ext. http://www.gcsonc.com/about-gcso/gcso-news-room/sheriff-s-news. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/our-county/board-of-commissioners. View Guilford County employee compensation, including minimum, midpoint and maximum annual salary for each job title. GREENSBORO, N.C. There's a concerning problem in Guilford County. Chavis Community Center Side Nav. ext. Toggle mobile menu. It is possible that information provided for resources listed on the site may change from time to time. During the booking process, Detention Center staff located methamphetamine in his possession. Copyright 2023 Rise4Me, LLC | Website by. http://candidatereports.myguilford.com/ Program Managers 336-641-4967 To learn more, view our full privacy policy. Link: Social Services Page. ext. Posts. Contact the County. View Greensboro City Collections Division business privilege license information, including guidelines and fees for taxicab, beer or wine businesses. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Main Telephone Number: 910-323-1540 Main Building: 1225 Ramsey St. Fayetteville, NC 28301 Satellite Office Each member of a public agency or department must submit contact information for the Guilford County personnel directory. Social Services Business Manager Vince Roberts vroberts@guilfordcountync.gov . I see Sharon as key to our [Guilford County] strategic vision of working in a collaborate manner with our internal and external partners.. View Guilford County, North Carolina Government minutes, including meeting dates, agendas and members. Division. Victor Isler Historic Courthouse 10 North . After Hours Phone: 336-249-0131 Hours Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. . Salary - $34,445.00. Staff Directory; Social Services Directions Physical Address: View Map. Service Time 7:00pm Fridays Work First Employment/Energy/Child Day Care Manager:Charita Sutton, 336-641-5010 ext. Foster Care: Karen Williamson, 336-641-3739 This notice contains important information regarding beneficiary rights as a result of a federal lawsuit filed in 2017, on behalf of Medicaid beneficiaries in North Carolina. Printable DSS Directory Halifax, NC 27839. View Guilford County Government general information page, including locations, address and telephone number. Guilford County Employee Directory Service Time 2:00pm Sundays 252-536-6500. Visit the official website of the Guilford County government to find agency and department offices, employee directories, contact information, locations, hours, public records, and other services. Too many foster kids and not enough foster homes. http://www.myguilford.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2016-2017PayPlanbyJobTitle.pdf. Barlow brings 34 years of social services experience along with strong leadership skills, a focus on staff engagement, and an emphasis on community collaboration which make her uniquely qualified to take on this new role. About Us Contact Us Sims was taken before the magistrate, who found . Fax #: 336-641-6868, Agency Business Manager: Vincent Roberts, 336-641-3094, Economic Services Division Director:Pargie Turner-Horton, 336-641-3681 Food and Nutrition Services: Sharon Roseborough, 336-641-3787 Greensboro Address: 1203 Maple Street, Greensboro, NC 27405 Fax #: 336-641-6868, Deputy Director: Jairous Gurley, 336-641-4967 Search Guilford County, North Carolina government employee directory by contact name, title/position, agency, department, or phone number. On February 28, 2023, the Randolph County Sheriff's Office had arrested Thomas Brandon Sims for active warrants out of Guilford County and orders for arrest out of Randolph and Davidson Counties. Director:Sharon Barlow, 336-641-4967 Hawkins v. Cohen Notice (English) click here to view, Hawkins v. Cohen Notice (Spanish) click here to view, Greensboro Office Intake/Assessments: Carole Allison, 336-641-3007, NC Department of Health and Human Services Phone: 336-242-2500. Sandhills Center - Mental Health. View Guilford County employee compensation, including minimum, midpoint and maximum annual salary for each job title. Staff Directory VOAD: Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster Volunteer Brunswick [table "36" not found /] Sign up for Emergency Alerts here. http://www.greensboro-nc.gov/index.aspx Terms and Conditions. Box 788 Lexington, NC 27293. Adult Protective Services, Guardianship:Robert Lee, 336-641-3818 Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is proud to announce that Sharon Barlow, has been selected as the Director of Social Services effective immediately. Public Health Business Manager Guilford County Employee Directories are records of the contact details for government staff in Guilford County, North Carolina. NC General Assembly Delegation. Greensboro City Collections Division Business License Search Guilford County Government Minutes Guilford County Campaign Reports I am very proud of the work we do and continue to be amazed at the commitment of our staff to provide excellent service to the citizens of Guilford County, said Barlow. http://www.myguilford.com/elections/ View Guilford County Government general information page, including locations, address and telephone number. Continuous Recruitment. All Rights Reserved. Guilford County Sheriff's Office Website (North Carolina) In this role, Barlow will maintain and improve upon the relationships with community agencies and accomplish visionary objectives through collaborative processes. lmccrar@guilfordcountync.gov County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. endstream endobj 985 0 obj <>/Metadata 67 0 R/Pages 982 0 R/StructTreeRoot 122 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 1003 0 R>> endobj 986 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 982 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 987 0 obj <>stream Box 3388, Greensboro NC 27402 View Guilford County voter and election information page, including maps and contact information. State Government websites value user privacy. 202346, 336-545-3717 Interpretation and language services are provided to our customers at no cost. Universal Intake:Robin Fasheyitan, 336-641-4588 Staff Directory; Staff Directory. h[koG+`a@`xNv{APl#@~9le$XGno)k[5/8p /\f6.\58LV^~nm;(1||wK^K_|||w>{z_XXg.]{N,M6Ao>N>|_W?_\~89[>y>z|{{kW}nu)tWO_=zw_?~GWoqbK'X&VY/w+m[|vvj8_Ad"g'N>}c2+|X-Kk/_+R0f|-M>:/j/\6Ah._~\_\.l# )\dPL+]r*? Program Managers Department of Social Services 80 Academy Street Mailing Address: PO Box 610 Bryson City, NC 28713 Bree Clawson, DSS Director Phone: 828-488-6921 Fax: 828-488-8271 Email: SocialServices@swaincountync.gov Office Hours: 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday The Swain County DSS lobby is open to the public. Social Worker-Protective Services (Full & Work Against) Guilford. Phone: 336-641-3447 View Greensboro Police Department's general information page, including contact information and crime data. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. Staff Name: Address / Title: Phone / Fax: Assessor: Town Hall - 31 Park Street: 203-453-8017 (Fax) Bernardo, Jennifer: Assessor: ext. County DSS Board. Search Guilford County, North Carolina government employee directory by contact name, title/position, agency, department, or phone number. Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in North Carolina and the 50th largest of more than 14,000 in the United States, serves more than 70,000 PK-12 students at 126 schools. DHHS Administrative Officer Continuum of Care Program Manager View Guilford County, North Carolina Government minutes, including meeting dates, agendas and members. Health Department Staff Directory Social Services Staff Directory. Contact. http://www.gcsonc.com/about-gcso/gcso-news-room/sheriff-s-news Adult Abuse Reporting Line . Town of Guilford; Staff Directory; Staff Directory. . ext. . Fax Number: 336-641-6868 NC Department of Health and Human Services 2001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2000. endstream endobj startxref Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Guilford County Contact Information Guilford Social Services Referral Information; Energy Assistance Programs; Renter Rebate Program; Veterans Assistance; Tax Collector. dssdirector@guilfordcountync.gov State Courier #: 02-15-38 (336) 641-3000, High Point Office Program Managers View Greensboro City Collections Division business privilege license information, including guidelines and fees for taxicab, beer or wine businesses. High Point NC 27260 Southeast Guilford High School; Staff Directory; Staff Directory. Website. Follow Us . Guilford County Sheriff's Office Website Guilford County Government Website https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/ of Public Health 336-641-3660 Edwina Thompson . Barlow has been employed with Guilford County for 12 years and most recently served as interim Director of Social Services after the resignation of former Social Services Director Heather Skeens last year. . Middle School Math Resources Family Materials, Immunization Information - Rising 7th Graders, Remote learning and return to school information here, eBook and Audiobook Resources with how-to guides, Bovard, Patrick - 6th Grade Social Studies, Herron, Rebecca - 6th Grade Language Arts, Hoff, Heather - 7th Grade English & Social Studies, Jacobs, Starlette - 6th Grade Language Arts, Janoscak, Paul - 8th Grade Social Studies, Lynch, Keyonti - Computer Science Discoveries, McCauley, Leola - 7th Grade Math & Social Studies, Miller, Brittany - 8th Grade English Language, Tolodziecki, Sheri - 7th Grade Science and Social Studies, 336-545-3717 Directory of Human and Social Services Available to Guilford Residents; Directory of Services for Guilford Senior Citizens; Guilford Social Services Referral Information; Energy Assistance. Local DSS Directory Text Version | Export Map Data Each of North Carolina's 100 counties has a local social services agency. Board of Commissioners. Customer Service Center:1-800-662-7030 Meanwhile, state officials appear cautiously optimistic they'll meet today's deadline to clear a once-massive backlog of pending food stamps cases. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Staff Directory; Staff Directory. Alamance County DSS Alamance ElderCare 336-570-6532 . Address: 130 South Post Road, Shelby, NC 28150 State Courier #: 06-52-03 Phone: 704-487-0661 Fax Number: 704-480-5549 Emergency Phone: 704-484-4822 Website Resources for Improvement, Support, and Phone: 704-487-0661 Social Work Services An important health and safety service for our community's children, our staff members are available 24 hours a day year round to receive reports of suspected child abuse and neglect and conduct prompt investigative assessments. View Guilford County directory for contact information including phone number and department. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The Department of Social Services provides a variety of support services in the community including determining eligibility for benefits such as Medicaid, food stamps, emergency financial assistance, daycare stipends, and energy assistance. Staff Directory Listing; Name: Title: Location: 6th Grade Wing; 7th Grade Wing; Encore Wing . Davidson County Government 913 . https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/how-do-i/advanced-components/list-detail-pages/staff-directory-list Guilford Guilford County Dept. wdonnell@guilfordcountync.gov 205149, 336-545-3717 Environmental Health. DSS staff: Cheyenne Paylor, Diane Hayden and Karen Williamson were recognized by the Guilford County Board of Commissioners for receiving their LEAN Government Process Improvement Facilitation. 1001 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0C2245950E659D48BCBCBF72D145B316><287D4C572ED4144D80DDF96E7A22392E>]/Index[984 34]/Info 983 0 R/Length 93/Prev 302945/Root 985 0 R/Size 1018/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream ext. Guilford County Salary Reports Child Abuse Reporting Line. Select a county on the map to view phone numbers, websites, physical addresses and mailing addresses. lbaldwi@guilfordcountync.gov Salary - $48,712.00. ext. County Director Child Care Coordinator Other Child Care Staff Buncombe Jim Holland Cindy Moody Shelly Ledford jim.holland@buncombecounty.org moody.cindy@swcdcinc.org Ledford.Shelly@swcdcinc.org PO Box 7408 P: 828-250-5647 Asheville, NC 28802 Rebecca Penland Courier #: 12-50-02 Rebecca.Penland@buncomecounty.org Social Services Jobs in North Carolina. 200456, 336-545-3717 0 HEAD 1 SOUR PAF 2 NAME Personal Ancestral File 2 VERS 2 CORP The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3 ADDR 50 East North Temple Street 4 CONT Salt Lake City, U http://www.gcsonc.com/ Reporting Abuse. Box 788 Statesville, NC 28687 Phone: 704-878-3000 Main Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 336-641-3273 Greensboro NC 27407, Hillsborough Campus Barlow began her career with social services at the Caldwell County DSS where she served as a Child Protective Services social worker and supervisor. Public Employee Directories list that contact information, such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses, for the employees at each government agency and department. LeCorey McCrary I am grateful for the opportunity to continue serving my community. 205106, 336-545-3717 This is the official Guilford County Department of Social Services Facebook site. Address: 1512 N Fayetteville St., Asheboro, NC 27204-3239 . 