C. Haak (Georgetown), and Rev. July 10, 2016 - First PRC Holland announces a trio of Rev. J. Holstege receives the call from Randolph PRC. Heath Bleyenberg and Miss Deb Key were joined in marriage. Ref. Carl Haak (Roselle, IL) received the call to serve in Immanuel Prot. August 2, 2020 - Cornerstone PRC announced the following trio: Rev. Church of Grand Rapids, MI, April 27, 2003 --Rev. C. Griess is installed in First PRC, Grand Rapids with former pastor Rev. CERC has now exhausted the appeal process with the Singapore government. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC) accepted the call from Grandvillle PRC (received Oct.6) to serve as minister on loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. July 16, 2017 - The congregation of Southwest PRC (Grandville, MI) voted to extend a call to Candidate Justin Smidstra. Funeral was Thursday, Oct. 21 at the South Holland Protestant Reformed Church.October 17, 2004 --Rev. November 29, 2020 - Kalamazoo PRC calls Rev. We are keeping our membership fee at $5 per year to keep the association inclusive, however, extra monetary donations would really help the PRCA expand the work, events, and advocacy that we do. R Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA). May 31, 2009 -Rev. Church made the following trio from which one will be called to serve in the Philippines: Rev. May 13, 2018 - Candidate J. Langerak announced his acceptance of the call he had received from Heritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD) on April 29. September 26, 2004 --Rev. C. Griess (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC, WI), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA). G. Eriks (Hudsonville), and Rev. March 6, 2011 -Rev. A. Lanning (Faith). Angus Stewart to serve as missionary pastor to the Covenant Protestant Reformed Fellowship of Ballymena, Northern Ireland. S. Regnerus(Lynden, WA). April 18, 2010 -Rev. May 6, 2012- Rev.Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI PRC)acceptedthe call from Edgerton, MN PRC. October 2, 2011- Hope Prot. May 29, 2022 -The Council of Doon PRC announced a new trio:Rev. Cowboys can offer preferences of the rodeos and times at which they wish to compete. May 16, 2010 -Rev. W. Bruinsma, C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA) to call its first minister. April 11, 2013 - Edgerton (MN) PRC marks the 75th anniversary of her organization as a congregation. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, Wisconsin). July 30, 2001-- Rev. Martin VanderWal (Wingham, ON). Arie denHartog to serve as missionary to the Philippines. October 23, 2022 - Rev. August 5, 2007 -Rev. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids), and Rev. December 16, 2009 -Cornerstone Prot. June 5, 2011 -Rev. May 19, 2019 - Rev. February 28, 2018 - Pastor-elect David Noorman sustains his exam before Classis East and Southwest PRC is advised to proceed with his ordination and installation, which is scheduled for March 7. Doug Kuiper (Randolph) announced his decline of the call from Edgerton, MN congregation. January 8, 2023 - Doon PRC's Consistory formed a new trio:Rev. Jon Mahtani, currently pastor of Cornerstone PRC in Dyer, IN. October 10, 2021 - Rev. Ref. Ref. S.Regnerus. October 2, 2022 - Doon PRC called Rev. April 19, 2015 - Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) has formed a trio consisting of Rev. Angus Stewart from Ballymena, Northern Ireland. October 28, 2001 --Hope Prot. A. denHartog (Southwest), and Rev. Church announced a trio of Rev. August 12, 2012- Randolph (WI) PRC's Councilannounced a new trio: Revs. January 15, 2023 - Loveland PRC called Rev. Who We Are. August 28, 2011- Cornerstone Prot. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI) and Rev. W1C 1AY. December 15, 2019 - Rev. D. Lee receives the call from Kalamazoo PRC. S. Key (Loveland, CO PRC) announced his DECLINE of the call from First PRC of Holland, MI. Church made the following trio: Rev. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids), C. Terpstra (Holland, MI), and M. VanderWal (Wyckoff, NJ). Ref. Steven Key (Hull, IA), and Rev. Wm. J. Engelsma (Doon), G. Eriks (Hudsonville), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane). var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; C. Spronk to serve as a third missionary to the Philippines. October 21, 2009- Byron Center Prot. C. Terpstra (Holland, MI) announced his decline to the call to serve as missionary to Ghana.July 6, 2003--Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MI, called Rev. Church. James Laning (Hope, Grand Rapids) declined the call to serve as missionary to the Philippines. November 18, 2018 - Grandville PRC's Council announces a trio for minister-on-loan to Covenent ERC, Singapore: Rev. Ref. November 25, 2018 - The Council of Immanuel PRC announces a new trio from which to call her next pastor: Rev. Erik Guichelaar (Randolph, WI), Rev. Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) to serve as their first pastor. May 28, 2017 - Rev. September 29, 2002 --Rev. Ron Hanko (Lynden), Rev. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids, MI). R.Kleyn declined the call from Kalamazoo PRC. D. Kleyn (Holland, MI). March 11, 2010 -Trio for Trinity Prot. Audred Spriensma (missionary in Philippines) declined the call to serve Bethel Prot. J. Smidstra received the call to Wingham (ON) PRC. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ref. September 30, 2001 --Rev. N. Decker and D. Noorman. PRCA APAC members, Weber Shandwick, partners up with THIS CAN HAPPEN on workplace well-being and mental health support for employees. It is made up ofRevs. J. Laning (Hope, Walker, MI). August 26, 2001-- Rev. Classis West designates Thursday, Sept. 13, as a special day of worship in connection with this same event.September 10, 2001-- Rev. A. Brummel. October 27, 2003--Rev. N. Decker. December 8, 2013 - Doon (IA) PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.W.Bruinsma, missionary in Pittsburgh, PA. November 30, 2013 - Doon (IA) PRC formed a new trio consisting of Rev. This also means that he was led to decline the calls from Faith PRC of Jenison, MI and First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI. October 16, 2022 -Hudsonville PRC'sCouncil announced anew trio of Rev. November 8, 2020 - Wingham PRC announces a new trio of Revs. C. Haak (Georgetown) received the call to Cornerstone Prot. R. Barnhill. C. Haak to serve as home missionary. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC, IA) accepted the call from Crete PRC (IL). March 11, 2007 --Rev. Ref. Ref. November 26, 2002 --Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC), and Rev. December 16, 2009 -First Prot. On Sunday,, March 11, he preached his inaugural sermon. A. Lanning (Faith, Jenison). William Langerak (SE), and Rev. Ref. April 15, 2018 - Rev. J. Holstege (Zion PRC), Rev. December 1, 2017 - Pastor-elect Stephan Regnerus is ordained and installed as minister of the Word and sacraments in Lynden PRC (by Rev. April 20, 2011- Cornerstone Prot. Church.July 13, 2003--Rev. Garry Eriks received the call from the Byron Center (MI) Protestant Reformed Church. Charities. March 20, 2022 - Grace PRC's Council announces a new trio of Prof. B. Gritters, and Revs. Ryan Barnhill (Peace PRC, Dyer, IN), Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph, WI), Rev. December 30, 2012-Rev.C.Haak declinedthe calls fromFaith PRC(Jenison, MI) and fromHope PRC(Walker). R.Kleyn is installed as the twelfth pastor in the history of First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI. G. Eriks receives the call to Unity PRC. November 17, 2013 - Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC) decined the call from Faith PRC. March 25, 2012 -Rev.R. The congregation will vote to call a pastor after their pm service July 17. B. Huizinga (Hope, Redlands, CA), S. Key (Loveland, CO) and K. Koole (Grandville, MI). ), and Rev. Kenneth Koole (Faith, Jenison, MI) announced his acceptance of the call to Grandville, MI Protestant Reformed ChurchOctober 20, 2002 --Rev. Church.June 2, 2002-- Rev. Jai Mahtani (missionary-Pittsburgh, PA) received the call to the congregation of Bethel Prot. If you . B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), W. Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), and M. McGeown (Missionary-pastor, Limerick, Ireland). February 12, 2023 - Doon PRC's Consistory announces a new trio: Rev. J. Smidstra. D. Kuiper (Randolph) declined the call to Hull, IA congregation. M. VanderWal (Redlands, CA). Ref. November 27, 2022 - Rev. August 14, 2011- Trinity Prot. February 23, 2020 - Kalamazoo PRC announces a new trio of Revs. December 30, 2018 -Immanuel PRC's Council forms new trio: Rev. May 17, 2015 - It was announced in Peace PRC that Rev.N.Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) declined the call extended to him on April 26, 2015. Michael De Vries (Edmonton, AB, Canada) received the call to Wingham Prot. June 18, 2008 --Organization of Providence Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, Michigan. prca membership renewal. E.Guichelaar, J.Marcus, and J.Smidstra. December 19, 2021 -Rev. E.Guichelaar (Randolph PRC), J. Mahtani (Grandville PRC), and C. Spronk (Faith PRC). June 25, 2017 - Rev. Ref. N. Decker (Trinity PRC), C. Griess (Calvary, Hull, IA), and R. Kleyn (Spokane, WA), the congregation of Zion PRC (Hudsonville/Jenison, MI) voted to call Rev. Church, Redlands, CA has made the following trio: Prof. David Engelsma, Rev. Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC in Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. October 21, 2012-Faith PRCextended a call toRev.G.Eriks(Hudsonville, MI PRC). Rodney Kleyn (Hudsonville) announced his decline of the call to serve as missionary in the Philippines. R.Smithas just completed his first year of his second three-year term of service. July 16, 2017 - Rev. Aud Spriensma (former missionary in the Philippine Islands) is installed as pastor in the Kalamazoo (MI) Protestant Reformed Church. Brian Huizenga (Hope, Redlands, CA), Dan Holstege (1st, Holland, MI), and C. Griess (Calvary, Hull, IA). The rodeo has been an integral part of the Las Vegas success story over the past two decades, a time period that has seen the city's population jump from 590,000 to 1.7 million, and its annual number of visitors from 14.2 million to some 37 million. C. Haak declined the calls to Cornerstone and to Holland MI Prot. January 16, 2022 - Doon PRC votes to call Rev. Nathan Langerak (Crete, IL). March 13, 2022 - Rev. Church, Hudsonville, MI. Ref. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh), Rev. Ref. Ref. Ref. January 30, 2005 -Rev. December 7, 2014 -Rev. Ref. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call from Grandville, MI. July 8, 2012- Randolph PRC (WI) announcesa new trioof Rev. Ref. Ref. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Rodney Kleyn (Trinity, Hudsonville, MI) announced his decline of the call to Calvary, Hull, IA congregation. D. Lee (Edgerton), and Rev. Church in Hudsonville was informed that Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph). July 7, 2019 - Rev. May 23, 2010 -Rev. Forgot Password? September 27, 2009 -Cornerstone Prot. Carl Haak (Bethel, Roselle, IL) received the call to serve as pastor at the Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Michigan. Ronald Cammenga (Southwest PRC) received the call to serve Faith PRC of Jenison, MI.August 17, 2003 --Rev. September 18, 2022 - Covenant ERC calls Cand. His ordination into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and his installation as pastor of Randolph PRC (WI) are set for Sunday, October 13. November 2, 2008 -Rev. They call on Dec. 12. Church.March 13, 2005 -Rev. var addy_text8cd5fa5f775fd6987f7980aa1aade224 = 'Stated Clerk';document.getElementById('cloak8cd5fa5f775fd6987f7980aa1aade224').innerHTML += ''+addy_text8cd5fa5f775fd6987f7980aa1aade224+'<\/a>'; Classis WestThis email address is being protected from spambots. February 11, 2018 - Rev. H. Bleyenberg (Providence PRC) received the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. Ref. Doug Kuiper, (Randolph). You agree not to gain unauthorized access to the Website, or any account, computer . E. Guichelaar preaches his farewell in Randolph PRC. G. Eriks (Hudsonville MI), C. Haak (Georgetown MI), and R. Kleyn (Spokane WA). March 29, 2009 -Doon called Rev. The funeral was held Wednesday, Dec.23, at Grandville PRC. August 28, 2011- Hope Prot. Ref. December 13, 2009- Rev. December 18, 2022 -Rev. December 7, 2007-- Nathan Langerak was ordained and installed as pastor in the South Holland, IL Protestant Reformed Church. C. Haak. Ref. W. Bruinsma and Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), and B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA). March 18, 2018 - The Council of Calvary PRC (Hull, IA) announces a new trio consisting of Rev. April 1, 2010 - Rev. His emeritation begins September 1. Church, Roselle, IL.September 19, 2004 --Rev. S. Key (Hull, IA), and Rev. August 9, 2020 - Rev. June 10, 2013- At their congregational meetingRandolph PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.R.Kleyn(Covenant of Grace PRC ,Spokane, WA). Reformed Church received a decline of their call from Rev. August 30, 2020 - Kalamazoo PRC's Consistory announces a new trio: Revs. Steven Key (Loveland PRC) and Rev. April 18, 2021 - Rev. November 6, 2016 - Rev.B. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) announced his decline of the call to serve Byron Center, MI Protestant Reformed Church. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC - Sioux Falls, SD),Rev. C. Spronk declined the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. K. Koole (Grandville), and Rev. Ref. July 12, 2010 -Edgerton (MN)PRC called Rev. Kenneth Koole (Grandville), and Rev. Current Members. Ref. C. Terpstra (Holland, MI) received the call from Faith Prot. Ref. Church.November3, 2002--Rev. Church in Hudsonville, MI. July 27, 2021 - Rev. on January 25. April 16, 2017 - The Council of Zion PRC- Jenison, MI announces a new trio of Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph), and Rev. Ref. The first NFR was held in Las Vegas - and what a history it has been. D. Noorman declines the call from Hudsonville PRC. Church. July 10, 2011- Cornerstone's trio are the three candidates: Nathan Decker, Brian Huizinga, and Jon Mahtani. May 30, 2012 -Randolph (WI) PRCannounces a trioof Revs.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), A.Lanning (Faith PRC), and J.Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton).