So fasten your seat belt, you are going on a ride where you will find a lot of nasty, cool, funny, amazing, shitty, prank links that will blow your mind. You are the chosen ones., 21. Love Calculator Prank. Looking for strange links to send your friends? Igor is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. Then ask aloud, How did she know that song was playing in my head?, 43. Remember when wingnuts told you Obama "spent too much"? Heavens Gate was a well-known religious cult, mostly due to the groups mass suicide in 1997. Its not a particularly gross site like some of the others but gets points for being outright weird. Solemnly place an empty gum wrapper in the palm of a friends hand and clasp it with both of your own, saying, I saw this and thought of you., 63. Yes, some trollers actually do what they do in such an effective manner that they sometimes end up as a legitimate devils advocate in a discussion, not someone whos just there to mess things up for everybody. Support Newgrounds and get tons of perks for just $2.99! I knew exactly what was going to happen and it still scared me lol. Response to Fuked up sites to send your friends 2003-10-17 01:23:33 At 10/17/03 12:48 AM, iscrulz wrote: Well atheist can go go hell. Troll your friends. Fuked up sites to send your friends 71 Funny Memes For You To Steal and Send To Your Friends. 20/20. Using this, it will "figure out" how much longer you have left to live. Here are a few pranks products that you can use to troll your friends this April Fools: Blow Up The Send massive amounts of texts or phone calls anonymously to your friends. Mail a Meme Send a meme to your friends in the post. He's been covering tech tutorials, video game recommendations, and more as a professional writer for over nine years. So, what are some weird questions to ask? The website allows you to add funny texts and gifs to your selfies/friends selfies, and make them so funny that you can use them to troll someone. Fart Attack Make every link & button fart on click/hover. Imagine your friend is scrolling to a Facebook newsfeed in his free time, and suddenly you send him a link and boom! You must have read about the Keyboards layouts. Im always mocking you in spirit., 70. We all know that when we press Space key, it gives a space there, but what if it types the text space? Enjoy. Dicks. When someone forbids you to do something, your curiosity dominates you. He-man sings to the backing tracks of many of your favourite songs. 30 Hilarious Prank Call Ideas You Should Try, 20 Compass Tattoo Ideas For Men And Women, 6 Ways to Tell if Your Children are Ready for Cell Phones, Things to Do in Vietnam During The Summer Months, 50 Harmless April Fools Pranks: Safest Ways to Prank, april fool pranks to play on your parents, april fools day pranks to play on friends, april fools pranks that you can do at home, april fools pranks to do on your best friend, april fools pranks to play on best friends, april fools pranks to play on your boyfriend, april fools pranks to play on your parents, april fools pranks to play on your teenager, april fools pranks to pull on your best friend, best april fools pranks to play on parents, best april fools pranks to play on your boyfriend, best april fools pranks to pull on friends, funny and easy pranks to pull on your parents, funny april fools pranks for your best friend, funny april fools pranks for your teacher, funny april fools pranks to play on your parents, good april fools pranks to play on boyfriend, good april fools pranks to play on your dad, good funny pranks to pull on your friends, good pranks for april fools day for friends, great april fools day pranks for your parents, harmless april fools pranks for girlfriend, how can i prank my boyfriend on april fools day, how to prank your boyfriend on april fools, how to prank your mom and dad on april fools, how to sign someone up for cat facts prank, last minute april fools pranks on parents, pranks to do on your parents on april fools day, pranks to play on friends for april fools, pranks to pull on your boyfriend for april fools, pranks to pull on your boyfriend on april fools day, pranks to pull on your parents for april fools day, the best april fools prank for your girlfriend, ways to prank your teacher on april fools day, what are good pranks to pull on your family, what are some good pranks for april fools day, whats a good april fools prank for your boyfriend. These are made-up horror stories that people create to scare others. Looking for the most disgusting websites on the web? Fartscroll You want fart noises as you scroll? Sort: Relevant Newest # funny # comedy # cbc # gross # schitts creek # reaction # hbo # gross # season 11 # ew # gross # disgusting # vomit # barf # shocked # disgusting # disgusted # shocking # maya rudolph Search at your own risk! Well get ready for a rollercoaster as we take you through some of the strangest, most peculiar, pointless and weird websites out there. In internet speak, trolling is defined as the act of creating a scene on any thread or post by deliberately posting an offensive or provocative comment. Enter your name, date of birth, sex, height, and weight, plus whether you use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Here are some more WTF GIFS to distract you. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Every one of us is excited to know about the future. Prank websites are good source of entertainment where you can get many funny links to sent to friends. I was just getting that awkwardness out of the way so that we could hang like Platonic besties., 40. 32 641 39 14;; Al.1000-lecia 2c 32-300 Olkusz; Dostosuj wygld: Menu gwne. You may be moved to try and witness to This huge dump was compiled for you to laugh at, steal, and then upload to Instagram or send to your friends. Enjoy. It will make you look cool, and anyone can be fooled by this. Strangely, you can find an entire website dedicated to this. 2003-10-17 00:36:33. Cat Facts is a service on which you can subscribe to a number and it will send cat facts every day. Its horrifying to read the gritty details of such a deadly event, but its worth a look if you can stomach it. They should warn children better about people like me :P, Response to Hacker Typer is a website on which when you start typing it will automatically type codes in a way that it looks like you are typing codes faster like a hacker of Hollywood movies. Poop Senders, as the name implies, allows you to purchase doo-doo and send it to your friends. If you know any other site please comment below and dont forget to share it with others! The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Have a look at Skinsight to view pictures of rashes and other skin conditions. Now, put it on your friends computers desktop, and launch it. Does it seem impossible for search engines to help even with the correct name? It doesn't even have to be THAT fucked up. Show these to your more sensitive buddies and watch them run to the bathroom to puke. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Enjoy!! Anyone can read what you share. Geek Typer is m pretty much like Hacker Typer with some different features. So, if you love to troll someone then here we get a list of 11 best prank sites which you can use to fool your friends. There are video sites where you can immerse yourself in music, funny clips, rare footage or independent documentaries. NSFW. These cookies do not store any personal information. You can read a basic profile of the offender and their crime, then click Last statement to read what they said before their death. If you enjoyed these pages, you might like to learn more about the various types of horror in other mediums, too. When they try to break the card,there is a nice surprise awaiting them. and people actually believe that stuff, Response to If this has inspired you to start your own weird website then head over to my build a website tutorial and see what you can create. Quite an addictive watch. Whenever someone mentions algebra, I think of my X and wonder Y., 56. Now, let your friends work on his computer, and enjoy. Troll your friends! And yes, over 300k people have liked this page!!! What Are the Awesome Benefits of Email Marketing? Then this is the app for you! And, let your friend start working on his computer. #Tips for Efficiency. Yes? With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Disturbing animated GIFs to your conversations. Enter an age group, sex, and body location, and youll see images of common rashes for that area. When everythings coming your way youre probably in the wrong lane., 54. 1 /20. Your friend will forget about sleep for the next few days. Keep scrolling and you might get to the bottom of it.or maybe not. You can bank online, shop online, work online, chill online and learn online. But with this sense of caution also comes a sense of excitement for some, especially for those who are thinking of ways to outwit their friends. 2011-11-28 06:31:00. depends on what does your friend have at the receiving end.mail: firefox: click on any link and click send link (you need to set an email client like outloook )phone: send link using pc to sms option.facebook: use rockmelt browser.use keyboard shortcuts to message a friend.short urls : this can be used when you have limted . LOL! She got an FB account and kept sending me long messages and once offered to let me sleep with her if I told her where their graves were. Zwizek Komunalny Gmin "Komunikacja Midzygminna" w Olkuszu. You can try to add such funny and hilarious yet nasty words/phrases for general words and let your friends type. Last week, we wrote about Ship a Bag of Dicks, the service that lets you ship a bag of gummy dicks for . Looking for strange links to send your friends? You like being the one whos always thinking of funny random things to say. And once this done, the prank will be played. It must be true love., 49. Fart Attack is another cool prank link that you must enjoy using. So here once they are convinced of this fact and leave you alone, you can resume whatever you were doing. Another unsettling site, this resource collects all sorts of info