Thats a military sentence. Added: Military Court Centre listings: 7 to 11 February 2022. On 10 May 2019, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in rank to paygrade E-3 and confinement for 90 days. COMMANDING OFFICER, USS INDIANAPOLIS Captain Charles B.. AIR FORCE COURT-MARTIAL SUMMARIES - April 2019 (44 Cases) 21. Addition of 'Military court centre listings: 11 April to 22 April 2022'. Added military court centre hearings for 5 to 16 June 2017. The pretrial agreement had no effect on the sentence. The government has appealed Leon's ruling. TrngCmd At a general court-martial at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, a panel of members acquitted a Marine of all charges and specifications. While . On 14 May 2019, the military judge sentenced him to a reprimand. The Registrar of Military Justice maintains a list of upcoming superior tribunal proceedings, and publishes the outcomes. Former Chief Boatswain's Mate Douglas R. Lusk pleaded guilty to two specifications of disorderly conduct during a special court-martial in San Diego March 15, according to Navy records. Added Military Court Centre listings 23 to 27 January 2023. Added: Military Court Centre listings: 10 to 14 January 2022. The pretrial agreement had no effect on the sentence. Appeal from the United States Na vy-Marine Corps Trial Judiciary . During NAVY SEAL 1's fourth tour, in Iraq from August 2017 to March 2018, NAVY SEAL 1 was the acting assault lead, putting him in charge of a platoon level force to execute the tactical . In the past, senior officers who were accused of or. photo: Creative Commons / Steven Larrabee was convicted of a sexual assault he committed three months after leaving the service in 2015. Special Court-Martial None. Addition of: Military Court Centre listings: 21 September to 2 October 2020. Added the military court service listings for the 2 to 13 July 2018. 2022 June. Dad-of-two, David Hulme, who was originally from Bradford before moving to Plymouth, had his right lung removed at Derriford Hospital in June 2020. Military Courts-Martial Under the Military Justice Act of 2016, by Jennifer K. Elsea and Jonathan M. Commander, U.S. 19 Mar 2021 66 202100073 Troy R. Tribble 3 Panel 10 Dec 2021 30 Mar 2021 . Raymond T. Reding. 36 defendants . You can change your cookie settings at any time. assault. Added Military court centre listings: 23 October to 3 November 2017. After 30 years of active or inactive service, they are transferred to the Regular Retired List and are no longer subject to call-up. Addition of: Military Court Centre listings for 8 to 19 March 2021. Questions concerning Navy-Marine Corps court filings and records may be directed to or (202) 685-7064. On 3 May 2019, the military judge sentenced her to a reduction in rank to paygrade E-1, confinement for 6 months, and a reprimand. Added: Military Court Centre listings: 24 to 28 January 2022 in CSV and HTML formats. No doubt they already have their own secret dioxin test results, and they are panicked over those numbers, trying to figure out how to sweep this whole problem under the rug without having to face the reality of an evacuation order that will likely soon be . Literally the first one is a pedo. Attorneys for retired Chief Petty Officer Stephen Begani say the current laws are flawed because they treat retired members of the active and reserve forces differently when it comes to recalling them for court-martial, and Congress overstepped its authority in making active-duty retirees subject to court-martial. Addition of: Military Court Centre listings: 30 November to 11 December 2020. Added Military Court Centre listings: 28 November to 9 December 2022. All rights reserved. Legal Service Command. Added Military Court Centre listings: 12 to 16 September 2022. Added the Military Court Centre listings: 24 June to 5 July 2019. 2018 March. Updated to add military court centre hearings for 3 to 7 April 2017. The "girl," however, was an undercover Naval Criminal Investigative Service agent. 8 Jan 21 . Trial outcomes may be subject to internal petition and review, and external appeal. July 29, 2021. On 7 May 2019, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in rank to paygrade E-5. Please be aware that the court listings are subject to change after publication, if you wish to find out more please contact the relevant military court centre. General Court-Martial At a General Court-Martial in Bremerton, Washington, FC3 Hayden N. Kuhns USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to two specifications of possession of child pornography. At a special court-martial at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, a military judge convicted Corporal J. J. Villalba, pursuant to the accused's pleas, of At a special court-martial at Marine Corps Base Camp Butler, a