9-1-1 calls for law enforcement are processed on-site. 400 County Center The use or possession of the protocol book does not exempt field personnel from the responsibility to know the information in the San Mateo County Policy and Procedures Manual. than twelve (12) months, but less than twenty-four (24) months. San Mateo County Law live scanner feeds. Arrest records also include details about arrest warrants issued and the number of alleged crimes committed by persons within the county. This page includes the policies, procedures, and treatment protocols for the San Mateo County prehospital care system. Has completed each annual LEMSA required policy, Individuals interested in obtaining San Mateo County property records may visit or contact the office of the custodian. Complete a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours of approved 2010 - 2019. Send them by mail to: The Clerk-Recorders Office charges the general public $21 for each death record. Possess a California EMT certificate that is expired for more Law Enforcement Agencies: San Mateo County Sheriff's Office serving the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County, and contract cities of Half Moon Bay, San Carlos, Millbrae, Portola Valley and Woodside; Daly City Police Department;East Palo Alto Police Department; Broadmoor Police Department; and Transit Police. Emergency departments are expected to follow these guidelines when managing prehospital exposure to potentially infectious substances. Be employed as a paramedic with a designated San This office opens from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. About SMPD; Accountability; Crime statistics for San Mateo County show that there were 12,823 misdemeanor arrests and 3,758 felony arrests in 2017, the last year with a complete record. prehospital continuing education within the prior two (2) year The annual Stanford Health Care Stroke Symposium Mutual aid communications coordination Law Enforcement and Fire; Direct emergency alarm monitoring for private homes and businesses for a fee; Fire line internal support of essential 911 equipment and systems. license, AHA BLS, ACLS, PALS/PEPP, and a County-approved Marketing cookies help us and our partners to fit the adverts and content you see during and after visiting our site to your interests. Visiting days are Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 2023 San Mateo County. Crime Stoppers. To obtain a birth record through an in-person request, complete the Application for Certified Copy of Birth Record and submit it at: San Mateo County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorders Office Mutual aid communications coordination Law Enforcement and Fire; Direct emergency alarm monitoring for private homes and businesses for a fee. The following memos and communications come from the San Mateo County EMS Agency and EMS Medical Director. All rights reserved. Recertification (Current or expired less than 12 Individuals may visit the Assessor-County Clerk-Controllers office from Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 5 p.m. San Mateo County Assessor Division San Mateo County has one Superior Court with five branches. Certification cards will be mailed to applicants following To support those most in need and help others. Dispatch Call Log. 655 East Third Street San Bernardino, California 92415-0061. 400 County Center. 800 North Humboldt Street SB 658 was signed into law, reducing liability conditions on Submit it in person at: The office remains open from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm. The GTF's oversight function was assigned to the San Mateo County Police Chiefs and Sheriff Association, with "direct oversight" by the San Mateo County Police Chiefs and Sheriff Association Countywide Issues Committee Liaison Chiefs. the California Code of Regulations, an individual shall be EMS System Overview, Fire Services and AMR ALS Emergency Ambulance Contracts Performance Year 3, Take 90 seconds to learn how to save a life, Get immediate texts or emails during emergencies, EMT Certification/Renewal & Paramedic Accreditation, CA Skills Verification Form & Instructions, San Mateo County Live Scan Request Form Packet, 202 - Applications Standards Criteria and Review Mechanisms for Advanced Life Support Providers, 205 - Emergency Ambulance and First Response Unit Standards, 207 - Ambulance Response and Transport Restrictions, 303 - Emergency Medical Dispatcher Authorization, 305 - Public Safety Automatic External Defibrillation Program, 306 - BLS Agency and Public Safety Optional Skills, 307 - Prehospital Continuing Education Provider, 308 - Emergency Medical Technician Training Program, 405 - Base Hospital and Receiving Center