about the massacre at Columbine High School that happened in April 1999. Tell a friend, I had a dream about you last night. Really big. An elf walks into a bar. April 1 always causes people to rise from their beds with extra caution, knowing that they could encounter all forms of pranks at every turn. Prankmenot Allows you to make fake status on Facebook and prank your friends, Shit Express Send poopin a box to someone. They believed that by "leaving their bodies" as Comet HaleBopp approached, they would be able to board a UFO trailing behind the comet and ascend to a higher level. I am already ROFL. Its purpose is to highlight the usage of homophobic language within everyday conversations. It's oddly specific and sad to peruse, just like the other death-related pages listed here. Youre never alone. This resource collects all sorts of info about the massacre at Columbine High School that happened in April 1999. And, the best thing is you can order big-sized things and get them delivered to someone whom you want to play a prank with. Edit any webpage. Once your friend starts using the Chrome browser, his every click on a button or link will make a fart sound. Its oddly specific and sad to peruse just like the other death-related pages listed here. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Join our email list here. Respond to a comment with, In this economy?, 53. This bizarre website is a strong contender. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Just loads and loads of badly animated corgi dogs. Make SCARY LINKS to scare your friends || PRANK your friends with suspicious links website suggests 15 subscribers Subscribe 5 Share 336 views 1 year ago Make SCARY LINKS to scare your. signs adderall dose is too high. He made a decree to follow the Gregorian calendar, therefore moving New Years from the end of March all the way to January 1. Thank God! Youll meet three kinds of people in this world: those who can count and those who cant., 7. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. thank you for your participation and support letter on hold with edd and music stopped disgusting links to send to friends. If you're feeling especially daring, check the bottom for images of spiders, scorpions, and other frightening creatures. Mosquito Repellent Good Knight vs AllOut which one is best? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Well done, but youre site is pretty weird and rather useless. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','ga');ga('create','UA-103059702-1','auto');ga('send','pageview'); This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Sometimes, though, you need a little help thinking of weird things to say to people. So now whenever your target friend will check this it will ask to enter their crushs name along with their name. Everything is connected as they say in The web series Manifest, and this is so true. Select how many and how fast they receive them. 35 Miscellaneous Memes That'll Put A Goofy Grin On Your Face - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Slender Man is a well-known example. Whether you love grossing yourself out or are looking for weird links to send to your friends, take a look at some of the most disgusting websites weve collected here for you. What we generally use is the QWERTY layout keyboards, and there is DVORAK layout as well which even many tech guys are not familiar with. Here's another unsettling site about a terrible tragedy. Do you want to scare your friends? Alcohol and writing get along just fine. A horse with never ending legs. But it is a bit creepy to stare at exactly how much time you supposedly have left. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This would most definitely happen if you post a comment that does not really agree with the rest of the active people on that thread, causing them to think that you are trying to spark an argument on purpose. My New Years resolution is to only dread one day at a time., 15. Just a funny site to look at. Once created, compile it to make it executable. Fuked up sites to send your friends But its uncomfortable to see death popping up so many times right in front of you, especially if you uncheck Show births and only watch deaths. Click the go button and youll be transported to random street views all over the globe. It is taken from the general dictionary of MS Word. Joker Greeting Prank Annoying greeting card that keeps on playing the music non-stop for 3 hours. Fuked up sites to send your friends Yeah, you guys get it. It's a great page to send to a friend to mess with them a bit. Mailaspud Send a Potato through the mail. This website provides plenty of pictures of insects for you to peruse. There are social media networks and news sites for keeping in the know on both global affairs and the lives of your friends. A sophisticated A.I. ! mrlousyjeans Published 08/18/2019 in Funny. It caters for all our curiosities, interests and hunger for knowledge. Search at your own risk! Using this, it will figure out how much longer you have left to live. So when you do listen to it at work, make sure you have your headphones on. 27 days ago. 5 Optimization Tricks Windows 10 Users Must Know. Go to someones house with a trash bag, pick up random items, and ask out loud, Does this spark joy?, 71. 