After two years there, I resigned my commission and after several months, came to Columbus, Ohio as the Assistant Director of the Institute of Polar Studies (now known as the Byrd Polar and Climate Center). My dads name is Raymond Talley. Bang Sare is roughly half way between Sattahip Port and Pattaya Beach. I was a mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer on a Kaman HH43B. Are there any others who served on LT2075 on here? It was no secret and the commanders knew as well as everyone else. Hart trouble,strange skin disorders, fainting falls, the best of times the worst of times. The VA has classified me under the Blue Water Navy Act of Vietnam (2019) as being exposed and I have be advised Ill receive 30% disability. I was station at Korat AB Thailand, with the F-105 aircraft. We are trying to find out what squadron he was possibly in. Brass was not amused. we could see some action over VN. VA has denied my disability July 2020, Was in Korat 1967-68 cant remember want unit Army next to airbase TDY all over udon/ ubon. I have submitted many letters from VA doctors for PTSD and cancer. also in Thai Land for LINEBACKER II.during that time frame for the Year. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: I operated a USAFPCS Truck from the APO to the Aerial Port Terminal, driving along the base perimeter road that ran parallel to the base perimeter fencing, where almost daily Thais were busy spraying the foliage with a sweet smelling item (later found out to be herbicides (aka Agent Orange), so our Security Forces could have a clear killing zone in case of any impending Sapper Attacks occured. I was stationed at U-Tapao AFB in 1971-1972, spending one month also at UBON AFB in January 1972. No approval from higher authority was needed. I was NCOIC of the Security Police vehicle shop @ Veh. On 13 September 1971, Department of Defense Secretary Melvin Laird ordered all remaining stocks of Agent Orange (and Orange II) in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) returned to the United States. He had so many brothers that he was in boot camp with, the stories are few, but there was such a genuine loyalty to his fellow Army men. After reading all the comments by my fellow veterans. We flew out of Travis AFB in June 1967 and eventually landed in Bangkok, Thaailand for transport to Udorn. I was with the 49 tfw,New Mex, Da Nang, places in Thailand, left with the 366 tfw, discharged in Mt. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB in Feb. 1967 and did TDY to Korat RTAFB for 180 days returned to state side Feb. 1968. I have developed a form of MD it was identified as Inclusion Body Myositsis. My medical history includes platelets count over a million per microliter of blood, had my right kidney removed due to cancer, had heart surgery and currently dealing with skin cancer. Have had a heart attack. Do your homework before writing articles. But my Rabbi, has already received his disability rating and we were stationed at the same location and we were all around the base and community. I met Phan Wannemether, First Secretary of the Royal Thai Embassy, in London, on December 21. I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. looking for Arthur G Hubbard, paratrooper 1963 or 1964. It was an honor and pleasure serving with you guys. The Library of Congress does not control the content posted. It seems to me that if MKP was sprayed with agent orange An aircrew member that has info on this should speakup. A 3 body with a 3 tail. I published an article in THE MILITARY ENGINEER magazine November- December 1966 Vol. Any one in UDORN around 1971? Do not give up on your claim. The VA treats all of us Thailand vets like bastard children, like we dont deserve Vietnam veteran status. My husband served in the marine stationed in Udorn Thiland in 1962. The location of the dwellings were 30 to 60 feet from the perimeter where all brush and greenery had been spayed with agent orange. Does anyone know where the Doctors living quarters were or have a map of the base showing the living quarters? My next to last post was the Fuel Depot on the far side of the base. By commenting on our blogs, you are fully responsible for everything that you post. Appealed and was denied again not service connected. He passed away in 1997. Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. Needless to say everyone who was asleep that day was outside on the deck before the fragments started to fall. Google Dept of the Army FM 3-3, Dec 1971. Looking for anyone from 83 84. After his discharge, David was adamant about not disclosing the nature of his duties, citing a written and signed document that prevented him from doing so. Some of us rented bungalow downtown as well. Larry. Many of my friends that served with me have gotten cancer from Agent Orange. 