Reports, 504 - Cancelling or Downgrading an EMS Response, 513 - Law Enforcement Requesting an EMS Response, 514 - Patient Extrication in Limited Access Areas, 517 - Tactical Emergency Medical Support Team, 518 - Confidentiality of Patient Information, 520 - Management of Controlled Substances, 521 - Refusal of Emergency Medical Care or Transport, 601 - Base Hospital Standards and Designation, 603 - Hospital Emergent Interfacility Transfers, 605 - STEMI Receiving Center Standards and Designation, 702 - Transmission of Cardiac Monitor Data, 903 - Paramedic Accreditation Evaluation Form, CA03T - Refractory V-Fib/Pulseless V-Tach Mills Peninsula Pilot Program, R02 - Respiratory Arrest and Respiratory Failure, R03 - Respiratory Distress and Bronchospasm, R04 - Respiratory Distress and CHF and Pulmonary Edema, X03 - Overdose and Poisoning and Ingestion, A01 - Abdominal Pain and Problems (GI and GU), A04 - Altered Level of Consciousness (ALOC), A11 - ENT and Dental Problem (Unspecified), A16 - Genitourinary Disorder (Unspecified), A25 - Non-Traumatic Extremity Pain and Swelling, A34T - Stroke/CVA/TIA - Mobile Stroke Unit (CT-1), PR02 - Respiratory Arrest/Respiratory Failure, PR03 - Respiratory Distress - Bronchospasm, PR04 - Respiratory Distress - CHF/Pulmonary Edema, P04 - ALOC - (Not Hypoglycemia or Seizure), P05 - Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE), P14 - Genitourinary Disorder, Unspecified, P23 - Non-traumatic - Extremity Pain/Swelling, FP04 - Airway: BVM with In-Line Nebulizer, FP05 - Airway Direct Laryngoscopy Intubation, FP09 - Airway Tracheostomy Tube Replacement, FP10 - Airway Video Laryngoscopy Intubation, FP17 - In-Line Nebulizer for Flowsafe II CPAP Device, Healthcare Facilities - Required Notification on Reportable Infectious Disease to Prehospital Personnel, Base Hospital Designation Stanford Hospital (21CLN04), Online Licensing Portal and Application Process (21BUL01), COVID and Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Swab Testing (21-BUL-02 ), 9-1-1 System Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulance Response and Transpor, Transfer of Patient Care at Receiving Hospitals (21CLN01), Assess and Refer and Hospital Transfer (22CLN01), 22-OPS-02 - COVID Metric Reporting Rescinded, 22-CLN-04 - Use of Expired Medications and Supplies Not Authorized.pdf, 22-CLN-05 - Recommendations for use of N-95 and surgical masks, 23-CLN-01 Seton Hospital Ability to Receive 12-lead ECGs.pdf, EMT Live Scan Request Form & Instructions, EMT Skills Verification Form & Instructions, Learn how to be ready for an emergency or natural disaster, San Mateo County EMS Peer Recognition Awards, Nominations for 2020/2021 Are Now Being Accepted, 2019-20 - San Mateo County STEMI Critical Care System Plan, 2019-20 - San Mateo County Stroke Critical Care System Plan, Health Club Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) Use Report (NEW - 2/2015), Law Enforcement Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) Use Report (NEW - 2/2015), Public Access Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) Use Report (NEW - 2/2015), Public Safety Provider Agency Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) Use Report (NEW - 2/2015), CA EMS Authority - Regulation Repeal Memo, Senate Bill No. documents will need to be uploaded into the system: Online applications will not be accepted until all the required The leading property crime was larceny with 11,055 cases followed by burglary with 2,481 cases and motor vehicle theft with 1,606 incidents. Meet one of the following eligibility criteria: Possess a current and valid National Registry EMT, Visiting time on Saturday is between the hours of 12:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder & Elections, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Water Quality Notifications (Beach/Creek). Fingerprint scans are done from Monday to Friday at $39 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You are not required We are united in our passion to give back to the community. Continuing Education hours must be from one of the County Message Switch Maintenance and programming; Mobile Communications and Field Support for County SWAT Team; Public Education and Relations Events; Special Detail Dispatching ie., Countywide Gang Task Force, Avoid the 23, Transit Night Games; Support of the Public Safety Paging System; On-site programming for CAD and Public Safety Systems; Alternate 911 PSAP for Allied Agencies; Emergency Back-up for police dispatch centers in the County, and Customer CAD enhancements for customer agencies. Chief Stratton hasreplaced retired Chief Dan Steidle, until a permanent Police Chief is selected in the near future. confirmation that the applicant meets all the criteria specified background check using the Phone: (650) 363-4300 (Traffic). 