Please enable JavaScript to view the site. Material Subsidiary or Investee This term includes any subsidiary or
The funds audit committee charter addressed auditor independence generally, but the T&O questionnaires did not expressly cover business relationships with the auditors affiliates. Deloittes extensive experience underpins the valuable perspective we bring to SEC reporting. B. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Exceptional organizations are led by a purpose. We respectfully request that the Commission consider the changes suggested in this letter which would substantially address our concerns with the proposed rule governing financial and employment relationships. Depository accounts such as checking/savings accounts, certificates of deposit, salary accounts*, post office savings accounts* and cash balances associated with a health savings account (HSA). Beneficial ownership (as evidenced by the filing of a Schedule 13D or 13G) of more than five percent of a class of an audit client's equity securities, or significant influence or control over an audit client. Will the Firm Contribution Tool run in parallel with the Restricted Entity List? As noted in the Release, the "materiality" concept for purposes of auditor independence should not be confused with the meaning of "materiality" pursuant to Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB") No. For example, there is no evidence that an auditor's independence would be impaired if a covered person had a checking account containing an immaterial uninsured balance.44. When The Gift Or Inheritance Is Immaterial And The
See how we connect, collaborate, and drive impact across various locations. Please enable JavaScript to view the site. We are committed to conducting business with honesty and the utmost professionalism. Reg. We believe that any potential benefit of the proposed rule would be outweighed by the unnecessary burden it would create, especially considering the high level of consolidation in the banking industry. Fund Complexes) ( A ). This box/component contains code needed on this page. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Independence Rules . For more information about the final rule, see the Changing Lanes discussion in the Roadmaps introduction; Appendix C, which summarizes a registrants disclosure requirements before and after adoption of the final rule; and Deloittes June 2, 2020, Heads Up. that is needed on this page. Rather, the proposed rule appears to prohibit the covered person from owning more than five percent of any entity in which the audit client has any ownership interest. This message will not be visible when page is activated. Boynton did not identify his business relationship with Deloitte Consulting in response to a question calling for identification of his principal occupation(s) and other positions. Relying on his understanding that Deloitte Consulting was a separate legal entity from Deloitte, Boynton also did not identify the business relationship in his responses to a question added to the questionnaire in 2009 inquiring whether he had any direct or material indirect business relationship with Deloitte. This box/component contains JavaScript that is needed on this page. For example: The proposed definition of an "affiliate of the accounting firm" would stymie these relationships by broadly including in its definition relationships that are neither found in, nor contemplated by, the current definition of an "affiliate" in Regulation S-X.8 The Release provides no adequate basis or explanation for extending the definition of "affiliate" beyond that found in Regulation S-X, much less creating multiple definitions of the same term.9 In short, the proposed definition would make it virtually impossible for accounting firms to maintain relationships with third parties, including relationships with non-audit clients that have helped to enhance audit quality. What is personal independence? From determining the financial statements required for an acquisition to the creation of pro forma financial information, complying with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and regulations can be difficult. The application of this proposed rule to both foreign and domestic audit firms is further complicated by the fact that the insurance risk is spread among a number of insurance companies. For example, the purchase of an individual insurance policy, by an immediate family member of a covered person, issued by an audit client in theordinary course of business, and under normal terms and conditions, should not impair independence.45 Products or services obtained as a consumer in the ordinary course of business, such as insurance, do not create any incentive that impairs an auditor's objectivity. At Deloitte, our purpose is to make an impact that matters by creating trust and confidence in a more equitable society. See 65 FR 43,160. Reg. A domestic partnership has been declared by the parties for joint coverage under an employer health and welfare benefit plan. Indeed, the current independence rules appropriately recognize that materiality is relevant in determining whether independence is required. Proposed Rule 2-01(c)(2)(iii) provides that an accountant is not independent