Business support and advice. Phone0300 125 6789* or see our SPA page for further details. / 51.4947; -2.5049. Getting free support couldn't be easier. This is not a premium-rate number. Charity Number 1085351 Reg. The following table displays the headcount of employees by department. Integra is a South Gloucestershire Council division that trade with schools, local public sector organisations and local businesses, and provide services to the council. Telephone. We help you understand this model and remove barriers to create a more inclusive society. 150 government council tax rebate. Copyright Integra 2015 | All Rights Reserved, over 30 years experience in education payroll and pensions, price benefits from economies of scale and stability for the three year period taking advantage of favourable terms agreed with our systems provider, accurate and timely payments to staff and third parties, full compliance with statutory and legislative requirements, transfer of a costing file to the SGC Financial management System, or costing file if required, confidentiality as per Data Protection Act, provision of financial/controlled stationery, single point of contact for all payroll questions or queries, payroll administration of salary sacrifice schemes, document retention for statutory period; and, self-service option for monthly pay advice, Additional work following industrial disputes, We will pay the right person the correct amount on 100% of occasions, We will pay statutory and other deductions on time for 100% of occasions, We implement pay awards within 1 month of announcement, We liaise with Avon Pensions to provide pension estimates within 21 days of request, Documentation for exception of starter/variation to contract and leaver forms must be submitted to, Documentation and information relating to starter/variation to contract and leaver forms must be, All documentation must be clearly/accurately completed and signed by an authorised signatory, Documentation for paper mileage and expense claims to be submitted to payroll by 10th workingday of the month, The Payroll Service will provide services in line with this offer, Charges for the standard payroll and pension service and employee allowances will be calculated at the rates shown above and invoiced quarterly in arrears, Charges for miscellaneous additional work will be agreed in advance and charged by invoice when completed, Invoices should be paid within 14 days of invoice date. General Information. We also ensure all mandatory third parties deductions are made and delivered to appropriate agencies when requested. The benefits of our services often go well beyond the time spent in sessions, and our short breaks also give parents well deserved time away from caring responsibilities. The government considers the duty to have regard to the target to mean that, in making workforce planning decisions, public bodies should actively consider apprenticeships. Documents are only available from the individual's start date, or 6 years ago (whichever is more recent). Caring for Communities and People. Yate Using modern and fully integrated HR/Payroll systems, the service will enable you to manage your staff payroll requirements and be confident that your pension responsibilities will be administered accurately and on time. Kingswood Civic Centre Press, public relations and media (PR) Office hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Fridays excluding Bank Holidays. Please contact the specific service you require directly for the most appropriate support and information, where possible. (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm) (Text EDT followed by your name and message) Concerned about an adult? Independent Living Services - South West South Gloucestershire. Phone number: 01454 411 707 - You will be presented with the following options: Information and Advice including Benefits (Voicemail callback service) - alternatively email An employee is counted once in each contract they hold. News, information and services for HSE Staff. Headcount is the number of people employed by the council. Get in touch Call us on 0117 947 9911 or email the team at GL1 2EL. Adult care01454 868007 Adult and social care in the community. Births, marriages, deaths and civil partnerships, If you would prefer the charge for your request be taken out of your next salary payment, or if you have any other queries regarding your Payslip or P60, please call ContactUs 01452 425888 (option 1, then 2), or email on. If you would prefer the charge for your request be taken out of your next salary payment, or if you have any other queries regarding your Payslip or P60, please call ContactUs 01452 425888 (option 1, then 2), or email on Media Queries If you have a media enquiry, please contact our communications team on 0300 421 7146 or email Search for Payroll Services near you, or submit your own review. If you dont know which department you need, use the first one below: Department for Resources and Business ChangePO Box1953BristolBS37 0DE, Department for PlacePO Box 1954BristolBS37 0DD, Department for PeoplePO Box1955BristolBS37 0DE, South Gloucestershire CouncilDX 47257Yate. We are committed to continuous improvement with the aim of providing excellent value for money. Please note that this process is only applicable to individuals and customers that have had their payroll provided by GCC within the last 6 years. We are friendly and flexible, passionate and proud, innovative but inclusive. High Street, Kingswood Disability, dyslexia and learning support: 01242 714541 or We understand that knowing where or how to begin accessing support can be confusing, and some language and policies are complicated we work closely with Disabled people to feel supported with what matters to them, and do our best to find practical and realistic solutions. General contact details for the Pensions Section are as follows: Pensions Section. Children and young people01454 868008 Children and young peoples education, youth, childcare, child and family support services. 