Voted best in USA by Worldwide Ratings Organization. In response to her exhortations, some of her followers expressed the desire to violently attack health care professionals and public officials. She has strong influence over her many followers. border. 5:07 All of which carry, as Ive already mentioned, the death penalty. Didulo's public persona underwent a series of rapid changes since she started producing video interventions in 2020: leader of a non-registered political party called Canada1st, to head of state of a Canadian republic, to Queen of Canada with high-level extraterrestrial connections. NEW Leadership Invocation For Canada And The World!! Most concerning is that Didulo has, in some videos posted online, promised to endorse the carrying out of death penalties under her own baseless self-appointed authority for those who don't comply with her demands to end COVID-19 restrictions and stop vaccine distribution. It also makes further outlandish claims and requests, including a demand for an immediate stop to the distribution ofCOVID-19 vaccines and other measures aimed at curtailing the pandemic. In response, some followers have stopped paying their bills, have had their utilities shut off and lost their homes. And that following has shown its willingness to follow her orders, no matter how crazy they may seem. As well, Sacha Stone, Colleen and Charlie Freak, Gene Decode, Juan O Savin and the list goes on. [2] Didulo emigrated from the Philippines to Canada at a young age roughly 30 years ago. "Anybody could really be Diduloand post things like this," said Smith. 1:42 Now that that is out of the way I would like to say a special Hello and thank you to the U.S. Armed Forces and Allied Forces inside the Republic of Canada. "Dear (Queen Romana), when will the service companies stop shutting off our services for nonpayment?" 0:20 In case you're wondering who appointed me as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada. And for those individuals and groups who many not know, know this: Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorismis death. '", No standing but there is a following. Didulo, who often refers to herself as the Queen of Canada, said in a YouTube video that the RCMPs integrated national-security enforcement team (INSET) served her with a search warrant and told her she was being detained under B.C.s mental health act. The U.S. They can only complain. In addition to spouting various conspiracy theories and anti-vaccination views,Didulo also claims to be the leader of something called the Canada1st Party of Canada, which Smith said is not a registered political party. Twitter: QROMANAofCanada Anyone, who, #unlawfully acts as Governor General for Canada 2.0, will face #high_treason/ #treason charges. Christine Sarteschi ne travaille pas, ne conseille pas, ne possde pas de parts, ne reoit pas de fonds d'une organisation qui pourrait tirer profit de cet article, et n'a dclar aucune autre affiliation que son organisme de recherche. Didulo followers ask for help on her Telegram page. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Didulos fake decrees, which promise to abolish taxes, debts, and mortgages, are key to her popularity with her fans. It did mine. The Corporation Government WILL NOT EXIST, The banking system of the Corporate Government WILL NOT EXIST. QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory that believes there is a cabal of elites operating a global child sex trafficking ring, was found to have a Philippine connection in 2020. Thank you and Hello to all of you. They cannot substantiate their accusations. Only in the event that an investigation results in the laying of criminal charges, would the RCMP confirm its investigation, the nature of any charges laid, Shoihet said in an email. Didulo herself was briefly detained for a mental health evaluation last year. 1:29 The same group of people who have removed the criminal governments across the world. In the meantime, they can cause serious real-world problems, and even terror, for their fellow law-abiding citizens. Currently, and for the past month, Charlie has been under vicious attack, his integrity questioned. of the Kingdom of Canada HRH Her Royal Majesty Queen Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government, National Indigenous Chief, President and Queen of the Kingdom of Canada Photo Gallery Visit Queen Romana's Photo Gallery here. and she seems to have given her followers approval to carry out the enforcement. Through in-depth stories from a wide range of characters from people who tried to stop the attack to those who took part hosts Andrea Bernstein and Ilya Marritz explore the ongoing effort to bring autocracy to America, the lasting damage that effort is doing to our democracy, and the fate of our attempts to combat those anti-democratic forces. In a November 29 YouTube video, uploaded by an account called LadyDragon, Didulo said she had been served a warrant by officers from the police integrated national-security enforcement team. To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. "Discovering that she is not the Queen of Canada will not end the movement or the network she has built," said Smith. Vice also reported that some have gotten into financial and emotional trouble after following her decree to stop paying utilities, with those who followed being slapped with late fees and mounting interest. The people who appointed me are the White Hats and the U.S. Military together with the Global Allied Troops and their Governments. Like a cult, some leave their family to join Didulo on trips to meet their online followers physically. I, Queen Romana Didulo, of Canada hereby relievefrom public duties and responsibilities and declare vacant their offices in all Ten (10)Provinces andthree (3) Territories of Canada, all Regional School Board Officers/Trustees,effective this day July 5, 2021. Didulo posted a series of royal decrees on Telegram claiming that bill payments are not necessary. Links: Didulos followers have already started to contact genuine officials in the country, warning them that her reign is about to begin. I, Queen Romana Didulo, of Canada hereby relievefrom public duties and responsibilities and declare vacant their offices in all Ten (10)Provinces andThree (3) Territories of Canada, all Medical Health Officers,effective this day July 5, 2021. The self-styled queen has also called for a 30-year prison term for reporters who criticize her. [4][6][8][9][13][14][12][15] Christine Sarteschi, an academic studying extremist movements, has been tracking cases trickling through the court system where creditors have foreclosure actions enforced against Didulo followers who stop making their mortgage or utilities payments. one follower commented. She claimed recently that Russian President Vladimir Putin, a close friend, had personally gifted her an autographed watch. I'm Romana Didulo. Provide feedback and comments on the episode: If a post is vicious and foulits the devil. Therefore, there is no need to appoint a Governor General. New piece by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network with words from me. 0:58 The same group of people that have seized the assets of the fake Royal family of the U.K. installed by the Central Bankers 200+ years ago. Re: Regional School Boards/Trustees Relieved from public duties and responsibilities. I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. Romana Didulo (Woman Claiming To Be. Nothing she suggests is legal or true. Disclaimer:All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. ", Another November 22 post said: "I will be glad to grant you that Canadian citizenship after all ducks have been tucked away permanently.". 