The quest isn't even in America. Nico di Angelo has never really been welcomed or appreciated, but just one short year after the Second Giant War, things reached an all-time low for him. I just sorta gave up on them. 60 parts. Now unless you want my father to make comments on the.. he gestured to the hickeys on both of them. solangelo at hogwarts. (Or how Nico sees it, a Thanotos eater, which WHO WOULD WANT TO EAT THANATOS?!?!) Read Arina from the story Solangelo at Hogwarts ||ON HOLD|| by Castiel-smolbean (Sammy the moose) with 306 reads. Now the battle against Gaia is over, Nico di Angelo can finally take a break. If youdve told Nico four and a half years ago that he would be waking up in the arms of Will Solace in his room in Hades palace on the fourth morning of their trip to see Hades and Seph, he wouldve called you insane, and possible knocked your lights out. Done and finished. Takes place after BOO and during OOTP, Hades summons Nico to inform him that he must go on a quest to Hogwarts. I hope to see progression. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" No yeah I get that. He looked up at Will, raising an eyebrow. This story is completed! I feel he is set to die unjustly at the end of your quest. Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. Nico may have explained to you, that upon his death, he will being instated here as Ghost King, and join the council of the Underworld as a god. Harry has changed ever since the war. Fluff and angst ahead! I turn to Will. Percy manages to impress Tony Stark. Maybe this won't be so bad. Please consider turning it on! (Solangelo goes to hogwarts to protect the champions in the Triwizard . I will provide you with magic and knowledge of a level that is expected of fifteen year old wizards, and by the time you arrive in London, you will have a full background that is well integrated into the knowledge of the English Ministry. "Ha! Harry Potter and crew are invited back for a redo of seventh year, due to events beyond their control. ~~~ The last thing he remembers was his date with Nico at McDonald's (much to his dismay) before everything went dark. No fort will keep it out, no ships outrun it" - Sophocles. solangelo as hogwarts teachers Fanfiction. Sup kids, this is also on Wattpad under the same name because this is a fairly popular trope there, if youd prefer. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (7), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (23), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (16), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (14), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (2), Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley (4), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, An Unlikely Duo || 2 The Chamber of Secrets, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Nico di Angelo & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley & Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl & Nico di Angelo & Draco Malfoy, Book 1: The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus), Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hermione Granger and Artemis Fowl rivalry, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson Friendship, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Nico di Angelo/Original Male Character(s), Nico di Angelo Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Percy and Annabeth kicking ass and taking names, while teaching magic feat: Nico di Angelo, other random characters (cause its midnight as im tagging), Percy and Annabeth put people their place, author is sleep Deprived and has ADHD- dont expect much, Thalia Grace & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Not Canon Compliant - The Trials of Apollo, Leo being a double agent to get his dragon back. He'd been grumbling for days, and then Mrs Weasley had walked into the bedroom this morning . This is my first story ever! Nico And Will Solace are going to Hogwarts as well, due to events beyond their control. Works and bookmarks tagged with Solangelo at Hogwarts will show up in Nico di Angelo/Will Solace at Hogwarts's filter. "Where are we? Following Ragnark, The Master of Death and The Ghost King travel back in time to fix everything while getting revenge on their enemies. 