0 Raleigh, NC 27699-2000. %%EOF Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Staff Directory; Department of Social Services Directions Physical Address: . Tthomas2@guilfordcountync.gov Visit RelayNCfor information about TTY services. 200528, 336-545-3717 Greensboro NC 27405 View Guilford County Sheriff's Office's home page including press releases on latest news. Guilford County Employee Directories are records of the contact details for government staff in Guilford County, North Carolina. Family and Children's Services. 984 0 obj <> endobj Privacy Policy (336) 641-3000, Office Hours Perform a free Guilford County, NC public employee directory search, including state, county, and city employee directories, employee names, and employee emails. NC Department of Health and Human Services 2001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-2000. http://www.myguilford.com/tax/ View Greensboro Police Department's general information page, including contact information and crime data. Showing results for "Professor named Smith . 205148, 336-545-3717 Guilford County Website ext. Fax: 252-536-2432. High Point Address: 325 E. Russell Avenue, High Point, NC 27260, B.E.S.T. Visit RelayNCfor information about TTY services. hbbd```b``6@$S> ,`,fKIV0)&0(o x(H9 i? First/Middle Name. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Guilford County Behavioral Health Centers, Economic Development Property Search Tool, Watershed Protection/Stormwater Management, City of Greensboro Business Privilege License, City of High Point Business Privilege License, High Point Regional Association of Realtors, Reasonable Modifications of Policies and Procedures, Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan. We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. A lock icon or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in North Carolina and the 50th largest of more than 14,000 in the United States, serves more than 70,000 PK-12 students at 126 schools. 201140, 336-545-3717 2023 County Office. Key Staff Director: Sharon Barlow, 336-641-4967 Fax #: 336-641-6868. Family & Children Medicaid: Abbi Drayton Gill, 336-641-2556 ext. To Report any Abuse or Neglect after regular business hours, call Rowan County Communications at 704-216-8500. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Last Name. She is responsible for the implementation of service integration, reduction of county costs and increase of state and federal revenues along with the improvement of technology systems. 2001 Mail Service Center Guilford County Department of Social Services. Cneal@guilfordcountync.gov Open at 8:30am to 10:00pm Monday-Sunday for Driving School Open at 8:30am to 10:00pm Monday-Sunday for Driving School Classes. Showing results for "Professor named Smith at . Menu. Agendas & Minutes; Meeting Schedule; Policies; Animal Shelter; Clinical Services. 1eDY! Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Guilford County. Staff Development/Training Manager Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Guilford County Behavioral Health Centers, Economic Development Property Search Tool, Watershed Protection/Stormwater Management, City of Greensboro Business Privilege License, City of High Point Business Privilege License, High Point Regional Association of Realtors, Solid Waste - Landfills & Illegal Dumping. %PDF-1.7 % PO Box 16467 336-641-3104 Director: Tracie Murphy Key Staff. (336) 641-3771. View Guilford County voter and election information page, including maps and contact information. Customer Service Center:1-800-662-7030 Fax Number: 336-641-6868 Emergency Phone: 800-378-5315 Website. 1-800-256-2452. 204388, 336-545-3717 Raleigh Campus DIRECTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY DEPARTMENTS OF SOCIAL SERVICES Last Updated: January 9, 2020 10.Brunswick County DSS 60 Government Drive, NE Bolivia, NC 28422-0219 . Continuous Recruitment. Staff Employees Staff Thank you for being part of the GCS Team! Visit the official website of the Guilford County government to find agency and department offices, employee directories, contact information, locations, hours, public records, and other services. @zHW)#2U2h^R/6j8I$E"H9bUdAV. / }9zQ-KGU/c#Bd"gUYKEhj9 If you have an update to county agency information, please email dssweb@dhhs.nc.gov . https://www.guilfordcountync.gov/our-county/board-of-commissioners Social Services (336) 641-4967: Beeninga, Toy: Director: Budget, Management & Evaluation (336) 641-4886: Bell, Leslie: . Visit the Guilford County Assessor's