250%manned so had to live in hotel in Can Tho and also rented my own place. You didnt have brand names you called them by the color of the can! My mother has been working this mostly but I am working to help. In the late 1940s and early 1950s the French Air Force used the same 3,500-foot runway, and abandoned the facility when French control over Indochina ended in 1954. I will pursue compensation; however, the posts above are not encouraging for a successful outcome. Testing was done at a remote forested site that was not located near base personnel. My father was at Phan Rang 66-67. Research Air America in Laos: Pepper grinder and AB-1 Missions The University of Texas at Dallas. and listed as a medical tech. Stationed at Takhli from Jan29 to Feb70 with the 355th FMS as OIC of the Accessory Sys. I was a jet mechanic at Ubon from 1969 -1970. My USAF unit was designated Det. Phan was busy preparing for a pending visit of the Thai Foreign Minister, who would stop in London after some business at the U.N. My grandfather did not qualify for the military due to medical issues but went over as a civilian in the 60s through Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona. Worked on the trim pad. Hello fellow Veterans @! Served in Thailand one year west of Sakon Nakon at the Phi Kio (Signal site) 1st st Bde, Vietnam,29 Sig Grp, Feb 68 69. the perimeter lines make a point at the location if that helps. (Both are doing fine now after surgeries) I have a picture of him an other people on a beach riding horses. Jailing some who died there days later. Never a smoker! Bob. Please switch auto forms mode to off. God bless all the brave men who survived, and those who didnt. This area I have now learned was also sprayed. unless clearly stated otherwise. What was the # of your B. Another tour of duty in 1973-76. Ubon. He recently passed and was exposed to agent orange. For those veterans that served at U-Tapao RTNB, I WOULD love to know that there was a klong (creek) running sort of parallel to the main gate entrance road? I now take that to mean Hmong tribesmen. 15 January 1968 Countries like Serbia, Costa Rica, and Zimbabwe are building a solid evidence-base for just transition by conducting qualitative and quantitative assessments (including economic modelling) looking at the socioeconomic impacts of a green transition. Served at Tahkli Air Base 1965/66. Just curious if anyone remembers him. The DVA has been tone deaf because I wasnt an SP or CE. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Our former Commander, Maj Gerald Stuyvesant, 2022 White Phan Rang AB Reunion T-shirt From $20.00 View Options. I had been healthy up until 1978 when I started to get all kind of health issues. I got assigned as a Augmentee to security police and r was on peremiter several times as well as in the jungle . Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. After the second world war the French conituned to use the base throughout the french Indochine War.In 1966 the US Air Force set up their base at Phan Rang and remained their until . They all died within 2 weeks. Any help will be appreciated. Dynamic Analysis of Automatic Emotion Recognition Using Generalized Additive Mixed Models President, Please contact me if you have info . The RAAF had 2 Canberras shot down, the C.O.Downing and his navigator Pincers who were winched out by chopper safe after they ejected. 3. your physician can state your illnesses, like chf, diabetes, PTSD, tinnitus, any of the presumptive illnesses on the VA forms or in a letter. our K9 dogs, who were left,,, cause of agent orange,, They would have been a good indicator,as what was used, in the name of war!! Also did guard duty 3 times on the outskirts of the base when we were on high alert, not listed on my record. Based Phan Rang AFB April 68 69 with Colorado ANG, 120TFS, and assigned to 35FMS Jet Engine shop. There are some exceptions that they now allow. In resonse to Dwight L Perkins Sr., who was with Red Horse Army constuction battalion at NKP, I can definitely confirm that your hooches were directly behind one of the towers where I was posted. I have Diabetes 2, Ischemic Heart Disease, Barretts Disease, Skin Cancers, Neuropathy,Pancreatic Cancer and arthritis. Does anyone know or remember how clean the camp was from weeds.