6. As a Demi-god comes to terms with the loss of their magic, the demi-gods race to reveal the true prophecy as their magic weakens but as the demi-gods begin to go missing, they realize their task might need some help. Just remember, if you hurt my boy, there is only one thing waiting for you here., Will gulped and nodded. "Good morning, death boy", Will says with a grin. Who knows what's going to happen? I love and do take requests so please leave them! After the war with Gaea, Nico was hoping he would get some rest. Solangelo Okay, yeah, he did exist. Still regardless how true he is about Hera he should stop cursing her aloud. i'm taking requests, so dm me or comment please! ", he asks back, trying to sound normal. The seven, Thalia, Reyna, Nico, Will, Calypso, and grover are given immortality and an island off of olympus. I asked confusedly.I waved my hand, motioning for him to elaborate. left kudos on this work! "Sorry" we said at the same time. Will proposed pretty fucking quickly after that. (There's another description inside) "He's gone.". Especially when the golden trio become suspicious of the handsome yet antisocial and rebellious exchange student. A lot of people were finally getting over their shock of the war. CHAPTER THIRTEEN: The Cloaked Figure In Action, CHAPTER FIFTEEN: A Much Needed Explanation. Unfortunately, that means that he has nothing else to do until Butler catches a fairy. Youll be aged back down to fifteen. I hope to see progression. Are you thick? Not a good sign. But things went sour when he ended up three doors down, trapped with the Black family and crazy stick-wielding "wizards". Besides the only position open is Defence Ag Look, that's all you need to know. solangelo go to hogwarts to teach the students what they missed because of the war. And they're teaching. Sequel to Lives Collide Harm(fully)(lessly). cover uses viria's art Trying to not ruffle through his hair because of his absolute cuteness (this little adorable ball of death) he looks around again. Will chuckles a bit by that. Prologue; Will Obedient little dog." Ps, cover art is mine. Two New Teachers; Nico You will be watching out for this student in 6th year, a 16-year-old boy named Harry Potter. Bisexual Ron Weasley. The school may have survived Artemis Fowl and Nico di Angelo's first year at Hogwarts, but can it survive Year 2? Um- sir, do you, uh.. and then, because hed obviously lost his fucking mind, he darted forward and hugged Hades. Harry shot at me snottily. That was unfair. percyjackson. 403 Stories. Hogwarts; Will (For anyone who got the reference right at the start, I just finished season 4, cried a while, and now I'm onto 11. 6. You cannot escape it by wealth or war. Absolutely. Hes my ex boyfriend. written by Jui Weasley. He survived 2 wars, got turned into a Dandelion again! "Fate has terrible power. ", Will simply lets out confused by the way Nico looks at him weirdly. They belong solely to J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan. ), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Order of the Phoenix Bashing (Harry Potter). He couldn't really argue against that though. Chapter Text. "Sorry I told you to apologize. Not like how it was with Annabeth and Percy. ", Will orders. (ttlc-tlo) He is unable to protect himself, he's alone, and soon overwhelmed. Pretty much like most other stories, a bit slow to get into but I promise it will get better. Read Nicola from the story Solangelo at Hogwarts ||ON HOLD|| by Castiel-smolbean (Sammy the moose) with 201 reads. Credit to the wonderful Viria. A few fluffy, a few angsty, and a LOT of soulmate AU's. Why does he always has to show his thoughts openly like an open book? thanks for reading. When Harry discovered that Sirius Black was My taking on the cliche demigods go to Hogwarts. Harry thinks Nico is a death eater. Its pretty cliche, and a different fandom than what Ive done so far, but its one of my favs so I thought Id give it a go. It's basically in the title do I Basically our favorite demigods becoming gods because the gods feel old. . But, is it really that bad? But noooo, a group of some weird looking people showed up?And is that a GIANT LEADING THEM? dinner is going peacefully on the first day of Harry's 8th year, until 12 teenagers about Harry's age fall through the roof of the great hall. Now I'm expected to go to another continent to protect a bunch of kids be Nico Di Angelo is summoned away from Camp Halfblood to a magical world that even a war hardened hero like him couldn't dream of. Shit. (complete), What happens when Nico is sent to teach at Hogwarts? Will walks in for a check up, only to find Nico soaked in his own will solace is turning 19. and like every 19 year old his uncle decided to buy him a neko. Hades has a request for his only son, to destroy t Nico di Angelo gets adopted by Bruce Wayne after Batman witnesses him stalking around a cemetery in A Quest for Acceptance (A Solangelo at Hogwa Nico di Angelo has never really been welcomed or appreciated, but just one short year after the Sec Y/n Esmeray is a Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hes in control of himself, not you. He has no way of contacting either camp, and no one will believe his story. Dumbledore sends out a distress call to the demigods. Sunshine - A Solangelo Fanfiction. William. Will asked sarcastically, rolling out from under me. He drops down and takes Will's hand in his. Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Summary: The different gangs meet :) Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes.) Nico gets hit by Kronos's scythe and now his shadow travel is giving him some issues. Percy and Annabeth were on a date in the woods than got called to the big house by Nico, and got told magic exists! people think its because of the war. Cross posted on Not now Will. After the war, theyd all received rewards from the Gods, just like after the Titan War, this time, Apollo had gifted Will with control over light, that would grow over time as he learned to control it, had revealed that Will actually held power of Apollos plague aspect as well, and had stopped his healing gifts from damaging his mortal body. You look more like the dark arts than the defense against it." And I mean, at least we're in this together. The more Nico read (considering he did rather well the note was probably in old greek) the more he frowned. After breakfast, I shadow taveled myself and Will to platform 3/4. Want to take a look? Our blessings informing us of who they were. Will shrugs trying to take it cool. This one is gonna have certain themes that aren't super positive so there will On his first day back from the infirmary, Nico has a nightmare and starts to relapse into his old ways. Hecate requests that Solangelo travel to Hogwarts to save her son, Sirius Black, and prevent the wizarding war by helping Harry kill Voldemort before countless more die. WARNING: light to heavy swearing, violence All credits to Rick Riordan except for my OC's. So basically this book is me being a solangelo nerd. #hp I suppose what Im trying to say here, is that I think youd be a fairly decent god of the underworld. Life started off complicated for Ash Willow is the outcast of his pack, the omega runt abused by his stepfather, the head Alpha. Follow/Fav Solangelo meets Hogwarts By: BoysLikeGirls13 Over a thousand years ago, a small part of Hecate's worshippers started their own little society, the Wizarding World as we know today and every so often, to keep the peace, a bunch of demigods gets selected as ambassadors and sent to Hogwarts. "Nico? Chapter 8 If you were in Albania, I would be speaking Albanian to you, is that not correct? the boy said, studying Nico. The redhead answered sweetly. Now, Wil. After turning around he picks it up. Then I suggest you get up and dressed.. On the other hand What happens when Nico Di Angelo accidentally texts Tony Stark? 18. Being shoved into lockers Well, most. Immediately Will turns serious as well. DO NOT OWN ANY O Nico didn't see why Hecate wanted him of all people teaching her pets. Where the bloody hell did you come from?. Nico was being forced to go to Hogwarts by his father. Once hed got it from Hazel and Reyna, the final two, hed asked Nico to shadow travel them to Lake Garda, in Italy. 'Whack-a-boyfriend'?" 264 guests You have to stop him an Nico goes to Hogwarts. Been getting a bit boring anyways., Hecate grinned. I win!" It worked. Nico only vaguely knows who this Harry Potter kid is, and he isn't sure why the dude and his friends think he wants to eat Thanatos. "I saw you earlier talking to Harry. His stupid dork. Peter fanboys Hecate requests that Solangelo travel to Hogwarts to save her son, Sirius Black, and prevent the wizarding war by helping Harry kill Voldemort before countless more die. THE AUTHOR CHAPTERS ARE PART OF THE STORY! "You sound like you don't like me smiling", he says with a grin. Please consider turning it on! TayMcsizzle, Song_of_knight, emk_12, lonely_soul66, Kkaos, StayMoa03, iwantaloevera, littlecerezo, EllaShemyth, Darthamster12, Jocca194, StarlightEmotions, EternalDisc, luna_loveg00d27, PerlaMayorga, siriuswantsswag, Artsy_Angel29, msilver_star, Kate16, Kay_K3y, Acantunes, Nightmarish_Bean, Galactic_Chaos, Fuyumi_Ankh, Shisukii, SocialAnxiety0209, Alysaldria, Lorzryn, ciauuuuuuuuuu, Mali_trop, namjesustheallmighty, AshzTheWolf13, daydreammochi13, Fff_m, AetiaForgefire, CaroRieson, Muchijate, queerguitarist12, teabagss, hockeyaddict, Miss_Shipalot, sarcasticzemblanity, Enruunna_Moon, girlin4am, cheesatoe, Ditt0_0, CloudyPanda, Purple_Timmer_19, kijosakka, Gods_Reoccurring_Nightmare, and 88 more users WARNING: light to heavy swearing, violence All credits to Rick Riordan except for my OC's. Don't make Nico feel embarrassed (it appears that Nico isn't really used to PDA so he still feels a bit uncomfortable with showing his affection openly). Hades sighed. Forced to go to Hogwarts, Nico has to face New enemies, New friends and psychopath who believes that Nico belongs to him. Both of you will work at . Nico Di Angelo was perfectly content with running away from his feelings and everyone at Camp Halfblood. You realise if I send Jules away, dad will be next, right? He started to disentangle himself from Will. What will happen to him, a demigod; a child of beings thought to be myths, in a place full of witches and wizards. There Life at Camp Halfblood was finally settling down and Nico Di' Angelo was finally happy. Will was dragging me. Solangelo and Percabeth at Hogwarts!!! 