It reached a new all-time high point on Thursday, Feb. 10, with an average of 544,000 viewers. It may not be Stop the fight! time, but ESPN continues to diminish radio and, at the moment, it is hard to fathom a Kay comeback. WFAN squarely defeated ESPN New York in the fall ratings book as major changes loom at the latter radio station. Chiefs-Broncos generated 19.1 million viewers in the 4:30 . Those colleagues have since been fired. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. This years version was always going to top a year that aired on a Saturday in July no matter the interest. Of course, Ion and Me TV have been doing quite well for years and arent really diginets, since they air as full-blown affiliates or owned TV stations in most markets. recorded its best first quarter since 2016, up 31% from 2021. at 5 p.m. had its best first quarter since 2018, up 25% from a year ago. The rest are SJW claptrap and Around The Horn the worst of lib political correctness ! averaged 311,000 viewers, up 32% from the time slot the previous season. NHL. Thats not what anyone wants to see, and when you abandon the interests of viewers, your ratings plummet. NWViOWQ3OWYwMzVkYzk2ODE1Y2Y5ZTJjZjE3Yzg4NzcxNGU2YzRiNWZiN2I1 Only time will tell, but its not looking great. The biggest increases were the 11 p.m. show (up 27%) and the 6 p.m. show (up 20%). A misconfiguration with the server hosting the Microsoft Azure government cloud allowed the server to be accessed with a password. Since 2018. 2017: 5.3 million. 15 with a 2.5 share. Keyshawn, JWill and Max is up 26 percent with men 25-54 over the same ratings period in 2020. Yeah and now college football has been totally ruined so I wont be tuning in ever again lmfao. September '22 Basic Cable Ratings: Fox News, ESPN Split First Place. Why do SOME folk come on here with the BET remarks, Liberal remarks, and or other hints at it being too black? Most Nielsen-rated networks can be found here, with the exception of a few channels that are not ad-supported. Its official.that SAVAGE @MadKing1981 broke my nose last night. Gambling related content is not intended for anyone under the age of 21. It would mean the world to me if you hit the subscribe button ;)Join this channel to get access to perks: Both the league and the network have seen a massive ratings decline since each have embraced woke culture. LOL! By A.J. Head-to-head competition bludgeoned the ESPY Awards starting at 8 pm. Generated by Wordfence at Sun, 5 Mar 2023 2:18:11 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. They may not be wrong, but the duo could use more competition. Average Viewership Up 22 Percent from 2021 . Visit ESPN to view the 2022-23 Women's College Basketball Rankings for Week 17. was up 56% from the previous year and the most-viewed since 2017. The most interesting aspect on the horizon is how Carton, 53, will be able to handle his forthcoming new national morning show on FS1, which is expected to start very early, maybe 6 or 7 a.m.. Actually, that time is probably already here, with most viewing now taking place via streaming and other means. And then theres Reelzchannel, which saw its primetime numbers bounce 107% thanks to the little-seen networks coup in picking up On Patrol: Live, a new version of Live PD from host Dan Abrams and producers Big Fish. by Has nothing to do with race, religion, or politics. Amid mounting anger and calls for his ouster over the comments he made last week, which were widely criticized as sexist, Lemon was removed from Monday's on-air lineup on "CNN [], Ukrainian officials are urging the United States Congress to pressure President Joe Biden's administration to send F-16 jets to Kyiv, maintaining the aircraft would increase Ukraine's ability to target Russian military units with rockets made in the U.S., according to lawmakers. I will say this. YTdjYjMwODNhN2ZhYzNmMGI3M2RjNTc4NzQ1ZDgyMzkwZjc4ZGI2NjlkYTA0 [], In the first case, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard about the federal law that helped create the modern internet; it seemed unlikely they would side with a family seeking to hold Google liable for the death of their daughter in a terrorist attack. I joined merely to help with the upcoming Americas Cup in Australia. Follow David Hookstead on Twitter and Instagram, The Daily Caller | 1775 Eye Street NW | Suite 1150-290 | Washington, DC 20006. Signeda former sports junkie who has rediscovered the great outdoors, movies, and books! ESPN remains a powerful brand, and its actually one of the few bright spots left in cable. In the demographic