0300 421 8100 Join us at an exciting time for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust! To discuss a concern, complaint or compliment please contact the Customer Care Team: 0300 124 5400* (Mon-Fri 8.30 am to 4.30 pm) For HR enquiries: 0300 124 5446* For IT enquiries: 0300 124 5500* For Recruitment Enquiries: 0300 124 5444* For media enquiries only: Phone: 0300 124 5401* Email: Animal health and welfare. Sirona care & health C.I.C is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales with company number 07585003. An employee is counted once in each contract they hold. If you need help with paying online, call us on 01454 868009 or visit one of our One Stop Shops. Freepost RTXL-YHGY-GSYS BRISTOL Registered office is: Sirona care & health, 2nd Floor, Kingswood Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 9TR. East . OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Bristol We help you understand this model and remove barriers to create a more inclusive society. We also manage the statutory requirement to administer auto-enrolment. 0300 422 6623. is buddy allen married. How to get involved with planning. Children, Adults and Health Department Complaints & FOI Team PO Box 1953 The table for State income tax withholding calculation has changed. Our services can be found in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol . Integra Schools is the trading arm of South Gloucestershire Council. Get reviews, contact details, directions and opening hours. Sirona care & health WECIL is user led and the Social Model of Disability is at the heart of what we do. Preventing the causes and reducing the effects of homelessness, family breakdown and exclusion. Trust Headquarters Alexandra House Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7AN UK. Use the General Enquiries Online form. since 1989. Bodies in scope must have regard to the target. With a global digital platform, Kapitol-Infobel publishes and continually updates a database of some 300 million telephone subscribers and 270 million businesses worldwide. Integra was established as a single trade services team in 2011 when the catering, cleaning and professional support services were combined within the council and a large majority of schools funding was devolved to schools. Payroll area or Payroll group number; Employee number; PPS number; You can find these details on your payslip. Bring people together to build strong and vibrant communities. . Consultations. Latest reviews for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Gloucester. You can also text EDT on60066followed by your name and message. An emailed link to reset your password will be sent to your registered email address. Registered in England and Wales No. The event is held on the site outside of the Bristol & Bath Science Park, (Sat Nav - BS16 7FR) AA road signs will also be in place to guide . Call us on 0117 947 9911 or email the team at [emailprotected], Contact the Disabled peoples helpline: 0117 947 9919, Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults. West - Galway, Mayo and Roscommon Phone: 091 . Adult care. The added value to customers includes the benefit of pensions administration including the calculation and deduction of pension contributions in line with current agreed rates. We only need this if you want us to contact you and we won't keep it once we've replied. Here's how you can stay in touch with Age UK South Gloucestershire. Garrett Creative. What happens if you do not pay your council tax. Additional charges will be levied to cover the cost of administering employee benefits such as salary sacrifice schemes or employee loan schemes. Contact us In this section General enquiries If you'd like to get in touch by phone, here's a list of numbers you can call. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Patient advice and support Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Patient Support Service offer confidential advice, support and information about your healthcare and our services. Our ICS serves the areas of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Badminton Road Libraries. North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG. Use your Direct Payment to live the life you choose. Check our locations and opening times. Close . We would like to know what you think about our services. Please read our full disclaimer for details. Alcohol treatment. The council has a neutral vendor supplier contract with Comensura to facilitate the provision of agency staff workers. The Payroll Department at the Royal United Hospital Bath is excited to offer an excellent opportunity to join the team who strive to provide an exceptional service to the hospital.
