And just because you dont smell it doesnt mean youre not making it. They have even been tested in a medical setting to treat brain diseases and conditions such as concussion and memory loss (16, 17, 18, 19). In most cases, a strong urine smell is caused by your food or is a sign that youneed more fluids. The study looked at nearly 7,000 European American participants and found that about 62% of women and 58% of men had asparagus anosmia, a genetic modification that means they could not perceive or smell the noxious urine, notes Smith. But, because your body produces more of them on the keto diet, the excess can make your poop, pee, and breath a little more smelly (again, like nail polish remover). Sometimes, ammonia is also a sign of: Urinary tract infection. Experts think hormones may change your perception of smells. Ultimately, going on the keto diet is entirely your choice, and you should see how your mind and body feel after you start to help you gauge whether it's a way of eating that works for you. NOT THIS YOU dont have them dead to right on this. They can be a quick and cheap method to assess your ketone levels each day. Its also packed with nutrients, including folic acid, calcium and antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. The only downside: Asparagus seems to cause an unpleasant smell in our urine. That bagged urine really smells because once its out of you, the bacteria flourish, says Dr. Comiter. Couple that with the fact that a lot of people on keto tend to use artificial sweeteners, which also can cause stomach issues, and you might set yourself up for some serious bathroom sprints. The deficiency appears to be random, and up to 50 percent of people can sense the smell. There are some common foods and medications that can change the odor of urine. The smell is present; you just can't detect it. This article, Breakfast cereals boast impressive health claims, but many are high in sugar and refined carbs. Two studies have shown that people who are unable to smell the odor in their own urine also dont detect it in the urine of known producers. These infections are commonly found in hospital or nursing home patients because the bacteria that causes it (and also gives your pee a metallic scent) thrives in those environments. Asparagus isnt the only food that has genetically linked controversial smell or taste effects. If you notice you have a weird odor going on down there right after you go keto, you may want to give it a few days to see if it goes away, says Dr. Greves. Electrolytes are often lost because of the rapid reduction in your bodys water content and the elimination of processed foods that may contain added salt (2). Here are 12 fast foods you can eat on a low carb diet. A study using data from almost 30,000 users of 23andMe found genetic variants in olfactory receptors linked to peoples perception of this adverse taste. Either way, you need to get it looked at. Nearly two weeks before being Theyll need to follow a special diet. More bacteria get released into your urine during a UTI, causing a distinguished rank odor that he describes as a "pungent rotten-egg smell, often fishy-like." Asparagus anosmia specifically is caused by a genetic variation that alters olfactory (re: smell) receptors so you're unable to perceive the sulfuric odor, explains Ehsani. Ammonia occurs naturally in water, soil, and the air, and is also found naturally in plants, animals, and the human body. You may need to get the stones taken out at a hospital. However, it can often be hard to know whether youre in ketosis or not. Byproducts build up and cause breath, sweat, and urine to smell like boiled cabbage. Asparagus is a delicious green vegetable that comes with one very noticeable side effectit makes your pee smell foul. Like Brussels sprouts, methyl mercaptan occurs naturally in the vegetable. Maxine Yeung is a registered dietitian and personal trainer. Diabetic ketoacidosis. Just like how going super low-carb makes your breath reek, it can do the same to your pee. WebAnswer (1 of 16): I did all of that for quite some time and didnt notice a different smell to my pee. But while theres no direct link, going keto could potentially have an indirect effect on whether you develop a rash. If cystine is in your urine, it may smell like rotten eggs. What is the link between genetics and asparagus pee? But that doesn't mean people aren't still experiencing some less-than-pleasant odors down there on the keto diet. A keto diet induces ketosis which is a metabolic state where your body uses fat for energy, says Dr. Kielb.During this state, your urine and breath may both have an odour. This high-fat, low-carb eating plan has its fansand detractors. Theres also another condition called asymptomatic bacteria that can cause your pee to smell but doesnt necessarily mean you have a UTI. There are hills to die on, and this ain't one of 'em. Onions. It happens when your body cant break down trimethylamine. This smell is commonly compared to rotten cabbage or rotten eggs and can come from eating asparagus, garlic, and onions. Initially used to treat epilepsy in children in 1921, this high-fat, very low-carb diet grew to become a tool for weight loss, according to the National Library of Medicine's StatPearls. What supplements should we really be taking? If you cant, thats called asparagus anosmia. The reasons why this happens are still being investigated. If you really cant take the smell, then Smith recommends either eating less asparagus or drinking plenty of water to try to dilute your urine and therefore the smell. Some stones are made from cystine, a substance with sulfur in it. Vanillin, the primary chemical present in vanilla, is difficult to identify in two or three people out of a hundred. Strong, ammonia-like urine is a sign that youre alittle dehydrated. Renita White, MD, is an obstetrician/gynecologist at Georgia Obstetrics and Gynecology in Atlanta, Georgia. Foods. Chief among these molecules is methanethiolone of the six to eight sulfur molecules researchers have identified as likely culprits of smelly asparagus pee. Some antibiotics are made from mold and can make your urine smell yeasty. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. And remember to be gentle when washing this sensitive area. When they follow up verbally--it will be verbal response--reply all on the same email chain and thank them for stopping by to confirm XYZ. Also, make sure to eat plenty of healthy low carb veggies, which still contain plenty of fiber. Sign up here for Yahoo Lifes newsletter. Asking yourself, Why does my pee smell? This odor is because of the breakdown of a substance called asparagusic acid As Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1781, A few stems of asparagus eaten, shall give our urine a disagreable odour.. Extra vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) can give it a strong odor. Heres everything men need to know about bladder leakage. And if you've been swimming or wading in a river, lake, or chlorinated pool, it can also help to shower or rinse off after you've been in water. Gail L. Nunlee-Bland, MD, chief of endocrinology and director, Diabetes Treatment Center, Howard University. All rights reserved. Yes, there's actually a disease for your pee named after the sweet breakfast condiment. But the food isnt the only one to cause a switch in urine odor, Dr. Movassaghi says. Keto flu, keto breath, keto diarrheait's no secret the keto diet comes with side effects. Your perception of diverse odors is absolutely distinct. Its crunchy yet tender and can be used in everything from salads and soups to pasta dishes. Asparagus pee is not the only aroma that causes anosmia in some people. You might also feel sick, have pain that comes and goes, and have bloody urine. You may start producing smelly urine to the earliest as 15 minutes after eating asparagus, and the effects may last up to 14 hours. "Anecdotally, there have been a lot of reports over the years that diet can influence vaginal odor, but it's never been studied.". These foods also produce methyl mercaptan, a gas that has a rotten cabbage odor and is released when peeing and breathing. If the With WW And Walking, How To Lose Weight Fast Safely And Naturally. Learn these things your poop can teach about your health. You may not have other symptoms. You may need to take antibiotics to get better. You may notice the smell as the fluid mixes with your pee. Next, discover the bathroom mistakes you never knew you made. Vitamins dissolve either in fat or water before they are absorbed by your body. You can measure your ketone levels with a breath analyzer or urine strips. This one's also a rare genetic disorder, but for those afflicted, the odor can also impact breath and sweat, according to Dr. Ellerkmann, so it's hard to get away from. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Fast weight loss can occur during the first week. The most reliable and accurate method of measuring ketosis is to measure your blood ketone levels using a specialized meter. Asparagus pee is something that cannot be controlled by anyone. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. But back in the 17th century, urologists would analyze urine samples for diabetes by using three of their senses: sight, smell and taste. The measurement of breath acetones has been used since the 1960s to judge the level of ketosis that occurs in the body, according to a November 2015 article published in Obesity. Ketogenic diets have many powerful health benefits, but some people have trouble getting into ketosis. That's because, like coffee, alcohol is a diuretic that makes the bacteria in urine more concentrated as you pee more and become dehydrated. When asparagus is digested, asparagusic acid gets broken down into sulfur containing byproducts. Bacterial infections like chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics. Any diet can change your vaginal pH, Dr. Shepherd says, which can then change the odor a bit. This is because your sense of scent, like your perception of color, is determined by your genes. It's best to avoid scented antibacterial soaps, which can affect the balance of natural bacteria in your vagina. The 6 Biggest Keto Diet Mistakes Yet, science does show that going keto can change the odor of your breath and urine, making both smell like nail polish remover. A keto diet can significantly reduce appetite and hunger. Health issues linked to douching include yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease. These receptors are regulated by hundreds of genes. However, send an email with your understanding of the situation.