No such thing as a perfect cooker so ya really just have to decide what you can live with/without. This is a traditional design and its built to deliver high quality and performance. The pits have a lifetime warranty against burnout. With a total of 1250 square inches of grilling area, its not that hard to be cleaned. I don't think I have ever seen a Yoder in person but I would assume they are great as well. On the other hand, the Yoder grills are full-steel grills with more reliable construction. . Fairly enough, they do justify their tagline by making competition-quality smokers and grills since 2007. So, if you are interested in investing in a new grill, continue reading this article and get the perfect grill at your home! Your email address will not be published. However, no matter what type of grill you need, this company manufactures different grills, including pellets, backyards, charcoal, and much more. Pitts & Spitts Maverick 1250 w/ smokebox Fast Eddy's PG1000 I'm cooking for 2-4 people most of the time. These two grills can rely on any outdoor cooking, and they make a great addition to any deck as well. After reading hundreds of posts about MAK and Pitts grills, and seeing the MAK work in person, I decided on the MAK 2 star. As these two pellet grills are of similar features and represent their respective brands, we can easily conclude that the Pitts and Spitts products offer more hopper capacity. As these two pellet grills are of similar features and represent their respective brands, we can easily conclude that the Pitts and Spitts products offer more hopper capacity. Wasnt looking at the Pitts and Spitts, but the option to have direct grilling was a big reason I went with the YS640. This site is brought to you by readers like you who support us with their membership in our Pitmaster Club. I have seen them in a shop and they feel much more sturdy than Traeger and the like. If you havent made up your mind yet, make some time to go through this article below. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Welcome to the pit. Being you are looking at new pellet grills, is the the Rec Tec not working out for you? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We go a step further. However, there are a few factors that could be improved. The P&S and the Yoder grill are both on the list of the top best grills to consider. Side to side and front to back, you can grill up a meal with the same grilling intensity across the entire grilling when needed. send us pictures of the first smoke! inches grilling surface is more than enough. Required fields are marked *. Click here to read more about our review process. Redcat Volcano vs Blackout: Which One Is Best? If you have questions related to barbecue or grilling, please post them to the comments section at the bottom of any page. Besides, all their products are quite easy to clean. Comparatively, the YS640 temperature ranges from 150 to 600 degrees. And thanks to the digital PID controller, it provides superior temperature control that leads to a better burn. Whether you feel like grilling briskets, pork butts, turkeys, or chicken, the 1070 sq. Pitts And Spitts Grills are manufactured from stainless steel materials. What drew our attention the most regarding this reputed brand is their versatile product lineups. Personally, I do not think you will beat a MAK as a smoker AND everyday grill. We reviewed their Loaded Wichita which is a 20 offset smoker with their most popular options such as a cooking door counterweight and heat management plate. I'm upgrading from my GMG Daniel Boone and starting to get analysis by paralysis! To set you up for ultimate success, we also offer high quality wood pellets, grill grates, and a local Texas spice line. You can even distinguish them by design at first sight. Dont worry, there is a stainless steel model as well. The only thing I have heard doing my own research was the Pitts and spitts is meant for smoking not so much grilling. As a BBQ pit, which one will you choose from Pitts and Spitts vs Yoder? Try the Flat Top adjustable charcoal grill. I've never had an issue with peeling paint, temp swing issues or anything else I would note. It comes packed with additional features like meat hooks, a grease drain and a convenient ash removal tray that makes clean up easier. Post your hints, tips, tricks & techniques, success, failures, but stay on topic and watch for that hijacking. Affordability RT-590 grill is priced at around $1200, whereas it can also be bought from the official website of Rec Tec at $900 with free shipping. Nope just Yoder and I cant recommend it enough. To make this argument as fair as possible, we compared two of their flagship grills for your better understanding. Thats a nice cooking arsenal! Yes, I own a MAK and my opinion is biased lol but I cannot recommend them highly enough. So, it can say without any doubt that Yoder grills meet the best value for money. Needless to say, Pitts and Spitts Maverick 1250 is a famous mid-size model with incredible workmanship. As they are designed to withstand a lot of use, you can smoke a huge amount of meat repetitively. You cannot slide full size grates all the way out because of the way the lid opens. The Yoder I feel will be much more suited to that. Constructed with high-quality components. The main difference between Pitts and Spitts, and the Yoder grill is the control system. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Can't imagine going wrong with either. Another great advantage of their grilling gadgets is that you can smoke, roast, sear, or BBQ according to your needs. Seems like a pretty easy decision for the P&S, correct? There are now 3 things that test a marriage. Safe to assume youll only be smoking/roasting on said unit, with little to no grilling? This kitchen appliance is built to last for a very long time and functionality is important to the owner of the brand hence this is made with high-quality material that is resistant to wear and usage. Pitt is heavier built, the bottom grate pulls out so it's easier to get the cap off the drip pan to sear. I dont want to shell out 2900 for a Mak 2 star. All things being equal, Id pick one over Yoder. The smaller cooking area was my only real concern. As a reputed and reliable grills accessories manufacturer, Pitts and Spitts manufacture high-quality grills in the market. If we compare the Maverick 1250 and Yoder YS 640s, we see that the P&S smoker offers more cooking area. I'll personally never own anything but Yoder. Also, you need to fix the felt strip on the lid after a while as it falls off. I have the older style Yoder 640 and cannot say enough good things about it. Just my 2 cents :). STANDARD ACCESSORIES PID controller for superior temperature control 35 pound hopper Stainless steel hopper lid Lots of choices for that first smoke, for me, I'd suggest either a butt or a couple of racks of St Louis ribs. Your email address will not be published. Pitts & Spitts claims you can grill on this cooker, but like many other pellet smokers, the firepot is only 4 inches round. Be the first to rate this post. You wont find many pellet grill/smokers that come close to it. I like a lot of the other things about it too..on paper anyhow. Most people that have smoker issues with temp swing can't keep from opening the lid. There are numerous things I prefer about the Pitts lineup, but personally I would still choose a Yoder IF grilling were a huge priority (which it is) to me. On the other hand, the Yoder grills come with steel construction. This company manufacture different types of grills with an extended cooking surface and hopper capacity. Love the Yoder, but also like the look of the Maverick. In terms of cooking surface, several models offer several dimensions. and our The Yoder has the direct flame option so it can grill pretty well. He gave me a fairly detailed comparison and recommended the 700. Curious what peoples thoughts are on the yoder vs p&s. This food appliance is designed to endure a long time and the ownership of the brand values functionality; therefore, it is manufactured of high-quality materials that are resistant to tear as well as wear. We extend this right to anyone, EU resident or not. 327 74K views 5 years ago I received some questions about why I chose the Pitts and Spitts New Pellet Grill vs the Yoder YS 640. We'll see how it cooks soon!!!! However, the Yoder grills feature a more durable design and may feel something like military grade. It sells barbecues, trailers, backyard smoker equipment, and other items. Need to add a pellet to the arsenal. The one question that you haven't asked yet: "which would look better in your backyard (on your porch/deck, etc)?". While reviewing the P&S Maverick 1250 and Yoder YS 640s, its evident that the P&S products are slightly ahead in terms of wider grilling surface, bigger hopper capacity, and more affordable price points. Heat the grill for 15 minutes for indirect cooking. Although the Yoder grills offer unique features and functionalities, you cannot get them with a mid-range budget. I just ordered a pitts and spitts today.850 model. Finding out the comparison might help determine which you should spend your money on. Manage Settings It is basically a premium-grade pellet grill from Yoder that represents its reliability, stability, and efficacy. The Pitts and Spitts grills come with a bit larger hopper than the Yoder grills. Yoder grills are made from chrome-plated steel and powder-coated steel with a single layer lid. The Fireboard is industry leading and combined with the 20 lbs hopper makes a smoke pretty effortless. This covers things like opening the door, putting cold meat on the grill, and even the kind of pellets used. Try this pellet grill once and rest assured that you will be a forever Yoder fan. Choosing a specific type of Yoder grill isnt complicated since they are all built with high-quality material and over the years, old and new customers have continued to show they are happy about their products. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Thanks to the next-generation ACS board, it can read even the slightest change in the heat flow due to the cooking door opening or putting cold meat on the grill. Click here to read our complete review. So, you can purchase any grill from any of these two brands according to your needs. Key questions to add in are 1) pellet consumption, 2) do you want to control cook remotely (WiFi) & 3) how much do you want it to grill/sear {and of course a)$$$ & b) size}. If you are interested in a Pitts & Spitts Pellet Grill and have any questions you can contact: +1 (832)-214-8590 for more information. Great people to deal with and the product is built like the proverbial tank at 335# and adds lots of smokey goodness to whatever I cook HTH YMMV, I had a yoder 640 and it works well. On the other hand, the Yoder grills come with steel construction. It gets plenty hot right at that spot, and the thick steel deflector plate and drip pan spread out the heat nicely, but superhot searing capability is still limited to a relatively small area. Cookie Notice Its Competition Grade BBQ Products.. Here we see that the Maverick 1250 from P&S beats the Yoder 640s having a way bigger hopper capacity. The SmokeFire excitement didn't last long. Unless you draw a head-to-head comparison, choosing one of these two is quite challenging. If asked before Pitts and Spitts came out with their new. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Awesome, just ordered the 1250 with smoke box! For direct sear, simply open your trapdoor shift, shift the deflector plate to the left and turn your grill to 600 degrees. My local dealer carries both. When I got it I was amazed that the quality of workmanship/design was the same high quality of my 1250. We are GDPR compliant (the stringent General Data Protection Regulations from the European Union that went into effect in 2018). There is only 1 pellet grill that has proven itself to sear GREAT and that is fast eddy. Yoder YS640 vs Pitts and Spitts 850 Curious what peoples thoughts are on the yoder vs p&s. I see yoder had lots of paints issues but just spoke to them and they said they've improved their painting process. All their products resemble quality, confidence, and excellence.Starting its journey back in 1983, its a Texas-based company that has been manufacturing industry-standard grills and smokers for many years. These grills are also available at a reasonable price. It can even read the pellet burn rates quite efficiently. This pellet grill can be used for commercial purposes and although this is expensive but considering the quality, it is worth going for. Smoking Brisket At 250 vs 225 | The Difference Will Amaze You! He had a Yoder then sold it after 6 months to get the 1250. PELLET GRILLS SHOP NOW SMOKERS SHOP NOW CHARCOAL For instance, the storage shelf is uncovered, and therefore, the pellets arent protected during rain. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Yoder YS640 vs Pitts and Spitts Maverick 1250 Hi all, I've been planning to purchase a YS640 for quite some time but have recently came across the Pitts and Spitts Maverick 1250 and it seems to be a really well built smoker. Everything is built of high-quality materials, from the grills to the smokers. The craftsmanship and durability of the product have made it stand out for years. So, you may now ask, which brand you should go for grills between Pitts and Spitts vs Yoder. One of the most popular products from this range is the Maverick 1250. As the entire body of these grills is made of 10-gauge heavy-duty steel, they are meant to last a lifetime. Disaster Relief Dinner: Blackened Filet Mignon (Lotsa Pics @ Lotsa Dialog), Pellet Grill Wont Get Up To Temp. Yoder grills provide superior performance. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. I saw both in person and the yoder seems like it would handle grilling better plus it has the integrated fireboard which is a nice plus. Based on what I've read, I believe the P&S has more even temps and for me has a better overall feature set and would be my choice if buying. There has been quite a lot of comparison between Pitts and Spitts vs Yoder grill, but none seems to be hitting the surface for people. With all the grates there is plenty of room though. No issues at all if you use the full bottom grate and then 3 half grates. WD Purple vs Seagate Skyhawk: Best Surveillance Hard Drive, Seagate Ironwolf vs Barracuda: Best Storage Solution, Oklahoma Joe Longhorn vs Highland: Which One You Should Buy. Both cookers (like all cookers) come with pros/cons. 21 Great Mai Tai Recipes For 2022, Carbon steel cooking area and working surface, Made with stainless steel working surface, PID controller for superior temperature control, Made with solid stainless steel and prep shelves, Pneumatic tires that can be used on patio or venue, A popular model for beginners and consumer-friendly design, This is ideal for professional and commercial grilling, This is mostly used in large households and competitions, Has a thermostat for maintaining a steady temperature, Produces high indirect heat for grilling meats and vegetables, The entire smoker is built of grade stainless steel, Built of steel which makes it look more like a smoker than a grill. I got to be up close and personal with a Yoder YS-640 last yearthey are built like a tank. Now lets take a look at different types of grills and their functionalities manufactured by these two companies. He never said anything bad about the Yoder just there were things that the P&S overcame. Pitts and Spitts grills are made in Texas and happen to be the only wood pellet smoker in Texas too. For more information, please see our These three brands have reputation for providing high-quality cooking appliances however Yoder grill is considered more expensive. For any kind of grilling or all in one type cooker, I wouldnt choose it though. One of the best-selling points about this excellent pellet pit is the two integrated food probes for monitoring the temperature correctly. If you are going to grill a lot, they are, indeed, matchless to last longer than any average smoker or grill. Maybe that has changed. On the Pitts you can have a