website for contact information, office hours, tax payments and bills, parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and other property records. NC Department of Public Safety. State Courier #: 06-52-03 1203 Maple St., Greensboro, NC 27405High Point Office Vital Records; Advisory Board of Health. Address: 130 South Post Road, Shelby, NC 28150 Adoptions/Licensing: Stacy Greene,336-641-6701 Staff Directory Listing; Staff Directory & Webpages. Greensboro Police Department Website GREENSBORO The staff of the Guilford County Department of Social Services was instructed not to enter information into a computer system in order to hide a case backlog from the U.S.. Activity Feed. Customer Service Center: 1-800-662-7030 Visit RelayNC for information about TTY services. 201062, 336-545-3717 Privacy Policy Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. The Guilford County Employee Directory Search (North Carolina) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Guilford County public records. Please try a new search. 3603 NC 86 S Hillsborough, NC 27278 Emergency Phone: 911. Link: Department of Social Services Page. http://www.greensboro-nc.gov/index.aspx 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Go. Assessments: Joshua Cannon, 336-641-3019 Guilford County Courthouse - Mailing and Physical AddressGuilford County Courthouse - High Point - Mailing and Physical Address. Barlow attended Appalachian State University where she received a bachelors degree in social work. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. ext. Please check the website or call to confirm hours and locations. Toggle search field Find information, training, and resources. &{800k0M+apY%-+-;(v!=fAp;9Uwz ;eYt-59K7.h```Bb2D y @E8- 205110, 336-545-3717 . 3600 Drawbridge Parkway, Greensboro, NC 27410. Department of Health and Human Services Director Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. ext. Name: Title: Location: HPC; Search. 1017 0 obj <>stream County Manager's Office (910) 259-1200 Social Services (910) 259-1240 Health Department (910) 259-1230. Name: Title: Location: Search. Find local administrative orders and rules Guilford County Courthouse Main (336) 412-7300 Guilford County Courthouse - High Point Main (336) 822-6700 Other Contacts NOTICE: TO REPORT SUSPECTED FRAUD CONTACT THE PROGRAM INTEGRITY (FRAUD HOTLINE) 336-641-4741 Guilford County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is proud to announce that Sharon Barlow, has been selected as the Director of Social Services effective immediately. Monday Friday, 301 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. 336-641-3383, DSS Director Adult Medicaid:Erica Reeves,336-641-7627, Aging & Adult Services Division Director:Laurie Jones, 336-641-3380 vroberts@guilfordcountync.gov . Aging and Adult Services; Child and Family Well-Being . ext. To learn more, view our full privacy policy. To Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of a Disabled Adult call 704-216-8331. Contact Us information for the Department of Health and Human Services of Guilford County North Carolina. Staff Links TACS Time Clock Office 365 - EMAIL and OneDrive G-Suite Login Employee Services Schools - Intranet - SharePoint District - Intranet - SharePoint Technology Help Employee Self-Service For NEW EMPLOYEES ONLY - Get Your Email and Computer Login Account Information Customer Service Center: 1-800-662-7030 Visit RelayNC for information about TTY services. Most Commonly Asked Q&A's; . B.E.S.T. View Guilford County Sheriff's Office webpage showing press release on tragic pursuit, animal cruelty charges filed, and other information. Assessments: Jessaime Whitehurst Cromartie, 336-641-6967 Sharon Barlow }yOqq'wTFWhnM^ME]Z\FN!,{D Ys]8; Local DSS Directory; Program Statistics and Reviews; Public Notices; Publications; Visit the Guilford County Assessor's website for contact information, office hours, tax payments and bills, parcel and GIS maps, assessments, and other property records. A lock icon or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Vision Statement I am committed to working hard to make this happen.. Louise Baldwin Administration. http://www.myguilford.com/county-directory/. Posted - November 17, 2021. After a thorough search and interview process, Barlow quickly rose to the top of the list of extremely qualified applicants. ivann@guilfordcountync.gov Emergency Phone: 704-484-4822Website, NC Department of Health and Human Services Secure websites use HTTPS certificates.