555 County Center San Mateo County Departments or Contractors: , Coroner, Public Works, Information Services, Area Office of Emergency Services, District Attorney, Superior Court, Peninsula Humane Society, Environmental Health, Parks, and Building Inspector. Chief Stratton possesses a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from California State University at Sacramento, and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy. Important Update: A portion of the money we normally receive for Private adoption and government agencies enjoy a reduced fee of $19. verification of documentation submitted with the application. Applicants whose current EMT certificatewasissued COMMUNITY INFORMATION VENUE FOR SMPD - Please contact SMPD Dispatch 650-522-7700 or use. They provide summary reports about apprehensions carried out within the county. Possess a current and valid out-of-state Advanced EMT or Finding and retrieving relevant records for San Mateo County online is moderately difficult If a San Mateo public record cannot be found, try using the search functions provided by, other Live Scan Locations in San Mateo County, Application for Certified Copy of Marriage Record form, Application for Certified Copy of Birth Record, Application for Certified Copy of Death Record. 1st Floor with the paramedics California paramedic licensure. Medical Technicians (NREMT) written and skills exam within the Select He is also an instructor for the South Bay Regional Training Consortium (Police Academy). Hall of Justice and Records Superior Court of California Fees are payable by check. Recertification (Current or expired less than 12 months) online Prior to submittingyour application,complete a System usage may be monitored, recorded, and subject to audit. system: Upon completion of the appropriate requirements listed above, and San Mateo County LE Naloxone Administration Inmates visits at both facilities are pre-scheduled online or at the kiosk in the lobby of the correctional facility. He is also an instructor for the South Bay Regional Training Consortium (Police Academy). San Mateo County criminal records are official documents that provide comprehensive information on the criminal history of persons within the county. Redwood City, CA 94063. Being a County employee also means being purposefully connected to professional . It spans from cities to farmland; forests to beaches; rolling hills to a rugged coastline. The San Mateo County Clerk-Recorder manages marriage, birth, and death records within the county. Moss Beach, CA 94038 News Room /QuickLinks.aspx. PSC continually exceeds the National Academy standards and Center of Excellence averages for EMD compliance (98%). Emergency Medical Technician. All Rights Reserved. throughout the State of California. 10-4 Acknowlegement 11-49 Vehicle Stop. physician reimbursement throughthe Maddy Fund, the Phone: (650) 261-5100 (Civil, Family Law, Probate) Graffiti Hotline Phone: (650) 522-7300. The only designation on the chart whose name seems to point solely to the Sheriff's Office is the participation . PDF. You are about to access a restricted information system. Pacifica, CA 94044, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
PSC is an accredited center of excellence and provides services to all fire departments within San Mateo County; all 911 ambulances and provides pre-approved instruction through Medical Priority Dispatch Systems (MPDS) protocol. San Mateo County Sheriff's Office: (650) 363-4911 Half Moon Bay Bureau: (650) 726-8286 / non-emergency: (650) 726-8288 Millbrae Bureau: (650) 697-1212 / non-emergency: (650) 259-2300 San Carlos Bureau: (650) 802-4321 Transit Bureau: (877) SAF-RAIL or (877) 723-7245 Location: San Mateo County Regional Operations Center (ROC) Authorization is only required to store your personal settings. Hazardous Materials Business Plan Program, California Accidental Release Prevention Program (CalARP), Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Program. At the Maguire Correctional Facility, inmates receive visitors for 45 minutes twice a week. theEMT Recertification (New to San Mateo Call (650) 573-2801 or (650) 599-1570 to schedule an appointment. Not all of San Mateo vital records are open to the public. Redwood City, CA 94063 Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder & Elections, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Water Quality Notifications (Beach/Creek). 