I've shot a few now but it doesnt seem to complete the mission even though i got the cash and exp from it. Vital organs are the brain, heart, lungs, liver, cervical spine, thoracic spine. How to unlock the Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin Arc achievement. What I mean is where does it tell you what to use it on. U are a true nightcrawler, Peanut, and I begrudgingly admit that I respect u for that performance. As members of the crew die in horrible circumstances the survivors are desperate to find out what the spirit of the forest wants. As i've never been able to get an instant kill by hitting lungs, I have done hitting the heart though. The Hunter: Call of the Wild, Gator Aid, Mississippi Acres (PS5 4K) 748 3:01. bigfatllama 1 year ago. Yes, I finally did it but it was a hard shot, killed like 20 boars trying to do it. Embed Share. Head to the swamps in Dzong. 06 for a jackrabbit. -Not shoot the trophy organ. Here is a link to one of the intant kills - https://i.imgur.com/BStyBF4.jpg. The player can cycle through all the shots that impacted the animal to see more details such as the percentage of total damage done by the shot or organs and bones that were hit. Having your flaslight on at night does not spook the animals or increase your visibility level. The shorter the time, the better the score will be. Experience the thrill of the hunt in a visually breathtaking, technically groundbreaking, vast open world. View All Result . 4. When you pass your pointer over the Trophy Rating shown on the lower right hand side of the harvest screen a drop down box will appear which shows what the min requirement is for each medal level. Trophy hit? 1 year ago The Hunter: Call of the Wild, Lizard Brain, Mississippi Acres (PS5 4K) 100. . Valve Corporation. do your best or don't bother doing at all. Moving between hunting spots on four wheels is fast, easy and most importantly a lot of fun. Let's take advantage of the mallard ducks that often spawn near the starting area (just behind you). #1 12345mika12345 Sep 23, 2020 @ 11:39am Hide ads. To pass the Harvest Check you must complete 4 items: Quick Kill and Consecutive Harvest were removed from the trophy scoring prior to and with the Scoring 2.0 release. Please. The Scandinavian Mile. Deal. They get much better kill shots and travel farther before dropping. Given the limitation of each weapon, choose ur game wisely!!! I think the "harvest check" is full integrity, correct weapon, quick kill and vital hit, Quick kill doesnt matter for the harvest check. All 4 of those criteria must be met to pass the harvest check, and also to receive the highest possible medal. With a wide array of weapons at your disposal, high-tech gear and your trusty hound at your side, the Seasoned Hunter Bundle has everything you need to survive and thrive in the wider world of theHunter: Call of the Wild. Travel to Lesnye Lands and harvest a wild boar with undamaged lungs and pass the harvest check. Full list of all 164 theHunter: Call of the Wild achievements. Getrick_rolld 1 yr. ago How do you know what the "correct ammo" is? Currently, the reserve has 62 missions: 16 main missions and 46 side missions. So that's what I was doing wrong, shooting it in the head :o. Every inch of the wilderness is crafted using Apex - Avalanche Open World Engine, award-winning technology crafted during a decade of developing explosive action games. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.. $49.99. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Vital organ hit? Explore the atmospheric single player campaign yourself, or go on the ultimate hunting trip with friends. The 30 30 that you get from beating the South American maps main missions also works, Figured it out bro use a .243 with the best .243 rounds and shoot it in the spine above the shoulder and itll work. What did I do to deserve this torture? you need all 4, Excellent thanks! Yes it worked, thx again for clearing up my misunderstanding. Wanna do something else? Or does it literally mean it drops right after the bullet makes contact? 8) use polymer tipped rounds. If you hover your mouse over the 4 checkmarks next to the harvest check on the left side of the screen it should tell you that. -Hit a vital organ. You need the best gear. Also, the used weapon, ammunition, shot distance and the obtained weapon score will be displayed.In multiplayer, also the name of each shooting player will be displayed. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The harvest screen will display various informations about the animal as well as ballistic reports for the hunt of it. Travel to Rybatskiy bay and harvest a Wild Boar. I have collected it, but don't see it in my inventory. Side-striped jackals can be elusive. 