By the next moon, there will be more, Erik tells him. Father Beocca marries Uhtred and Gisela in the temple. Fortunately, Uhtred gets to her in time before she can awaken them. Theres nothing for her in Coccham. ("Episode 3.9"), Uhtred awakens Alfred from his sleep and swears that he will remain in Winchester until Edward is crowned king. He realizes that Alfred sent help because of Hild. ("Episode 2.4"), Uhtred visits Beocca in the temple. ("Episode 3.2"), Even as Uhtred recovers, he continues to have hallucinations of Leofric, who tells him that he cant escape who he is. ("Episode 4.4"), Uhtred, young Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric devise a plan to fend off the Danes. The camp grew restless, the men eager for a fight and bloodshed. Ragnar orders his men to open the gates and to allow them in. However, theyll need to ride to Winchester to raise an army. Skade encourages Bloodhair to kill everyone, but he is more concerned with her safety. Pyrlig advises Uhtred to take the offer as it is a path to peace. Using a tree branch to cover his tracks, Uhtred shakes lfric off in the forest. Sihtric pushes him away and steps farther into the room, glancing around. Uhtred retorts that the king is a smarter man than the Bishop. This slave is marked to become a king. Born a Saxon and made heir to Bebbanburg when his older brother dies, Uhtred is captured at a young age by the invading Danes and adopted as a son by Dane leader, Earl Ragnar. He then gives Uhtred a hug and tells him of his plan to return to his church. Brida tells Uhtred that much like him, she has been cursed and cannot have children. ("Episode 2.2"), Hild, Halig, Clapa, and Sihtric spot an army of Danes coming in North. She tells them to remain calm as she will not sacrifice a single Mercian life unless its necessary. Over the course of the series, Uhtred, a Pagan, has become increasingly complex in his loyalty and general attitude. Finan ("Episode 3.1"), Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth arrive in Alton to find the village destroyed. She would like for him to kiss her, but he cant. Young Uhtred believes that it only takes sinners. Uhtred was originally called Osbert and was the younger of Ealdorman Uhtred's sons. #i hope for your own sake you're not as big a dork as me #finan . However, Sigtryggr wants Uhtred taken to the hall first. They are greeted at the gate by thelred, Aldhelm, and Steapa. After the war, Uhtred visits Ragnars grave one last time and retrieves his necklace of Thors hammer. Uhtred tells them to return home. Drifa left the army and travelled to Irland for a time. Uhtred draws his sword and pulls thelred off his horse. Leofric argues that God would be on his side, an argument he knows Alfred can't refuse. Adorable Sihtric (The Last Kingdom) Protective Finan (The Last Kingdom) Mentioned Uhtred of Bebbanburg Enemies to Lovers Slow Burn Romance Strong Female Characters The day Uhtred murdered Skade, he had no idea she had a family. Family Uhtred claims Skade as his own. She became friends with him, despite their being on different sides. He greets them both with a hug. who have clearly been the best worst influences ever, timeline where Eadith's characterization didn't pull a 180 halfway through season 4, Eadith (The Last Kingdom) & Osferth (c. 885-934), Inspired by Agatha Christie's Crooked House, Sihtric (The Last Kingdom)/Original Character(s), Osferth (c. 885-934)/Original Female Character(s), Brida/Ragnar the Younger (The Last Kingdom), There will be an investigation at some point, My House of Stone, Your Ivy Grows, and Now I'm Covered in You, I love writing about the horrible way Finan got on the slave ship, I decided since I am writing a whole bunch of AUs with my girl Aisling, Aethelflaed Lady of Mercia/Finan (The Last Kingdom), I'm sorry I sound like a used car saleman, I do not know how Aethelflaed could want Uhtred, mildred isn't dead by the end of season one, Finan (The Last Kingdom)/Original Character(s), (i miss you like we both died) our time together a star-crossed endeavor, Athelstan of England (894-939)/Original Female Character(s), Athelstan of England (894-939)/Original Character(s), this fic was written for the target audience of me, Osferth (c. 885-934)/Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Amnesiac Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra), Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Unstoppable force meets immoveable object, The Tales of The Complete Non-Legend Of Yesterday. One way to defeat him is to deny him food and freedom. lswith claims that she is gifting Uhtred his life and tells him that he shall leave in peace. Uhtred has the respect of the people and they can use that to their mutual advantage to bring peace. Work Search: Steapa assures him that Alfred is merciful. ("Episode 2.4"), Uhtred finds Ragnar gearing up to leave. Bloodhair gets on a horse and flees. Uhtred and Finan join them, greeting Steapa at the door. She will swear an oath that as long as she is Lady of Mercia, she will remain chaste. He tells Uhtred to make a choice: either accept his punishment or allow his friends to kill each other. Uhtred has told thelfld this story. Sihtric adds that in killing her, the curse will live on. He walks into her life and suddenly Finan is the last thing on her mind. Beocca pleads with Uhtred to spare Sven, who is begging for his life. Later that night, Ragnar gives Uhtred a necklace of Thor's hammer, letting him know that he is proud of him. Uhtred contemplates going back to retrieve Beoccas body, but Finan insists that he doesnt. They should reach Grimesby by Sunday, then Bebbanburg on the day of Ascension, which is ten days before Pentecost. Uhtred assures Halig that their journey wont end with them as slaves or in a grave. They end up becoming shipwrecked, and Uhtred grieves the loss of his . Hild finds Uhtred and thanks him for offering his men to clear the stables. They proceed fertilize the grave with his blood. He kills Erik as the others escape. Thats when she crosses paths with a sleeping Eardwulf and his men. S5 Pyrlig fears they are beyond getting Edward to listen. Kjartan believes that it is in fact Uhtred under the hood and calls him out. thelfld now has enough men to fight Edward. "Because the bastard thinks," he said. ("Episode 3.7"), Uhtred walks with thelfld, who informs him that her husband will be coming to her estate soon. Uhtred found that living with the Danes was a much freer existence than with the pious Christians and their dour priests at Bebbanburg and embraced the Danish gods of Thor, Odin, and Hoder. the last kingdom | osferth x oc Alfred informs Uhtred that this can mean nothing but his certain death. Uhtred warns her that she will lose her entire family, and she will die. Skade curses Uhtred. In fear that Uhtred will kill Esgar, Bjorgulf retreats. The Last Kingdom Sihtric. But another way must be found for Edward--a pagan way which lswith is not keen on. Beocca sees this as nothing more than heathen paganism and will not stand for it. Uhtred wants to go to Ragnars grave. Iseult slyly lets on to Uhtred that she lied to Peredur because she had foreseen Uhtred as the one to free her. Hair They discover that the remaining Danes have been beaten, killed and strung up. Brida notes that something isnt right and orders them to fallback, but Cnut leads his men forward, right into Uhtreds trap; a large, camouflaged ditch. He reveals that Ragnar is dead, meaning the Danes will have half their army and less leadership. Like many in Wessex, his wife is afraid of the uncertainty that comes next. Sigefrid is insulted by their offer. Sweyn was accepted as King of the English in December 1013. Erik replies that he cannot give her up. The story of Freya, Uhtred's bastard child. All they want is his knowledge. Though, if Wessex is undefended, Cnut is considering heading south. THE LAST KINGDOM So, she gives Uhtred her blood. With that, his men are back on his side. In "The Last Kingdom", Uhtred was born into status as son of Uhtred, Ealdorman of Bebbanburg, and raised to have hatred towards the surrounding kingdoms of Mercia, East Anglia, Wessex, Scotland and the Danes. ("Episode 3.7"), While on a ship headed back to Mercia, Skade grabs Uhtreds blade and cuts her hand. He notices a weakened Dane in front of him and kills him. ("Episode 1.7"), Iseult prepares herbal tonics for Alfred's hemorrhoids which work well enough that he can eat meat again. We want to do our part to reverse that trend. The Last Kingdom One-Shots However, they arent certain it will work. He continues to grow ill. Alfred agrees that they shall march. Uhtred would be a lord and protector over Aegelesburg just until it becomes less volatile. Eadwynn, she had a good life living in Northumbria at Bebbanburg. When she is threatened she decides to get herself to Wessex to find him. Alfred reveals to Uhtred that to save Wessex from crumbling at the hands of the Danes, there must be a single, defining battle that will determine the fateful outcome of either nation. Broken Princess (Last Kingdom) by Gremlin1892 116 6 2 She was once a princess, was the daughter of a loving father and stern mother. thelwold questions why Uhtred cares. "The Last Kingdom" Any other character YOU request! Avoiding the Roman roads which are filled with Danes, they travel by way of Lyscombe, only to find death and destruction. She is greatly concerned for their safety. ("Episode 4.8"), Uhtred and Pyrlig arrive for the Witan, where Edward, Aldhelm, Burgred, Ludeca, and the other Ealdormen await. Nevertheless, Edward has him taken away and orders thelhelm to find out where Uhtred hides lfwynn. Finan explains that the trip will cost a ship and men, as well as all their silver. She stayed there for a few years, before travelling back to her lands in Norway. 109), Five Key Takeaways from the 2023 State of the Union (Ep. Uhtred claims this is not his concern, but he is bothered by this news nonetheless. Uhtred becomes distracted and is knocked to the ground. Oswald was Uhtred and Gisela 's oldest son. Television Series Sverri orders him to rest as well and to let go of his pride, as he is nothing more than property. Erik agrees to his terms and takes his brother and castrates his hand. ("Episode 2.8"), Uhtred returns to Winchester after the battle. ("Episode 4.1"), Winchester, Wessex; Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric plot their path into Bebbanburg. **WARNING: This Uhtred tribute contains spoilers for (1x01 - 4x10) of Netflix's The Last Kingdom**Over the past few weeks, I have been watching seasons 2-4 o. They are afraid now that Uhtred is gone and Alfred is sickly. But after years of peace, your new home was attacked, and you and your brother wanted revenge for the death of your foster family. They vow revenge on Kjartan, but with a carefully calculated plan. Halig orders Hild and Sihtric to report back to Uhtred. He can no longer call himself Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Alfred, overcome with joy, is deaf to Father Beocca's exaltations that their prayers were answered by God. She fears that people will see him nothing more than a tyrant imposed by Wessex. Belly and bones aching. He informs him that the brothers are ensuring that Londons streets run red with Saxon blood. Uhtred guides thelfld to safety while Aldhelm and Sihtric stay behind with the others to hold off the Danes. So, Uhtred asks where is thelflds army. That warlord, Earl Ragnar the Fearless, son of Ravn, decided to nurture Uhtred's fury into a suitable fighting spirit and so adopted him. Ragnar acknowledges the oath and tells him that he will wait until they can kill Kjartan together. The girl is Mildrith, goddaughter of Odda the Elder. ("Episode 3.4"), Saltwic, Mercia; thelfld finds Uhtred in the stable talking to his horse. Halig has been bound to the front of the ship, where he screams until his last breath, as he drowns. She informs him that Gisela died during childbirth, but shes given him another son. Beocca reveals that Thyra died in a fire, which he suspects was set by men of Wessex. : 9 , . Residence Uhtred is merely concerned about the safety of Wessex, which Guthrums old men threaten. Uhtred explains that Alfred didnt want it known how much he owed to a heathen. King of Saxon and Danes. Uhtred swore he would never give his loyalty to another Saxon king. Sigyn had heard rumours from some of Bloodhairs men about Skade being taken so with a small group of her most trusted shield maidens she set out to find her. He greets his wife Gisela and his children, Young Uhtred and Stiorra. For all of Uhtred's family, see below, Cookham, Wessex (Formerly)Lyscombe, Wessex (formerly). ("Episode 2.3"), Sverri arrives ashore looking for Jonis. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. To live beside him and through him. Marriage proposals usually come in the form of a question--not a kidnapping. Except now there is Finan. Stefanie Martini has confirmed that a fan-favourite romance from The Last Kingdom season 4 will not be continued in the upcoming episodes. Beocca reminds Alfred that Uhtred is his only choice, and with lswiths reassurance, he orders Uhtred to accompany thelred. So, she wanted to see him suffer. He informs the king that Cnut has brought his sons over from his homeland, which means he has ambition here. Male Since both play fast and loose with timelines, I will too. Rather than challenge him, Uhtred kisses Skade in front Bloodhair, who is defenseless as Jackdaw stands at his rear with a spear. An older sister who adored her. ("Episode 4.7"), Uhtred is brought to Edward for his involvement in the riot over the grain. Aedre has been surviving as a companion to the King of the Picts' son, having escaped from Bebbanburg and saving the boy's life. He has lost any family hes ever had, but Beocca was always a constant. 13 novels (see below) Beocca is taken by surprise though he ensures that lswith and Edward remain unharmed. ("Episode 4.10"), While searching for his daughter, Uhtred is attacked by Brida. Expect your favourite Last Kingdom characters, thrilling and creative storylines, and romance reuploaded tlk oneshots/requests from my tumblr @/osferth <3. Uhtred tells the others that they will enter the slave market alone. At first Ripley is the perfect distraction. Arrax never lets go of his hand as they trekked back to their little house, not that Osferth minds. ("Episode 4.9"), Uhtred tells Stiorra that theyll be in Bedwyn by tomorrow. Uhtred wishes to attack tonight while theyre vulnerable, but Guthred has to think it over. However, he goes into the back and escapes out the window, though Brida circles around and catches him before he can get away. Ragnar's hall is lit on fire, trapping Ravn and Sigrid within. Uhtred replies that Alfred built Wessex with his sword. Climbing over their own dead, their wild hair red with blood, their swords hissing. As promised, they release him. "I'm a healer, and I will heal you in anyway, healed or not". Although, if Eardwulf comes for them, Uhtred will not hesitate. Grimsby, Northumbria; Uhtred, young Uhtred, Beocca, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric arrive in Grimsby. The rest of the men, Uhtred wants Halig and Clapa to remove their heads so that he may send them as a gift to Kjartan. Uhtred is a complex character with his own loyalties constantly being questioned, even by himself, though he is a trustworthy man. After his father's, King Alfred of Wessex, death, Osferth's older brother, Aldstein is named Lord of Wessex. ("Episode 3.8"), Coccham, Wessex; Uhtred, Skade, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth return to Uhtreds estate, where Edwin informs Uhtred that they have taken more than half of the villages animals and grain. Ragnar's Lands, Northumbria;After a timeskip of several years, Uhtred is grown up. Edward fears he is right. Skorpa informs Uhtred that there is no silver to be found within the fortress either, they've already ripped it apart. On their daily pray, they discussed their friendship. They will have her married immediately. Last Appearance He then hands Guthred the sword of Cumbraland. Uhtred, Halig, and Finan dump the water out of the ship using buckets. ("Episode 2.6"), Uhtred leads Finan, Sihtric, Clapa, Steapa, thelwold, and Beocca to the north gate. Uhtred wants Sihtric to tell him about Kjartans fortress in Dubholm and its weakness. He demands that Wihtgar put down the bow. He instructs young Uhtred to take a horse and ride the road north, close to the shore, where hell find the monks and join them. ("Episode 4.7"), Uhtred has made his choice. And Finan notices. Uhtred urges Edward to accept his offer, but he instead agrees with Lord thelhelm and refuses to lend Uhtred his men. Kjartan initially believed Uhtred to have also died in the fire. Brida rejoins them and informs Uhtred of Skades power. And so, Uhtred leaves, with Finan not far behind, though he tells Finan to fall back. Three nights before the first of the metal is to be delivered, they make their way down river to Beamfleot. Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth enter as he reveals that he will be leaving to save thelfld. For Ragnar fulfilling his task, Alfred would like to free both him and Brida. dark mode & scroll suggested. Earl Ragnar and his family had became your foster family.