4th Floor The Centers performance is closely monitored and reports performance measures to the County Board of Supervisors bi-annually. To obtain a San Mateo arrest record, visit or contact the Sheriff's Office at: San Mateo County Sheriff's Office. Information regarding the status of your application may 500 County Center Note that DOJ/FBI fees will apply depending on the type of background check requested. (650) 599-3000. Select and write Record Review in the area titled for Type of Application and Reason for Application. Redwood City, CA 94063 3,264 were here. 10-6 Busy 11-51 Pedestrian Stop/F.I. 400 County Center Status: I have a report that the audio isn't working in this feed. excellence above and beyond the call of duty. Any questions and feedback regarding should be directed to the EMS Agency through theField Feedback Formfor immediate review and response. Information presented is based on patient data provided by SMC 9-1-1 ambulance providers. "A changing of the guard does not change our Mission.". The locations of the Sheriffs Office are below: San Mateo County Sheriffs Department If the recertification requirements were met within six (6) The office remains open from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm. He is an active member of the California Police Chiefs Association and International Association of Chiefs of Police. Certified copies attract an additional fee of $25 per document while the charge for exemplification of records is $50. As a Online Radio Box uses cookies in order to provide the best service for our users. Due to the nature of the job, the center is in operation 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Fund. applicationand pay the established requested during the application process (these records must be you do not have an account on the system, create one prior to Inappropriate postings will. online certificationsystem and verify your account. This program also provides access to translation services and hearing impaired translation if needed. San Mateo County EMS Agency is open to the public Contact the City. One city, South San Francisco, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Memoranda of Understanding are collective bargaining agreements between the County of San Mateo and the unions that various classifications of County employees have chosen to represent them. Please note that we are still administering the Maddy the certification has lapsed: Follow the instructions on the EMT Certificate Renewal tab. California Code of Regulationsis nowrepealed. San Mateo Sheriff's Office 400 County Center, 3rd Floor ( View Map) Redwood City, CA 94063 (650) 363-4911 After Hours Non-emergency (650) 363-4911 Civil Related Property Sale (650) 363-4497 The submissions are not monitored 24 hours per day. Prophylactic care recommendations for health care workers are found in the CDC May 23, 2018updated U.S. Public Health Service guidelines for the Managementof Occupational Exposures to HIV and Recommendation for Post Exposure Prophylaxis. * Beginning 4/1/2021 applicantsmust apply The Agency does not release information contained in the Live notissued by San Mateo CountyEMS must complete Follow Us! Hospital emergency departments have specific requirements for managing exposure to body substances experienced by prehospital care personnel. Install the free Online Radio Box app for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! San Mateo Fire Dispatch vFire-21. 400 County Center Redwood City, CA 94063 (650) 363-4911 requirements: Continuously possesses a valid California paramedic *Beginning 4/1/2021 applicantsmust apply Arrest records also include details about arrest warrants issued and the number of alleged crimes committed by persons within the county. It is the mission of the men and women of the Pacifica Police Department to protect and serve the members of our community with the highest level of commitment, ethics and professionalism. (Pacifica Police Department Mission Statement). A group of standard assessments and treatments, including but not limited to airway, breathing and circulation, and the use of routine monitoring devices. The court provides two systems for accessing cases online. Necessary cookies are responsible for the basic functionality of Online Radio Box. San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. San Mateo County Fire (North Dispatch) Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 482.5625: WIJ914: RM: . The Office of the Clerk-Recorder processes requests for San Mateo County death records. has received them previously or not). Working for the County of San Mateo Sheriff's Office means having a career with a real purpose. San Mateo City Hall 330 West 20th Avenue San Mateo, CA 94403 Driving Directions; Home. If Chief Stratton comes to Pacifica after retiring in 2020, after serving 27 years for the Town of Colma, with the last six years of his career as Chief of Police. Information (CORI) background check. Chief Stratton is currently an Administration of Justice Adjunct Professor in the San Mateo County Community College District. 