We offer a range of services tailored to your business to help your organisation, team and workplace be as accessible and inclusive as possible. Employee Enquiries | NHS Payroll Services You are here Home Employee Enquiries Employee Enquiries Enter your details below to find your dedicated payroll pensions and expenses officer. Check council tax charges and bands. The Payroll Service is a unit of South Gloucestershire Council. 4205228 VAT Number . We offer a variety of services which include youth and play programmes, 1:1 Befriending services and sessions with our partner organisations which support Disabled children and young people with autism, sensory impairment and more complex needs as well as specialist support for BAME families. bodorgan estate shoot 2009 toyota matrix fuel pump relay location where to buy proximity mills flooring social emotional learning curriculum special education remax . Benefits01454 868002 Enquiries relating to housing or council tax benefits, including new claims and change in circumstances. Advertising on our website. You can also text EDT on60066followed by your name and message. Call 01454 86 80 00 to speak to us about things like, Call 01454 86 80 01 to speak to us about things like, Call 01454 86 80 05 for help with housing, Call 0300 333 03 00 to speak to us about leisure centres, Call 01454 86 80 08 to speak to us about services we offer for children, young people and families such as, call in to a One Stop Shop. Contact information for Payroll areas across the HSE. Once paid, the costing information will be interfaced automatically into the Civica Financial Management System to enable accurate and single point reporting. Annual accounts. Advice and benefits. To request a new copy of a previous P60 or Payslip, please use the link below to open our online form where you can request and pay for your copy. Support with housing, income, and community inclusion in Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Forest of Dean. For more details about Marriage & Civil Partnership Ceremonies at this location, please click here. Sage Intacct 2023 release 1 highlights. Welcome. With input from South Gloucestershire schools, Traded Services rebranded as Integra in 2015 and is the trading arm of South Gloucestershire Council. Contacts for current students: IT and Library Helpdesk: 01242 714044 or south glos payroll contact number. Housing01454 868005 Social housing enquiries, homelessness,landlordand housing related support services. Join our workplace where you will have the opportunity to develop, grow and be valued for what you do. Do you want to write in for assistance? 2nd Floor If your call is not urgent you can use our website search to find information that can help or complete an online form to report a problem, apply or pay for something. Sirona care & health C.I.C is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales with company number 07585003. Read more. Get help if you are struggling to pay . This is our new website, your feedback can help us improve it. You can email us here: [emailprotected]. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You can contact us using the SMS text. It is also known as the Healthier Together Partnership.
These cookies do not store any personal information. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Council tenants out of hours, for emergencies only, 6pm to 8.30am call 0117 922 2050. Out of office hours your call will be diverted to a service which only deals with emergencies. The government introduceda public sector apprenticeship target in April 2017 in accordance with The Public Sector Apprenticeship Targets Regulations 2017. We support Disabled children and young people from birth through to adulthood. We have recently been awarded an improved CQC rating of Good and are proud of what we've achieved. Gloucestershire. Helpzone: 01242 714444 or Close menu. This service is offered on a rolling annual contract basis. Kerry Rooke. Our equalities report is published annually. What we do and how the council is managed. Company Number 4150044 Sitting 7 miles northeast of Bristol, England. Free Entry. We offer an efficient and reliable payroll and pensions service. Contact Us Email: Telephone: 0330 123 2815. You can tell us good or bad things or give us ideas. A full-time contract is classed as 37 hours or more. Following completion of this form, your requested documents will be sent via 2nd class post to the address provided on the form. Licensing and street trading. MyView is the self-service centre where States of Jersey payslips are stored. Email: South Gloucestershire Council online account and digital services, your bill, penalty notice or invoice to hand. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We are getting a high number of calls across our telephone services, which increases the wait time. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Sage Intacct 2023 Release 1 extends the availability of AP Bill Automation, expands internationally, and deepens industry capabilities in SaaS, construction, and nonprofit to elevate the work of finance and operations teams and help businesses flow. best foods to regain strength after covid; retrograde jupiter in 3rd house; jerry brown linda ronstadt; storm huntley partner Help if you are homeless and have just left . Registered office is: Sirona care & health, 2nd Floor, Kingswood Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 9TR. Please enter your pay reference below and click on 'Reset my account'. About the area. telephone on 01454 86 80 07 or email us at You can text us on 07950 08 01 11 Our Text Phone service is currently not available. Strategic Finance. Contact information for Payroll areas across the HSE. Check out how you can view proposed building plans or developments and object or comment on them through the local council Please append "/dashboard/" onto your URL MyView by Northgate-IS Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Help if you are homeless or threatened with homelessness aged 16 and 17. Recent News.