} Read our Comment and Posting Policy. Your main picture of the Phan Rang flightline is reversed. Stationed at Ubon RTAFB all of 1973 with 8th SPS-K9. I think I have identified the building on a map of the base but the building is only labelled 1665. The Fire Station number one Crash station was in outer perimeter. I got spayed twice while working nights while working fighter between embankments. Welcome home vets. I have only been able to contact Mark Monroe which was on the flight line while I was there. We lived and dined in tent cities with no running water. Served with the 809th D company The second time I got the run-around youve read in so many other accounts: No evidence of AO use in my area or base during my time there, I was the wrong AFSC wasnt a cop, couldnt prove perimeter duty, etc. USAF 2 years in Danang,Phu-Chat,Vietnam,Ubon Thailand the Government could care less about our health problems take you Oxicodone and shut up, and thats if they will even send it to you thats Our Reward for going to war ! The long story was that airfield became operational on March 15, 1966. Our work shifts were 12/7 during my time there. called Happy Valley). Have neuropathy in both feet. I was there 70 71 315 CAM C123 OLD SHAKEY SGT ROLAND IVY ALSO AUGMENTEE FOR AIR FORCE SECURITY. Thank you. After coming home, 7 months later went to Ubon TDY with the 33rd. My late brother Thomas David Coovert took care of the F100s there, and was at Da Nang before that, during his first tour taking care of the F4 Phantoms. Staff noted that there was normally no acknowledgement of "secondary exposure" based on performing maintenance on aircraft that may have sprayed Agent Orange. My family and I would greatly appreciate any information you would be willing to share. The other was a distance from the pooches within feet of the fence. Filed VA claim in 2005 was denied The VA has been giving me a hard time with Agent Orange exposure and my heart, skin and COPD claims/appeals. Anyway. Read our His doc stated that he had diabetes before the cancer. Had some great guys in our hootch . I saw it once just before I left. Dont give up keep fighting for our rights and benefits. U.S. God Bless All. He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. Branch working with F-105 and EB-66 aircraft. We left just after Jack Trimble was shot down. This pic is looking from the north to south. I was there, with the 62nd Engineers, September 65 / September 66. I also have pronounced Vitiligo primarily on the backs of my hands only and from my neck upwards including my scalp. We had 2 men from the elect. I know there was jungle very near where we were located. The following 59 U.S. military bases were suffering from significant water or soil contamination a year ago, according to the Department of Defense's interpretation of its latest hazardous waste survey. VA denies that Agent Orange was used at Takhli or in Thailand. The Navy patrol squadrons were located right near the southwest end of the runway. The covered revetments were on the north and the open revetments were on the south. I left to go state side in June, 1966. Is there anyone out there that has the same experience?? Thank you in advance . Was volunteeredto crew a ORH C-123 through UDorn eventually to Buen Hoa and others in Vietnam. I would like to discuss AO at NKP if knew/worked with Ernest. Since the 1970,s I have had Chronic liver disease, not rated by the VA as due to Agent Orange. I know I was exposed to Agent Orange sprayed around Hooches, perimeter road and everywhere else they wanted to kill vegetation. Go to your congressman or woman and have them go US Bases in Thailand During the v. war and you can and show him where you were living.I am going to my congressman tomorrow. Phan Rang Air Base By Maj. Donald A. Haas, Corps of Engineers, United States Army One of the main American operational air bases in Vietnam is at Phan Rang. Ramp 5060 is entirely within the 500 meter drift zone. Using that argument and other documents, BVA ruled in my favor and Ordered VA to rethink their denial for all those years. Phan Rang Air Base Phan Rang and Bin Ha Convoys, 1966 Photos by . I am considered 90% disabled with UI, so I get all benefits of 100%. Finally, today, 02-12-2020, I spoke with an ADVISOR at the Federal Bldg in WLA and felt good about what he told me. MOST WERE TYPHOON RELATED. I was TDY to Utapao AB in 1968. Myself and a couple of other crew chiefs went over and boarded the 123s to see how they worked. I was the Operations Sargent. The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. Attribute that to agent orange exposure while on NKP and while at Pleiku, Vietnam. Couldnt talk about the kid I left on a Thai flight line. I read many cases from the files of the Board of Veterans AppealsOne case # 1139851 stood out. Im 56 and am interested in the history of the Vietnam War. Didnt happen. We were all exposed to agent orange but there is no way to substantially it because military records do not support us there or what we were doing. from the Perimeter fence line. He was a USAF pilot but served as Ops Officer there. Trying to prove exposure to AO. 05h20. The bottom line remains that no matter the location or mission, YOUR military members served 24/7/365 in toxic environments and now have to fight the VA for benefits! Well I got called up and guarded the base perimeter. What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. Hes applied 3 times for VA disability and 3 times denied. I have been trying for 3 years to get COMPENSATION with NO GO from the VA. Can you help what do you guys think pretty sorry. 3. Many of the comments Ive read here are extremely disturbing. I served in the 8th SPS at Ubon Rtafb June 72-73. Dont give up. return to top Contact Health Care 877-222-8387 Benefits 800-827-1000 TDD (Hearing Impaired) 800-829-4833 At that time I was told anyone that served in Thailand during the Vietnam time frame was now considered to have come in contact with AO. I was with the 601 Photo Squadron, if anyone else was in the unit or in NKP during that time you are more than welcome to Contact me Thanks for your service and Welcome home, Jerry Bruns since you worked on the trim pad, can we talk about how close the pad was to the perimeter? I am trying to file one more time. The base was surrounded by jungle. Spent 7 months in country. Most all of our sorties were at night, which left me time to explore during the day. The author, Hal Walker, is a pilot who was stationed there for three months in 1969-1970. Served 809th Eng Bn, 16th Domp Truck comp, NAkon Phanom (NKP) 1969 -1970). Has anyone stationed there filed a claim? Service in Ubon, Thailand 1965 437th MAC. This past year, I had my mitral heart valve repaired due to 40% back-flow. I was with the 331st Supply Company. Afghanistan Hat Pins; Air Force; Air Force 2022 Phan Rang Reunion Products; Air Force Caps; Air Force Patches; Air Force Pins . I primarily worked the flight line. To Pat Kearny Our shop truck would pull up to the plane and we downloaded our stuff and proceeded to the well-guarded shop. A contract was awarded in 1968 for project Combat Hornet, for a total of 52 additional gunships. We had 197 people on board with gear and just cleared the fence at the end of runway leaving Holloman. So he traveled through the gate daily. Are you still living in Den area.? vulnerable and weak. Agree with Jack Hart. I did in DEC. Think of getting a bad jungle fatigues sunburn: hands and face and head. Just glad I can still get vertical every day. I guess our government is waiting for us to die off. Phan Rang Air Base FREE Records: 31,716 Overview Browse Newsletters about Phan Rang Air Base during Vietnam. Any help with info on units flying these missions or anyone recognizing his name, or serving during this time flying similar missions please reach out to me. Ive been trying to research what army inf units were in thailand at that time and where they were stationed. My dad was stationed in Germany. I know have ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure and borderline diabetes. Member names and photographs compiled from the Group "Phan Rang AB, Vietnam (Happy Valley)" Facebook pages. I was stationed at the hospital at both bases. The Last Fight of your Squadron Commander was unique they stopped after turning off the runway, and tied him to an external bomb rack, so he came in to the Last Flight fire-hose ceremony lashed to the bomb rack of his Canberra! Looking for any one who knew Glenn Orn Fisher Jr who was in the Air Force from 1956-1970. Agent Orange was employed around many of these airfields andother U.S. installations in Thailand. This is the first I have heard about possible AO exposure in Thailand for some who served there, depending on their MOS / AFSC, or requirements to work perimeters. Cobra, BravoZulu, Head Shot and 1 other person. From 1961 to 1975, the United States Air Force deployed aircraftthroughoutThailand, and these planes were responsible for the majority of USAF air strikes over North Vietnam. While trying to locate such materials, this author discovered an interesting map in the Geography and Map Divisions Titled Collectionthatshows the locations of U.S. military and civilian personnel locatedin