or return to scene of accident, no proof of insurance, operation of vehicle without current plate/expired plate, reckless driving, speeding (10-14 over) and stop signs and yield signs. Herman Lewis Smith, 39, 961 GA Highway 11, Covington, was arrested Nov. 12 and charged with battery-family violence. Address: 29310 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91384, Phone: (661) 295-8815
", Newton County Detention Center NOTARY: available to inmates only on Fridays. TTY 213-356-3406. 213-356-3400. Zacheriah Matthew Robinson, 29, 9177 Woodhaven Drive, Covington, was arrested Aug. 9 and charged with burglary, possession of cocaine and possession of firearm or knife during commission of or attempt to commit a crime. Newton County Jail INMATE VISITATION: Please be advised that our inmate visitation schedule has changed. Results May Include: Arrests, Charges, Mugshot, Booking Date, Booking Number, Status, Description, Code, Level, Count, Personal Description. Her office is responsible for maintaining all court records for the county. Espinoza said they added 211 beds in new housing sites, and found housing for more than 170 inmates in a two-week period. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Thursday: 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM The Newton County Jail is open 24 hours a day, however if you want to visit the facility for any reason, you should always call 601-635-3501 ahead of time to find out the best time to get your problem resolved. Myles Jay Lance, 28, Jackson State Prison, was arrested Aug. 9 and charged with aggravated stalking, willful obstruction of law enforcement officers and parole violation. The Alameda County jail population went from a pre-pandemic average of 2,600 to about 1,775 people. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Mens Central Jail facility. ), community service record log, counseling or meeting attendance, all personal drug prescriptions, medical condition documents, and immigration registration among other things. But a deputy who drove Cooper to the county jail in Banning to be released said the measures were necessary because his dorm was quarantined. Cedrick Sherrod Wise, 43, 1441 Boxwood Blvd., Columbus, was arrested Nov. 13 and charged with aggravated stalking, battery-family violence, terroristic threats and acts and theft by taking. It would be very difficult if we did nothing, and left all 17,000 inmates in, to contain the spread of this disease, said Dist. Where are those folks going? said Jay Jordan, executive director of Californians For Safety & Justice, a nonprofit criminal justice reform group. No person under the age of 18 will be permitted to visit without a parent or guardian present. But instead of going home, an old warrant caused him to be transferred into Riverside Countys jail system, which was also experiencing an outbreak. Harold James Powell, 55, 80 Saratoga Way, Covington, was court sentenced Aug. 11. Newton is a county in the State of Georgia.
Inmate Services Unit. You also can search for Warrants in Newton County Detention Center via its official website. San Luis Obispo County Dist. Newton County Detention Center inmate lookup: Agency, Arrest Records, Bond, Charges, Release Date, Warrant Comment, Bail Amount, Who's in jail, Degree Level, Mugshots, Inmate Roster, Warrant Comment, DOB, Booking Date, Arrests, Bail Amount, Current Housing Section, Charges, Bookings. Kenneth Oneal Johnson, 54, 503 Teller Drive, Atlanta, was arrested Aug. 6 and charged with probation violation (2). Please be advised that our inmate visitation schedule has changed. Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan speaks after touring the Terminal Island prison site to inquire about the extremely high number of COVID-19 cases among inmates and prison staff. Among them was Rocky Music, whose antics were detailed on the Sheriffs Department Facebook page. It is supervised by 125 staff members under the governorship of the Newton County Georgia Sherriff, Ezell Brown. 61 Jails 61 Prisoners 672 % Jail Rate I felt it was really painful that they would rather just release the person instead of having a designated place for this woman to shelter in place, said Burton, who opened a nine-bed house to prepare for the surge of early releases. Jail Log Posted: Mar 02, 2022 Conyers man, 18, charged in Newton County Shooting Posted: Feb 28, 2022 Chief Fears Drive By Shootings on The Rise Posted: Feb 18, 2022 CURRENT AGENCY NEWS BOLO: Missing Person + More information BOLO: Criminal Tresspass + More information Discharging Firearms Code + More information Nowhere to go.. LaTanjaa Nichelle Mitchell, 48, 115 East Lawn Way, Covington, was arrested Nov. 11 and charged with battery-family violence. Reentry programs are struggling to meet the deluge of incoming inmates as the disease has forced them to close shelters and serve fewer people. Mikell Danali Strong, 17, 4274 Dellwood Drive, Macon, was arrested Aug. 10 and charged with aggravated assault, armed robbery and possession of firearm or knife during commission of or attempt to commit a crime. Such measures have pushed L.A. Countys jails, California to release 3,500 inmates early as coronavirus spreads inside prisons, Homeboy Industries had to temporarily close its doors. She doesnt know where her Social Security card is, cant open a bank account and doesnt have a credit history. It is possible to decrease the number of people in our jails and in our prisons in a way that does not impact public safety and does not lead to an increase in crime.. The county seat of Newton is Covington. The program goals encourage participant to think about their life challenges, build awareness and motivate them to do something different. Kelly said that 37 minutes later, he allegedly carjacked someone near a transit station in Dublin, and drove the car to a San Ramon gas station, where he tried to carjack a second vehicle. Rockdale County Jail Blotter - Feb. 9, 2020 From Staff Reports Feb 9, 2020 Updated Mar 15, 2021 0 The following charges and arrests were reported by the Rockdale County Sheriff's Office,. Demontre Raekwon Chatman, 22, 3276 Lancing Lane, Macon, was arrested Aug. 11 and charged with probation violation for fingerprintable charge. Lester Landor, 32, 3999 Withrow Drive, Doraville, was back for court Aug. 11. 35 Jails 35 Prisoners 257 % Jail Rate Caralee Ann Staples, 41, 3533 Saddle Brooke Drive, Loganville, was arrested Aug. 8 and charged with possession and use of drug related objects, possession of a schedule I controlled substance (Heroin) and possession of methamphetamine. A criminal justice advocacy group got him a hotel room. Newton County Sheriff's Office: Address: 304 E Seymour St., Kentland, IN 47951.
document.write('Version'); Leave both date boxes blank to view all inmates. A mobile app is also available for your convenience. First Name: Last Name: Go to the first page Go to the previous page. The physical address is: 15151 Alcovy Road Covington, GA 30014 Cody Allen Taylor, 24, 100 Goldfinch Circle, Monticello, was arrested Aug. 5 and charged with probation violation. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Jeffrey Arthur Staples, 32, 85 White Birch Drive, Covington, was arrested Aug. 11 and charged with failure to appear for fingerprintable charge and probation violation. Advocates and service providers statewide have reported a similar lack of planning over the flood of early releases. INMATE WORKER: On
Janice Wilson serves as the Clerk of Courts for Newton County. Once outside, the closure of businesses and government services poses daily obstacles.
It will be held by the court to make sure that the defendant makes an appearance at the trial. Now Im putting people out on the street that a judge might not put out., It would be very difficult if we did nothing. All visitors will be required to show identification in order to visit with inmates. Oxford County arrest log: Dec. 15, 2021. You may get search results showing last known addresses. To locate an individual who may currently be detained at this facility, you can call the Sheriffs Office at (219) 474-3331.
Atty. Richard Joseph Minor, 52, 4567 Salem Road, Covington, was arrested Aug. 6 and charged with aggravated assault. All visitors will be required to show identification in order to visit with inmates. Select Date Range:
Newton County Jail is a County Jail located in the city of Covington, Georgia. Newton County Jail Log, Nov. 18, 2020 Staff Report Updated: Nov 19, 2020, 8:43 AM Published: Nov 19, 2020, 8:44 AM Covington Police Department Rommie Marcel Belcher, 30, 40 Perry Circle,. Staff wear masks, and sheriffs deputies and inmates are given regular temperature checks. Jail Contact Crime Tips. Just releasing them on zero bail they have nothing to lose.. NEWTON County has 61 jails with an average daily population of 232 inmates with a total of 61 jail population. It is suggested that you create an account to streamline your visiting experience. The Newton County Jail does not have an online inmate roster. On site visits will remain limited to 1 visit per week. And we are not dealing with a 100% perfect healthy population here.. Your email address will not be published. Filter By Name. Money can get acknowledged all day, every day at the electronic Stand situated in the entryway of the facility.