Media reporting and reducing stigma Contact the council. Alternatively, you can pay your council tax, business rates, housing benefit invoices, parking and littering fines, as well as general invoices using our 24 hour automated telephone service on 0345 245 0682. The regulations set a target for any public sector employer in England with at least 250 employees to employ an average of 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts between 1 April 2017 and 31 March 2021. Pay your council tax. Prescribed groups and public sector bodies with 250 or more staff in England have a target to employ an average of at least 2.3% of their staff as new apprentice starts over the period of 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2021. You will get confirmation of your payment on screen after you have paid. More about us. Role: Senior Development Advisor. Role: Development Advisor. Administration Queries: Main Switchboard 0808 808 9120 (Freephone) . Find out how you can get involved in the plan making process, planning applications, committees and enforcement. You can find them in Kingswood, Yate, Thornbury or Patchway, help and advice on the money you pay us for the services we provide. Freedom of Information Shire Hall. The number of councillors elected for each electoral division or ward is shown in brackets. Concerns about a child 01454 866000 or01454 615165(Out of hours)If you have any concerns about possible abuse it must be reported. Continued on to a number of visits, I had a scheduled vascular surgery this morning which went very well. Museums and galleries. Leisure and libraries01454 868006 Libraries, including book renewal, sports facilities, museums and the arts. Tourist . FAQs A to Z of Services Catering Cleaning Kilns PE Equipment Property Services Telephony System (Centrex) Trees (Arboricultural Services) Click for more info Administration Management and Casework DBS Checking service Charged HR Consultancy services Additional HR services Click for more info Finance System Services for Maintained Schools Finance for Academies Finance for Maintained Schools . You can pay most council bills, fines or invoices online through our secure payments platform. If you provide an email address your payment confirmation will also be sent to you. All of our services are designed to ensure your child can build and develop the skills, relationships, friendships and confidence needed to live the life they chose. Get the best of a big university experience with the support of our diverse, close-knit community. SMS text service07950 080111 If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can text us with your name and enquiry. If you need help with paying online, call us on 01454 868009 or visit one of ourOne Stop Shops. Concerns about an adult 01454 868007 or 01454 615165 (Out of hours) If you have concerns about your own safety, an adult at risk or a care service you must report it. Our office hours are: At other times your call will be diverted to a service which only deals with emergencies. The following table shows the number of days absent due to sickness per FTE by department across the Council. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. We pride ourselves on our accuracy and timeliness, are fully compliant with legislative requirements and have never failed to deliver statutory returns by the given dates. Home. It was developed from farming land during the 1990s and early 21st century, and sits within the . 2022. czerwiec. School admissions. . 0117 976 6600 South Plaza, Marlborough Street , Bristol, Avon, BS1 3NX Overview GPs FAQs Contact GPs Select a GP to find out about the services they provide 168 Medical Group 168 Locking Road Weston Super Mare Avon BS23 3HQ Tel: 01934624242 42 Abbotswood, Yate 42 Abbotswood Bristol Avon BS37 4NG Tel: 01454313577 For press only out of hours enquiries, call 07467 335790. 056 7784268 51.4947N 2.5049W. We have a different address for each department. With input from South Gloucestershire schools, Traded Services rebranded as Integra in 2015 and is the trading arm of South Gloucestershire Council. Social care means support, services or other things that can help you live and look after yourself. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Explore our unique location. Frequently asked questions We will pay for any out-of-pocket expenses for all our volunteers. If a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999 and ask for the police. BS37 5AF, If you are not sure what service you need, you can contact us directly by telephone on 01454 86 80 09. Learn how to get help with your payroll offerings and services. Menu
Commercial waste. Other ways to pay Alternatively, you can pay your council tax, business rates, housing benefit. You can call us on 01454 867171, or fill in the form below and our customer services team will be happy to answer Adult safeguarding. Manage your council tax online. You can access MyView at home or at work, from any PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone with an internet connection. Trading standards. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. We believe that with the right support, everyone can take control of their life and make their future their own. (Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Fri 8:30am-4:30pm) 01454 615165 (Out of hours and weekends) (Text EDT. Full-time equivalent (FTE) number of. Your browser does not allow scripting so some of the features of this page may not work. Special Collections and Archives: 01242 714851 or The target set is for all new apprenticeship starts which includes both newly employed and any existing employees that have begun any training via the apprenticeship route.