10-4 message received, affirmative, ok. Install the free Online Radio Box application for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Career Opportunities. San Mateo County Sheriff's Office. Unauthorized use of this system is prohibited and may be su result,Chapter 1.8, Div. status of your Live Scan, contact the California Department of Phone: (650) 363-4500. EMT Certification on EMT certificate and EMT certificate 222 Paul Scannell Drive This protocol book does not replace the Policy and Procedures Manual and is provided as a tool for their reference. with your application. The Communications Center is the primary answering point for 9-1-1 calls within the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County, the Cities of Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, Portola Valley, San Carlos, and Woodside. proceeding. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The Office of the Clerk-Recorder is responsible for issuing birth records in San Mateo County. Now hiring new Deputy Sheriff Trainees and Laterals. It is scanning Menlo Park & Atherton Police Dispatch and South San Mateo County Fire/EMS Dispatch and Tactical Channels. Data limited to available free public records. Report a Crime. Complete a Department of Justice Criminal Offender Record Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Police Reports. dispatchers, law enforcement and EMS system partners for There were year-on-year increments in rape (30%), robbery (21.9%), aggravated assault (13.6%), larceny (7.8%), and arson (23.4%) incidences. ** Beginning 4/1/2021 applicantsmust apply program almost 30 years ago. The Communications Center also answers Transit and Animal Services phones after normal business hours and on weekends. For information on obtaining a copy of Is Pacifica the Bay Area's Most Underrated Gem? 10-1 Receiving Poorly 11-47 Injured Person. Section 1798.200(c)(1) through (c)(12) of the Health and Safety Anyone can access it to find a sex offender by name or search for sex offenders living in the proximity of an address. Standards include processing of high priority calls for service within established timeframes and customer satisfaction. Depending on the selected settings, some functions may become unavailable! 1st Floor The website cannot function properly without these files, they can only be disabled by changing your browser settings or by using our website in "Incognito" mode. period. No set of protocols can cover all patient problems. San Mateo County arrest records are official documents under the purview of the .css-9c6ohv{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#1b395e;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-9c6ohv:hover{color:#d30000;}San Mateo County Sheriffs Office. days to process from the time the application is complete. Helping everyone in San Mateo County live longer & better lives. PDF. The information is provided by the San Mateo County Emergency Medical Services Agency, and is designed for use within San Mateo County. Join the San Mateo County Sheriffs Office. (650) 573-2801, San Mateo County Sheriffs Department Possess a valid and current California EMT certificate. 1980 - 1989. The Odyssey Public Portal provides additional case information and allows anyone to view documents for non-sealed, non-confidential cases. Cookie files from analytics systems, social networks and other services help us to customise our website to better match your interests. the appropriate option below, based on the amount of time that Redwood City, CA 94063 It is filled with people from all walks with a wide range of challenges. To obtain a San Mateo arrest record, visit or contact the Sheriffs Office at: .css-ssatc0{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#798796;font-weight:400;font-family:"Arial",serif;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;text-transform:none;font-style:italic;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}San Mateo County Sheriffs Office Refer to Routine Medical Care (G01) for more information. San Mateo County provides public members with access to property records, in compliance with the California Public Records Act. Attn: Vital Records Welcome to the official County of San Mateo Government Facebook page. patients. March 2023; Calendar of Events M Mon T Tue W Wed T Thu F Fri S Sat S Sun 0 events, 27 0 events, 27 . I believe I resolved the issue but . Phone: (650) 363-4500. This program was developed in 2014 by your EMS system colleagues to recognize the extraordinary service and . 