124 followers. Yes theyre more expensive but save you $ in the end. Also, Grandfather wants me to go out and camp in some HUTNING BLIND to harvest an animal. Shooting an animal with the most ethically suitable ammunition will improve your score. In order to achieve 100% Quick Kill Bonus, the animal must drop in 8 seconds or less. Harvest ANY 2 ANIMALS and pass the HARVEST CHECK near a WATERING HOLE. 1 question - By instant, does a few seconds matter? The phrase 'trophy organ' kept me from trying brainshots, since head/teeth are the trophy - they should have said vital organs in the description for harvest check. In front of me. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this achievement?Add a guide to share them with the community. 1. Move the extracted "dropzone" folder (s) to the folder that just opened in the new file browser window (your root Call of the Wild directory). Harvest check - What am I missing?!? The 4 qualifications are as follows 1) Dont damage the trophy area of the animal (the head) 2) Shoot the animal 2 times or less. A documentary crew arrive at an old country manor to filming the Legend of Herne the Hunter. It spooks the animals. Integrity bonus = payday. Hitting the cervical vertebrae or cervical spinal cord also provides a harvest check but is much more difficult. Call of the Wild offers unique multiplayer options for up to 8 players. Sunday, February 26, 2023. There is no trophy organ for Fox. TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. All rights reserved. The #1 quality a Marit-approved hunter needs is integrity, so bring down the buffalo with a passed harvest check. I can now still select the mission in the menu but when i activate it the text normally displayed on the huntermate is missing. Can u do it for me, and say it was me? So I am on this misson which asks me to harvest a wild boar with intact lungs and pass the harvest check. TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki Weapons in: Missions Missions/Yukon Valley Missions < Missions View source Missions at Yukon Valley are provided by the reserve warden, Jim Murray. #TheHunterCOTW Find an Alligator Need Zone Kill an Alligator and Pass the Harvest check. A modifier based on the time it took for an animal to die from the shot. Harvest any animal with a score of Gold -- and if you can do better, do better. In order to pass the harvest check you need to: -Shoot the animal 2 times or less. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Immerse yourself in the atmospheric. Shooting a coyote in the face with a 7mm rifle may be satisfying but will lose you this bonus. Harvest Checks: Correct Amo, Vital Organ, No more than two shots, and not damaging the trophy organ. When you look at your harvest screen on that screenshot you posted hopefully you see that you have 3 of the 4 checkmarks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Valve Corporation. theHunter: Call of the Wild Monthly Xbox Game Pass Quest Guide - Harvest 1 Animal Rewards Hunter 35.5K subscribers Join Subscribe 600 Share Save 14K views 1 year ago Harvest 1 animal. And far as I'm concerned, when you're going for big game, the King of Rifles is the King 470DB. Hunting pressure. Alligators in the game are like lions, attacks are rare. Harvest checks give you full credit for the kill I.E Right ammo/weapon used. edit: Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Press J to jump to the feed. Please post it in the, theHunter: Call of the Wild Achievement Sessions, Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin Arc achievement in theHunter: Call of the Wild (Windows) (Windows), Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin Arc trophy in theHunter: Call of the Wild (PS4), Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin Arc achievement in theHunter: Call of the Wild (PC), 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Sale ends 2/16/2023 at 11:00 AM. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Your objective: Find and identify Cape Buffalo tracts, then track and harvest the buffalo. Do you have a question about this achievement? All 4 of those criteria must be met to pass the harvest check, and also to receive the highest possible medal. The harvest screen will be displayed after the activation of a dead animal (via clicking [E]/(X)). Next time we hang together, I'll jailbreak your HunterMate so it can do it all kinds of cool things. They now only count toward your harvest reward of money and XP. Deal? And it can be handy if there's a bear nearby. This part of the harvest screen shows information which influence the obtained score for the game. Harvest a Musk deer. Shooting in the tail would not be advised. Harvesting all animals which were hit will improve the money reward. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Immerse yourself in the atmospheric single player campaign, or share the ultimate hunting experience with friends.Game Link http://store.steampowered.com/app/518790/Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheFoosterChannelTwitter: https://twitter.com/ThaFoosterTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thafoosterProduction Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.comWant New Channel Graphics? Shoot it in the ass and wait for it to bleed out. Head out with your friends using ATVs. You must bring down the buffalo with ONE SHOT that hits BOTH LUNGS for maximum lethality. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Harvest it. What I mean is where does it tell you what to use it on. The general information part of the harvest screen contains info's about the animal gender, its weight, its fur color, how long the animal has been tracked, how difficult the animal is to shoot and what kind of trophy the species bears. An harvested animal will provide a particular amount of XP and cash as well as weapon score, depending on the species and the kill score. The base game contains 97 achievements, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 67 achievements. theHunter: Call of the Wild Cheats For PC Steam Achievements This title has a total of 133 Steam Achievements. Does it have to be for the mission? Hopefully that makes sensebasically use the .243 and get close enough that it penetrates both lungs..should drop it real quick. The total score for the harvest, which is displaced in leaderboards and effects the amount of XP and cash reward. Call of the Hunter: Directed by Anthony Straeger. Harvest an animal with a score of Silver or better. This allows to save harvests for display even if one is short on cash. 3) Hit a vital organ (heart, lungs, liver) and 4) Use the right gun/ammo (.243 works for this particular animal. If you're able to harvest one of them, then the quest points are yours!#thehunter #huntercallofthewild #microsoftrewards #gamepass #xbox #gamingnews #achievements #rewardshunter\r\rGet started with Microsoft Rewards: https://account.microsoft.com/rewards/rafwelcome?rh=649ADA13\u0026ref=1000\r\rWant to help support the channel? The harvest check are the 4 checkmarks on the left of the harvest screen under the score. Unfortunately, I must now listen as Grandfather openly refers to you as his "Favorite Grandchild". You must use the right ammunition for the animal class. I thought an unharmed trophy was part of the requirements, it was my bad OMG XD. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. the last 2 kills i shot in the brain, that's when it clicked for me. Explore the atmospheric single player campaign yourself, or go on the ultimate hunting trip with friends. funny i did the same thing, took me 6 kills for my brain to click in. A modifier based on how well the caliber or ammo type of the shot corresponded to the size and type of animal. Steady your aim at the shooting range, drive ATVs, team up with other hunters and earn those bragging rights! Praise the AncestorsHarvest a springbok and pass the harvest checkTravel to the riverside burial siteBury the Relic of Nyaminyami at the river siteNote: Thes. The harvest check are the 4 checkmarks on the left of the harvest screen under the score. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Travel a distance of 1 mile (1.609 kilometers) on foot. Vualez #3 ID footprints from a coyote ID a call from a coyote Spot a coyote. Equip the King 470DB if you're not already carrying it and harvest a Cape Buffalo with a GOLD score or higher. 8-10 Alligators will run away, but if . 3) Hit a vital organ (heart, lungs, liver) and 4) Use the right gun/ammo (.243 works for this particular animal. Currently, the reserve has 62 missions: 16 main missions and 46 side missions. A score based on the size of an animal's "trophy" such as antlers or tusks. There are 12 missions for Dimitri's arc. TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki 607 pages Reserves Weapons Other Equipment in: Concepts, Stub, Missions Missions/Vurhonga Savanna Missions < Missions View source Missions on the Vurhonga Savanna Reserve are provided by the reserve warden Njabulo Tshabangu. Let's start the more aggressive portion of the exam. It is the 1st huntable reptile to be introduced. Click the JOIN button here on YouTube for some cool perks!