Many of their projects result in magical effects that can support the party or change aspects of the world map. Divine Rank 1: The priests of the mainstream gods wish to demolish the idols of the ancient faiths. Honestly, don't leave it to a custom NPC. Community. (If, "The free market isn't going anywhere." -, Our gallows cannot wait to meet them. Privacy Policy. svensson1066. -, Open public schools at the cost of your profits. The Speakers of the Depths are dualistic creator-gods of the protean race and a lot like the elder gods of the Cthulhu mythos. "Shut down the school immediately. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Easier Claim (region claims and upgrades cost 15% less). The Rank number reflects the Rank of your kingdom when you get the eventnot the rank of the associated Rank Up Project. The Regent also helps renovate the size of the capital. First, each adviser position gains bonuses from a particular ability score. Arcane Rank 2: A villager discovered a magical charm that has caused problems. Fandom Muthead This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting the Eastern Regions. -, "Support our native merchants with special privileges ." -, Open publishing houses to print newspapers for our subjects abroad. -, Let the General establish a regiment for foreigners who will serve in the military in exchange for citizenship. -, Our domain will accept every oppressed fugitive from foreign lands. -. -, [Pay 250 BP] We have plenty of gold to hire mercenaries. -, Let us begin a period of mandatory military service. -, Lets just leave everything as it is. -, [Pay 3 BP each week] I trust Alkenstars engineers. Spies can do the most good for the army. -, Spies in embassies and consulates bring in the most valuable information. -, I want spies placed in the guilds and magic schools. -. An ideal for this role is to pick either someone aligned neutrally or with a good alignment since you won't want to risk ruining these relations. Telling Kanerah to do what she wants results in getting the effects of this, Let the merchants pay fees only when importing luxury goods. -, Let the merchants pay fees on luxury goods and materials for craftsmen. -, Everything, every single item to the last apple, will be taxed. -. For example, you can end the game with over 1 million gold and a ton of BP but still be told that your treasury's empty since you didn't sufficiently grind down the proletariat with oppressive taxes. Divine Rank 6: Four priests have arrived and ask to be allowed to build a temple to honor their gods. - no change. Jhod Kavken is a Pathfinder: Kingmaker NPC that may serve your kingdom as an advisor in the capacity of High Priest. That is why Pathfinder Kingmaker is filled with many advisers that can help guide the domestic and foreign policy of the Stolen Lands. You unlock the Rank Up Project once you complete the Event, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. If you are unhappy with an adviser you can always replace them (unless they are currently on assignment). Vordakai is an interesting choice, as his mere presence in the capital can unsettle certain characters and situations. Arcane Rank 5B: A delegation of Pharasmites has arrived and demanded you ban necromancy. You will have to make important choices when recruiting. The results depend on your choices during the throne room events for Ranks 4, 6, and 8. Part 2: A merchant will arrive and asks what they can do for you: Military Rank 1: The general asks about what kind of soldiers to recruit. You can only manage your kingdom within a controlled territory. I dont care for this risk. Oct 23, 2018 @ 2:21pm . The Regent role can be taken by Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), or Lander Lebeda (CE) and is powered by Charisma. While the Divine stat is their main duty, they can also influence Arcane, Community, and Relations. Upgraded regions are regions with a Region Upgrade. Espionage Rank 4B: This event occurs if you reported the treachery to Gralton under the Rank 3 event. Magic plays a significant role in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but it isn't necessary for those not playing with an arcane build. Possible Curators are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), or Storyteller (TN) and utilize Charisma. -. The Grand Diplomat asks if you wish to unite the River Kingdoms against them. -, Send our citizens the message that the mercenaries are under our protection. -, Let the merchants know that their efforts are not required. Here are the advisers, their alignment, and how to recruit them: As noted, you cant have every adviser at once. He only works with willingly donated bodies, but the spell requires use of a piece of the soul. The High Priest acts as religious adviser. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Kingdom Defense (reduces the chance of random encounters in claimed regions by 40%). However, she is also a prime candidate for Curator. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Defenders of the Land (+1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls in claimed regions). This throne room event unlocks the Building: Military Academy. Several major bandit leaders recognize you as a leader and ask how they can thank you. . Delgado can be found on the map Lonely House. - the, We will raise the taxes by one third. -, [Gain 2 BP each week] Let us double the taxes. - the, (Maegar Varn only): Implements a work initiative. This means that they can help raise Build Points (BP) and spend it to make national improvements. The Minister wants out of the fight between Galt and Gralton. These are basically modified temples that cannot be upgraded, and I wouldn't recommend building them in your cities since theyre not as good as the Grand Temple building. To figure out the outcome, find the amount of support you gave during the Rank 4 and Rank 6 events in column 1 (which establishes your row) and match that up to the support you give during the Rank 8 event (columns 2-5). 5 The Varnhold Vanishing. I support the trade agreement with Razmiran. - This throne room event unlocks the Project: Trade Agreement with Razmiran (Economy +5, Relations +5, +4 BP/week). Completing this with the Minister gives Lamashtu Worship +1. Espionage Rank 2: They arrested a spy from Daggermark. This option does not unlock any buildings (or it may be the choice to unlock the Temple of Abadar, considering that that building appears to be bugged). [Pay 200 BP] I order the treasury to release the necessary funds. -. I wish to influence the minds of my subjects. - gain a, Leave the charm to the one who found it. -, [Pay 500 gold] Buy the charm and give it to the appraiser. -, Seize the charm by force and give it to the appraiser. -, I forbid this necromancer from practicing his dark arts in my realm. -, From now on there will be no more magical experiments within the city walls. Jubilost can be found as part of the Quest "Renowned Explorer" at A Ford Across the Skunk River. Their focus is on improving Relations, but can also form policies on Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture. Culture Rank 1: The Curator asks about building schools. Ability scores, alignment, classes, and other aspects should be very familiar to people who have experienced either role-playing game. is one of the best light crossbows in the game against the Fey. My character is Lawful Neutral. A Warden's duty is to the police, essentially making sure everything moves smoothly and is lawful. Military Rank 5: A border patrol got buried under an avalanche. Possible Warden candidates include Regongar (CE), Ekundayo (LG), or Kesten Garess (LN) and relies on Constitution. All rights reserved. The Generals projects tend to have moderate monthly or weekly BP costs, which can cause a small burden on income. 3.1 Troll Trouble. The main character is just a single individual, and it takes a whole team to properly govern a nation. This triggers the Event: The Wrath of Sevenarches [General, High Priest, Warden]. Loyalty Rank 1: The Councilor asks if you want to hold a small celebration. Pathfinder Kingmaker has 21 unique potential advisers to help manage the Stolen Lands. Most importantly, they have a series of extremely long and pricey assignments that are necessary to gain background lore or unlock certain endings. As well, if you kill her, the followers will give you some minor curse. . More Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki. A Minister will mainly govern the Espionage stat but can also sway Relations, Military, and Arcane. This is the first of multiple decisions related to Larzios opera, and your decisions determine the results of the Culture Rank 9 throne room event and are summed up there in a table. For protecting your own Kingdom and the people within, you'll need a General. But the two of them favor either Good or Evil actions, leaving Storyteller a good alternative if you want to have a morally balanced nation. Don't worry too much about the ending slides (if that's something you'd do). NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Eternal Guardians. Arcane Rank 7A: If Arcane Amoral < Arcane Control: a group of mages has lost control over their magic, causing unpredictable magical effects. The daughter of a well-known merchant has gone missing. not 60 points, you need rank III divine, 60 points by itself will do nothing. For example, my high priest can either be Jhod or Harrim. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Protectors of the Land (+1 morale bonus to AC and saves in kingdom). Having these allies around means, you can get the extra hand in dire situations and earn rewards and respect through aiding your allies. 2 Stolen Land. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Part 2: The leader of the druids will arrive and ask what to tell the people: Loyalty Rank 9B: If the peasants rioted, the guards have arrested the organizers of the riots. The exp awarded may be level-dependent, and you may get different amounts in your game. (LE moral choice) -, Throw the mercenaries out of the capital. Relations Rank 5: Sevenarches wants to bring its fleet to Novoboro and both it and Kyonin are asking for diplomatic support. The Councilor's primary stat is Loyalty, but Community, Stability, and Military can inadvertently be affected also. Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), and Kassil Aldori (LN) are the choices for this role, and you'll need a solid leader to suit the upcoming tasks. You can also change your advisors at any time so you could just change the advisor to someone who's more likely to agree with you before you rank up. (Storyteller only) "I will heed your advice." Stability Rank 7A: If Defense > Prevention. Despite being of the Cleric class, Harrim doesn't have remarkably high stats for the job. A guild of river shipbuilders want to give you a gift. Stats increase if your governance is successful and decrease if events don't end well or other negative factors are placed in your way. Explore. Maybe a change in the 1.1 beta? (Jaethals choice, Linzi and the Storyteller disapprove). Stability Rank 9: The results depend on your choices during the Rank 8 throne room event. "Execute all of Razmir's servants in the country." Asmodeus: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Asmodeus (+2 bonus to resolve any Problem for every 20 points of Stability above 200, up to a max of +10) and unlocks the Project: Trade Agreement with Cheliax (4 BP per 30 days; this increases by +4 BP per 30 days for each consecutive 30-day period Community is Rank 10, Stability is Rank 7+, and unrest state is Worried or better). As a hearty frontline Magus, Regongar will have good stats. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. The in-game text description of the results for a custom NPC will generally list 1 more point in the relevant kingdom stat than other Advisors. Relations Rank 2: Theres an offer for a trade agreement from Razmiran. Recruiting Lander also locks you out of having either Shandra or Kassil, both of whom may be more helpful for your kingdom structure. Culture Rank 6: Larzio is asking for financial support. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Improving Economic Status (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Economic bonus). Relations Rank 3: A guard detail from Sevenarches is hunting an elf and wants support. This is my favourite topic. Loyalty Rank 9A: If the merchants rebelled, the guards have arrested the plotters. Espionage Rank 1: Guards found spy equipment in a crowded caravan. For example, Kanerah gives some unique options as Treasurer, and Jaethal is the only Curator who gives you the options that can lead to the best results on the opera. Overall, choose advisers that agree with your lords moral and social stance. Loyalty Rank 3: A newspaper publisher has escaped from Galt to your lands and wants to found a printing house. -, We will hold a luxurious dinner party for the merchants. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Divine Protection from Poison (immunity to poison in kingdom). Still she is not a bad choice per-se. -, " Let the bandits organize volunteer militia and to safeguard the citizens' security." The Warden sees to the Stolen Lands police and national security. Culture Rank 5: A newspaper is engaged in yellow journalism and printing lies about you. On the other hand, your choices when your advisors seek an audience with you (at/before any rank up) do matter to the plot outcome. Pathfinder Kingmaker: How To Recruit Advisers (& Which Ones Are Best), Pathfinder: Kingmaker Review - The Best Tabletop Sim, Pathfinder Wrath of The Righteous Kickstarter Campaign: Our Hands-On Impressions. Maegar Varn will join you later and can be found in the Throne Room. NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Strength in Numbers. -, (Bartholomew Delgado only) " Set the fines as you see fit." Economy Rank 3: A halfling wants to open a brewery. I just hit chapter 2 and I am wondering about advisor choices. The Minister rarely conducts projects in the open, preferring to approach the lord in direct one-on-one meetings. 1 The First Step on the Road to Glory. I've listed the possible choices with lower case letters to avoid confusion. The chode suggests that this choice has some effect. However, her leadership will lead to a path of pure Chaos, making Kassil a suitable alternative. Kanerah is special as she can be recruited far sooner than any other Treasurer, but only when owning The Wildcard expansion. Whats the priority here? For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. There's a somewhat pedantic change I would like to make to my current save file. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Spell Resistance Discovery (the party gets spell resistance 16 while in claimed regions). The three potentials are Valerie (LN), Linzi (CG), Bartholomew Delgado (LE). Yeah curator are both kinda , thankfully I was LE so the first one made sense in a way. Where do you want your spies? Although the Choice effects for each option state that you gain a fixed amount of BP/region and BP/upgraded region with each choice, but you don't actually get those BP as best as I can tell, so I included them in brackets. This triggers the Event: Gardeners of Faith. Harrim is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . The Magister acts as court mage and spell expert. [CN god of strength and battle] (CN moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Gorum. These contain spoilers, so be warned. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker there are multiple leader slots you can assign, they can give you unique bonuses, or other opportunities. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker, that help comes in the form of Advisors, of which there are ten different stats and so ten different positions. (Military -3). -. I command the establishment of proper customs. -, (Kanerah only) A trade guild is a great idea! As a gifted Bard, Linzis high Charisma makes her perfect for this role. Once you achieve Rank IV Military, the General will help unlock the Warden role and support it until it levels. - [supposedly +1 BP/region, +2 BP/upgraded region]. -, Tell everyone you meet that Im a just ruler. You need 60 points in divine before you get a magister, so that is maybe the problem? NEXT: Best Side Quests In Pathfinder: Kingmaker. From a story standpoint, religion plays a crucial part with characters worshipping different gods, having various perspectives on how the world works, and the essential qualities a person should have. Your decision determines what event you get for the Rank 4 and Rank 5 throne room events. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Loyal Spies (Espionage +1 every time the Minister fails to resolve a situation). We shall defend ourselves. -, Let our guardsmen enjoy the rest they so deserve. -, Every man and woman who shirks their duties will be shamefully discharged, and replaced with a mercenary. -, "[Pay 2 BP each week] We'll pacify the people by lowering the taxes." -. As a Cleric, Tristian has the best stats for this role. There are two pretty significant ways to play this role, you can go down the route of treating these people with the same amount of respect as you do anyone, or you can go lenient on them if you're playing with more of a chaotic evil run. The rewards aren't worth the worsened unrest state. This event occurs if you accepted tribute from the bandits during the Rank 1 throne room event. Don't let your realm stats drop to zero or lower this will cause your subjects to riot, and your state will begin to crumble. (Jubilost and Maegars choice). We wont be opening a university. - no change. You will stop supporting Larzio after this event and gain +0 to +4 BP/week, depending on the total amount of support you previously gave. He will need support even if you gave him 3 BP/week before. You unlock the Rank Up Project once you complete the Event, regardless of whether you succeed or fail. Stability Rank 7B: If Defense < Prevention. His work should tackle the all-important questions of faith and piety. - (opera bonus is to Divine and Arcane). -, Dispatch soldiers to the Grey Gardeners. -, Arrange peaceful negotiations with Gralton. -, Pass the information about the Gardeners to the leader of the Revolutionary Council of Galt. -, Help the Order of Vengeance achieve their revenge. -, Organize peace negotiations with Litran. -, Were going to hit them right in their fat purses. I order you to issue a decree, and set out to regulate the use of magic in the settlements. -, We shall exchange our arcane knowledge with other states. -, I wish to improve the education and training of our priests. -, I command the construction of a great workshop. -, I order the guard doubled in all settlements. -, Let them get used to taking care of themselves. -, Help the locals pull up their roots and take them to another area. -, (Regongar only) Wipe them out, Regongar. Need help finding save data flag. If you have a custom NPC handle these events, theyll select a predesignated option and give you a generic report. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Fortifying the Foundation (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Stability bonus). Your Advisors will give you different takes on the situations and different advice based on their alignments and personal beliefs. Military Rank 6: The kingdom needs additional troops after fighting Numeria. If Concealment > Fear, Assassins. But, her shrewdness for Lawful answers may make Chaotic leaders prefer Octavia. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The Minister role can be filled by Jaethal (NE), Jubilost (CN), and Ekundayo (LG), where they will be providing support through finding out forbidden knowledge that can support your nation. This stands in contrast to the descriptions in the Gamerguide walkthrough, which are based on the Rank Up Project unlocked by the event. Temple of Kurgess (Community +7, Divine +7, and Community +1 if a Regent suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem, and Stability +1 if the Warden suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem). A word of spoilery advice: Be cautious with your councilor spot. Separately, the situation in the slums has gotten worse. The Speakers of the Depths are dualistic creator-gods of the protean race and a lot like the elder gods of the Cthulhu mythos. (LN moral choice) -. The role can be filled by Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), or Kassil Aldori (LG) and is improved with Strength. " Let them tend to the roads and guard foreign caravans with their lives!" A priest of Groetus, Harrim left his dwarven home to spread the word of the God of End Times throughout the Stolen Lands. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Will they deplete or increase the conflict of the people? You can allow tax evaders to continue to do so if you wish, though your people won't be all too thrilled with the idea. The NPC advisors are like training wheels on a bike, and their choice is fixed, regardless of the class/alignment of the NPC, and largely mirrors another advisor. You only get this option if you refused to build a school in the Culture Rank 1 throne room event. Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), and Lander Lebeda (CE) are all people who can be selected to take up this role, and it's down to you who to choose since each person will have drastic differences in how they wish to solve a situation. Take care of the merchant and reimburse him for the stolen goods." -, " Certain security measures will simply have to be let go." Relations Rank 9B: The Grand Diplomat asks for guidance on the future. I prefer Cayden." Community Rank 9B: If People_C > Banditism. You could send troops to rescue them, but that will likely lead to more deaths. Arcane Rank 9: The kingdoms successes allow for an ambitious project. -, Let them remember their less fortunate neighbors. Community Rank 6: Two clans are fighting over a marshland meadow. The people are petitioning for restrictions on the use of magic in densely inhabited places. Advisors don't matter much as long as you don't disagree with them too often. Nethys is the Neutral god of magic. Your guards caught a swindler trying to spike a merchant's daughter's drink with a love potion. I always play Lawful Evil sooo i dont know, but when i go to the high priest tab i only get Harim and Tristian as options. As Chaotic Good do you think I should go for Harrim (Chaotic Neutral) or Jhod (Lawful Good)? And remember, sometimes your choices may mean having only one (or even zero) available candidates. Your High Priest doesnt know anything about these gods. also for a chaotic neutral mindset, harrim is much much better high priest then jhod, jhod is pretty normal lawful good type. However, Pathfinder Kingmaker has some nuances and big differences compared to Pathfinder second edition or the fourth and fifth editions of Dungeons and Dragons. Jhod and Harrim can both be High Priests. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Strong Nation (-10% to the cost of buildings with a static Community bonus). Once you achieve Rank IV Divine, the High Priest will help unlock the Magister role and support it until it levels. Community Rank 1: A gang leader has shown up to offer tribute. His magical surveillance system sounds most promising. - (. Needless to say, these summaries have spoilers. Divine Rank 3: The High Priest asks you to appoint a Magister and says that Nethys' worshippers want to build a magical library (60 exp). You need to investigate your people to discover the spies. The followers of this strange religion have nothing to fear from me. -, (Tsanna only) Tsanna wants them for Lamashtu (NE moral choice). (NE moral choice) -, (Jaethal only) Lets execute travelers from Galt and then raise them as undead. Pathfinder Kingmaker Wiki. If your choice matched the higher variable: (Linzi and Storyteller only): Forget about schools. When planning and managing territory in Pathfinder Kingmaker, it is important to keep an open mind about mechanics. This throne room event also unlocks the Project: Scouting the Dire Narlmarches. Execute the slanderers! Should it be my top priorty to recruit advisors that fit my Alignment, or should I prioritise story companions who seem to have better stats. I wouldnt recommend completing this Project if you are aiming to get the Achievement: Survivor (for living through 100 random encounters in the wild). A Grand Diplomat's primary focus is on Relations, though they can also complete tasks that increase aspects of Economy, Espionage, Military, and Culture, so it's quite the all-rounder. Once you achieve Rank IV Relations, the Diplomat will help unlock the Minister role and support it until it levels. Community Rank 4a: A noble from Brevoy wants to open up tanneries. Next:Pathfinder Wrath of The Righteous Kickstarter Campaign: Our Hands-On Impressions. RELATED: The Best Pathfinder: Kingmaker Classes, Ranked. He's conservative and a traditionalist who is opposed to worship of any. Stability Rank 3A: If Defense > Prevention. Can I really afford to wait that long or is everything going to be okay? This throne room event unlocks the Projects: Scouting the Central Regions and Scouting the Northern Regions. 7 War of the River Kings. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Relations Rank 7B: If you did not choose to support Sevenarches in Relations Rank 5, they cut off your food supply. My options are Harrim and Jhod, Tristian can only be councillor. Each of the ten positions has at least three characters who are qualified to hold it. Espionage Rank 6: The problems with Galt and Gralton were a setup. Still, he will be ideal if you want more Evil within the Stolen Lands. Commitment to duty: Stats (2) - Community and Loyalty. The meager rewards are very much not worth it (though Regongar's excitement at the thought of hunting bulettes is pretty funny and its own reward. (Alchemist/Bard/Druid/Magus 3, 50 charges, sells for 4,500 gold), which appears in your Stash. Instead, it raises the BP threshold for every other kingdom stat. I've progressed far too many hours to reload it, but I want to change my choice in the High Priest rank 5 throne room event to the Tsanna-only option (at the time, due to circumstances, I had Harrim as my High Priest instead, and . Each set of Rank Up events for each kingdom stat is associated with a pair of opposing hidden variables that affect the events you get at specific ranks and the ending slides regarding the fate of your kingdom. (CN moral choice) -, Id be happy to enter a trade agreement with the citizens of wealthy Daggermark. -. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. -, Place all the drug addicts in health institutions. (NG moral choice) -, Remove all the addicts from their stations. (LN moral choice) -, Hang the drug addicts. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. Culture Rank 4: The Curator offers you the chance to support a young composer, Larzio. 6 The Twice-Born Warlord. You gain strong benefits on Success or Triumph, while Failure or Disaster imposes harsh penalties and can cause the unrest state to worsen by 1 step (depending on the Advisor), so it's worth spending Crisis Points if necessary. They are critical to maintaining Stability, but can also help Community and Loyalty. The people are flooding the streets, upset about the government's intrusion on their freedoms. And his production should be funded as well." Additionally, story options later in the game could cause advisers to perish or leave. Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. This cancels the Trade Agreement with Razmiran (Economy +5, Relations +5, 4 BP/week) and you lose its benefits,if you completed the Project. Arcane Rank 3: A master necromancer wants a license to hire out undead laborers. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), My dilemma is that I don't want to go too long without advisors and I know that The Witch Hunt Quest won't become available until after Troll Trouble. If Globalism > Isolationism. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. They are the main person in charge of Military, but can also have lasting effect on Stability, Divine, and Relations. Their primary concern is of the kingdom Community stat, but their actions can also tilt Economy, Loyalty, Stability, and Culture. The throne room event also unlocks the Project: Improving Cultural Development (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Culture bonus). The Curator's role is to preserve the Stolen Lands' art, keeping the Kingdom's culture alive, and the three potential candidates for this are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), and The Storyteller (TN). Your Advisors will give you different takes on the situations and different advice based on their alignments and personal beliefs. Divine Rank 1: The priests of the mainstream gods wish to demolish the idols of the ancient faiths. Military Rank 4: Soldiers have been using potions that make them more aggressive. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), There are a number of options to stir internal conflict in Galt. These stats entail various things; one of the roles, for example, is an advisor who will provide combat support to protect your realm from any attacks. Your choice here determines which room event you get for Relations Rank 6. This triggers the Event: Portal Beasts [Magister, Warden]. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. Thanks VolpeRosso, for the info and saves! Cayden: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Cayden (+1 to Councilor's rolls on Events, Loyalty +1 when the Councilor resolves an Event unless you get a Disaster, 10% chance for unrest state to improve each week for each 20 Loyalty) and unlocks the Project: Trade in Wine (1d10 BP per 30 days +1d10 BP per 30 days for each of: Loyalty Ranks 8 and 10; Relations Ranks 6, 8, and 10; and every 50 points of Loyalty + Relations over 400 (up to a max of +5d10 BP)).