Thailand during 1969. For those stationed at Korat: Ha. Returned on a 30-year non-disclosure for witness to Genocide. Not much help I realize, but wanted to add my .02 cents along with offering my greetings to all you comrade Thai Vets. They claim agent orange was not used in Thailand which we know is a lie. My husband served at Korat Aug 73 to Sep 74. former home at Phan Rang AB. Its nasty with blisters and incurable. please email if possible . Trying to help my sister whose husband died of two AO presumed illness/cancers. Its a declassified document on how every base in Thailand was established from a security perspective. I was at Takhi from July 66 to July 67. those who were once stationed at the base. In April 1975, the Peoples Army of Vietnam seized the base, and today it is used by the Vietnam Peoples Air Force. Is their any help out there? Was stationed at Takhli from 7/67-7/68. I tip my hat to you Aussies! Other key basesfor USAF operations included Korat, Ubon, U-Tapao, andDon Muang, andUdorn. I was told it was due to working in the dusty supply building. we had no military police to do this. been denied 3 times, My dad was part of the 6010 wild weasles and was stationed in Takhli and Korat from July 70-July 71. I worked Hill 260 at Takhli. My brother, David Chavira Jr, was a US Air Force communications specialist who served at Udorn AFB from 1969 to 1970. He was the avionics supervisor for the 388th wing for the F-104s. Going to start my investigation into applying for AO funds before things get worse and its too late. I got notified this month my claim was denied. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from April 69 to April 70. Air Force support troops at NKP were convinced we were CIA, otherwise what was a Coast Guard big white with red tail C-130 with all those antennas doing in the Golden Triangle. My husband and I were in Udorn. If anyone is having issues I would like information. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB 71-72, and was a flight facilities officer in the GCA. I have a claim in for agent orange exposure. Been trying to get the VA to approve my Parkinsons. We on a regular basis ran our engines on the trim pad down by the perimeter. I have really bad peripheral neuropathy, high blood pressure, and many other health issues. as stated AF does not retain any tdy records. We served our country; they subjected us to bad toxins; then they reject our claims! This information is also helping identify targeted measures for vulnerable populations such as . Hi there. I work with American Legion. Have 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one. I was stationed at NKP as a Security Policeman from May70-May71. Im still fighting them at 72 and going on about 8 years, Im looking for Frank Brown stationed at Ubon 72-73 he was dog handler for Rex4M83. NKP 1966. Our area was not declassified till 2010. I remember entering the gate and to my left was that klong and frequently smell the odor of chemucals. We were on the southeast side of the airfield next to an engineer company. Since then Ive had cancer , neuropathy in my feet and have had Asthma a number of years. Any info would be appreciated. Is there any chance I was exposed to Agent Orange? I went into their Historical War Records section and found his full name, address, date captured and date that he returned home! First fueling B-52s on the East side, which meant driving the perimeter road, eating at the East side chow hall, than the West side, filling up our R-5 refueling trucks at the POL Tank Farm, that was next to the perimeter. CLL cancer diagnosed 2017. The three airmen/soldiers are probably Australians as they are carrying Australian SLRs. I was flying combat missions out of Utapao in 1970/71. September 24, 2019 at 10:58 pm Did any one know a euclid lamar Cleveland? Vietnam Phan Rang Air Base 1969 stock video footage and royalty free HD video clips and photos. I left a wife and a 8 and 6 year old on Christmas day 1969 heading to San Francisco for my flight to Bangkok. Any number of clues that you might have, or can get, may trigger better questions or hopefully answers! Would like to correspond with anyone that was there during that time period. Please contact me. . No grass or weeds inside nor outside perimeter. Was load crew chief and my crew worked many sorty missions on the perimeter. Was assigned to 355 FMS/AGE at Takhli and to MMS/AGE at U-Tapao. and the Wars in Indochina,, On December 24th, 1975, I began four months of Hell while defecating 10-20 times per day while continually bleeding from the strain.