when: (A) Does not influence the accounting firm's operations or financial policies; (B) Has no capital balances in the accounting firm; and, (C) Has no financial arrangement with the accounting firm other than providing for regular payment of a fixed dollar amount (which is not dependent on the revenues, profits or earnings of the firm) pursuant to a fully funded retirement plan or rabbi trust.71, While we agree with the direction of this proposed rule, we believe that its requirement that fixed-dollar payments from a retirement plan be fully funded is unnecessary.72 An accounting firm's independence is not impaired by these unfundedpayments if the dollar amount and payment schedule are fixed and immaterial to the firm.73, The proposed rule might result in a retired partner having to choose between accepting a lump sum payment (and the related tax consequences) or not serving on, or stepping down from, the board of directors of an audit client of his or her former accounting firm. Ethics & Independence has been removed, An Article Titled Ethics & Independence already exists in Saved items. Absent evidence to the contrary, beneficial ownership of twenty percent or more of an audit client's equity securities should be considered to constitute significant influence over the audit client. tree it is located? The Provision Allowing The Commission To Look To "All Relevant Circumstances" Would Not Provide Clear Guidance, The Securities and Exchange Commission's (the "Commission") proposed rule governing financial and employment relationships between auditors and their family members and audit clients represents a significant step towards modernizing the independence rules. Many public companies can put out periodic filings, but find themselves in uncharted waters when mergers, acquisitions, or other developments change their SEC obligations. activated.+++ DO NOT USE THIS FRAGMENT WITHOUT EXPLICIT APPROVAL FROM THE CREATIVE
Consistent with our views on affiliates of the audit client, we believe that the relevant issues are whether the beneficial owner could exercise significant influence53 or control over the audit client or a material affiliate of the audit client and whether the beneficial owner's investment in the audit client or an affiliate is material to the beneficial owner. Rule 2-01(c) provides a nonexclusive list of financial, employment, business and non-audit service relationships that the SEC views to be inconsistent with the independence standard in Rule 2-01(b). See Codification 602.02.b. Such a result would suggest that independence would be impaired if an accounting firm invests an immaterial amount to acquire 5.1% of a company of which the audit client owns one share. In that respect, this proposed rule presents accountants with additional financial services opportunities, which were otherwise restricted. what a client states as being material or significant and validate that
Also, due to growth in the accounting profession and technological innovations, the traditional "office" has become an unusable, archaic term. Building for the next 175: Deloittes Journey to Iconic, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Government, Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). On the other hand, the proposed rule appears to allow an accounting firm to own 4.9% of the shares of a mutual fund having a majority of its assets invested in the equity securities of an audit client. Telecommunications, Media & Entertainment. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the Deloitte organization). Public and private securities including stocks/shares, bonds/debentures, mutual funds (including funds held in Systematic Investment Plan* SIP), unit investment trusts, 401(k) investments, hedge funds, stock options, warrants, Digital assets (including cryptocurrencies, stable coins, and tokens of any kind) and digital wallet hosting services, Loans including mortgages/home loans, student loans, margin loans and secured/ unsecured (personal) loans, Insurance products including property & casualty (including homeowners, renters, and car/motorcycle insurance), life, health, disability, and long-term care insurance, Variable Insurance Policies or Annuities/Unit Linked Insurance Plans* (ULIP) including all underlying public and private investments, College savings plan (529 Plans), established by you, your spouse, spousal equivalent or dependent, Trusts in which you, your spouse, spousal equivalent or dependent are named as a trustee or beneficiary, Credit cards with outstanding balances over $5,000, You, your spouse, spousal equivalent or dependent is named or acting as power of attorney or executor, administrator, or trustee of a trust or estate, Uniform gifts to minors (UGMA) and Uniform transfer to minors (UTMA) accounts, Joint investment (e.g., partnership interest, vacation home, boat, airplane, etc. Restricted KPIs, Calculated KPIs which plays important role in Key figure information requires Info object filtering. Fee arrangements between an accounting firm and its client should not be limited unless they impair independence. Proscribed/restricted category 1 & 2 - All ranks who are part of the audit engagement team, providing any amount of time or Partners /principals, associate partners, partner equivalents who are always covered person, chain of command should verify that they are not a covered person related to the entity or its affiliates before investing in . Insert Custom CSS fragment. Although we believe that it is unnecessary to include uninvolved partners as covered persons, at a minimum the proposed rule should provide an exception for stock compensation offered under employer-sponsored benefit plans for immediate family members of uninvolved partners. subsidiary or investee is not readily available, the parent's or investor's
