The Deck of Many Things. Scanlan immediately proposed a toast: "To Grog! After some deliberation, they all agree that resting up would be best. It is unknown who previously owned the deck that Grog found in Thordak's lair. Grog pulled five cards from the Deck of Many Things during the. * Found only in a deck with twenty-two cards. Vox Machina then spent two weeks making their way through the halls of Pandemonium. Before she can, Grog tells Kerrek he has to try some Sandkheg's Hide, to hilarious tongue-numbing result. This wiki contains spoilers for all stories of Critical Role. Most (75 percent) of these decks have only thirteen cards, but the rest have twenty-two. At the end of this venture, you've allacquiring your relative power, your levels of experience, and the allies you've amassed through this journeyconverged upon the central capital city of Emon in hopes of finally defeating and destroying Thordak, the Cinder King. It simply says "You were right. Everyone lays down to rest. Percy gathered some samples of the destroyed dragon eggs and stored them in the. I'd say sure but any deck "created" by way of wish has no wish cards with in it. Flames. At a Critical moment Grog Draws Five cards from the Deck of Many things. A creature slain by an avatar of death can't be restored to life. The venue doesn't have the infrastructure, Thanks, looked and didn't see it. After spending some time examining it, her suspicions proved correct. It was inspired by the Deck of Many Things in the 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide. Grog pulled five cards from the Deck of Many Things during the. The thumbnail for "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81), featuring Marisha Ray as Keyleth. This includes the story for unaired episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina, as it's based on the first campaign of Critical Role from 2015-2017. They also help us understand how our site is being used. Only one card will work for one character per week. SRD:Deck of Many Things. Besides information, the answer helps you solve a puzzling problem or other dilemma. Still, I will try to answer your questions as best as possible without that knowledge . In full power, you tore into Thordak and while many blows were sustained on both sides of the fray, Thordak fell in the battlefield. The only thing not listed is an outgoing ethernet connection, but let's be honest does that really need to be listed on a spec sheet? Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. Vox Machina and their friends retreat into the relative safety of the crater. If losing that much XP would cause you to lose a level, you instead lose an amount that leaves you with just enough XP to keep your level. Feeling guilty for also having kept something serious from everyone else, Vex confessed to Grog and gave him back the Deck of Many Things. He also mentions that this laboratory seems like the lair of someone powerful that would "be in stories." ", Fan art of Grog pulling a card from the Deck of Many Things, by Hugo Cardenas. However, he decided to wait until he could open it with his good friend, Pike. I LOVE the idea that drawing Flames or Rogue makes a possible plot hook for the party to intervene, and Rogue in particular might be useful for an interesting plot twist! 2.2M views 5 years ago Grog Strongjaw At a Critical moment Grog Draws Five cards from the Deck of Many things. "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81) is the eighty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. The Deck of Many $9.99. I do not follow Critical Role, so it is possible my comment might conflict with their campaign. One or more powerful beings guarded the place, and Grog's body was incapacitated while his soul was being held that way. You draw no more cards. Vex gives Grog back his deck of many thingor does she?Critical role is the tale of Vox Machina, in Exandria, Created by Matt Mercer and Presented on Geek and Sundrys Twitch, Wesbite and Utube channel.The skilled and talented people who make these things get all the revenue from the ads on these vids. #CriticalRole The card then transformed into a magical scimitar. Consumable. Balance. In either case, the PC's will need to secure the deck during transport, and keep it secure before it's sold. I think if you have the time a homebrew to balance this out using the major Arcana from a tarot deck might work. This deck was created by Weebos with help and suggestions from the users of /r/UnearthedArcana and /r/DnDBehindTheScreen. The First Pull Intrigued by the cards, Grog pulled one from the middle of the deck. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. In one instance he convinces a drunkard to pull a card, and the drunkard gets two wishes out of it. Game Master's Merchant's Deck of Many Things is intended to be used with Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition Or Pathfinder TTRPG campaigns. Keyleth moves to the surface and uses the Scrying Eye to Scry on Raishan, who she sees in the form of a woman in a stone laboratory on a remote jungle island. The artwork depicting the Decks cards and packaging design, however, is the property of Game Masters Merchant. HOW TO USE. The cards are split about 50/50 between good and awful, and it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons. This is all great stuff. Before Vex could pull a card (tempted by Grog's explanation that they create weapons), Percy warned her not to draw and to be very careful: those cards could make a lot of bad things. This Deck of Many Things is the perfect gift for the Game Master closest to you and any other TTRPG player! The Deck of Many Weapons. Once a card is drawn, it fades from existence. Vox Machina then spent two weeks making their way through the halls of Pandemonium. Is your DnD or Pathfinder campaign getting stale? Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Unless you have an exceptional group of players, the ones with their characters destroyed will not be too happy to play them any more, the ones who are suddenly powerful may trivialize encounters for everyone else in the group. Donjon. The Deck of Many Things was featured in Campaign 1 of Critical Role! Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice. Beyond the Cloudtop gate, the battle continues in the streets. You have a lot of options for the third and final card they would draw as part of this action. Each card has a different effect: either amazing and great or immensely destructive. What the powerful being wants some powerful artifact, or access to the player's home dimension, or something similar. Pike arrived just in time to see Grog pull a card, but decided to just do nothing: preferring to watch and see what happened. Add your own cards. Before Grog could throw the deck into nearby lava, Vex came over and told him to hold onto it until she had time to look around for other cool stuff. Each card has a different effect: either amazing and great or immensely destructive. For the sake of the epilogue, the rest of the party (returning to their lives and relaxing) found Grog's catatonic body. save. VOD Grog opened the sleeve and saw about thirteen tarot cards. Works slightly better with the harrow deck of many things (the names are a bit more descriptive). Apparently, she's received information that your party is the culprit, and when she's able to search your PC's, she finds the box and pouch they were contained in, but not the deck itself. This would put them in position to become an immensely powerful BBEG, stealing the deck back "because they wanted to", drawing the right cards "because they wanted to", that sort of thing. Being a studious child, Percy had read myths and legends about glory and woe all revolving around the Deck of Many Things. If you're going to DM with this item, change how it works. Runningtime 2023 Wizards. With Wish giving you the explicit ability to choose the limitations, there is no issue other than what you make of it (and the consequences for making such a wish, which are described in the spell itself). Lots of potential, there! Now the PC's are beholden to the Countof Antioch, to seek out and return the Deck of Many Things from the thief that stole it from them (or be doomed to evade his guards for the rest of their lives! I am Thoruk, Slayer of Ducks - find more info on myRarely-updated blog! I have witnessed more games implode from the effect of the Deck of Many Things than from any other single element in all of D&D. Star. After an aide cast Identify on the deck and realized the incredibly dangerous arcane power of the item,[18] Highbearer Vord arranged for the Deck of Many Things to be sealed away in the vaults beneath the Platinum Sanctuary (the same vaults that now house the Horn of Orcus recovered by Vox Machina in Yug'Voril). Draw cards to create powerful magical effects, both fortunate and ruinous, Potion of Acid Resistance Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Fox's Cunning . Matt played cards as disappearing permanently from the Deck when drawn, though most cards reappear in the deck in the DMG version. It consists of 22 jumbo Tarot Card -sized cards. After a lot of drinking and fighting, Grog simply ran out of stuff to keep himself entertained. I know I can do whatever I want as DM, but I'm wondering if there's something notable about the DOMT that might prevent me from using it this way (e.g. HIGH QUALITY PACKAGING & MATERIALS. Order Increase one of your ability scores by 2. How might the party get pulled into some sort of business with this man (or his family) as a result of what happened. Euryale. Grog shouted after him, asking what his name was, but got no answer. Scanlan claimed that Percy had lost an arm in the process of rescuing his soul. One of my PCs has drawn theEuryale card. Grog tried to trade the Periapt of Wound Closure to Vex in order to get his deck back, but Vex tricked him by giving him a leather pouch with rocks inside. A Wish spell couldn't restore Grog's soul, but it did reveal the location of the object holding his soul.[16]. The cards are split about 50/50 between good and awful, and it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons. exactly what i did, reworked all the insta death and permanent penalty so they could be removed by a quest, changed it so the entire party get the XP, so one character doesnt get above the others and changed the balance card to balance your stats instead of your alignement, the void still traps your soul but you still live as normal you simply can't be resurrected or change plane, you have to find and destroy the phylactery to get your soul back, the donjon can be escaped by a DC19 intel or wisdom or by a ritual during 1d10 days done in conjunction with a powerful mage. Knowing how great critters are, I hope someone can record the whole thing if the crew decides not to. The Deck of Many Things (DMG, 162) states: Before you draw a card, you must declare how many cards you intend to draw and then draw them randomly. They inform her that Allura and Seeker Assum are safe in Whitestone, as well as Empress Salda Tal'Dorei and her children. The avatar is immune to features that turn undead. He uses Whisper to cut the burned ends from her hair. This is the story of Vox Machina attempting to find and rescue their big buddy, Grog. PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT OR BIRTHDAY GIFT. The Deck is absolutely ridiculous, but that is part of the fun of the Deck. Previous Posted by 3 years ago. I'd play out a scenario where the powerful being in possession of the soul gives an ultimatum: Work for me, and you can have your soul backon loan. I introduced it into my game around level 10 (because I wanted to throw a little variety in), and my players have had it over a year of real-life time now. I would like to build out this drunkard-now-lord (or a descendant) as an NPC, and also get the DOMT out of the vault and back in play. What Lies Beneath the Surface The Lord of the Quadroads proudly declared that he still had one wish left, and ran off to his waiting carriage. Several cards in the deck can unceremoniously kill or (nearly) irreversibly incapacitate this character, rendering any lore or planning built around them worthless. "Talks Machina #9: 'What Lies Beneath the Surface'" (TMx09) Captain your ship [] Believing it to be some sort of magic trick, the drunk drew a card: "Moon". Transcript share. If you want something similar, but not quite as dangerous, the Grog of Substantial Whimsy was a fucking blast to play with. Businesses, buildings, and land you own are lost in a way that alters reality the least. I'm regretting introducing it at all, because it's just gathering dust. By continuing to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. As soon as Vax is gone, Vex comes up from below the water gasping for breath. They do have the infrastructure to at the very least record the show if not live stream it. $15.99 Sale. It seems so cool and random at first but it is utterly game destroying unless folks don't mind rolling up new characters. Failure by 7 or more results in pulling three cards. Why? Thus, Grog was cursed by the Dancing Sword and after the curse was expended, Grog took a permanent -2 penalty on saving throws until a god ends the curse.