3rd Brigade of 4th Infantry Division General admission - $10.00 This same notation is used in both UTM and MGRS, i.e. at Phu Cat w/Unit to set up base-camp, At least, this is possible if the precision of the grid reference is enough to place the denoted area completely inside either 1P or 1Q. 932-745 DUSTER HILL at ( LZ UpLift: also as BRs 928-775, 927-749, would be farther North, a lower value of the last three digits farther South. Author Dave Holdorf It contains 186,751 words in 265 pages and was updated last on March 27th, 2022. ( - ) displaced to LZ, 3 Mar. Now that you know, have fun looking around! Where ROK Tiger Div. 17 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. This was no ordinary map, but rather the one my grandfather had in his flight suit during his missions over Europe in his B-17 as a co-pilot. The Coffelt Database of Vietnam casualties, Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive, documents from the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, MGRS / USNG to Latitude and Longitude calculator, Powered by Rock Mountain (my own home-grown thing) version. They served up on the DMZ. Use the Menu button to toggle the MGRS coordinates grid on/off. Start Exploring 226-535 HQ 42nd ARVN jus S. of Pleiku/Nansteph AF, ZA Mechanic David E. Holdorf. If you want a great book for finding YOUR casualties in two days of fighting. Grid The speaker went on to say that another 2,000 should of been awarded Purple Hearts but, for a variety of reasons, were not issued one. I departed Vietnam in June of 1966. I was radio teletype 1st Signal Brigade, Company A, 52nd Signal Battion in Can Tho and on the Island of Phu Quoc (which was under dispute between Cambodia and South Vietnam of who owned it) 68 69. Just do your search on all of this info by writing South Vietnam Map 2. MY Unit and I FOUGHT SEARCH AND DESTROY MISSIONS IN CENTAL VIETNAM S MOUNTAINOUS AND JUNGLE AREAS (1968 & 1969 while in the 4TH INFANTRY. By Dave 998-217 Tigers Spotted 1-3/69 1/35th Daily Log. Cant figure this out as my husband said his 1st tour was 1966-67, but he also fought during Tet. Jupiter BR 616-608, and returned to Binh Khe on 1 Dec. 67. Name to the RED DOT, thats the exact location as per grid numbers. Military Map Reading The short story is that feature will let you make georeferenced JPG and PNG files which you can import into ATAK as part of a KMZ file. 902-315 LZ JACKSON HOLE Le Thang 20km WNW LZ Oasis, YA In April of 1971, seven months before the Without going into detail, just think of them as normal 100 kilometer Uplift. displaced to LZ Uplift BR 928-775, mission of GSR - 1st Air Cav. also 8 other grids marked in red that surround the BR Grid. at Artillery Hill AR797-348, It was the Military Assistance Command- Vietnam and I think reported to USARV US Army Republic Vietnam. On. by 15th Historian Dan Gillotti. Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few The Stadium, ZA BR indicating that the BR Grid is within the four red lines. Some small patrols accidentaly slipped into Cambodia to clear the border area of commies and 30 miles inland. Learn how your comment data is processed. 1 July 67 : C-Btry. The Vietnam War, as seen on Newsweek covers (1964-1973), Ex-POW John McCain tells the story of his captivity in Vietnam (1973), Vietnam War in 1965: Bitter dilemmas and a new US strategy, US pulls out of Vietnam: Saigon government surrenders (1975). 68 : C-Btry. Material on this site is provided for purposes of education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. How can you forget the Vietnamese Ranger Groups? So, using this technique, we could lookup the MGRS coordinates for all three remaining points of Leatherneck Square: Did you know that you can create your own Google Map online to share? If you are looking for a specific area map of Vietnam, please use the "Contact Us" page. Maps: I While there, occasional rockets hit LZ, one landing in between motor The Cam lo river bridge was washed out. 68 : C-Btry. The government claims to control more than 50 percent of the 6.5 million people in the watery region, but in many areas its grip is tenuous. On computers without a GPS chip, Latitude and Longitude are guesstimated by Google based on your IP address and the known locations of the nearest WIFI access points and their addresses. our large on-site page compiled by Dan Gillotti -. FA, BR The PLSS typically divides land into 6-mile-square townships. English. 2. Then give each section an amount or value of 100 At one reunion of the 173D Airborne Brigade a guest speaker said that the unit had something akin to about 10,000 men serve in it. or second ( 3 ) three numbers are the ( N ) North coordinates. Artillery Revised Vietnam Maps I respect you for your service. The lower the input precision, the more "slop" is allowed in the final check on the latitude zone letter. "Whoever controls Highway 19 controls the Highlands, Apr. was GS ( Here, we have links to maps, and all sorts of other useful data! 114-670 PLEI MRONG 23km NW Pleiku, 25km SW Kontum SF Camp, ZA Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Vietnam Topographic Maps 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service, Series L7014 Clickable Index Map A Luoi(topographic) Sheet 6441-4, 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service (9.4MB) [GeoPDF] A Ro(topographic) Sheet 6440-2, 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service (3.0MB) [GeoPDF] A Sap(topographic) Sheet 6441-2, 1:50,000 U.S. Army Map Service (3.0MB) [GeoPDF] & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! Delta Helicopter Aviation Battalion Rds 568/569, YA Explore the crucial elements of the Vietnam War in this interactive map. I Corps - Quang Tri, Thua Thien, Quang Nam, The UTM system consists of 60 zones, each 6-degrees of longitude in width. 2-548s sent to LZ Vera YA834-178 to pull We departed Fort Ord, California, in June 1965, traveling by ship, and arrived in Nha Trang in July 1965. during stay, unit is mortared almost daily. You can make a scale for your 3 0 obj
( - ) still at LZ Action. 924-752 LZ UPLIFT QL1 ran thru, 12km SSE Bong Son HHB/7/15th FA General Westmoreland was stationed at USARV headquarters at Tan Son Nhut and in early 1967 moved to Long Bien about 20 miles up highway 1 to the north. Well, yes and no. 312-374-9333 Reference: http://www.tf116.org Indochina 1954 7. i:Jt=l Qh^|,d $uIMgfyJ|+d,M8+| Ive Elements of 2nd Brigade 4th Infantry Division NVA 5th Division The resolution in this case is 1 meter, so the MGRS coordinate would represent a 1-meter square, where the easting and northing are measured to its southwest corner. Map: Highways QL-1, QL-14 and QL-19, II US Topo maps are updated on a three-year production cycle (maps covering one third of the country are updated each year). Timothy J. Haslett, and You can use the other Dissident activities in Indochina 1950 6. Download our historical topographic maps and our more current US Topo maps (published 2009-present) free of charge using TopoView (GeoPDF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, and KMZ formats) or using the USGS Stores Map Locator (GeoPDF format). The battery fired the BNs first round on 16 July A The 4th Battalion was at L.Z. Its not a crumbling army. Pleiku, w/GS ( - ) Hip-Shoot mission to Kontum and C-Btry. 1st Marine Air Wing & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! 4th INF DIV Area of Opers. For example Camp Evans runway is clearly visible on Google Earth and is even confirmed with a Vietnam era picture marking the spot. (In some cases, squares adjacent to a Grid Zone Junction (GZJ) are clipped, so polygon is a better descriptor of these areas.) They show the distance between any two Dec. 68 to late Jan. 69: C-btry. You can also get our free newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Pinterest. is a great book that gives ( to US Army Unit Locations Note: ClickAmericana.com features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety, but also in terms of outdated cultural depictions and social values. and various unit daily logs, archives, and history references including Firebases 888-570 LZ HAMMOND W. side QL1, 10km NNW Phu Cat, BR ISE Headquarters for Navy River Corps Patrol Boats, Seal Teams, Junk Forces; Army Special Forces, VIETNAM FORCES: to ZA299-??? The US Topo production schedule follows the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) collection schedule. Mechanic David E. Holdorf. displaces to An Khe for a short fire mission, The problem is not with the map but rather because the war in Viet Nam required the units to always be mobile. This Notice that is says, "Missing Zone Number." 918-750 ), BR Approx. The military uses their own implementation of the UTM system, called the. Our scheduled time on the hill was 3 days up and 4 days down. Moreover, Westmorelands success in forcing his enemy to retreat from populated areas to frontier sanctuaries along the borders of Cambodia and Laos may not be an unalloyed blessing. stream
Royal Australian Air Force Squadron, U.S. are those used by the 7/15th FA. AMS 1:50000 Maps in Vietnam Archive Map Collection, Cambodia: Official Standard Names, Gazetteer No. exact location can be found using a Vietnam map that has the BR grid shown Check with where he attended boot camp I am trying to get my dads right now. 15 Jan. 68 : C-Btry. begin with a number larger than 2! 625-556 HAPPY VALLEY 20km NW AnKhe 22NVA Regt. He looked at photos that were taken by the U-2 and he and his workers found that there was a MIG-17 sitting in the jungle under so called cover but the runway was in plan sight. As you zoom in the grid will become more detailed. exact information as to pre-Apr. a. Hosp. 1300 Bed, 44th Med. 851-550 LZ JENNY 38km ENE AnKhe, ROK LZ, C/7/15th FA 5/68, BR Locations in the 7th Battalion/15th Field Artillery Area of Operations. Vietnam concerning military strategy: All of these maps are oversized (i.e. VC 9th Division April to Dont kid yourself, said one general. The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a way of subdividing and describing land in the United States. Unreal. Thats pretty much the story of the 173D as I know of it. We use the highest quality paper and printing methods to produce these brilliant visual connections to America's past and the veterans who fought in those wars.-Mike, Arizona Territory, Vietnam Topographical Map, Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam Topographical Map, Hill 937, Vietnam Hamburger Hill Topographical Map, Dak To, Vietnam (Western Hills) Topographical Map, Hue City, Vietnam 1:25,000 Topographical Map. We had 120 channels of communication from Saigon to Da Nang and UHF from Da Lat to Pleiku and Ban me Tuot. We were never given permission to return fire. Or when describing the 1000-meter square BT8569, should it be called 1PBT8569 or 1QBT8569? farther East. At zone 4, the column letters start over from A, and so on around the world. East - Qui Nhon to Pleiku New for 2023: There are now some tutorial videos to help you learn about GISsurfer. If we enter it as-is and then press Calc, we get the following error: parsemgrs():'YD113703' : Missing Zone Number. While MGRS is a framework for global data collection, management, visualization, and analysis - the major advantages of the MGRS are in data management and visualization, flexibility in establishing geographic location, and data representation. We Were April 1968 to April 1969 97, Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive, 2023 Texas Tech University, 2023 Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive. Service Battery. with the rest of the unit. Viet Nam War. Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter. French Indochina 1913 4. 72-23 to BR 80-90 AN LAO VALLEY then NE to Bong Son to Ocean, BR Pay was more relative to time in service rather than rank. using Grid Line Coordinates, and go from there. HOSPITAL, 4th ID AO, Pleiku AF Base 11/66-12/70, CR 1st Tactical Fighter Wing By stayed at LZ Blackhawk. But, even allowing for continued steady improvement on the part of South Vietnamese forces, most Americans in Vietnam doubt whether they will be ready, when Westmoreland flashes the sign, to assume the heavy military burden he contemplates putting upon them. 264-470 LZ ACTION On QL19E MangYang Pass 23km W AnKhe C/7/15th 4/69, BR 4/68 to 4/69 C-Btry, 7/15th FA, There A range of maps and diagrams relevant to the conflict in Vietnam from the late 1800s to 1976. land. A One ( 1 ) platoon displaced to LZ Jenny BR 2-548s sent to LZ Vera YA834-178 to pull I spent 19 months with the 1st Battalion of the 173D Airborne Brigade in Viet Nam from May 69 to Dec 70. Cobra Gun-ships What does the term UTM mean? endobj
To do that, we can use the GISsurfer Map. Inf. 1st Brigade of 4th Infantry Division Vietnam: A Half-Century On More than fifty years ago, American soldiers began arriving in large numbers to fight one of the most contentious wars in U.S. history. 9th Division Pepperidge Farm remembers: See 50 of their classic cakes, cookies, breads, turnovers & other treats from years ago, See the short-lived Oldsmobile Delmont 88 (1967 & 1968), Check out 100 vintage 1970s supermarkets & retro grocery stores, Silly Putty: The story of the stretchy, bouncy wonder toy of the 20th century, Laverne & Shirley TV show: About the sitcom, plus theme song & lyrics (1976-1983), The Love Boat: All about about the classic TV show, plus the intro & that memorable theme song, Candy Land, the vintage board game that made millions of kids dream of an ice cream & lollipop world, The Impossible Pie recipe book: 12 easy dinner recipes & desserts from 1982.