Each member of Crowe Global is a separate and independent legal entity. In May 2020, the SEC issued a final rule2 to improve the information investors receive regarding acquired or disposed businesses, reduce the complexity and costs of preparing the required disclosures, and facilitate timely access to capital. 43,148. Accordingly, the definition of "audit and professional engagement period" found in proposed rule 2-01(f)(6)(A) should be modified to read that the "the professional engagement period begins when the accountant begins review or audit procedures. Rather, the purpose of the Investment Company Act is to provide a framework to regulate the investing, reinvesting and trading in securities by investment companies, not the independence of auditors. The services of these retired partners are now in demand more than ever because of the new self-regulatory organization rules adopted at the Commission's urging which require the members of audit committees to be financially literate, with one member having accounting or related financial management expertise.74. Social login not available on Microsoft Edge browser at this time. Forexample, we believe the following "chain of command" model based on our organizational structure provides a meaningful, yet flexible, framework that would encompass all individuals with the ability to influence the audit. the subsidiary's or investee's income from continuing operations before income
The Proposed Definitions Of "Affiliate Of The Accounting
Additionally, the Release states that entities that provide non-audit services to one or more of the accounting firm's audit clients, and in which the accounting firm has any equity interest, has loaned funds to, shares revenue with, orwith which the accounting firm or any covered persons has any direct business relationship, should be considered 2, "Certain Independence Applications of Audits of Mutual Funds and Related Entities." For example, sufficient time will be required for a spouse of a coveredperson to refinance borrowings under an unsecured line of credit previously obtained from the new audit client.68 Requiring these issues to be resolved well in advance of the commencement of audit services is unnecessary and burdensome. subsidiaries if at least a 20% controlling or significant interest is
The bank is engaged with the company on non-public activity, such as mergers and acquisitions work, affiliate ownership, or underwriting activities or other distribution of the issuers (the companys) securities. Deloitte & Touche* submits this letter in response to the Securities and Exchange Commission's request for comments on its proposed rule regarding Revision of the Commission's Auditor Independence Requirements, Securities Act Release No. Deloitte offers a tailored suite of services geared toward public entities who file with the SEC and private ones considering an initial public offering (IPO) or engaging with public counterparts. rules follow that logic. "59 Recognizing that SIPC protection is not available for an account maintained with a futures commission merchant, we agree that such accounts might, in certain circumstances, create a perception that an accounting firm's independence has been impaired. For example, under the proposed rule an accounting firm's independence would be impaired if a first year New York office staff accountant with no involvement in the audit has a spouse who beneficially owns 5.1% of theequity securities of a public audit client that is controlled by unrelated third parties and is audited by personnel in the firm's Los Angeles office. The proposal on savings and checking accounts also does not give adequate consideration to business practices in other countries. Even in cases where an entity may have limited purposes and
Structured Query Language (known as SQL) is a programming language used to interact with a database. Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance, Certified Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWM), Commercial Real Estate Finance Specialization, Environmental, Social & Governance Specialization, Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWM). Am I required to validate this entitys information as well? Meanwhile, Deloitte represented in audit reports that it was independent of the three funds while Boynton simultaneously served on their boards and audit committees. 