[11]. The theater in question allows hand-held cameras, unless said otherwise by the show in question. [15], After the defeat of Vecna, Grog in Whitestone decided to pull a card from the deck to celebrate the banishment of a lich-god. Utility Turning Immunity. The party is asked to chase him down and recover the artifact, and they aren't told what it is. Devo'ssa gives the advice to not wait to fight Raishan on her terms and then takes their leave, their debt repaid. [8] Travis drew the Queen of Spades, which Matt misread as "Key". Idiot. As Grog fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head, the sword clacked to the ground and almost immediately rusted and turned dark and dull. As a result, the only way to undo Grog's curse would have been to ask a god for help. All the players have a good reason to want to see the noble dead - have them come up with them themselves. If you remember your life before CR, then be sure to tell your friends who don't know about it yet, CR is not something that needs to be secret, Go forth and spread the Gospel of the Mighty Nine and Vox Machina.Critical Role is here: new website is here: don't have a patreon, I don't want your money and I can buy my own Coffee, If you really want to give it to somebody, give it to somebody who does. Comet. The Deck works great in games where death occours once a month at least and every player had at least 2 new PCs level 1. A Wish spell couldn't restore Grog's soul, but it did reveal the location of the object holding his soul.[16]. [19], After returning to Whitestone, when Grog inquired about the current location of the Deck of Many Things, Vox Machina lied that it had been left behind on Pandemonium. To expand on whatCaerwyn_Glyndwrsaid, you could actually have the Rogue card cause the players to become compelled to try and kill the noble. Question spoiler. I'm planning an NPC for an upcoming campaign set in Exandria, and could use some advice: For those that followed the first CR campaign, you might rememberGrog's use of the deck of many things. All rights reserved. Each of the above cards give you some way you can curse the person and/or his descendants. As Grog fell to his knees, clutching the sides of his head, the sword clacked to the ground and almost immediately rusted and turned dark and dull. After a lot of drinking and fighting, Grog simply ran out of stuff to keep himself entertained. This things reputation can lead to trouble with metagaming. Keyleth uses Teleportation Via Plants on the tree in the keep's temple of Sarenrae and they go through it and emerge from the Sun Tree in Whitestone. Expert Answers: Deck of Many Things: A deck of many things (both beneficial and baneful) is usually found in a box or leather pouch. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. Next would be finding someone wealthy enough to afford it, and mad enough to want it! On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. . Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. After prying it open by breaking it in half, a small leather sleeve fell out. They all part ways for bed, and Vax heads to Keyleth's room. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill, and you double your proficiency bonus on checks made with that skill. Gilmore, who has been listening intently, is seen to have a glowing rune on his forehead. @WillingBlam @samriegel @CriticalRole @CritRoleFanart #criticalrolefanart . As a result, the only way to undo Grog's curse would have been to ask a god for help. With their intelligence score now being 5 points lower than it was, they are stupid enough to think "I can win this all back!" [20], Depiction of nine cards from the Deck of Many Things from. This document was created using The Homebrewery from Natural Crit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Looking at the technical specs of the theatre I'm doing to disagree. Armor Class 20 Hit Points half the hit point maximum of its summoner Speed 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover), Condition Immunitiescharmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious, Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 13, Languages all languages known to its summoner. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. The venue doesn't have the infrastructure for a live stream apparently. You can now print or save sheets. If they're looking to sell a DoMT, that could be complicated; but also an interesting plot point. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Fan-run discussion forum for the liveplay D&D show Critical Role on Twitch and The Legend of Vox Machina on Amazon Prime. Grog was confused, and believed that he had always had the deck and Vex was apologizing to him for some weird reason.[12]. Vex, Vax, and Percy warned against it, but Scanlan was willing to move forward with the one-card deal. If you are true neutral or unaligned, this card has no effect on you. Two of the cards in a deck of many things can earn a character the enmity of another being. Scanlan takes Jarett Howarth aside, thanks him for his efforts, and casts Modify Memory on him to make him think that he feels sorry for Scanlan's emotional state and that he'd agreed to get Scanlan much more suude. After reuniting with an old friend, Vox Machina loots Thordak's treasure hoard before returning to Whitestone to decide what to do about Raishan.