small direct flame zone, but the opening is offset a bit cutting back on the intensity of the searing action. Their product line includes offset smokers, fire pits, charcoal grills, wood pellet grills, travel grills, and much more. For Foodies. If we highlight the most notable features of this power-packed pellet grill, we find the following key points. If you are, then this article may help you. I still think the trap door assembly on the Yoder for direct flame sear is a better design than the P&S which requires you to move the shield to access the flame after you remove the trap door. But trust me, they provide excellent value for the money. I am in SE Wisconsin. pitts & spitts has been a legend in the bbq business for nearly 40 years. But another disappointing factor of this amazing pellet pit is the retail price. Outside of that, Im looking for pros and cons of these and hoping to hear from current or previous owners. They are, indeed, built to last. So, its better to spend your hard-earned money in Yoder if you are running a restaurant. The Pitts and Spitts grills come with a relatively conventional grill design. No experience with either but the Pitts and Spitts smokers have always caught my eye. As a result, the Yoder YS 640s provides unfailing temperature control. I'm looking for a good mix between grilling and smoking. Dad, mom and son operation. I have a GMG and PB and both died on me in the last month so wanting to step up in the world. Hi all, Ive been planning to purchase a YS640 for quite some time but have recently came across the Pitts and Spitts Maverick 1250 and it seems to be a really well built smoker. This is more of an inconvenience than a real negative. Pitts & Spitts Copyright 2022 | Site by Batch Creative. You must log in or register to reply here. ** Other cooking techniques are welcomed for when your cookin' in the kitchen. Cooking capacity is another point that differs between Pitts and Spitts grills and Yoder grills. But that naturally costs a fortune whereas the carbon steel model is more than okay to last quite long. They are one of the best American grill manufacturers and happen to be the only wood pellet smoker maker in Texas. Their widespread product range takes care of all your smoking, grilling, barbecuing, and braising needs. With that being said, they have a wide array of smokers and grills from mid to high range. I am in a similar situation between the MAK and the Pitts & Spitts. Keep it off when cleaning and clean with a disposable rag or cloth, Clean accumulated grease when Its still warm since its easier to get off that way but be careful not to burn yourself, Do not use abrasives that can scratch the stainless steel, Be careful not to put your hands anywhere on the auger especially when the pellet is on, Leave the valve drain open when cooking, so grease can drain into your bucket. There are several reasons this pellet grill is popular and here are a few to mention-. I have an older Yoder and it is a tank. Haven't seen a Pitts and Spitts, but after using a YS640 for nearly a year, you would have a hard time, talking me into a different cooker. Dealer is suppose to have it delivered within a day or 2!!!! If you are considering a grill based on how long it has been in the market then you might just go with Pitts and Spitts, however, that is not all you need to pick an efficient grill. If I were going to go away from Yoder, it would be a Mak or Memphis, not saying they are better or worse, because I really don't know, but they have been in the pellet game for a long time, and make good cookers. If you went to the Houston Rodeo cookoff in the 80's, it was endless rows of Pitts and Spitts. As you already know, its a competition-grade pellet grill to offer an unfailing smoking experience both at home and beyond. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The ys640s temp control is not great. Here we discussed everything in detail about these two reliable companies. The S series microprocessor is among the most sophisticated controllers in the industry, capable of monitoring and adapting to a variety of input factors in order to maintain a constant temperature. As Yoder grills are expensive, they are equipped with some unbeatable features as well. I hope you stick around. When I say offset on the Pitts, I am referring to the opening not being directly over the fire like it is on the Yoder. The Yoder pellet grill is made in the US and has won so many awards as a reliable grill. Whether you need a wood pellet pit, charcoal grill, offset smoker or fire pit, you will get them under this single platform. The same cannot be said about the Yoder group. Grilling will not be the strength of the Pitts unit. Meathead's promises to never sell or distribute any info about you individually without your express permission, and we promise not to, ahem, pepper you with email or make you eat spam. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Keeping that aside, lets talk about the barrel made of 7 gauge steel. Professionals have utilized these two grilling gadgets and brands for years. So, we can simply say that Pitts and Spitts grills provide more cooking surfaces than Yoder grills. Both Yoder and P&S pellet pits are wifi enabled. Please contact us for So Cal Delivery options. I've narrowed down my choice to either the P&S 850 or the Yoder 640. But ultimately I felt the MAK suited my needs best. No votes so far!