1971). It is also not a substitute for consulting with Deloitte professionals on complex transactions and SEC reporting matters. The final rule must be adopted for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2020; however, early application is permitted. At Deloitte, our purpose is to make an impact that matters by creating trust and confidence in a more equitable society. Indeed, the provision would appear to allow the Commission to find that an auditor's independence has been impaired by a financial interest or activity that is not specifically set out in, or contemplated by, the proposed rule. While we oppose codifying SECPS requirements as SEC rules, we believe a reference to compliance with current SECPS quality controls requirementsas a predicate for the firm being excused from inadvertent violations of the independence rules is a viable and desirable alternative. Proposed rule 2-01(c)(3) provides that an accountant is not independent if: Although we agree with the direction of this proposed rule, it provides no basis for prohibiting business relationships with beneficial owners of more than five percent of the equity securities of the audit client or any of its affiliates. For existing audit clients, a Deloitte firm must evaluate the independence implications of other Deloitte firms' contemplated relationships with that client, including the provision of non-assurance services. First, professional personnel, regardless of their "office," who are consulted on substantive matters, even sporadically, by the audit engagement team would be included in our modified definition of "chain of command." Relationships Will Further The Commission's Objectives. This proposed rule uses the same definition of covered persons applicable for "investments in audit clients" in proposed rule 2-01(c)(1)(ii), even though the delineated "other financial interests" are not of the same nature as investments in audit clients, which are more likely to cause an independence concern. Designated Officers are individuals who are charged with risk management or general oversight responsibilities and who do not direct, effect, or recommend securities and/or securities-based swap transactions or loan trades for any account. Under the proposed definition, the payroll services provided to our audit clients would be deemed to impair our independence with regard to those clients. Please see to learn more. Although there is no evidence of any threat to independence in this situation, the proposed rule presents the dual-career couple with the choice ofselecting a potentially less attractive insurance option or changing the status, role, or location of the auditor, which in many cases would be impractical. Third, the proposed definition unnecessarily includes all professionals providing non-audit services to an audit client. Question: What is the value of keeping track of all of the
This capability would support the concept of continuous auditing and promote the use of more sophisticated auditing techniques on a broader scale and consistent basis. cc: The Honorable Arthur Levitt, ChairmanThe Honorable Isaac C. Hunt, Jr., CommissionerThe Honorable Paul R. Carey, CommissionerThe Honorable Laura S. Unger, Commissioner.
We believe, however, that it would be preferable for the ISB to develop standards in this area. The SEC is not an exchange, so "listed" isn't the correct term here. Although no one factor will necessarily indicate the existence of a Spousal Equivalent relationship, factors to be considered in making such determinations include the following: Deloitte Entity Search and Compliance (DESC) SystemAn internal system that, among other things, contains information regarding entities that are restricted for independence purposes. According to the SECs order instituting a settled administrative proceeding, Deloitte violated the rules with respect to the appearance of independence by failing to follow its own policies and conduct an independence consultation prior to entering into a new business relationship with Boynton. Toll free: +1 866-850-1485 17 C.F.R. ", A manager or senior staff accountant who does not participate in the audit but who may supervise or evaluate an assistant staff accountant who also works on other unrelated audit engagements would appear to be included in the proposed definition of "chain of command.". are owned by the firm," is based generally on the provisions in Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "Investment Company Act") and on the definition of affiliate in Regulation S-X. You report the names of entities with which you, your spouse or spousal equivalent, and dependents have a financial relationship. Deloitte Global Independence leaders continually engage with external professional bodies and regulators to advance the development of independence requirements around the world. . As discussed in this letter, while we believe the Commission should defer to the ISB, the proposed rule, if adopted, would lead to unintended consequences, would not be in the public interest and would raise a number of concerns. The proposed rule also defines a covered person to include any other partner, principal, or shareholder from an "office" of the accounting firm that participates in a significant portion of the audit.24 As discussed above, we believe the "chain of command" concept, as modified by our comments, captures all individualsoutside the audit engagement team that could possibly influence an audit and obviates any need to include within the definition of covered persons an "office" concept.