2:04 Thank you for your sacrifice and service to Humanity. She claims the Chinese military had clandestinely invaded secret, underground. 7:27I urge you to consider very very carefully your options because should the time come when the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada, and that is I, must sign your execution papers for these crimes against the RepublicI will do so. The incident was first reported by Vice news. Some are odd but harmless, including a measure meant to lower speed limits on some streets to improve the popularity of back-alley rollerblading. She put up a recruiting and consulting agency in 2007, the Guardian added. Romana Didulo:Hello Canada. While Didulos ideas are ridiculous, theyve already had a real-world effect on Canada. Despite her claims, no military forces appeared to help detain the police officers. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Apparently she was placed there last February by 'white-hat' forces and the U.S. military. The second-hand truth really is stranger than fiction. rose to popularity over the last two years after several QAnon influencers confirmed that she had sovereign power over Canada, growing over 70,000 followers on the instant messaging platform Telegram. Decree 79 claimed that rent prices had reverted to rates from 1955. READ MORE: Canadians falling prey to conspiracy theories despite strong trust in institutions. In a disturbing incident last June an elementary school in Alberta was targeted by her followers, who arrived while children were in class and began distributing anti-vaccine information. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, you cansubscribe via the PayPal Subscribe button located on the site. More seriously, Didulos claims that she operates a parallel government to the real Canadian one have put her followers at odds with law enforcement. Didulo is deceiving her followers. Romana Didulo, who often refers to herself as the "Queen of Canada," made the claim on a YouTube video. Podcast episodes are available each week right after the latest episode of We Own This City on HBO and HBO Max. According to Vice, Romana Didulo - a British-Colombian woman who is reportedly in her 50s - is followed by 20,000 users of Telegram, a messaging platform favoured by the far-right and QAnon figures. Romana Didulo, the self-proclaimed 'Queen of Canada' asked her followers to arrest Peterborough police officers for 'crimes against humanity.' The movement is anti-government in nature, and its followers believe theyre immune from the laws of their government. Read more from NextShark! Canadas banks brace for possible wave of loan defaults. She said a doctor told her that she was not certifiable and that she would be released. No, that's not true: according to a spokesperson from the Canadian government, the head of state of Canada is still Queen Elizabeth II and the head of government is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Hello everyone, Here are itemized notes to keep you in the loop. "Obviously there's no standing for this 'We the people' letter. That song is Boney M's "Rasputin.". Feature Image via Reine Romana Didulo. As a behavioural scientist and researcher of this movement, I have been monitoring Romana Didulo, a conspiracy influencer based in British Columbia, who has proclaimed herself Queen of Canada, commander-in-chief, Head of State and Government and president and national Indigenous chief of the Kingdom of Canada., Recently, Didulo has promoted herself to Queen of the World.. This page features Queen Romana's Royal Decrees in formats that can be downloaded, printed, and shared with others. Didulo is a sovereign citizen of a different variety. She gained followers in 2021 after being endorsed by popular QAnon influencers. It was literally music to my ears. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Murdoch testified Fox News hosts endorsed idea that Biden stole election, Maria Ressa at UNESCO Internet for Trust conference: Algorithms undermine right to facts, A year since Russian invasion, China continues to aid in disinfo efforts in Ukraine, [ANALYSIS] Undoing false nostalgia about the Marcos years, Changing the course of elections is the primary mission of influence agencies. No foul language Her tactics and edicts are nonsense with no basis in reality. These messages urge troops to carry out her orders, including the confiscation of COVID-19 vaccines. Howeverhe said the main concern isn't her posts, but how they're inspiring others. She claims to be a shape shifter who can assume any physical appearance she chooses. With great difficulty, she commanded her forces and cleared the tunnels of the Chinese communists. One of Didulos loyal subjects sent a letter to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, later posted on Telegram, asking her to bring the state in line with Didulo and Carlsons new government. A follower asks Didula a question about Med beds on her Telegram page. She is not of this Earth. [6][8][9][19], On August 13, 2022, a group of approximately 30 of Didulo's followers attempted to enter the headquarters of the Peterborough, Ontario police in an attempt to seize police officers in what they characterized as a citizen's arrest for "COVID crimes" (enforcing COVID-19 restrictions). Borderline Salty is a weekly podcast hosted by Carla Lalli Music and Rick Martinez. Colorectal cancer cases rising among younger adults in Canada and U.S. A screenshot of a message Romana Didulo sent to her followers on Telegram on Nov. 24, 2021. 5:50The banking system of the Corporate Government WILL NOT EXISTinside the Republic of Canada. Note:Readers can save 10% off their first order using promo codeINTEL10, Pure Body Extra Strength (Cellular Detox). The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. A justice of the peace for the Victoria Court Registry confirmed that an RCMP search warrant was issued on Nov. 27 for an address linked to Didulo. Please abide by Rappler's commenting guidelines. The sovereign citizen movement is expanding rapidly, and can now be found in at least 26 countries.