military judge acquitted a Marine of all charges and specifications. Updated 'Military Court Centre listings 12 to 16 December 2022'. Our Results; Get Started; . The. Added Military Court Centre listings: 13 to 24 July 2020. Nuance: U.S. Air Force courts-martial are unique in their application of Rules for Courts-Martial 801(b)(2)(c) . At a General Court-Martial in Bremerton, Washington, ABHAA Drake A. Hurtado, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to three specifications of unauthorized absence and four specifications of wrongful possession, use, introduction, and distribution of controlled substances. But, it . The purpose of military law is to promote justice, to assist in maintaining good order and discipline in the armed forces, to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the military establishment, and thereby to strengthen the national security of the United States. Added Military Court Centre listings: 29 March to 9 April 2021. And unlike all four of those categories, retirees remain subject to the constant jurisdiction of the UCMJ. Published new assize list for the period 3 to 13 May 2016. 5 . The Pentagon has not provided any public updates or said when the formal policy will be issued. Esteemed Senior chiefs and LDO LTs and shit. Updated the military court centre listings for 10 to 21 September 2018. Airmen are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Shits fucked up 17 Wozak_ 1 yr. ago Ooooh, what'd they get ya for 3 court-martial and was sentenced to ten months' confinement and a dishonorable discharge. AIR FORCE COURT-MARTIAL SUMMARIES - May 2019 (32 Cases) 19. Summarized Report of Results of Trial . 7 Jun 2021 | By Stephen Losey The court-martial of Marine Gunnery Sgt. 2dMarDiv At a general court-martial at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, a military judge convicted Lance Corporal The process starts when a Servicemember makes a request to the General Court-Martial . Once hes released the civilian authorities will have at him too. Added Military Court Centre listings: 7 to 11 November 2022. First Judicial Circuit . 1800 - 1890. Added Military Court Centre listings: 22 November to 3 December 2021. Marine Corps General and Special Court-Martial Dispositions. Addition of: Military Court Centre listings: 10 to 21 February 2020. On 22 May 2019, members returned a verdict of not guilty. A former master sergeant assigned to Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., faces the prospect of . Lusk and his attorney declined comment this week, according to Navy Expeditionary Combat Command spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Talented in fostering, building and maintaining productive relationships across teams and stakeholders in different geographical locations, internally . In line with the governments Transparency and Open Data initiative, the Military Court Service is to publish the court listings for the military court centres. 321/18. Updated: 06/29/2021 04:03 PM EDT The Navy will not pursue further action against retired SEAL Eddie Gallagher after he appeared on a podcast that aired in May and said "we killed that guy" when. GCM=General court martial RCM = restricted court martial DFM = Defence Force magistrate proceeding; Judge Advocate / . I think it was probably the "two specifications of damaging military property" that probably got her. Also, fuck BM2 lusk. May 26, 2021. Added military court centre listings for 25 September to 6 October 2017. And being a member of the Fleet Reserve Forces doesn't demonstrate that relationship, Vladeck told the CAAF judges last week. Questions concerning Navy-Marine Corps court filings and recordsmay be directed toOJAG_Code_40@navy.milor (202) 685-7064. 2021 April: Marine Corps General and Special Court Martial Dispositions: 5/14/2021: 2021 March: Marine Corps General and Special Court Martial Dispositions: 4/28/2021: 2021 February: Marine Corps General and Special Court Martial Dispositions: 3/24/2021: 2021 January: Marine Corps General and Special Court Martial Dispositions: 2/25/2021 The 2019 Manual for Courts-Martial Maximum Punishment Chart. Appellant . Added: 'Military Court Centre listings: 4 July to 8 July 2022'. For example, Army Regulation 635-200, Chapter 10, allows Soldiers to administratively separate in lieu of a court-martial by admitting to at least one charge. Ch 1 & 2 - Making an indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children, Ch 3 & 4 - Distributing indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children, Ch 5 & 6 - possession of extreme pornographic image. The House of Habsburg, known as the Philippine Dynasty, is the house that ruled Portugal from 1581 to 1640.The dynasty began with the acclamation of Philip II of Spain as Philip I of Portugal in 1580, officially