The Law Library is available to all inmates. Here it is like 10 oclock at night, whos answering the phone? 77TH Street Regional Jail 7600 South Broadway Los Angeles, California 90003 323-786-5541. Scot Lewis Pippin, 47, 2316 Rockridge Road, Conyers, was arrested Aug. 10 and charged with probation violation. Los Angeles County CA Bail Bonds You can call a bail bondsman to help you get someone out of Los Angeles County jail. Required fields are marked *. Hollywood Area Jail 1358 North Wilcox Avenue Los Angeles, California 90028 213-972-2975. Built in 1996, our jail is a 80-bed facility which holds pre-trial detainees as well as sentenced inmates serving up to 1 year in jail. When breaking down the NEWTON County jail population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners and make 14% with 5 female and 30 male inmates. Covington - is the county seat. He was finally released the night of April 9, but had no place to go. Address: 1705 Alameda Street, Lynwood, CA 90262, Phone: (323) 357-5100
Inmates walk to their cell blocks at the L.A. County Jail. Tuesday: 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Others argue that Californias criminal justice system has long jailed too many for minor offenses and welcome the releases. The Southern Poverty Law Center is calling for a new hearing for a Mississippi man sentenced to 12 years in prison for possessing a cellphone in a county jail, reports NBC News. Personal checks will not be accepted. Juwan Ericas Leslie, 39, 750 Pebble Blvd, Covington, was arrested Nov. 15 and charged with disorderly conduct, simple battery against police officer/LE dog/corrections or detention officer. Friday: 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Pitchess Detention Center - South
Bail is the money paid to the court in exchange for the temporary release of a pretrial inmate. Ray Kelly. KIMBLES COMMISSARY: Inmate money is placed in an account for inmates access to purchase items from commissary. Home First had to turn them away. Men's Central Jail
The exodus is having a profound and still-evolving effect: Those leaving custody enter a vastly different world in which a collapsed economy, scant job opportunities and the closure of many government offices have compounded the challenges of getting lives back on track. Address: 29330 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91384, Phone: (661) 295-8840
Report a Crime 870-446-5113 Or Submit Via Email. Phone: (219) 474-3331. When Santa Clara County became an early locus of outbreaks, the Sheriffs Department asked one of the largest local shelters, Home First, to expect an influx of 200 to 300 inmates.
JAIL PROGRAMS. North County Correctional Facility Address: 29340 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91384, Phone: (661) 295-8840. Alvin Chase Chambers, 35, 10 Cope Court, Covington, was arrested Dec. 31 and charged with driving without a valid license and operation of vehicle without current plate/expired plate. Jackie Lacey. How inhumane is that?. There comes a point where you have to weigh that the inmate might get a particular disease which they might get outside of jail, that we all might get it outside of jail against the public safety and the propensity that these people might commit crimes against another individual, Spitzer said. Inmates at the Newton County Jail are afforded the privilege of visitation. It helps create and perpetuate a cycle of crime and violence, of poverty and victimization, Boudin said. The man was released last month, said Dist. You can reach her at 888-663-9866. Colton Lee Shivers, 31, 866B Boogers Hill Road, Oxford, was arrested Aug. 5 and charged with theft by taking. Inmate Information. Weinberg said she spends her newfound freedom studying online, taking Alcoholic Anonymous meetings via Zoom, and performing household chores. Its only because Im a nurse and I did take some precautions, said his wife, Jackie Cooper. Filter By Name
Bail is there to make sure a person has an incentive to come to court and remain crime-free, Dow said. For visits at the Newton County Jail, by phone and online, visitors MUST register at least 24 hours in advance. Pitchess Detention Center - East
David Lee Bates, 37, 2115 Kings Mountain Drive, Conyers, was arrested Aug. 7 and charged with probation violation. Newton County Jail Log, Aug. 12, 2020 Staff Reports Updated: Dec 22, 2020, 7:28 AM Published: Aug 12, 2020, 10:49 AM EDITOR'S NOTE: The following information is from the detention center. She previously covered the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, focusing on accountability stories and writing about failures by officials to comply with transparency laws. Jail staff try to provide several days worth of medications, but the zero bail has limited their ability to get an accurate medical history when those arrested are swiftly released, he said. This is a person in the business of acting as a surety for a non-refundable fee. Shiquita Nakest Shockley, 34, 7258 Parks Trail, Fairburn, was court sentenced to serve 10 days Nov. 17. Horrific Arrest on SC Student, Cop Acquitted, Civilian Labor Force Annual Average, 2016, Median Household Income Annual Average, 2015, Estimate of People of All Ages In Poverty 2014, Estimate Percentage of People of All Ages In Poverty 2015. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Harvey Alan Galloway, 54, 5082 Silverleaf Way, Aiken, S.C., was arrested Aug. 6 and charged with driving while license suspended or revoked, drug related objects, improper lane usage, marijuana possession, less than 1 ounce, possession of schedule I and II drugs (Heroin) and possession of methamphetamine. Applying for Jobs at the Georgia Department Of Corrections, Overview of the County and State Prisons in Georgia, Georgia Department of Corrections Changes to Protocols Due to COVID 19, Georgia Counties Take a Stand on Trumps Deportation Initiative. The county seat is Kentland. Alene Tchekmedyian is an investigative reporter at the Los Angeles Times. I will definitely want their services again, if I ever need this type of service again. Jordan Christopher Parler, 28, Homeless, was arrested Aug. 5 and charged with probation violation. He won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting with colleagues Harriet Ryan and Paul Pringle and was part of the team of reporters that won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the San Bernardino terrorist attack. All Rights Reserved. We see the guys that come from the county jail, in their black paper jumpsuits, said associate executive director Hector Verdugo. The largest city of Newton County is Covington. Khllaia Shanese Williams, 27, 3414 4th Ave., Sacramento, California, was arrested Nov. 15 and charged with criminal trespass-family violence. You should design your visit here if you want to have a couple of experiences with a detainee. Atty. Upon incarceration into the Newton County Jail, inmates will be allowed to have the following items brought into the jail; (3) pairs of socks, (3) pairs of underwear (3) T-shirts and (1) pair of tennis shoes (Velcro straps brand). It is suggested that you create an account to streamline your visiting experience. Cooper was confused he wasnt sick and hadnt even been tested. Todd Spitzer. Newton County Jail Address: 15151 Alcovy Rd, Covington, GA 30014, Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility. Look up: The 32 most spectacular ceilings in Los Angeles, This fabled orchid breeder loves to chat just not about Trader Joes orchids, Newsom, IRS give Californians until October to file tax returns, Best coffee city in the world?
We are dedicated to providing professional, responsive, and compassionate law enforcement services to . INMATE SERVICES - CONTACT 678-625-1567. More than 50 inmates and two staff have tested positive for the coronavirus, and all but 14 . We felt that we needed to make the decision because if we loaded up our facilities to max capacity we would have an outbreak in our homeless shelters, Urton said. Newton County had a population of approximately 101,505 in the year 2010. km). Failure to do so means forfeiting the money. Others awaiting trial gained freedom through approvals from prosecutors, public defenders and judges, a process that resulted in about 700 people in L.A. County getting out. Non-Emergency 870-446-5124 Inmate Roster (0) Options. In L.A. County, the Office of Diversion and Reentry typically helps inmates with mental illness or substance abuse problems find housing, but the coronavirus has forced a new strategy. Call 678-625-1420 to confirm. Reentry providers statewide said the failure of some jailers to guide those who are being released toward transitional housing could encourage recidivism. Requests for records can be made by completing and submitting the Open Records Request Form. Go to to learn more about using our new inmate visitation options and how to get started. Name | Date | Current | Released. Julian Bernara Hightower, 27, 436 Lovejoy St., NW #201, Atlanta, was arrested Aug. 6 and charged with terroristic threats and acts. Los Angeles County Jail Facilities
Such measures have pushed L.A. Countys jails the largest system in the nation from a pre-pandemic population of 17,000 down to less than 12,000. Alameda County has released nearly 1,000 inmates since March 15 and about 30 have been rearrested, said Sgt. Address: 441 Bauchet Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, Phone: (213) 473-6100
There was mass hysteria to de-incarcerate over COVID-19, and in our county its proven not to be based on fact or scientific evidence, but based on fear, Kelly said. Stacy Patterson Alvarez, 48, 100 Smith Store Road, Covington, was arrested Nov. 14 and charged with leaving the scene of accident, DUI-Alcohol and open container. Beginning on January 1, 2020, you will be able to visit with inmates at the Newton County Jail, by phone or online. The visits can be virtually online or physically onsite. Suspect identified in fatal hit and run in Covington found dead of gunshot wound, Newton deputies searching for suspect in armed robbery attempt at convenience store, Driver in 2021 double fatal wreck in Newton County charged, BREAKING: GBI investigating after Newton deputies shoot man who admitted to shooting wife, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 2-3, 2021, Weekend Edition Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 30-31, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 6-7, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, June 12-13, 2021, Weekend Edition Saturday-Sunday, June 26-27, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, August 7-8, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, August 21-22, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, August 28-29, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, September 11-12, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, September 18-19, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 25-26, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Oct. 