\r\r Join: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzGHv0MuOwTC5WYAdGtp1QA/join\r Twitter: https://twitter.com/chickenpossible\r Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chickenpossible/\r Rewards Support: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=823675\r\rPlease like, comment, and subscribe. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ATV's are useful but they do scare animals. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155849847, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155849884, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155849805, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155849731, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155849667, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2155903281. Praise the AncestorsHarvest a springbok and pass the harvest checkTravel to the riverside burial siteBury the Relic of Nyaminyami at the river siteNote: These missions are being done after completing the Layton Lake reserve and therefore I may be using equipment and perks/skills that aren't accessible if this is your first reserve. One of the first side missions where you have to shoot a springbok with 100% integritiy seems to be bugged. Travel a distance of 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) on foot. This subreddit is dedicated to theHunter: Call of The Wild, a hunting simulator available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Yes, undameged lungs. I've now done this several times, with every gun I have and it will NOT give me either mission, i've killed at least 2 with the .223 the .243 and the .45-70, i've killed it in 1 shot+instant kill, and still not getting the mission done??? -Use the correct ammo type. IF you use too big a weapon or dont hit a vital organ or hit the Trophy you lose points. They are scored by weight so a skull shot is OK. I tried that way but it does not pass the harvest check as it's a non vital hit. Harvest 1 animal for 150 Microsoft Rewards points. TheHunter: Call of the Wild Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As far as i know integrity isnt a thing at all anymore either, its animals classes 1-9 now and you have to use ammo suitable for respective classes to pass the check. The animal can be either taxidermized directly via selection of Taxidermize or saved for later taxidermization via selection of Save Harvest. Next up: It's not just a hunter's skill that makes the them best. 9) invest in different guns. Currently, the reserve has 45 missions; 10 main missions and 35 side missions Contents 1 Main Missions 2 Side Missions 2.1 Kayla Johnson 2.2 Bev Parker 2.3 Sandy Murray 3. same. #1 hunterPRO1 Apr 17, 2020 @ 4:24pm With Sarah Paul, Michael Instone, Katrin Riedel-Kelly, Don McCorkindale. Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielHgraphicsMy PC Specs:CHASSIS - Corsair 400C Mid-TowerMOBO - Asus X99-ACPU - Intel Core i7 6800K \"Broadwell-E\" Hex Core OVC to 4.4GHzGPU - 8GB EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 SC ACX 3.0RAM - 16GB Corsair Vengeance 2666MHz DDR4OS - Windows 10 You must kill the animal in 2 or less shots. Completing the harvest check wasn't a problem, though my shot was poorly placed.The riverside is to the far east, and is marked on your map.If you have started Welcome to Springbok City this can be a good opportunity to spot the required springbok. Step into a beautiful open world teeming with life, from majestic deer and awe-inspiring bison down to the countless birds, critters and insects of the wilderness. #TheHunterCOTW Show more. Besides, after a long day of hunting, no one is going to turn down your invitation for an impromptu off-road race! The tail is long, provides no vital organs to hit, and it is unlikely any gun can penetrate all the way through the tail to the liver/lungs. Steady your aim at the shooting range, drive ATVs, team up with other hunters and earn those bragging rights! theHunter Collect every trophy The Scandinavian Mile Travel a distance of 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) on foot 10 The Marathon Travel a distance of 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) on foot 20 The. theHunter: Call of the Wild Monthly Xbox Game Pass Quest Guide - Harvest 1 Animal Rewards Hunter 35.5K subscribers Join Subscribe 600 Share Save 14K views 1 year ago Harvest 1 animal. 