recognized in 1581 by the Portuguese Cortes of Tomar.Philip I swore to rule Portugal as a kingdom separate from his Spanish domains, under the personal union known . . At a Special Court-Martial in Guam, HTC Jesse J. Clayton, USN, was tried for absence without leave and disobeying a noncommissioned officer. Added Military court centre listings for 8 to 19 June and 22 June to 3 July 2015. The official website for the U.S. Coast Guard. Added Military Court Centre listings: 6 to 17 December 2021. Cooley faces a single count of abusive sexual contact . Military Judge: K. Scott Woodard . Added Military court centre listings: 8 to 19 May 2017. Added Military court centre listings: 3 to 14 October 2016. Navy Seaman Apprentice Ryan Sawyer Mays arrives for a hearing at Naval Base San Diego on Dec. 13, 2021. Reference: ADM 156. Information Technician Seaman (E-3), U.S. Navy . Veterans Affairs drops mask requirement for all agency medical offices, Healthy eating on a budget for busy military spouses, The impossible choice facing many of Americas military families, Number of imprisoned veterans concerns former defense chiefs, Pentagon again denies helping Ukraine attack targets inside Russia, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, Pentagon orders engine vibration fix for entire F-35 fleet worldwide, MCPON: Sailors need speedier, easier access to counseling, Navy issues new playbook for addressing sailors mental health needs, Dismissal of 3rd MARSOC 3 defendants case to be weighed by court, US Navy reviews cost-saving design changes before resuming amphib buys. This section provides public access to filings and records pertaining to Navy and Marine Corps courts-martial referred on or after December 23, 2020, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. Added Military court centre listings: 3 to 17 July 2017. Added Military Court Centre listings: 27 June to 1 July 2022. Added: Military Court Centre listings: 12 to 23 April 2021. Post pre-bootcamp, pre-commissioning questions in r/NewToTheNavy. Added Military court centre listings: 12 February to 23 February 2018. Added military court listings for 19 to 30 June 2017. Added new military court listings for the period 2 to 13 November 2015. . Added new Military court listings for the period 9-20 June 2014. You have accepted additional cookies. Updated: 06/29/2021 04:03 PM EDT. Published new Assize list for 21 September to 2 October 2015. At a Special Court-Martial in Norfolk, Virginia, PRAN Mikhail C. Quarterman, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to attempted wrongful appropriation, attempted larceny, violation of a lawful order, and impersonating a commissioned officer with the intent to defraud. U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. The Army on Thursday released the results of 73 courts-martial that concluded in March. The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, or CAAF, heard arguments March 9 in the case of a retired Navy sailor who is challenging the constitutionality of his conviction by court-martial after . Questions concerning military justice FOIArequests may be directed (202) 685-7064. Decided: 18 October 2021 . At a Special Court-Martial in San Diego, California, ADC Mark Dean, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to two specifications of wrongful use of a controlled substance. Do not post your command name! Added Military Court Centre listings: 5 to 16 December 2022. He had a history of chest and respiratory symptoms . There was a chief on my ship who would go out to sailortown and hang out with drunk junior enlisted, and was a fucking creep. Office of the Chief Military Judge Upcoming court martial proceedings Members of public wishing to attend judicial proceedings may do so during the COVID-19 pandemic. Notice how it's usually folks that have been in past their initial service obligation? After four days of testimony in a court martial at Norfolk Naval Station, a jury of five officers found Lt. Joseph A. Cacciola guilty of indecent assault, conduct unbecoming an officer and failure . At a General Court-Martial in Pensacola, Florida, AFWAN Treton A. Anderson, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to two specifications of attempted sexual abuse of a child. Added the Military court centre listings for the 22 July to 16 August 2019. Added Military court centre listings: 11 to 22 September 2017. The pretrial agreement contained a waiver of the accuseds administrative separation board. Moose Lodge Jacket Colors, Addition of: Military Court Centre listings for 8 to 19 March 2021. Please. I MEF At a special court-martial at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, a military judge convicted Lance Corporal W. H. Graham III, pursuant to the accused's plea, of assault consummated by battery. On 1 July 2021, at a special court-martial convened at Fort Knox, Kentucky, SFC Jeremy L. Gilbert, United States Army, was convicted by a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of one specification of willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, The trial was slated to begin Monday, Jan. 10, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Added Military Court Centre listings: 29 August to 2 September 2022. Added Military court centre listings: 18 June to 29 June 2018. All scheduled hearings will include case summaries. Reprimanded and 8,343.98 in a Service Compensation Order. Added Military Court Centre listings: 7 to 18 October 2019. 