I would show compash. I could stay young and chipper. The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart. Oh! Now you can open them. Field Trips. (One of them snatch his axe), Scarecrow: Help! There's only one of him and he's it. That must be terribly uncomfortable. Dorothy Gale, Scarecrow, Tin man, and Lion: (Singing together) Oh, we're off to see the Wizard. (They start running in the poppy field). (Dorothy and her friends cringe in fear then the Wicked Witch gets the flames with her broomstick) (To Scarecrow) How about a little fire, Scarecrow? Munchkins: (Singing) Ding-Dong! Just uh wait here and I'll announce you at once. How can I ever thank you enough? ), Dorothy Gale: Auntie Em! And I never appreciated it. What'd he say? Wizard of Oz Professor Marvel Large Banner - Etsy MetropolisGrafix 5,206 sales | Wizard of Oz Professor Marvel Large Banner $85.00 Low in stock Pay in 4 installments of $21.25. Cowardly Lion: (Determined) All right, I'll go in there for Dorothy. Well It's all right now. Get out of here. Why (Growling at Tin Man). And I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again because I love you all. Whether you're tin or bronze. Professor Marvel's Wagon Figurine-Wizard of Oz-San Francisco Music Box Company.Features:Actual Dialogue From The Movie!Requires 2 AA BatteriesLimited Edition of 2500Rare Wonderful Sepia toned Wizard o The material and ink are both archival and the print quality is exceptional.For more information on the creation of this banner, copy and paste this url into your browser, http://metropolisgrafix.com/wp/?p=51. Ruff! There they are, and there they'll stay! The Wizard of Oz There's only one thing I want you fellas to do. Dorothy comes out of the carriage as she takes the Mayor's hand.). [terrified, steps forward] He'll announce us at once. (She cackles as Scarecrow looks the chandelier which gives him the idea. (The camera switches to the Wicked Witch she takes her broomstick and she heads to the window cackling.). Oh, give me the oilcan, quick! Frank Morgan: Professor Marvel, The Gatekeeper, The Carriage Driver, The Guard, The Wizard of Oz Showing all 48 items Jump to: Photos (18) Quotes (30) Photos Quotes The Wizard of Oz : And remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much *you* love; but by how much you are loved by others. What's she doing? Now, fly! Great! Aunt Em: (Smiling while holding Dorothy's hand) Dorothy, Dorothy, dear. And now my beauties something with poison in it I think. There's only one of them, and he's it. This is a transcript of The Wizard of Oz. What makes a king out of a slave? [as the Wizard's balloon goes off without her] (Pointing another direction). To get him a heart. Wicked Witch of the West: (Petting Toto mockingly) What a nice little dog. Dorothy Gale: No, no. You've been more trouble to me than worth one way or another. Dorothy Courage! She's somewhere out in the storm! Glinda the Good Witch of the North: Are you ready now? Give them back! He draws. I've sent a little insect on ahead to take flight out of them. Dorothy Gale: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Those slippers will never come off, as long as you're alive. Scarecrow: (Nervously) Animals that eat straw? Clearly, Professor Marvel is a charlatan, but there is a positive lesson to be learned from his trickery. Fly! Juliet's voice: Wherefore art thou, Romeo? Cowardly Lion: You're right, I am a coward! Dorothy Gale: (Speaking) It really was no miracle. Do not arouse the wrath of the Great and Powerful Oz! Scarecrow: But I'd face a whole box of them for the chance of getting some brains. Even, I've never seen him! Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the earth or slinks through slimy seas has a brain. (Placed the broomstick by the throne). It features Professor Marvel and Dorothy inside the Professors wagon consulting the spirits. Wizard's guard: Orders are, nobody can see the great Oz! Dorothy Gale: Would you take us to see the Wizard? Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead. I am the great and powerful [then, realizing that it is useless to continue his masquerade, moves away from microphone, speaks in a normal voice]. Publication history [ edit] No, that's not right. (To Dorothy) Now those magic slippers will take home in two seconds. That's how we laugh the day away. (Dorothy and her friends smiled) That's a horse of a different color! It's gonna be so hard to say goodbye. Dorothy Gale: Oh, thank you so much! It's me! And this is my room and you're all here. You are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe. (Sees the oil can and takes it) Oh, here it is. I can't even scare a crow. Keep in mind: shipping carrier delays or placing an order on a weekend or holiday may push this date. Oh, you mean the thing? If you only had a brain. Bzz, bzz, bzz! Tin Man: (Smiling) Ah! Houseguests, eh? It's on the door - as plain as the nose on my face! Wicked Witch of the West: (Giggling) That's right. I'm Glinda the Witch of the North. Before delighting the audience with READ THE REST, 10,000 Maniacs' fifth studio album, Our Time in Eden, was released in 1992. (Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion and Toto continue their journey to the Emerald City. I have to rest for just a minute. So, I have replicated the wagon art as a canvas banner. This is limited edition number 1431 of 2500 and was released in 2009 for the 70th . : Ding-Dong the Wicked Witch is dead! Wizard's guard: (Calming the crowd) Here! (Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, and Toto come down and follow the Winkie guards into the castle as Lion attempts to hide his tail but can't. A man comes out of his wagon he is dressed in formal clothes and wears a black neckerchief around his collar this is Professor Marvel.). The lesson here is that presenters can connect with their audiences by making references to relevant facts about individuals in the audience or about the audience as an affinity group. Contemporize. My neck. Oh, you liquidated her, eh? I haven't slept in weeks. Please. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. Because of the wonderful things he does. The Scarecrow Well, that's more like it! A house with a picket fence and a barn with a weathervane of a running horse. Because of the wonderful things he does. Scarecrow: There! What a smell of sulfer! Tin Man: No heart. Just before your presentation, mingle with your audience. Cowardly Lion: (To Toto) Well, I'll get you anyway, peewee. (She angrily throws the cap across the room and the camera switches back to the poppy field). Oh, she's dropping down on the bed. We got to run away! Just like I knew it would be. Wizard of Oz: (Speaking into microphone) I am the great and powerful (Normal voice) Wizard of Oz. Wizard of Oz: (To Tin Man) As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. We ought to try and carry Dorothy. (Laughs) Take special care of the ruby slippers. I said come back tomorrow! Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch. Helping the little lady along, are you, my fine gentlemen? Wizard of Oz: Professor Marvel's Wagon [Scene Recreation] 1,126 views Mar 28, 2018 13 Dislike Share Save DmanFilms' Life 140 subscribers We were assigned to do a scene recreation for a. We haven't got the oilcan with us, and you've been squeaking enough as it is. I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back! I'm afraid poor Toto has to go. (Happily) Oh, joy! Very resourceful! There is also a small banner available as a separate product in my store. Wizard of Oz: Why anybody can have a brain. (Gives Dorothy a bouquet and she smells them. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. The wonderful Wizard of Oz. (Munchkins bow). They uh They don't understand you at home. Apple tree: (To Dorothy) Well, how would you like to have someone come along and pick something off of you? Oh! Dorothy We brought you the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West. (The camera switches back to the Gale farm as the twister approaches, the chickens scurry around and Uncle Henry comes out.). (To Toto) Say goodbye, Toto. The Scarecrow ", The wide-eyed girl smiles and says, "Why it's just like you could read what was inside me!". To confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with my brother wizards. Don't go without me! Wasn't he pointing the other way? Doorman: (Gasps) The Wizard? (Dorothy wakes up) (Realizing) It does help! The greatest Oz has spoken! I hope. Barrister Munchkin: Is morally, ethically. (To Scarecrow) Put your hands up, you lopsided bag of hay! Come back! Scarecrow: Don't cry now. I don't know how it works! Professor Marvel (Goes to his horse) Better get under cover, Sylvester! Bring me her broomstick, and I'll grant your requests. Scat! Courage! Professor Marvel: Well, that's all, the crystal's gone dark. Dorothy How did you guess? The greatest Oz has spoken! Dorothy Gale: I couldn't say. Step forward Tin Man! Munchkins: (Singing) Ding-Dong! Now don't tell me. A diploma. The Tin Man Somebody always helps that girl. (The image of Auntie Em disappeared) (Begging fearfully) Oh, Auntie Em, don't go away! Dorothy and her friends get up and walk into the entrance.). All of the winged monkeys fly back to the Witch's castle. (Dorothy rings the door bell and the doorman sticks his head out of the door's porthole). Whilst opening the door, the film changes from sepia tone to bright, vibrant, vivid colors. The Gatekeeper Dorothy Gale: (Hugging Toto) Oh, Toto! People come and go so quickly here! Big cities, big mountains, big oceans. But first, you must prove yourselves worthy by performing a very small task. (To himself) Poor little kid. Tin Man: (Singing) I'd be gentle as a lizard. Visit their home pages. HELP! If the information you cite is new to your audience, they will be impressed by the depth and currency of your knowledge. Customize your first slide. I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Cowardly Lion: I'd be too scared to ask him for it. (The Wicked Witch cackles as the Winkie guards arrive with their spears and Toto yelps fearfully as they point their spears at them trapping them.). Nobody's ever seen the great Oz! Scarecrow: I didn't think so. The wonderful Wizard of Oz. This seller usually responds within a few hours. The Wizard of Oz (Dorothy oils Tin Man's joints). Tin Man: Yes, get up and teach him a lesson. Scarecrow: Witch? : Tin Man and Lion finish putting Scarecrow back together as Toto approaches them. Which old Witch? And the mountains bow. Scarecrow: Yes. Dorothy Gale: But anyway, Toto, we're home! He is an enemy of Wolverine and had a hand in his origin as part of the Weapon X Project. Tin Man: Look at the scenery. Professor Marvel: Yeah. Begone, before somebody drops a house on you too! Where are you? Auntie Em! Munchkins: (Singing) Follow the Yellow Brick Road. Back where I come from, we have universities, seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers. Come back! Dorothy hides from behind the tree. She's wearing the ruby slippers, she gave her. Glinda: (Giggles) Oh well, I'm a little muddled. ), (The winged monkeys approach from the sky. (To Dorothy) Dorothy, are you in there? Now, Heilman has recreated the fantastic artwork emblazoned on Professor Marvel's wagon in Wizard of Oz. Oh! Tin Man: I should've felt it in my heart. Poppies will put them to sleep. And I've been that way ever since. Henry! You just had a bad dream. I don't believe you! Doggone it! : : Listen to their conversations. Dorothy The Wicked Witch is dead! Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I take pleasure at this time in presenting you with a small token of our esteem and affection (Presents Tin Man a heart-shaped watch) And remember, my sentimental friend that a heart is not judged by how much you love but by how much you are loved by others. Then suddenly, the wind changed and the balloon floated down into this noble city, where I was instantly acclaimed Oz, the first wizard deluxe. (Dorothy and Toto begin following the Yellow Brick Road as some of the Munchkins bowed to her) You're off to see the Wizard. And the courage that you promised Cowardly Lion?! Apple tree: (Angrily) What do you think you're doing? (Dorothy nods). Professor Marvel: But, what's this? Scarecrow: Oh, you can't rest now. So she is! In addition, a new website called Newseum provides access to the front pages of local daily newspapers around the country and the world by city.