400 County Center Copyright 2023 County of San Mateo. Use the MIDX system to find index information for cases tried in civil, criminal, family, probate, and small claims courts. SamCERA (Retirement) San Mateo County Health. 10-2 Receiving Well 11-48 Furnish Transportation. San Mateo County Sheriff's Office. How do we use Cookies. The San Mateo County Sheriffs Office is dedicated to the preservation of public safety by providing innovative and progressive service in partnership with the Half Moon Bay community. The San Mateo County Pre-hospital EMS Peer Recognition Awards for Excellence is an annual award program recognizing EMTs, paramedics, dispatchers, law enforcement and EMS system partners for excellence above and beyond the call of duty. certification. We recognize that our success is dependent on a strong partnership with our community members. 555 County Center San Mateo, CA 94401 Redwood City, CA 94063 Thisyears theme will focus on utilizing an In 1976, San Mateo County Working for the County of San Mateo Sheriff's Office means having a career with a real purpose. renewals before proceeding with your application. The California Superior Court in San Mateo County is responsible for issuing copies of divorce records. They consist of the record subjects names, arrests reports, indictments, convictions, and sentences. The California Department of Justice maintains a database of registered sex offenders living in all counties in the state. Phone: (650) 261-5100. We strive for equity and to be the change we want to see. Trauma Life Support (ITLS) Certification, If applicable, court records and/or police reports as The public can search for cases with the MIDX system by providing information such as name, file date, and case number. drivers license, state ID card, military ID card, passport). Phone: (650) 363-4300 (Traffic), San Mateo County Superior Court - Juvenile Branch A career track with endless opportunities, the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office offers a variety of specialties with our Patrol Services, Corrections, Investigations Bureau, Homeland Security Division, Support Services Division, and Multi-Jurisdictional Division. Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), Assessor - County Clerk - Recorder & Elections, Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, Water Quality Notifications (Beach/Creek). San Mateo County Sheriff: Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 156.105: WNQN266: BM: period. San Mateo Fire Dispatch Command 31. to State, County and Municipal Public Records, , San Mateo County public records are accessible to members of the general public These non-confidential records include San Mateo County arrest records, criminal records, court records, and vital records. The location is open to the public from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Phone: (650) 261-5200 (Criminal) The Records Management Office also accepts in-person and mail requests for court records. It is followed by property, drug, and sex offenses with 950, 303, and 100 incidents respectively. Phone: (650) 261-5080 (Family Court Services), San Mateo County Superior Court - Southern Branch The following requirements apply to all applicants who In San Mateo County, the Real Property Section of the Assessor-County Clerk-Controllers office compiles annual property assessment rolls. You should review the Agencys policy We are united in our passion to give back to the community. (650) 363-4525. Sheriff's Office (substation) Physical Address View Map 537 Kelly Avenue Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Directions Phone: : 650-726-8288 Emergency Phone: : 911 Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Additional Contact Numbers Coastside Patrol Sergeant: 650-573-2844 Community Policing: 650-573-2846 After hours Dispatch: 650-726-8286 City Hall Visit the San Mateo County Sheriffs Officewebsite for more information about the variety of services provided to all in San Mateo County, including crime data, County Jail inmate services, online crime reporting, narcotics task force, and more. Long-Term Missing Persons. Inmate visits at the Maple Street Correctional Center are for 45 minutes, twice a week. through theonline application process*. Save peace in the world. Applications that disclose any criminal history or administrative EMS mobile phone app). 10-3 stop transmitting. certificate renewals before proceeding with your application. The Sheriff's Office also provides contract law enforcement services for the cities of Half Moon Bay, Millbrae, San Carlos, Eichler Highlands, the towns of Portola Valley and Woodside, as well as for the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board and the San Mateo County Transit .