2021 February. January 2022. Well send you a link to a feedback form. The pretrial agreement had no effect on the sentence. Updated Court martial results from the military court centres: January to December 2016. IT1, US Navy, Naples, Italy (2021) SSgt, US Air Force, Ramstein AB, GER (2021) . On 30 May 2019, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in rank to paygrade E-2 and confinement for 30 days. My buddy worked the brig, he said there was a FUCKTON of chomos. Mr. Jordan would be happy to speak with you about your case. Added: 'Military Court Centre listings: 15 to 19 August 2022'. Updated military court centre listings: 14 to 25 August 2017. One evening in March 2017, a U.S. sailor walked through the parking lot of a shopping mall in Kitanakagusuku Village, Okinawa . The following reports the results of every Special and General Court-Martial tried within the United States Navy in October 2021. 2 March 2021. Pursuant to the pretrial agreement, any reduction or confinement is to be disapproved. Before referring charges to a general court-martial, a . Added Military court centre listings: 3 to 17 July 2015. 5 March 2021. U.S. Army E-6 Special Court-Martial, Fort Stewart, GA Result: Full Acquittal July 2021 Navy Lieutenant Security Clearance Adjudication for Failure to Disclose Delinquent Accounts Result: Favorable Adjudication from DoDCAF (Clearance Retained) June 2021 Department of Energy Security Clearance Adjudication for Drug Use, Bond Amendment At a General Court-Martial in Norfolk, Virginia, LCDR Joseph R. Nelson, USN, was tried for desertion, false official statement, two specifications of conduct unbecoming an officer, and patronizing prostitutes. The military judge sentenced Lusk to a rank reduction to E-5 and confinement for four months. First Judicial Circuit . Addition of: Military Court Centre listings: 5 to 16 October 2020. 2 . Unit Description 1 Apr 21 . On 13 December 2019, at a general court-martial convened at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, a Private First Class, was acquitted by a military panel composed of officers and enlisted members of one specification of rape, in violation of Article 120, UCMJ. Below are real case results from cases that Michael and Alexandra have personally defended. Navy Region Hawaii General Court-Martial At a General Court-Martial in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, an E-5, USN, was tried for sexual assault, communicating a threat, and assault consummated by a battery. Snow Totals Maine Today, Two of the torpedoes hit their mark, and it took the Indy just. At a General Court-Martial in Bremerton, Washington, MA3 Soleil Martinez, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to child endangerment. 9 Months imprisonment, suspended for 2 years; dismissed from Her Majesty's Service; reduced to the rank of SAC . At a special court-martial at Marine Corps Base Camp Butler, a military judge acquitted a Marine of all charges and specifications. At a Special Court-Martial in San Diego, California, AD1 Robert L. Maxie, USN, was tried for two specifications of wrongful use of a controlled substance. Power Outage Jefferson County Ky, On Jan. 26 at a general court-martial convened at Fort Hood, Lt. Col. Anita C. Roberts was convicted by a military judge of absence without leave. Following are the results of every Special and General Court-Martial convened within the United States Navy in May 2019. The court-martial of Lt. Cmdr. Making the results each month without fail. Added Military Court Centre listings: 19 to 30 October 2020. Updated the military court centre listings for 9 to 20 April 2018. At a Special Court-Martial at Bremerton, Washington, GM3 Aldo L. Rojas, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to three specifications of wrongful possession and use of controlled substances. Fort Knox, Kentucky, Aug. 29. Addition of: Military Court Centre listings 14 to 18 March 2022. The Navy will not pursue further action against retired SEAL Eddie Gallagher after he appeared on a podcast that aired in May and said "we killed that guy . 