1.2K Stories. Understood?. Part 1 of 'You should see me in a crown' series. Now sit down, cheer up and hold my hand death breath! solangelo. (book one of nickna F! 9. But at what cost? As everything was being set up, Hades pulled Will aside. Since the end of the Giant War, everything's been pretty calm for the demigods, but when hades comes to a certain ghost king with a strange offer and mysterious quest, the quiet ends. Meanwhile the Ghost King, Nico di Angelo strives to rebuild his previous relationships while making new friends. Just like him, Nico sits up slowly with his eyes closed. Draco Malfoy. Percabeth But before he can read it Nico steals it from his hands. Hades has requested Nico's help in separating those who should stay in the mortal realm as ghosts and those who should stay in the underworld as souls. I've been working on this a long time I'm so sorry. "You can't seriously expect us to go to a school for magic!" Nico di Angelo had one job - shadow travel to 15 Grimmauld Place in London and reap a soul. Nico blinks before sitting himself next to Will trying to look cool. DISCLAIMER! FINISHED . Please find me on tumblr under the same name :), (See the end of the work for more notes.). What he didn't anticipate however, was a boy clad in black to appear way more powerful than anyone he's ever met, and who doesn't seem to answer to any of the teachers. Becoming a group punching bag ", Nico questions raising an eyebrow. You cant keep the one on your arms though. Keefe: *Sulks*) Now you boys may reveal your true identity only to those who you trust completely. It's been six years since the war with Gaea, Will and Nico are happily still together and living life peacefully. Delightful. Also please vot Nico hasn't had an easy life. This will probably stink, so I'm happy to accept criticism! If you wish to know more about said school you can ask the director who already knows all about you and your heritage. Tesoro. #crossover #drarry #harrypotter #hoo #hp #linny # . "Gone.". Besides do to your experience in the underworld your one of the few demigods who know about my wizards. They belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling. Solangelo at Hogwarts. Suddenly, and for no real reason, the note comes to his mind. That's what everyone thought when one mentioned the blondie. And what is this Sonology all about? Volde Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HP, J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan do. 98.3K 2.7K 11. The Colors of Your Soul (Solangelo) by Ranaalyn. Hopefully Percy Jackson can rescue him from this madness. And continuing so hmu if you have any ideas youd want to see, I know full well this has been done many times before because Ive read a lot of them but I wanted to write my own so here.Honestly tho I have no idea where Im gonna go with this h e l p p l e a s eAlso I apologize in advance for the fic name its like midnight and that meme has been slapping my brain all dayAlso again dont expect much from this Im not a very good writer :-:If I feel like there needs to be a trigger warning Ill add it at the beginning of the chapter you have my word. Keefesalot. A mission comes through and he must answer the call. Shouldve been you. Chapter 5 Eleven year old Nico is sent to Hogwarts. But I still miss 9, 10 and Rose. Hecate wishes for you to travel to her pet kingdom, Nico youll know of the wizards and witches?, Nico nodded. Less humane. While the demi-gods scramble to find the true prophecy, Harry, Hermione and Ron try to solve why hellhounds are in the forbidden forest, leading them to a startling discovery. 14 parts. Chapter 12 Nico is so cute when he blushes. Hades said he had Hecate enchant both rings for us., Mio amore.. Nico threw himself at Will. Tightly Knit Fred Weasley. Enjoy these oneshots lovelies! He yawns before rubbing his eyes. COMPLETED XD When you draw on your own skin, it transfers to your soulmate's skin. Frazel Chapter 4 Horcruxes, ghosts, fuck tonne of headaches for you and Thanny, right?. story based off the cover fanart. He may have skipped out that if he is bound in marriage before his death, his consort shall also join him. That is until Apollo decides that Hogwarts is in need of two new professors that can save the school from something they don't know of yet. (Th. Children-, My son, Hades cut in. Will his cover be blown? Adventure Fantasy Hogwarts Pjo Hp Crossover Solangelo Wolfstar Drarry. The fanfiction is set in between the blood of olympus (heroes of olympus) and the hidden oracle (trials of apollo). He is mated to the love of his life. Addicted to you//Mattheo Riddle. "Wait, you guys are around are age, what are you doing here?" 16. he shouted at me, not yelling at Will because he was behind me. Chapter 14 Work Search: