Files are organized by presenter, date of release, most popular and may also be searched by keyword(s) of interest. We did one as a special call last night. Yet, the same Intel providers insist this thing is real and about to come true. We got information from a couple of the redemption center people, But overall, where we are now, and this was sort of adding up to some information that we did hear later lets say was that looks like theyre prepared to finally go early next week. I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. A lot of people listen to us on replay numbers or on the replay link. Sean Davis. Bruce's big. And theyre Im going to say this appears that the rate for yesterdays rate because I dont know where it is today. Too bad I got caught up like many other people, yet, I hope their is a chance that they will be redeemed with the fruition of a coming RV, RI, or whatever. Have a great weekend and like I said, we will be in touch by email, after this goes God bless you guys. If we have been somewhat slowed down a little bit today because there are one or two other countries that are trying to get in to the first set of currencies. Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps. Spiking inflation as a result of corporate profiteering in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine War have only worsened the situation, as the UK's 300,000 nurses face staffing shortages on top of a cost of living crisis. We had HSBC just said plainly, Thursday. So let's just say this. Im not gonna hold it to a 24 hour time clock, but I know that the idea is that if the election went well, and if the Red wave became a tsunami and if the Restored Republic was looking like it was in fact a Restored Republic, then we would be notified Wednesday or Thursday and it looks more like itll probably be Thursday at this point. But what about your health? DISCLAIMER: does not necessarily agree, or endorse Bruce & the contents of the calls and videos posted on our site. We do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications posted on this site. And hopefully the translation software is fairly accurate. 2023 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). Does Bruce Need A New Script? or Sun. 9 PM Eastern Time, CALL IN & LISTEN: (667) 770-1864 or (667) 770-1865, PLAYBACK: (667) 770-1866, 123456#If calling from Canada, first dial (805) 360-1075 then the numbers above. On Dinar Detectives we post daily dinar updates and dinar recaps from all popular dinar gurus. In 2005, DC launched All Star Batman & Robin the Boy Wonder, a stand-alone comic book miniseries set outside the main DC Universe continuity.Written by Frank Miller and drawn by Jim Lee, the series was a commercial success for DC Comics, although it was widely panned by critics for its writing and strong depictions of violence. WiserNow: Sorry for the late posting - I had interrupted internet service Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it's Tuesday June 14th and Happy Flag Day everybody if you are in the United States - Glad you could make it - looking forward to the call tonight - This week is US Open Week in . register a sa forums account here! Joss . And thats two calls in a row for us. THEY WILL POST THE RATE IN HOURS! We did one as a special call last night. The other thing is regarding our charts, the bondholders received their quantum access cards on Saturday, and they're waiting for that email to come still, which I believe will come very close to our email notifications of when we're to get our toll free number and call and set our appointments. Big Brother first began in the UK in the year . [3] You should seek and rely on the advice of licensed and registered financial, legal and tax advisers of your choice. Other than that there does not appear to be anything else in the way of this going as far as we know. So thank you guys for putting that together. Trending. All right. So what Im excited about, obviously, is the prospects of the bondholders being finally paid and us getting our notifications. 2023 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). 10/15/21, Bruce: "12:01 AM is the official time for the GCR and RV to be in effect" (Bruce's Next CallWhy It Didn't Happen Again! Your signature/name/username at the end (If you wish to remain anonymous then provide an alias. We knew we were close on Tuesday's call and we thought Wednesday or Thursday would bring it in. Note: Some of the info provided above may be outdated and/or irrelevant. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe, wherever you're listening from - whether it's live or whether it's on . Apparently he changed his last name from Dingleberry to Dawson some time after high school. I think we have our software running. The Iraqi government was seated over the weekend. If you wish to receive theTETELESTAIemail directly in your inbox, you can subscribe to theTETELESTAI Package. And I thought, oh boy, are we going to even have a call Thursday? So what I want us to do is keep an eye on our emails for the next several days but at this point, were looking forward to an early start. The 72-year-old broadcaster has presented his mid-morning programme on BBC Radio 2 - in which he encompasses music, live performances and calls from listens - almost every year since 1986 but signed off for the final time on Friday (03.03.23) and thanked all of his listeners and loyal fans but decided not . Bruce The Big Call Thurs. Click on the image above then go to Specials to see discounted stock. Maybe Yes they are but they are the ones that need to bring out and I hate to say it but when they get the green light from us they will bring out their new rate and mention the seating of their government Prime Minister Parliament all of that having been completed and seated, Now listen its probably been done for a while but they just havent announced it yet thats what Im talking about they are operating with a rate in country - they are exchanging with the other countries in other words they are trading with other countries and they have a rate - with which they ae doing that, Tomorrow Wednesday were expecting all new rates from all of the countries and everybody is connected to the QFS everybody is synced up through the ISO20022 protocol all of that has been completed and the codes that were going to call activation code for the QFS were put in on Sunday morning a few days ago and the thinking is that once those codes were entered the algorithms would kick in and as many as 8600 things / events / matters would be started in some time line progression -, That is supposed to be happening now without fail without stoppage so why did we have a what seemingly was a one day delay from today to tonight or tomorrow we think there has been some resistance in a couple of 3 letter agencies that might have held it up although to be completely clear the banks had meetings all day today starting this morning until about 2 PM and the redemption centers started around 2:30 PM with meetings this afternoon these are Zoom calls one way Zoom calls - from then all the way to 7 pm so meetings in the morning afternoon and evenings till 7 PM , Now what did they discuss? Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps If youre having trouble please give us an email, (Note:TheTETELESTAIemail is the official Go for redemption/exchange.). So its just really dont worry about that. Lets keep an eye open for our emails. We do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications posted onDinar Chronicles. A witness who testified before the Hunter Biden grand jury was asked to identify the "big guy" in the first son's planned deal with a Chinese energy conglomerate as calls ramped up to have. Stay tuned to find out what K F Seetoh is up to today. Now what Treasury said we are on the precipice. 00:54. It's Makansutra Friday! Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday August 11, 2022. So, the latest we have from this same Treasury source is saying that wewill be notified either Sunday, [via WiserNow] TuesdayI got this informationthe transition from our old form of government, which is a USA Inc. Well see. In this photo Bruce (on the left) is shown with his hot car back in 1975. They had 20% of their machines in Maricopa County, surprise had issues Not surprising actually. A few of them seem to have done exactly that, but most didnt. There is supposed to be there in kind of a parallel to the exchanges that are going on. But we do know that the bond holders are also waiting to receive their emails to let them know how much of their funds which is approximately 1% of their total, how much they can send and when they can spend it. They they have dinar only or didn't for dong only. And we should be getting a really interesting announcement from President Trump on the 15th. So I appreciate that. I had a page called The Pumpers where I would publish the photos and the identities of people pumping dinar in the hope that they would flee the dinar scam and start doing something more respectable with their lives. All articles, videos, and images posted on Dinar Chronicles were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. 140 countries have asset-backed currency that has been trading since Sun. Starting in 2006, Grant Morrison and Paul Dini were the regular . And hopefully you caught it on the replay, because you got word that hey, we did a special call last night just Sue and I and it was only 37 minutes. Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps All your favorite Dinar stories in one place. RT @JackStr42679640: "Beginning Wed. 1 March there will be a fully staffed Redemption Center Staff working 8 am to 11pm for the next 12-14 days. American actor Bruce Willis began his career in 1980 with an uncredited role in The First Deadly Sin.After guest-starring in a 1984 episode of Miami Vice, he appeared in the first episode of the 1985 revival of The Twilight Zone.Willis achieved fame starring in the ABC comedy-drama series Moonlighting (1985-1989), for which he received three Golden Globe nominations for Best Actor . .Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 6-23-22 Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it's Thursday June 23rd and you're listening to the big call - welcome everybody all over the globe where ever you are tuned Let's talk about where we are as a way of introducing the intel at this time . Dinar Chronicles is not a registered investment adviser, broker dealer, banker or currency dealer and as such, no information on the website should be construed as investment advice. Now when you're on a precipice, you're on the edge of a cliff about ready to go. 2. The only thing we need to do is get notified set our appointments and get started the NESARA and GESARA will come in when they come in political change will happen when it happens. Thats what it looks like right now. And so weve got a number and of course Wells Fargo redemption center was talking about this week being anything from the 6th all the way through the 12th . CALL IN & LISTEN: (667) 770-1864 or (667) 770-1865 PLAYBACK: (667) 770-1866, 123456# If the Newest Call is Not available in the Call Archive you can always listen to it on the Playback Line. Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Millwood Pines Part #: W011211805 on this page. Jan 10 2017 more at BGG call much better And Im ready for it all to happen as you guys are obviously if we get this in the morning on Thursday, we wont be having a big call more than likely on Thursday night unless we do maybe a pre recorded celebration call. The information presented herein is provided as a public service with the understanding that the Big Call makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. But Dong rate that I heard a few days ago was excellent. His breakout 1975. 2023 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). I had posted somewhere else that I thought that was just too coincidental and (silently) I chalked it up to he picked up the nickname from one of us hunters. Especially people like tony renfrow and bruce dingleberry!?! Welcome, everybody to the big call tonig, Bruces Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-28-23 If you ask for it what theyre going to contract with the dong. Thurs. The reason is because Iraq and us are negotiating their oil contracts. Well, let's have a great night everybody. 1. Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-14-22. I would say there's a very good possibility they'll go out tomorrow and I would say there's a good possibility that we could get notified before lunchtime tomorrow. Please visit theSupport Uspage for more information about the TETELESTAI Package. Thank you! Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps The owners or operators of the website shall all be held harmless for any and all information posted on this website. If you wish to subscribe to the Dinar Chronicles Newsletter, please use the button below. The STASI have got nothing on you people lol, how to you gather so much information on so many people from behind your computer? Bruce 's Big Call (Replay) Tuesday 28 February. And there are some people internationally that know about five and theyre not talking. Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps This is going to be this could be a very interesting week for us based on not only the election results, but what else is expected to happen. He appears as the main antagonist of the first Jaws film, and the posthumous overarching antagonist of the rest of the franchise. PRAYER REQUESTS? At the intel was light yesterday. We do not give any advice directly but provide you with assistance to make wise decisions for you and your family. As I remember, it was full of a lot of things to bring up. Get Daily Updates of the NEWS & GURUS in your EMAIL, DINAR/IRAQ -- NEWS -- GURUS and DISCUSSIONS, Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. PLEASE SEND TO: [email protected] Lets have a great weekend. The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#, 667-770-1865. Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps, Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight its Tuesday May 10th and youre listening to the Big Call Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay, Lets talk about the intel lets see where we are - Now today is Tuesday of course we get a lot of things between Thursday and Tuesday - an things change and they morph and this target kinda moved and it moved again so it doesnt matter what we thought we were going to get What really matters is what we are going to get and when right? Were focusing on moving forward with our redemption at the redemption centers and our currency exchanges. Join us each Tuesday and Thursday 9 PM Eastern Time. This website is merely for informational/entertainment purposes. And the most interesting thing today was that it appears that were going to be notified before the bondholders get access to funds. I made a typo in my message in reference to their at the bottom of the message, it should be there. So hopefully youre one of those thats getting the big call in your own language, which is kind of cool. On Dinar Detectives we post daily dinar updates and dinar recaps from all popular dinar gurus. I'm talking about a simple outline form. Lets go ahead and pray the call out and everybody have a great weekend. To put it out because they do want as many people as possible to use the toll free number to set their appointments and go in to the redemption centers. There are those that have less than a million, they'll probably cash everything out and then there are those th The National Economic Security and Recovery Act is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard. We do not intend to and are not providing financial, legal, tax, political or any other advice to readers of this website. They definitely will not be redeeming zim other than through redemption centers overseen by Wells Fargo. But one source very strong source said before afternoon Thursday. If that occurs - I'm going to check that - it is to be announced over the weekend. There are 2 types of exchanges. Log In Now To Get Started! Let me say this about Iraq and the Iraqi dinar there has been a relatively low rate of the dinar on screens. For more of The Ben Domenech Podcast: You'd be 10 minutes early, but not more than that. 2023 Copyright DRT Distribution, LLC All Rights ReservedWe do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content or communications including any rumors or opinions posted or otherwise contained on or post or email or any related or affiliated website or Twitter account (collectively, the "Website"). So Im excited about it. 1.3K views, 31 likes, 21 loves, 93 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Kiss92: TGIF! I thought, okay, thats when we reached out can we redefine that a little closer and we heard something today, from one of the one of our sources it said they expected the emails to the bondholders to actually go out. New files are added . He just said he would no longer be able to talk to the individual after about five o'clock tonight. And it was only about a 37 minute call but we got the message out we wanted to convey and that was a call special call of taking our country back. That would be something that you do if you had already written it up in an outline form, not in 100 page business plan. 19, 20 Nov. It is Thursday, August, the 11th and you're listening to the big call. Voted best in USA by Worldwide Ratings Organization. Bruce The Big Call (Replay) Tuesday February 22, 2022. Dr. Thomas Wayne is the father of Bruce Wayne and the husband of Martha Wayne. Now, we are at the precipice and we are looking very good as far as our part goes. Who Is Bruce Springsteen? I think we have our software running. In 1979 with his Detroit friends, Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert, Bruce Campbell raised $350,000 for a low-budget film, The Evil Dead (1981), in which he starred and co-executive produced. Were going to be good were going to get started here not this week, I dont think but you got to keep an eye on for the possibility of surprise. Information posted on this site may or may not be fictitious. Plus a preacher in the opening minutes who loves to shed light on spirituality and future blessings to come. Welcome everybody to tonights bi, [via WiserNow] We know that Iraq did their thing with their reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar yesterday, officially. Our group is dedicated to Ministries post Gods blessing, and group discussions about current events. DinarTube is a vast collection of video and audio conference calls, main stream news videos, etc. Lets thank everybody everybody thats out there behind the scenes and is more or less helping us to get the word out like they did last night.. Bruces Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-2-23REPLAY LINKIntel Begins 1:21:41,, Bruces Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-28-23REPLAY LINKIntel Begins1:17:47,, Bruces Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-23-23 REPLAY LINKIntel Begins1:16:26,, ______________________________________________________, If you wish to contact the author of any reader submitted guest post, you can give us an email atUniversalOm432Hz@gmail.comand well forward your request to the author.______________________________________________________. Everything is positive. BWAH AHAHAHAHAH! And that's two calls in a row for us. I agree with you concerning bruce, he has stopped taking live calls because of the heat and takes up time promoting products and a so called brain analyst. Well talk to you on Thursday if we dont have the 800 numbers, Bruces Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:04 47:57 break 56:46, Monday night call actually 2 separate calls on same link with short pause in between first Bruce only second with Sue. Because obviously the word and zim doesnt really matter with the rate of the dong or whatever, because the zim just overshadows everything And it does absolutely it does. Okay. Ive been told told it both ways. Where we're - we never know how many we may be reaching but . Seek and rely upon the advice of licensed and registered financial, legal and tax advisers. Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, who conceived it with Roger Avary.