31. Expansive Worlds Action & adventure Shooter Simulation Sports Strategy, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Bloodhound, theHunter Call of the Wild - Modern Rifle Pack, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 1, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 2, theHunter: Call of the Wild - High-Tech Hunting Pack, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Vurhonga Savanna, theHunter Call of the Wild - Silver Ridge Peaks, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Revontuli Coast, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Medved-Taiga, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Greenhorn Bundle, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Seasoned Hunter Bundle, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Master Hunter Bundle, theHunter Call of the Wild - New England Scout Cosmetic Pack, theHunter Call of the Wild - New England Mountains, theHunter Call of the Wild - Assorted Sidearms Pack, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Mississippi Acres Preserve, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Yukon Valley, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Treestand & Tripod Pack, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 3, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Saseka Safari Trophy Lodge, theHunter Call of the Wild - Te Awaroa National Park, theHunter Call of the Wild - Smoking Barrels Weapon Pack, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Rancho Del Arroyo, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Parque Fernando, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Cuatro Colinas Game Reserve, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Trophy Lodge Spring Creek Manor, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Duck and Cover Pack, theHunter: Call of the Wild - Wild Goose Chase Gear, Fishing Sim World: Bass Pro Shops Edition, Freediving Hunter: Spearfishing the World, Construction Simulator 2 US - Console Edition, Construction Simulator 3 - Console Edition, 8 To Glory - The Official Game of the PBR, Monster Energy Supercross - Special Edition. Awwwww yizzy!! Harvest ANY ANIMAL to meet each requirement. bigfatllama. Vualez #4 Travel to Cheelah Lake Harvest a coyote and pass the harvest check In order to pass the harvest check you need to: have to use a proper ammo type, hit a vital organ. PC; PlayStation; Xbox; Nintendo; Mobile; Technology. Missions on the Vurhonga Savanna Reserve are provided by the reserve warden Njabulo Tshabangu. Harvest a Moose and past . Go to the "Local Files" tab, click the "Browse Local Files" button. If I am using the wrong weapon, what is the correct weapon/ammo? theHunter: Call of the Wild A Screenshot of theHunter: Call of the Wild By: Lexor76 All of them should have 100% harvest check: Only 2 or less shots, lungs are unharmed and trophy organ is intact (last time I checked intestines weren't trophy organs). Apple; Asus There is nothing worse than having an animal nearby and you can't shoot it. Experience the thrill of the hunt in a visually breathtaking, technically groundbreaking, vast open world. Contents Call of the Wild offers unique multiplayer options for up to 8 players. ABOUT THE GAME:Experience the thrill of the hunt in a visually breathtaking, technically groundbreaking, vast open world. I'm sure u won't disappoint us. Use your Jackrabbit Distress Caller to attract a jackal, then harvest it. I get these missions that I can't complete because of what I presume to be the harvest check. This subreddit is dedicated to theHunter: Call of The Wild, a hunting simulator available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. You must use the right ammunition for the animal class. Influencing factors are indicated with the Harvest Check. A modifier based on how consistently the player harvested downed animals. Note to pass the vital organ check on the spine you must hit the spine itself, not a vertebrae. There are other hunting exams, but the Maritz Test is the most rigorous. theHunter: Call of the Wild offers the most immersive hunting experience ever created. How do you know what the "correct ammo" is? Harvest Checks: Correct Amo, Vital Organ, No more than two shots, and not damaging the trophy organ. Note to pass the vital organ check on the spine you must hit the spine itself, not a vertebrae. The 4 qualifications are as follows 1) Dont damage the trophy area of the animal (the head) 2) Shoot the animal 2 times or less. The vast world of theHunter: Call of the Wild is split up into separate and distinct hunting reserves, each one filled with surprises and memorable moments. Harvest Screen Many more guides to come!\r\rThanks for watching!