11 Best Linear Switches for Mechanical Keyboards, Alienware Area-51 Threadripper Edition Review, How to Choose Remote Support Software: Everything You Need to Know, Reels Hashtag Strategy for 2023: 5 Tips for Better Engagement. This collects transcripts (and audio files, in some cases) of the dialogue exchange spoken in the cockpit shortly before the crashes. Fuked up sites to send your friends The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education, Texas Department of Criminal Justice Death Row Information, 7 Exciting Smartphones Unveiled at MWC 2023, The 5 Weirdest Products We Saw at MWC 2023, 4 Unexpected Uses for Computer Vision In Use Right Now, What Is Google Imagen AI? This is fake news about the future published as a real one on a website. If, at first, you dont succeed, destroy the evidence that you tried., 4. 40 Funny and Weird Websites to Visit in 2023. You can send shit to anyone you wish. Pranks are great ways to have fun with friends and family. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. 2003-10-17 01:21:08, Response to disgusting links to send to friendsmichael jackson house los angeles address - disgusting links to send to friends. Loading. Ill know youre my best friend if you immediately delete my internet history after I die., 69. This page acts as a visualization of all the births and deaths occurring around the world. Fart Attack: Fart Attack is a chrome extension that if . Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! It is a very mischievous prank site that you play on someone to know your friend's secret crush or lover. Its making myself invisible., 22. Today, In this article, on which is a keyboard blog, I am going to share some of the best prank links to send to friends (Keyboard based), and also to play pranks with them. 12+ Best Prank Links to Send to Friends in 2022, When you want to piss someone badly, what is better than. It is an old-fashioned prank, but still works. Two unknown surviving members of the cult maintain the website, though it hasn't changed since 1997 when it received an update right before the suicide. This one is a xylophone that is very very very rude! This is an exciting place if you want to keep on pranking your friends. 59. But joker greeting prank is one step ahead, and here the greeting card doesnt obey the open/close rule and music plays non-stop for 3 to 8+ hours once it opens! Like normal sites, it is a greeting selling sites but it offers prank stuff where the music card play form 3 to 8+ hours (non-stop). Crash Safari Send the link to this website to anyone and crash the web browser of any PC or mobile. Why isnt phonetic spelled the way it sounds? 20 GIFs That Will Gross Your Friends Out. Fart Attack is a chrome extension that if you install on your friends Google Chrome, it will turn his clicks on buttons/links into a fart. 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Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The person who is annoyed with such messages will be pissed off for sure, this way you can play pranks with them. Remember me!, 34. Good Health allows you to work well, and earn a lot of wealth. Take a look. Theres truly a page on the internet for every topic, as this nasty website proves. You can try to add such funny and hilarious yet nasty words/phrases for general words and let your friends type. Search, discover and share your favorite Disgusting GIFs. These activities are fun-filled for the ones watching it or performing it. Send Random Send cat facts, trump facts, and much more at Send Random Facts. This is really a great prank link that can scare your friends as they would think you are a hacker. Alan Partridge is a legend over here in the UK and this little loop of him playing the bass to Daft Punks get lucky is simply genius! You can read excerpts from the cults book, as well as transcripts of speeches made by the leader just days before they all died. Get short URL. Don't forget to save your favorites. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. You just have to hope that the fake news being shared by your fake futuristic site has never been seen by anyone, especially on the ones you are playing the prank. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links that help us earn a small commission when you purchase any products using those links. My parents moved a lot when I was a kid. It would be fun! When someone settles into the public bathroom stall next to you, say, Well pray for a miracle. How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? After growing tired of the 9-5, commuting and never seeing my family I decided that I wanted to make some changes and launched my first blog. When you send your friends a link that asks them not to press the red button. Believe in yourself. Squats are just overkill., 73. Every time you refresh it, the page loads all kinds of random images and text, along with sounds in the background. Timing is everything, though. Florida's Sunshine Skyway Bridge is one of the largest sites for suicides in the United States. Kho St Cng Trnh Ngm macy's software engineer salary. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But, you can just change something to something else in the autocorrect feature, and then whenever that particular word is typed, MS word will autocorrect it to that word/phrase that you set. There are certainly many more "messed up" websites online, but they're so repulsive that we didn't want to include them here. 1 / 2. Shit Express. mri resident connect login. We hope you enjoyed these gross website links, whether to satisfy your own curiosity or trick a friend into clicking a creepy link. Imagine how the person will react when the parcel gets delivered. Also, you even have the option to select which animal's shit you want to send. I enunciate them like a civilized person., 18. Player View. You can use your friends number, and he will get a cat fact every day. Who knows where these places are. AVOID TALKING TO THEM! So, this prank can screw even the geeks. I get sympathy gas., 25. Faker Prank your friends with realistic notifications. I took the road less traveled. This is our second corndog related weird website listed in this article. The Best Internet Search Engines To Use 2023 Guide, How To Find The Best Cheap Web Hosting In 2023 Low Cost Hosting For Bloggers & Businesses On A Budget, A Huge List Of The Most-Subscribed YouTube Channels In The World, 17 Of The Best Google Adsense Alternatives 2023, How To Make Money On Twitch 2023 Ultimate Guide, Facebook Alternatives 2023 Social Networks That Wont Sell Your Data, A Collection Of The Best Infographics 2023 Edition, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Simply click on the link to enlarge the images of these hard to see boats. Did you know you cant legally buy a mousetrap in California without a hunting license?, 45. On these troll sites you will find a lot of memes, troll, and funny videos. Who doesnt love cats? Send any friend a story. Too bad it kills all its students., 6. Intel Core i5 1135G7 v 1021U CPUs Which One is Better? Have a look at the System Pathology section for organs in the systems of the body, or General Pathology for types of diseases and injuries. Gadgetsloud Smartphones, Tech News, Technology, Deals & Offers. This collects transcripts (and audio files, in some cases) of the dialog exchange spoken in the cockpit shortly before the crashes. Hope these best scary, geeky, shitty, funny prank links are good for your use. But I always found them., 14. Sorry, I don't actually have the sites. Youll find beetles, ants, cockroaches, termites, and much more. I repeat, please remain still., 51. "Eat kale, stay fit, die anyway." 4. You can browse the 100 worst plane fatalities of all time, read about unusual incidents, or browse a map of crashes. And because being so odd, Shit Express is also one of the hilarious sites. Although there are mixed stories about where the celebration comes from, one of the most widely accepted stories hails from a declaration by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. The most disturbing content on the site, however, is on the Last Words page. Fuked up sites to send your friends Of course, theres no way that a simple web form like this could know when youre going to pass. Shush! This scary website claims it can predict the date of your death. 1. Grid View. So, which one will you use first? 29. r/HelpMeFind. Pretty much similar to Hacker Typer with some more customization options. Our first gross site catalogs human organs in various states of health and disease. Usually, a greeting card music starts when you open it and it again stops when you close. coccidioides titer 1:21:2 This is a very strange website for most people, but if youre a zombie lover, zombie survivalist, zombie prepper or just a plain zombie freak, then you will love this dedicated zombie dating and social networking site. When hiring someone to edit your work, ask them, How much extra for sorcery?, 66. So, this is the updated list of prank websites for 2021. It can be played on anyone on their birthday. Whatever your friend will type will be typed differently as per DVORAK layout, and he will surely be pissed off, and may not understand what is actually going on. Enjoy pranking your friends with this. Searched Google but couldn't find any specifically scary prank sites. Time is the best teacher of all. This huge dump was compiled for you to laugh at, steal, and then upload to Instagram or send to your friends. Like every other site, this one uses cookies too. Prank with your friends or make them fool or just troll them using these online sites:Prank Links to Send to Your Friends. The ball goes on the table, in people's hands, on the FLOOR, and then in the beer you're gonna drink. A site dedicated to images of stealth boats. Now, let me share a few Prank links to send to friends. Very weird, very strange and why would anyone build a site like this?