9-10, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Oct. 16-17, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, October 30-31, 2021, Wednesday Edition: Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 6-7, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 13-14, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, December 4-5, 2021, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 22-23, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 29-30, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 12-13, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, Feb. 19-20, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, March 5-6, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, March 12-13, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, March 26-27, 2022, Weekend Edition: Saturday-Sunday, April 2-3, 2022, Weekend Edition, Saturday-Sunday, September 17-18, 2022. Social distancing can be done to a certain degree, but you cant take 100 people in a dorm and quarantine them separately. Willie Nash, 39, was being held at the Newton County Jail in 2018 on a misdemeanor charge when he asked a guard if it could be charged. Money must be in the form of a. TTY 213-473-0207. Fears of widespread outbreaks have been borne out: At the federal prison at Terminal Island, about 700 inmates have tested positive for the coronavirus, and eight have died. First Name:
She secured a spot at one of Burtons reentry homes in L.A., but needed to return to Bakersfield for a parole check-in and feared riding a bus would risk exposure to the virus. Jose Salas Morales, 20, 2632A Country Trace, Conyers, was arrested Aug. 10 and charged with aggravated assault (3), battery-family violence and possession of firearm or knife during commission of or attempt to commit a crime. Home. You have to quarantine them in the dorm, Malek said. document.write(year);
Money may be dropped off for an inmate only when a lobby receptionist is on duty or during visitation hours. Leave both date boxes blank to view all inmates
Last month, about an hour before Burton set out to pick up a woman eligible for release because of a preexisting medical condition, the Sheriffs Department called and told her not to come. They strung me along and wasted my time plus Im out $140 for the extra key they asked me to get made for my car they wanted me to put up as collateral. Last Name: Bookings Made in the Last 24 Hours
Parkinson said his deputies supply all those released with Narcan, a prescription drug to treat opioid overdoses. Elizabeth Ann Smith, 26, 337 Dover Road, Oxford, was arrested Aug. 10 and charged with marijuana possession, less than 1 oz. SHOES: WHITE, BLACK SLIP ONS, VELCRO (NEW)
Eagle Advantage Solutions, Inc.
Newton County Detention Center More than 900 inmates in a federal prison in Lompoc contracted the virus, the worst outbreak in the federal prison system. "The mission of our sheriff's office is to serve and protect the community by upholding the law and enforcing public safety. Address: 29340 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91384, Phone: (661) 295-8840, Los Angeles County CA Bail Bonds
Address: 29320 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91384, Phone: (661) 295-8840
ACME Bail Bonds (213) 481-5212
C.H.O.I.C.E.S. Address: 304 EAST SEYMOUR STREET KENTLAND IN 47951, Please Share Your Experiences Visiting Or Staying In This Facility, Your email address will not be published. On site visits will remain limited to 1 visit per week. Braxton Trashon Massey, 27, 205 Trelawny Lane, Covington, was arrested Aug. 9 and held for other agency. The Newton County Sherifff, Ezell Brownf, is the head law enforcement officer in the county. TTY 323-786-5600. Deputies work in a secure section of the Mens Central Jail. Advocates say many run the risk of ending up homeless when jailers dont connect them to services. Cassius Alexander Lampley, 28, 165 Flowers Drive, Covington, was arrested Aug. 5 and charged with driving without a license, probation violation, and speeding (10-14 over). Still, Kelly conceded it helped tremendously that fewer people were in custody and social distancing could be implemented, especially in the large dorm that houses minimum-security prisoners. The physical location of the Newton County Jail is: Newton County Jail 15151 Alcovy Road Covington, Georgia 30014 Phone: 678-625-1420 Fax: 678-625-1450 Email: Newton Detention Center Inmate Services Unit Newton Most Wanted The lady told me an emergency came up then hung up on me. More than 50 inmates and two staff have tested positive for the coronavirus, and all but 14 current inmates have recovered. Western Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma's local news leader! To
Edward Harris of Los Angeles is one of thousands of inmates given early release. An inmate puts his hand through the cell bars on the 3000 floor of L.A. County Mens Central Jail as sheriffs deputies patrol. Filter By Name
Tamara Gayle Reyneke, 59, 510 4th Ave., Covington, was arrested Aug. 5 and charged with DUI-4th offense and habitual violation. A graduate of Boston College and the University of Southern California, he joined The Times in 2013. The inmates may be awaiting trial or sentencing, or they may be serving a sentence after being convicted of a crime. The physical location of the Newton County Jail is: Newton County Jail 110 E. Court Street Newton, TX 75966 Phone: 409-379-3636 Fax: 409-379-3071 Newton County Jail Staff At Newton County Jail: Michelle Baldwin, Probate Angie Brooks, Recording