\r\r\r\r\r\rSubscribe Button by MrNumber112 https://youtu.be/Fps5vWgKdl0\rMusic: Komorebi by Futuremono, Runway Fashion, Cloud Chaser by Spence The Mile. $24.99. All rights reserved. To pass the Harvest Check you must complete 4 items: You must hit a vital organ Vital organs are the brain, heart, lungs, liver, cervical spine, thoracic spine. -50%. Complete Dimitri "Dimi" Pushkin mission arc. Oh my god, I read something totally different. ANY ANIMAL. Follow 124. The American Alligator is a Class 6 reptile in the order Crocodylia. Peanut, I'd thank u for ur work but that would only contribute to the ego that Grandfather is already on inflating ad infinitum so Meh. would anyone know what it is and how to pass it? The challenge? Open Steam, right-click "theHunter: Call of the Wild" in your library, and click "Properties". Keep you weapon loaded. ABOUT THE GAME:Experience the thrill of the hunt in a visually breathtaking, technically groundbreaking, vast open world. What am I missing here or what am I doing wrong? The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Is the Relic of Nyamiyami something that should be in your inventory? 5. No 30. - Use the 7mm Regent with polymer-tip bullets - You have to hit either the heart, liver or. Filter. Experience complex animal behaviour, dynamic weather events, full day and night cycles . Down ANY ANIMAL for QUICK KILL from >75M away -- using a SCOPELESS RIFLE. Press J to jump to the feed. Taxidermization allows the player to save the harvested animal for display in a Hunting Lodge. Visit a lookout point and survey the area, Collect the Relic of Nyaminyami from the Tree of Life, Harvest a springbok and pass the harvest check, Bury the Relic of Nyaminyami at the river, Bury the Relic of Nyaminyami at the river site, Harvest a springbok and pass the harvest check-Travel to the riverside burial site, Search around the hut for clues to Gustav Baden's whereabouts, Travel to the top of the plateau and find the bridge, Bury the jackal skull underneath the Tree of Death, Travel to the Lookout Tower marked on your Huntermate, Spot a male springbok and a female springbok in Vuxa, Harvest a springbok downed in a single shot in Vuxa and pass the harvest check, Travel to the Lookout Point marked on your Huntermate, Spot 3 different Blue Wildebeest in the Dzonga, Harvest 3 blue wildebeest in the Dzonga that were downed from at least 150.00 m away, Photograph a feeding blue wildebeest in the Dzonga, Travel to Lookout Tower marked on your Huntermate, Spot a side-striped jackal in Vupeladyambu, Travel to Lookout Point marked on your Huntermate, Harvest 3 side-striped jackals in Vupeladyambu and pass the harvest check, Harvest 5 scrub hares in Vupeladyambu and pass the harvest check, Harvest a cape buffalo downed with the KING 470BD in N'walungu, Harvest 3 cape buffalo in N'walungu and earn a Quick Kill Bonus of 100, Harvest a cape buffalo in N'walungu and earn a GOLD Game Score or better, Dismantle 3 poacher traps around Mahahlwa Qhivisi, Harvest a warthog downed with a handgun and earn a Quick Kill Bonus of 100, Harvest 2 side-striped jackals and earn a Consecutive Harvest Bonus of 100, Harvest a cape buffalos downed with a bow, Harvest a cape buffalo bull and pass the harvest check, Take a picture of an animal in the Dzonga, Take a picture of the lake Thvakile Qhivi, Harvest 3 scrub hares downed with a shotgun, Take a picture of the Vurhonga Plateau bridge, Harvest an animal downed by a heart shot from at least 75m away, Harvest 2 springbok downed with a shotgun, Harvest an animal downed from at least 75 m away with a scopeless rifle and earn a Quick Kill Bonus of 100, Harvest an animal downed in a single shot by a handgun, Harvest an animal downed with 35 m with a shotgun, Harvest an animal downed with a rifle and pass the harvest check, Harvest an animal downed by a heart shot using a bow, Harvest a lesser kudu, pass the harvest check and earn a Quick Kill bonus, Find tracks from 3 different warthogs at night, Harvest an animal in the Dzonga and earn a SILVER Game Score or better, Harvest an animal and earn a GOLD Game Score or better, Harvest 3 animals downed with a .470 NE rifle, Harvest a cape buffalo with a shot or shots to both lungs, Harvest a cape buffalo downed with a .470 NE and earn a GOLD score or better and pass the harvest check, Find droppings from 3 different species of animals, Harvest a side-striped jackal with a bow or a crossbow, Harvest an animal near a watering hole or lake and pass the harvest check, Harvest an animal in Vupeladyambu at night with a bow or crossbow, Harvest an animal from a hunting blind or a ground blind, Harvest 3 animals downed by a shot to the heart.