that the stations traditionally have measured themselves upon (men, 25-54), Carton and Roberts were second with a 6.3 share in the market over the three-month period, while the Kay Show sank to 11th, with a 3.3 share. A zero. or is it the E-word now) fan AND I LOVED Australian rules football I never figured out the scoring, but a quick search on the inter-web-thingy says FoxSports carries some games and the season is NOW! We are in the middle of this national identity crisis, Tucker, where we have celebrated our differences for so long that we forgot all [], Mayor of East Palestine, Ohio, Trent Conaway, tore into President Joe Biden Monday, accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities domestically while "giving away millions of dollars" during the president's surprise visit to Ukraine. I like to say I simply kept showing up. ], VIP+ Analysis: Behind Cables Peak TV Decline. Just how bad is that atrocious number? MTg0ZjA5ZDFlNGNlMGUzNmJiZGE2OWM0NGU4YzE0NmNjMmFkODA5YTg4NDZl We've received your submission. @SportsTVRatings. Fox NFL Sunday debuted in 1994, and it has remained a champion in the grand scheme of ratings. ZTIwYWMxY2E5N2M4YmFhMDU0ODA0NzE1NzYzMmVjMzRhY2EyNDc1YTY5YmI5 The weekday morning show First Take was up 23% for its best first quarter since 2018. BROADCAST FINALS: ABC's NBA game was at 0.64. New Stunning ESPN Ratings Finally Come Out For 2022 DREAMERSPRO 110K subscribers Join 967 30K views 7 months ago New Stunning ESPN Ratings Finally Come Out For 2022. The senator turns 90 in June and is the oldest member of the Senate. ODY4MzVkOGZlMDUzN2JhNjRjZThhZjVlM2MwYzk3ZDIxNjlkMzBmNjk4ZmQz ShowBuzz DOES have national LIV numbers: 291K on Sunday, 286K on Saturday. , was up double digits vs. 2021 (except for the 1 a.m. show which was up 9%). ESPN no longer celebrates sports. I could see the tension on First Take in 2019 and knew a divorce with Max was coming. The weekday morning program Get Up enjoyed its best first quarter ever, up 15% from last year. Ratings Show People Dont Care About ESPY Awards. Katz on Sep. 28, 2022 - 10:46 AM. I do not like ESPN because Stephen A. and other top shows suck. Cable news was led by Fox News's TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT at 0.22/0.38/3.1M, with CNN's ERIN BURNETT OUTFRONT at .12/.16/800K, and MSNBC's coverage of the PRESIDENTIAL NEWS CONFERENCE at 0.07/1.2M. The show in 2015 had 7.7 million viewers. Source: Nielsen, NPM (12/27/2021-12/4/2022, Live+7 and 12/5/2022-12/18/2022, Live+SD vs. 12/28/2020-12/5/2021, Live+7 and 12/6/2021-12/19/2021, Live+SD) Mon-Sat 8pm-11pm/Sun 7pm-11pm, ad-supported and premium pay networks. Paramount Network is the one major channel to buck the trend, thanks, of course, to the halo effect of its Yellowstone smash but even it saw declines in 18-49. And so, if someone who's Black and has been Black his entire life, and is not only married to a Black woman but has been espoused to three Black women altogether (not, of course, at the same time but on account of divorces), and is father to two Black girls that are his undisputed pride and joy in life, does not particularly enjoy being lectured at every time he tunes into ESPN, especially when those social-justice didactics seem malformulated and based on a substantial degree of outright ignorance, and so decides to protest against it, citing it by name, he must be racist, according to this line of thinking. WFAN maintains morning dominance in January ratings. Totally lost interest in the game. MDAzOTBjZjE4Y2RiMTIxYTc2NjMzNjM0OTAwM2UxOWQ3NTUzMTc4MjIxOGUz Show more Show more. Megan Rapinoe taking home a trophy over far more worthy nomineesonly furthered that suspicion. For the three-month spring book, Craig Carton and Evan Roberts delivered for FAN, trouncing ESPN New Yorks The Michael Kay Show, according to Nielsen Audio. And of that 2.5 million, probably about 2 million of them had ABC on in the background at 8 pm and didnt know what was on the screen. YTViNDZjZTY4ODQwNGZiZWZjNWEwMGYxZDA0NzA3NGEzZDI2NDlhMjU0ODhm ESPN (formerly known as Entertainment and Sports Programming Network until 1985) is a television channel in the United States launched on September 7, 1979. The 2021 version saw just 1.1 million tune in. While ESPN New York is not defeating WFAN in that time slot, it is clear that their listenership drops when they switch from local to national. Y2ViNmViY2FhZDQ3MGViYTZhMDY4YzBhNzI2ZmEyMTgxODc1NjAyOTI5Yzkx Talk about a downward trajectory. UPDATE EXACTLY ONE YEAR LATER:
The 2022 ESPY Awards averaged 2.5 million viewers Wednesday night on ABC. NmFiYjUyM2JmNWE4YmNhZTQ1NTAxYTM1ODUwZjQ4ZTQ5NzhlMzY4ZWNiYzBi Unsurprisingly, the ratings for the show plummeted. I will watch ESPN games or other sports events but not many live sports talk shows anymore due to too many politically-based topics. Cable news has scored huge gains, led by CNN's more than doubling of viewers. ZGJiNDFlMTg2M2U1MTA0YzQ2NTNmYWZjODU2YWRhZDk3YWFlODUwYjE3YmNk Font Size: The TV ratings for the ESPY Awards absolutely tanked. Its the least viewed ESPY Awards in the history of the event, according to Outkick. A quick look at ratings for the ESPY Awards since ESPN went full woke:2015: 7.7 million2016: 5.6 million2017: 5.3 million2018: 3.9 million2019: 3.8 million2021: 1.1 millionIn any other business, the people running this network would all be fired by now. When the show begins, Carton will host mornings on FS1 and then his 2-6:30 p.m. WFAN show. Ditto. The world of sports radio is a place where endless opinions are spewed every day, but judgment of the hosts is based on numbers. Many were outraged over the decision by ESPN to give Jenner the award over some more deserving candidates. 10 Comments. Give it a rest, we get it ESPN sucks ass. The Dave Chang Show Every Single Album: Taylor Swift . MWFhNDYxNDJmNDRhMjBmM2U2OWQxN2JlMzJkYmEyYjM0ZDI5ZmJjMmNiMmMz Those are all excuses to be racist. Republican Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, called for Norfolk Southern, the railroad company whose train derailed last month in East Palestine, Ohio, to open a fund for healthcare bills for the town's residents. (In a lawsuit, A&E argued that On Patrol: Live copied nearly every aspect of Live PDs format and sued for copyright infringement.). A .18 household rating both days. Among Viewers 18-49, ESPN Tops all Cable Networks by Wide Margin, Long List of Studio Shows with Surging Audiences, Every Live Edition of, In the target demo of adults 18-49, ESPN was up 23% in total day audience and led the second-place network by 74%. I occasionally like to search for tv ratings. Taylor refused to do anything face to face with Nichols during her own NBA show, and her co-anchors also refused to work the longtime network reporter. First Take's Most-Watched Month of Feb. July 14, 2021 5:48 AM ET. The ESPY Awards are a waste of time. Other networks in the top 100 experiencing growth included Paramount Network (thank you, Yellowstone), Grit, Family Entertainment TV, SundanceTV (another interesting one), IFC (ditto), Magnolia Network (recovering slightly from the moribund DIY network) and yes, Great American Family (leaning in to the holidays). Among the recipients of the [], Jake Sullivan, White House National Security Adviser, emphasized there is no evidence that China has been supplying military assistance to Russia in its continuing war on Ukraine. Bart & Hahn has been running as a national show on ESPN Radio but will revert to local on ESPN New York in the new year; it will be replaced nationally by a show hosted by Jason Fitz and Harry Douglas. Spencer Cox to sign bill banning abortion clinic operations, Walmart Set to Close All Stores in Portland amid Record-Breaking Retail Theft, Bill Maher Defends Lab-Leak Theory: Covid Dissenters Are Looking Pretty Good, Possible Wind-Energy Impact on Whales Flips the Environmentalist Narrative, Dresdens Green Vault, Over the Top and Awe-Inspiring. Broadcast Official [] Full Story 0 Comments NBA. World Championship season and was the most-watched (average of 1.353M) event of the series on cable since 1995 (Grand Prix of Brazil, 1.74M)until it was topped a week later by the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix (1.445M). A share is the percentage of those listening to radio in the MSA who are listening to a particular radio station. According to, the award show put together by ESPN and ABC averaged only 1.1 million viewers this past Saturday on the latter network. Max Kellerman will be joined by several of ESPN's sports insiders and analysts each day to discuss about trending sports headlines and potential sports news from the evening ahead. ESPN First Take 2022 Ratings Finally Revealed. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football) The network is seeing a sharp decline in ratings in just about every show. ESPN. Thursday, Governor DeWine said that a multi-million dollar healthcare fund should be set up for residents who have or will experience health [], Sacked Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, claims her Tuesday election loss was the result of her being a Black woman in America. Lightfoot faced eight challengers in the election and finished Tuesday in third place, failing to muster enough support to continue on to a runoff election. Skip to main content Skip to navigation. . It hangs in there against WFANs Warmup Show with Al Dukes and Jerry Recco (5-6 a.m.) and the FANs big show with Boomer & Gio. Last year, ESPN recovered from pandemic woes by leaping 11% to an average of 1.6 million viewers in primetime; in 2022, it jumped another 14% to 1.9 million. | Did Stephen A Smith make a HUGE MISTAKE?Website:www.blackandwhitenetwork.comGet your MERCH here: https. "It doesn't matter if you're from Louisiana, Florida, Indiana, New York or North Carolina, or even California. MzMyMjA1YTEzODU3N2MzYzkyMTU5MzcyM2RhMTMwNmY2Yzk4MjAwZGFmNzA2 All Rights Reserved. comparisons to Honda Classic on NBC are apples/oranges due to shorter length on NBC, but Sunday round averaged 2.38 million, down 7% from last year's 2.57M. And indeed, its clear that live sports are still driving linear TV ESPN is among the few top networks to receive a double-digit boost in 2022. Commercial after commercial after commercial. Comcasts sports and esports division had tried to relaunch the video gamer-centric network two years ago, but shut it down again in October. James Pitaro, Chairman, ESPN and Sports Content. FS1s hope is for it to begin in September, but it has yet to find Carton a co-host after a failed attempt for ESPNs Damien Woody. The increase was even more pronounced in prime time up 40% to 2.068M viewers. -----BEGIN REPORT----- The program is likely to be a couple of hours long. on ESPN averaged an audience 21% larger than last seasons Wednesday night games in the quarter. By contributing to ratings, you're letting the media and advertising industries know what you, and people like you, prefer to watch and listen to. The two shows closed the book in a . If you all didnt write so much about it 98% of your membership wouldnt even have known the ESPYs happened this week. I do like PTI, Undisputed, Inside the NBA (w/the two kings of trash talk), and KJM. OWYwN2Y4OGJlNTQ4Yzc4OTA1ZDJlZmYzMzc5NDI5NWRhODQyNTQzMzFhYjY0 Just like the NBA, when you go woke, you go broke. In this week's edition, ESPN closes out 2022 NBA Finals averages 12,402,000 . Weeks ago it was reported that NBA hosts Rachel Nichols and Maria Taylor have not been seeing eye-to-eye. MWI5ZjlkM2NiMWI0YjkzOWIyZGRlMjhkMjk5ZGNhMTVlNDQ4YTVjNmU5MDVm This is true. Its just the BAMA game and thats it for ESPN. According to, the award show put together by ESPN and ABC averaged only 1.1 million viewers this past Saturday on the latter network. Worst NFL coverage I ever watched. I was told it would be for three months at all of $5.50 per hour. In prime time, ESPNs audience in the demo grew 36% and the advantage was more than double up 111% the next closest competitor. In the afternoon matchup that has been the most hotly contested between the two networks for the last several years, WFANs Carton & Roberts with Craig Carton and Evan Roberts ranked second in the market with a 7.5 share in men 25-54 the demographic to which sports talk radio listeners are marketed to advertisers while ESPNs The Michael Kay Show with Kay, Don La Greca and Peter Rosenberg ranked 14th with a 2.9 share. They vowed to never watch the show again and so far they have followed through with that promise. The only way to make any changes is for most of us to stop giving them ratings. Crime TVNBCUniversals Oxygen network which has been rebranded Oxygen True Crime saw its primetime viewership improve by 10% this year, thanks to series like the Snapped franchise, Cold Justice, Injustice with Nancy Grace, Catching a Serial Killer: Sam Little, Kim Kardashian: The Justice Project and Aaron Hernandez Uncovered. The network also recently launched as a diginet in markets including Los Angeles, where it is available over the air on as a KNBC subchannel. Need Photos? All these comments about race but ESPN is racist lol Fox News is racist af but I bet that doesn't bother none of you. ESPN First Take 2022 Ratings Finally Revealed. Yep, thats the only time I tune in to ESPN, Bama games. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. YjIwNDI3NjQyMmExNWZiMTAxYWIzM2M3MjYzNmNiYmE2NWNkYmU4ZTgwZTA5 Greeny is up 41 percent with the same group over the same time period. But Bob Chapek exhibited no interest in cutting ESPN loose, and its even less likely that Bob Iger, back in control, would do so. While DiPietro and Rothenberg picked up 3.6 share, good for seventh against FAN, which includes two hours of head-to-head against Boomer & Gio, ESPNs national show with Keyshawn Johnson, Jay Williams and Max Kellerman, on from 8-10 a.m. in New York, is barely heard, finishing 17th with a 1.6 share. #barbwireeverywhere @AEW, Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) July 21, 2022. The Florida v. Rojas court case [], California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein said on Tuesday that she wont seek reelection in 2024. Sullivan's remarks are in response to CIA Director William Burns's public claim that he was assured that the intelligence has indicated that China is considering prospects of supplying [], According to a new report, the United States Energy Department has assessed that it is likely the Covid-19 pandemic originated in China from an accidental lab leak. I agree there. Complete Broadcast, Cable and Pay TV Ratings Ranker for 2022 in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49. This site is getting ESPN Derangement Syndrome, just as bad as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Lobbying over the weekend took place on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference [], Senator Marco Rubio demands Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg resign over his handling of the trail derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. But here, Variety recounts who was up and who was down in 2022. Expect next years number to drop even further. OWM4OGY3OTdlMDQ5NGQ2ZTkwNjJjZjllZGQ5YzE1NWEzYzljMmQ5Y2JlNTA4 NDAxODc5YjJkZWRhOTljOGU4MjgzMjQyODZiNDRiNTI0ZGZlMTBhYjY5OTJl The swan song for NBC's This Is Us finished first among adults 18-49 with a 1.6 rating; it was the top network drama in the demo for each of its six seasons. OWI5OTIzMWQ3NzE0ODNkNWFhMzMxYWEyYzQ5MDA1MDhkMDNhYTMyOTVjZjNi [For historical record, here are previous year-end network rankers: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015. OTkzZDNjN2ViYWRlMTBmMzMxNDdjYzdmNWRmMmRlODY1MmEwY2M1OGU1OWYx This is what the 3rd or 4th article? Enjoy and let us know your thoughts!Sign Up For Dreamerspro Max: Max is a hub for lively sports debates, consume engaging original sports content, post community discussions, meet and interact with fellow sports enthusiasts, and foster lifelong friendshipsYour comments are our oxygen, please take a second and say Hi in the comments and let me and my team know what you thought of the video p.s. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Conaway has been vocal about his concern for residents of his community after the train derailment and leaked hazardous chemicals into the [], According to a senior U.S. defense official, a server belonging to the U.S. Department of Defense was left exposed for the past two weeks, which allowed internal emails to be accessed. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. "Israel will not allow Iran to become nuclear," said Brigadier General (Reserves) Amir Avivi, chairman and founder of the Israeli Defense Security Forum. Ultimately, viewers dont trust ESPN to award winners on merit. And the biggest gainer in 2022 was Reelzchannel, at a whopping 107% (granted, from a low base), thanks to the addition of the show formerly known as Live P.D., RELATED: Top 100 Telecasts of 2022: Yellowstone Rules, Oscars Recover, NFL Dominates and Amazon Makes History. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. TUDN's SELECCION NACIONAL match was at 0.23. Plug into the latest buzz in sports media, The best insights from the ultimate insiders, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Charles Barkley only considering CNN show out of 'respect' for Gayle King, Justin Shackil to be offered WFAN job with huge Yankees implications, Tim McCarver, MLB TV's most prolific analyst, was a professor of the game, Apple not bringing Katie Nolan, Melanie Newman back for MLB broadcasts, Greg Olsen nailed Super Bowl's crucial play and now the pressure is on Tom Brady, the second straight full-ratings book win, his forthcoming new national morning show on FS1. XFL 2023: Week Two TV Ratings. It has an agreement with Good Karma Radio, which now runs 98.7 FM. Overall, the show was up 22 percent (P2+) from 2021 with an average . The Energy Department now agrees with the FBI that the coronavirus is likely to have spread because of a mishap at a laboratory in China, according to the [], Israel is preparing to possibly strike against Iran's nuclear facilities following a series of secret meetings between leaders from the intelligence and defense ministries and the prime minister, a leaked report shows. But among the diginets seeing growth or at least stability this year were Grit (up 5%), Bounce (flat), Family Entertainment TV (up 14%), Cozi (up 6%), Ion Mystery (formerly Court TV Mystery, up 13%), Laff (up 2%), Dabl (up 28%), Court TV (up 7%) and Cleo TV (up 44%). . Sister network ESPN 2 was up 8%.. The most notable has been the NBA Finals for the past two seasons. Do it, just once. Meanwhile, the justices also indicated in arguments that [], Tech sector and health care entrepreneur, author, and conservative commentator, Vivek Ramaswamy, who has become a culture wars crusader, declared his candidacy for president Tuesday on Fox Newss Tucker Carlson Tonight. Bobby Burack covers media, politics, and sports at OutKick. See more ESPN shows. Now, what has been happening behind the scenes is coming to light. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Why NBA analyst thinks Kevin Durant needs to get married, Charles Barkley has high praise for this Knicks free agency steal, Ex-NBA player, analyst suggests Nikola Jokic is winning MVPs because hes white. Mzc1ODhhNDk4OGZhMDI0ZTA0MTVjMTBmYTZmNzNhNjcyMDdlMjM1M2Q4NTZm Both races aired on ESPN. However, those behind the scenes and in front of the camera have not followed through with those promises. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. soared 45% over last years average audience. NDcyZDNiYTk1NDgxMDFhNjU5MzE4MjdlYmFlOWRhOWQ3NzUyZjAxOGRjMzU1 WFANs Tiki Barber and Brandon Tierney had a 4.6 share, good for sixth from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., while ESPN New York with Greeny without Greeny and Bart & Hahn picked up a 1.8, finishing 18th. The networks coverage of topics like abortion is indistinguishable from MSNBC. Thanks for contacting us. But as erosion continues and they downsize, their presence continues to fade. This is what we'll be talking about in today's episode of The Dreamerspro Show. Progressive Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez May Have Broken House Rules with Met Gala Gifts, Says Watchdog, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Calls for Railroad Company to Create Funds for Healthcare Bills after Ohio Train Derailment, Ousted Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Reacts to Election Loss, Claims She Was Treated Unfairly Because of Her Gender, Race, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy Says Government Must Keep out of Kids Education, Presses for Federal Parents Bill of Rights, House of Representatives, Senate Vote to Kill President Bidens Woke ESG Investment Rule; Biden Admin Signals He Will Veto It, Japan Plans to Purchase 400 Tomahawk Missiles from the U.S. to Deter Threats from North Korea and China, New Report: Inspector General Investigating Pete Buttigiegs Extensive Private Jet Travel, New Airport Construction Predicted to Bring Faster Security, Larger Gates, and Improved Baggage Claims, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: Warns that China Providing Russia Lethal Aid Would Be a Bad Mistake, New Report: Another U.S. Agency Confirms Covid-19 Origin is Likely a Chinese Lab Leak, Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Preparing to Strike Iran Nuclear Facilities, According to Leaked Report, NAACP, Other Groups to Rally as Supreme Court Tackles Bidens Promised Student Loan Forgiveness, Supreme Court Wrangles with Lawsuit Shield for Social Media, Anti-Woke Crusader, Conservative Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy Launches GOP Presidential Campaign, East Palestine, Ohio Mayor Furious with President Bidens Ukraine Visit: That Was the Biggest Slap in the Face, U.S. Military Email Server Left Unsecured for Two Weeks, Allowing Easy Access to Internal Emails, CNNs Don Lemon Taking a Holiday, Will Return to the Air Depending on Where His Head Is At, Ukraine Pressures U.S. Congress Members for F-16 Jetfighters, Secretary ofTransportation Pete Buttigieg Faces Call to Resign following East Palestine Rail Disaster: Serious and Persistent Problems, U.S. Supreme Court Set to Consider Case of Prayer Vigil That Offended Atheists, California Senator Dianne Feinstein Announces She Wont Run for Reelection, GOP Rep: Hunter Biden Art Auction Stinks of Hypocrisy, Sen. Rubio Slams Biden, Twitter Over Cuba Protests, Bill to sanction groups involved in Chinas bloody human organ harvesting industry advances in the House, Whitmer's $79B budget proposal chock full of protections for equity, inclusion and 'reproductive freedom', Sununu pushes back on DeSantis' crusade against 'woke' corporations: 'That's not what Republicans are about', These Biden administration agencies have admitted COVID lab leak is plausible, Utah Gov.