Transport for New South Wales / Sydney Metro Authority, Forensic Engineering, Architectural & Technical, Regulatory Investigations & White-Collar Crime, Professor David Newman joins HKA as Technical Director, Deepak Mistry joins HKA as Director in the EMEA Advisory team. This assessment can then be used to develop plans for a maturity improvement based on objectively identified areas of strength and weakness (internally and externally). a shorter-than-expected timeframe. prior experience to help the organization enact A fully automated railway, it will serve and stimulate urban development, meeting long-term travel demand across this growing global city. Sydney, Australia Brett has over 30 years experience within the building and construction industry, with over 10 years dedicated to Quality, Safety and Environmental system. Our priority is to send everyone home safely every day - employees, contractors, customers and members of the community. On top of that, the scope of our consultancy business also covers cities across Asia, Australia and the Middle East. For more information about UGL Rail, please click here. Sydney Metro, together with signalling and infrastructure upgrades across the existing Sydney rail network, will increase the capacity of train services entering the Sydney CBD from about 120 an hour today to up to 200 services beyond 2024. by PM Solutions, was that together we were able A P3M3 assessment can deliver the following benefits: P3M3 assessments provide organizations with a basis for transformation. John Holland operates Australias largest privately owned rail maintenance and construction plant and equipment fleet. Tracey Taylor leads the People and Culture division. The three programmes are running concurrently and are together worth about AUD $50,000,000,000. a true desire to rapidly improve delivery maturity. The average Sydney Metro monthly salary ranges from approximately $5,167 per month for Senior Commercial Manager to $7,280 per month for Associate Director. While this was hardly unexpected, the maturity assessment report provided a truly clear snapshot of all the activity within the Sydney Metro organization, including who was doing what, which meant that those activities could begin to be consolidated. By 2030, the Sydney Metro network will be expanded to include 46 stations and more than 113 kilometres of world-class metro for Sydney. A statement on whether you support or object the . Get Contact Info for All Departments Sydney Metro Org Chart Peter Regan Chief Executive 5 1 Product & Eng (92) James Carter Director Information Technology 5 4 Finance (22) change and achieve tangible delivery maturity By 2030, the network will comprise 113 kilometres of metro line and 46 stations. By using our websites you agree that we may store cookies on your device. Based on the successful rail plus property development model in Hong Kong, MTR has expanded into the Mainland of China with property business developments and operations in various cities. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information. The Charter helps passengers understand their rights and obligations, what they can expect from Metro and what to do if they are not satisfied with our service. assessment process. The documentation review was enlightening. roadmap. The leadership team at Sydney Metro has a wealth of experience in transportation and legal fields. For more information about John Holland, please click here. A number of initiatives are well The Corporation also operates and manages Melbourne's Metropolitan Rail Service in Australia, Stockholm Metro (Stockholms tunnelbana), Stockholm commuter rail (Stockholms pendeltg), Mlardalen Regional Traffic (Mlartg) and Stockholm-Gothenburg Intercity Express Service (MTRX). We have consistently demonstrated our commitment to global best practices through our accreditation by Axelos, providing our customers with the confidence in our credibility and authority to assess their business and practices areas against portfolio, programme, and project management global best practices. Susan Carroll leads the Office of the Secretary to support our leaders in delivering the vision and strategy for Transport for NSW with our Ministers and across government. programmes; each one contains many smaller projects. Her division plays a vital role in underpinning Transport for NSWs Future Transport 2056 strategy to deliver globally-recognised, safe and sustainable outcomes for the people of NSW. Your eligible deposits with Metro Bank PLC are protected up to a total of 85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. Content, diagrams, logos, and jackets are correct at Thats an increase of up to 60 per cent capacity across the network to meet demand. All of our team are extremely proud and privileged to have the opportunity to continue to be part of Australias most successful transport project and to help shape Sydney for generations to come.. ~ From the PM Solutions website1. Attention: NSW Caretaker Period has commenced. Sydney Metros principal objectives are to plan and deliver safe and reliable metro passenger services in an efficient, effective, and financially responsible way and to facilitate and carry out the orderly and efficient development of land to accommodate the metro infrastructure. Enter employee name to find & verify emails, phones, social links, etc. Other challenges faced by Sydney Metro included a national skills shortage, where there was an absence of suitable candidates for a number Sydney Metro Orientation Training Metro Trains Australia Issued Sep 2022 White Card: Work Health & Safety General Construction Induction SafeWork NSW Issued Aug 2022 Credential ID. Going beyond railway delivery and operation, MTR also creates and manages dynamic communities around its network through seamless integration of rail, commercial and property development. By the end of the decade, the network will be expanded to include 46 new stations and more than 113 kilometres of world-class metro rail for Sydney. Click the link in the email we sent to to verify your email address and activate your job alert. Tracey is responsible for defining, attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining the people needed to deliver the best transport system in Australia and setting the standards for the way we support, develop and treat our people. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. The metro program includes the operational Metro North West Line and three projects under construction: City & Southwest West Find your HKA expert here. Provides the commercial capability to support high value, complex projects. News, Thought Leadership Articles & White Papers. The majority of people engaged thoroughly in the process and clearly understood that their participation was vital to the success of the maturity assessment. Project overview. Health and safety. Leading development and implementation of the innovation and legacy program for Sydney Metro. Any deposits you hold above the limit are unlikely to be covered. With expertise in design, construction and maintenance of track and installation and maintenance of both overhead traction and signalling systems, John Holland has successfully delivered projects around Australia, as well as carrying out major works on Melbournes existing rail network. If an organization HKA has consolidated multiple work streams, culminating in our role, providing delivery coordination and product verification services for Australias largest PPP (public private partnership). Peter is leading the procurement, construction and delivery of Australias first fully-automated metro rail network. Search over 700 PM Solutions Australia is an Axelos Consulting Partner (ACP), certified to provide P3M3 assessments. At the time of writing, Sydney Metro continues We pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging and to their cultural and spiritual connections to Country and Waters. News, Thought Leadership Articles & White Papers. As Reid Hoffman, the co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, says, "No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you'll always lose out to a team.". to benchmark their current position so that they could track their progress over time. In 2024, this new, stand-alone railway will have 31 new metro stations and 66km of metro rail. As a recognised world-class operator of sustainable rail transport services, MTR is a leader in safety, reliability, customer service and efficiency. Community members are invited to submit their feedback on the proposal to Sydney Metro by emailing or writing to: Sydney Metro West PO BOX K659 Haymarket NSW 1240. HKA employs some of the worlds foremost experts in many disciplines. Sydney Metro is Australias biggest public transport project and the largest urban rail infrastructure investment in the nations history. roadmaps key points was to encourage everyone in the organization to work holistically, better utilizing existing centres of excellence. By 2030, Sydney will have a network of four metro lines, 46 stations and 113km of new . Sydney Metro Northwest opened on 26 May 2019 and services on Stage 2 - Sydney Metro City & Southwest - are expected to start in 2024. Management Team are very approachable and helpful. For copies of recently issued ministerial press releases or information on the election policies of any political party as they relate to this department/agency or its portfolio area, please go directly to the website of the relevant political party. The faces and functions of our executive leadership team. All rights reserved. With trains every two minutes in each direction, the new metro targets to double current capacity to 40,000 customers per hour, a level of service never before seen in Sydney. Sydney Metro West - Transaction Management Successful Tenderer - KPMG and IAG PROJECT HISTORY. Sydney Metro provided us with most of those documents. The City & Southwest project, an extension of the North West Line, is currently under construction, due to open in 2024, whereupon Sydney will have 31 metro stations and a 66 kilometre standalone metro railway. The interview process is the heart of the P3M3 assessment. The caretaker period for the NSW Election commenced on 3 March 2023. efforts to gain immediate and tangible benefits, The global engagement program is designed to foster innovation and shape a world-class transport system. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. In October 2020, Infrastructure NSW (another Government agency charged with investment assurance across Government) a first-of-kind whole-of-Portfolio Health Check regarding Sydney Metro, making recommendations regarding how Sydney Metro might continue to prepare itself Excellent Team environment. Roch Cheroux - Managing Director. We aim to encourage the Melbourne community's vibrant and ever evolving lifestyles, by providing a seamless transport solution to keep individuals connected. Over this time, we have worked tirelessly to build a reputation for delivering exceptional standards of service and working collaboratively with Sydney Metro and their key stakeholders. The US$9.2 billion (A$12.5 billion) project also involves seven new stations, and upgrading 13.5km of rail line and 11 stations to metro standards. C'est parti! In Macao, MTR was awarded the contract for the operations and maintenance service of the Macao Light Rapid Transit Taipa Line, the first railway system in the city. By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. gaps were unpacked and shown to be interrelated There are currently three parts to Sydney Metro: Transport for NSW selected Bechtel as its Delivery Management Partner (DMP) for the Tunnel and Station Excavation (TSE) Works Package, part of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest (CSW) project. Sydney Metro is a fully-automated metro rail system - the first in Australia. Sign up for a free account. As Sydney Metro's delivery management partner . "Sydney Metro leadership and teams are committed to the findings from the P3M3 . HKA has 40+ offices in 18 countries spanning all continents. Get notified about new Director jobs in Australia. For more information about the Victoria Cross integrated station development, please visit, call 1800 171 386 or email Leasing and media enquiries For more information about our vision for Victoria Cross, please visit Commercial leasing enquiries . Sydney Metro Northwest opened on 26 May 2019 and services on Stage 2 - Sydney Metro City & Southwest - are expected to start in 2024. As a senior leader within Sydney Metro, the role provides strategic leadership to sustain the organisation as a high performing, integrated team, contributing to the creation of a . Nous commenons tout juste notre sance d'information sur le premier appel d'intrt en lien avec PASQ, la plateforme Liked by Sidney Martz We pay respect to traditional custodians and Elders past and present. Sydney Metro Northwest (Tallawong to Chatswood), due to open in 2019, with a train every four minutes in the peak; Sydney Metro City & Southwest (Chatswood to Bankstown), work started in 2017; and. defining what has to be done to achieve the Phase PM The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. The average Sydney Metro monthly salary ranges from approximately $5,167 per month for Senior Commercial Manager to $7,280 per month for Associate Director. Metro acknowledges the Victorian Traditional Owners of the land on which our rail network operates, the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong peoples of the Kulin Nation. were few complete surprises from the assessment Over that time our consultants have provided expert advice in a wide range of areas, from strategy development to procurement and project delivery. We use cookies to improve the operation of our websites. By 2030, Sydney will have a network of four metro lines, 46 stations and 113km of new metro rail. No credit card required. itself, but the way in which issues and process