210304-N-DC385-1024 SAN DIEGO (March 4, 2021) Salvage contractors from SMIT AMERICAS remove the air traffic control tower aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) in . Added: Military Court Centre listings: 17 to 21 January 2022. Added: Military Court Centre listings: 28 February to 4 March 2022. The Navy charged a sailor on Thursday with deliberately starting a fire last year that destroyed the Bonhomme Richard, one of the worst blazes to engulf an American . Events In Fayetteville Ar This Weekend, Added Military Court Centre listings 30 January to 3 February 2023. Added the 3-14 Februay 2014 court listing. Official websites use .mil . I had a very normal life until 46, when my wife of over 20 years died. Added Military court centre listings 1 to 12 September 2014. Addition of: Military Court Centre listings for 30 August to 10 September 2021. COMMANDING OFFICER APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR NAVY FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION SQUADRON (BLUE ANGELS) FOR 2020-2021 SHOW SEASONS. Well hopefully those AS quotas open up a bit. Charges: Sexual Assault, Extortion, Stalking, Assault, Domestic Violence and Indecent Language. Added Military court centre listings: 17 to 28 July 2017. At a Special Court-Martial at Bremerton, Washington, GM3 Aldo L. Rojas, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to three specifications of wrongful possession and use of controlled . To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. Date: 1890-1965. Greg Uvila, the chaplain of Camp Mujuk, interacts with a local Korean child during a holiday celebration on Camp Mujuk, Republic of Korea, Dec. 15, 2022. Dads, Uncles, Step-dads, & boyfriends abused them while they were anywhere from 5 to 20 years old. Of these charges, 59 were found guilty, 85 were found not guilty and 1 charge was discontinued at Court Martial. 'Military Court Centre listings 16 to 20 January 2023' added. The pretrial agreement had no effect on the sentence. Added Military Court Centre listings: 8 to 12 August 2022. This section provides public access to docket information pertaining to Navy and Marine Corps courts-martial referred on or after December 23, 2020, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. Consistent with the plea agreement, the military judge sentenced the accused to 90 days confinement, reduction to E- The information on this page is subject to change without notice. Added court listings 16-27 September 2013. Added new court assize listings 8 to 12 December 2014. Added Military Court Centre listings: 25 to 29 July 2022. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. condemned the mid-morning attack. can we talk about how MA3 Faircloth STILL has his employment set to "Master At Arms, US Navy" on his Facebook page as if we're not gonna stalk his creepy ass lmfaoooo. Updated document to Military court centre listings: 4 June to 29 June 2018. Shits fucked up. When I first joined in used to read these monthly results like a tabloid, Spring 2017 I remember like 4-7 khakis going to the slammer for a kiddie pr0n ring. Updated the Military Court Centre listings: 4 to 15 May 2020 . At a Special Court-Martial in Yokosuka, Japan, DC3 Lucas D. Day, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to drunk and disorderly conduct and assault consummated by battery. Added Military court centre listings: 4 to 15 December 2017, Added listing 20 November to 1 December 2017. These hearings will be held in the courtroom located on the second floor of the Courthouse, 450 E Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20442-0001, unless otherwise noted. Special Forces Major (O-4) with over 19 years of . "Congress created the Fleet Reserve through a number of statutes which gives a person like [Begani] the option to do one of two things: Leave the land and naval forces and no longer have any connection and in that case, the appellant would have been a civilian not subject to court-martial conviction," Wiggins argued. The pretrial agreement had no effect on the sentence. NOTE: All cases are different. Navy SEAL . Added military court centre listings: 2 to 13 March 2015. results for unlawful substance abuse, and administrative separation board findings of misconduct for bases involving unlawful substance abuse. This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. VA Vet Center (Supports vets, service members, and their families), by the Office of the Navy Chief of Information, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Added Military court centre listings: 4 to 15 April 2016, Added Military court centre listings: 7 to 18 March 2016, Added Military court centre listings: 8 to 16 February 2016, Added Military court centre listings: 14 to 18 December 2015, Added listings: 30 November to 11 December 2015. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. At a General Court-Martial in Mayport, Florida, CTI2 Erik O. Nelson, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a plea agreement to sexual assault of a child and sexual abuse of a child. Added new assize list for the period 27 June to 8 July 2016. POLICY REGARDING CAREER SEA PAY ENTITLEMENT. 210304-N-DC385-1024 SAN DIEGO (March 4, 2021) Salvage contractors from SMIT AMERICAS remove the air traffic control tower aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) in . An entrance to Fort Bliss is shown. Audio recordings of hearings normally will be available on this page . At a Special Court-Martial in Norfolk, Virginia, SOC Adam C. Matthews, USN, pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to conspiracy to commit an assault, hazing, unlawful entry, assault consummated by a battery, and obstruction of justice. 2dMAW At a special court-martial at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, a military judge convicted Private First Class E. Ramirez, pursuant to the accused's pleas, of the wrongful distribution of a Navy Region Mid-Atlantic General Court-Martial On 15 March 2021, consistent with the plea agreement, the military judge sentenced him to Sentence adjudged 16 March 2021by a special court-martial convened at Washington Navy Yard, District of Columbia, consisting of a mili- 66 ; 202100085 . Army Veteran Receives Discharge Upgrade, Eligible for VA Healthcare Army Discharge Review Board (ADRB). 8/5/2022. Removed the out of date military course service listing. Added Military Court Centre listings: 27 January to 7 February 2020. Added: Military Court Centre listings: 14 to 18 February 2022. A senior chief is facing court-martial proceedings over allegations that he assaulted and sexually harassed shipmates while assigned to the dock landing ship Whidbey Island. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Damn one of the guys got knocked down because he broke FRAGORD. Elements: (1) That the accused was a commissioned or warrant officer; (2) That the accused fraternized on terms of military equality with one or more certain enlisted member (s) in a certain manner; (3) That the accused then knew the person (s) to be (an) enlisted member (s); (4) That such fraternization violated the custom of the accused's . Added the Military Court Centre listings for the 22 to 26 March 2021. Guilty. Geoff is a senior staff reporter for Military Times, focusing on the Navy. Added new Court listing for the period 20 to 31 January 2014. The pretrial agreement had no effect on the sentence. convening order(s), court rulings, Statement of Trial Results, Convening Authority's Action, Entry of . Marine Corps General and Special Court Martial Dispositions. He is accused of . The cases are separated by the Navy Region in which they were tried. Hooyah MA's. Addition of: 'Military Court Centre listings: 7 to 11 March 2022'. Addition of 'Military court centre listings 21 to 25 March 2022'. Conviction: By a military judge, pursuant to his pleas, of two specifications of attempted sexual abuse of a child and one . No. Updated Military court centre listings: 4 June to 29 June 2018. Pursuant to the pretrial agreement, all confinement in excess of 36 months is to be suspended. The following reports the results of every Special and General Court-Martial tried within the United States Navy in December 2021. The Trial Judiciary is a joint Navy-Marine Corps activity led by a Chief Trial Judge who serves as Officer-in-Charge. However, UP Vice President for Legal Affairs Abraham . Added new court listings for the period 16 to 27 November 2015. 6/19/2018. 'Military Court Centre listings 6 March to 10 March 2023' added. Luis. Military Judge: Angela J. Tang . Former Chief Boatswain's Mate Douglas R. Lusk pleaded guilty to two specifications of disorderly conduct during a special court-martial in San Diego March 15, according to Navy records. Related: Supreme Court: Retirees Can Be Court Martialed For Crimes Committed After Service. Each court listing covers the next 1 or 2 week assize period. Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault. Added Military Court Centre listings: 15 to 26 June 2020. April 2021 26 Cases Date/No. Custom solutions that exceed your expectations for functionality and beauty. The pretrial agreement contained a waiver of the accuseds administrative separation board. Summarized Report of Results of Trial . By John Ismay. On 7 May 2019, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in rank to paygrade E-1 and confinement for 60 days. Added the Military court centre listings for the 29 June to 10 July 2020. Special Court-Martial * At a Special Court-Martial in San Diego, California, an O-5 was tried for wrongful use of a controlled substance. These reports are compiled by the Marine Corps.