Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. Posted June 24, 2020 in Editorial, Pistols, Revolver, Wheelgun Wednesday by Rusty S. with No CommentsTags: model 60, Pro Series, S&W, Smith and Wesson. S&W said that happens sometimes from hoop stress transferred through the aluminum when the machine screws on the barrel or when they thread the frame for the barrel. Over its long production run it has been available with barrel . I think you could follow-up with the unique cleaning and service recommendations from S&W regarding the Scandium Frame and Titanium cylinder I understand some have been ruined using cleaning brushes and solvent that is normally used on steel guns. With Smith & Wesson bleeding badly, influential people in the industry tried to calm tensions and save the brand from destruction, but a large part of the gun community wasn't having it. I own and carry a 340 on a regular basis, got mine when the model came out. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. However, when I am in a city, in addition to my duty pistol I always carry the 360PD in my front pocket. Arizona Game & Fish Department, State Agency: All entries must be received by giveaway end date. They are both Scandium/alumanium mix alloy frames and the M&P 340 has a stainless cylinder and the 340PD has a Titanium alloy cylinder. For a law enforcement back up or EDC gun, the Smith & Wesson Model 442 is the way to go. Deployed military should use stateside address. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. UPC. And while the Hogue grips look nice I wouldnt want to shoot this gun unless it was fitted with standard rubber grips. I try to train with at least 100 rounds of full power defensive ammo in my carry pieces. Not a great deal of flash and the bullet is designed for the short barrel velocity Smith & Wesson M&P .45 Magazine 10 Rd $32.00. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. There was a time that I recommended the J frames for backup guns. Details. Our price: $799.99. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. posted by Toyman 02-06-2023. Ruger changed the trigger linkage so the DA pull is smooth and medium-heavy making the revolver easy to shoot accurately. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. In the late 1950s when the company went to numerical model designations, the Airweight Centennial became the Model 42 and the all-steel version became the Model 40. -. I usually can keep all 5 rapid shots with the Model 60 in the A zone on an IPSC target out to about 20-25 yards as well. Smith & Wesson There's a small stainless steel insert in the topstrap right above the forcing cone, appearing to act as insurance against "flame-cutting" from the high pressures of magnum loads. The mere feel of the S&W 340PD exudes a sense of incredibly high quality. The 340PD is pleasant for me to shoot with regular 38 loads. You must log in or register to reply here. You must be 18 years of age or older to . He has received military, law enforcement, and private training in the use of firearms. Try it unloaded and you will see. This featherweight is an absolute dream to carry and packs a powerful punch. Perfect gun for hiking, Mt. As I mentioned earlier, J-Frames in general are great for pocket carry, but due to the lightweight materials, youll forget youre even carrying with the 340PD. if youre going for a snubbie,consider the semi bobbed hammer Charter Arms,preferably in 45Colt or 44Special.Big hole,limited muzzleblast.357Mag muzzleblast is horrendous in a snubbie. Firing was absolutely bearable with .38 Special target loads. Once we passed the Manly Magnum Test, we thankfully returned to the .38 Specials. The Model 340PD is available in 357 Mag. So this revolver was born. These small revolvers were designed to fire a full power round and are as simple and easy to use as they are reliable. The other was SIGs 125-gr. It's also a stunning extremely smooth shooting revolver with .44 Special. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, State Agency: During qual 5 rds of 38 +P 135 gr HP Gold Dot SB. S&W M&P340 Specs Caliber: .38 Special/.357 Magnum Barrel: 1.88 inches OA Length: 6.31 inches Weight: 13.8 ounces (empty) Grip: Synthetic Sights: XS tritium night Action: DAO Finish: Matte black Capacity: 5 MSRP: $869 For more information, visit Featured-rich and enhanced for better performance, our firearms maintain production line integrity. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (when required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. To address the restriction on bullets less than 120gr: There is a prohibition against using ammunition with bullet weight less than 120 grains due to the risk of frame erosion from powder that is still burning after too rapid exit of the light projectile. Most will carry this model inside the waistband. Shotshells are probably lighter than 120gr so can they be used? The S&W 340PD can also be easily carried in the pocket. Grip Finish. Scandium is stronger and lighter than aluminum, and titanium is a lightweight alternative to steel. In truth, we only have anecdotal evidence that some S&W locks have malfunctioned. New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, State Agency: Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM April 2023, P.O. That being said, these days the Model 60 is bested in many ways by the Kimber K6S 3. This simplicity of course, involves the tacit acceptance youre going to be shooting a snubbie double-action anyway. At that price I'd buy 2. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, State Agency: The correspondingly large rear notch allows sufficiently precise alignment for on-demand headshots from off-hand at 25 yards. Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, State Agency: I have the 329PD, had the trigger done over at the S&W custom shop. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, State Agency: One of the fun parts of revolvers is changing out the grips. Apparently, out of sight, out of mind was a thing even in the late 19th century. The Scandium is added to improve both tensile strength and the finished appearance of the product. Deployed military should use stateside address. Michigan Deptartment of Natural Resources, State Agency: Nov 28, 2009. the 340PD has a Scandium cilinder and red ramp front sight (11.4oz unloaded) and the M&P340 has a stainless steel cilinder and XS Tritium front night sight (13.3oz unloaded), the best price I found including shipping M&p340 $701.00 and the 340PD $803.00. Steel silhouettes yield easy hits out to 50y thanks to the longer sight radius and the ability to fire it in single action. Deployed military should use stateside address. These springs greatly influence the double action trigger pull which is a major concern of competitive shooters. A 12 ounce 357? Check the attached site and check your revolvers for this issue. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: A .357 Magnum option is okay, I guess, he said, once circulation had returned to his hand. If you want a shootable 357 go with a steel frame smith or the ruger sp 101. S&W replaced it with a 642, no charge AND included a duty action trigger job because the 442 had one. The Model 340 PD is a variation of the M40 Centennial AirLite which integrates the time-tested features of the original with modern advancements. I just have a sweet spot for Smith snubbies and although I have a 638, I've always been intrigued by the 340pd. Smith & Wesson Model 686 PLUS - Distinguished Combat Magnum 357 Mag 150713 . The Smith and Wesson 340PD is definitely not the best gun for target shooting or fun at the range, but it wasn't designed for that. However, firing .357 Magnum rounds will rock your world. Our price: Quantity: Buy now. Company honcho Daniel Baird Wesson, the legend says, became concerned about children accidentally getting hold of a parents revolver. Additionally, J-Frames have a heavier trigger pull than most semi-autos, especially common striker-fired options. Is it worth the weight savings? A little fingernail polish and your in business. It performs excellently as a concealed piece, yet is easy to hit accurately at range. I have the 360PD version, which is the same scandium-alloy frame but exposed hammer. Please be respectful of others. Estimated Value *Using 80% condition for calculating used Values. But I sure wouldnt wanna make a career out of it.. flame-cutting in the scandium topstrap. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. We want you, our readers, to be able to make informed decisions. The two combine to produce a powerful .357 Magnum revolver that is unbelievably lightweight. You remember the way old-timers used to describe these kinda guns? I asked. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. Similar to your standard Airweight revolvers. No function. No purchase necessary. Mississippi Deptartment of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, State Agency: Smith and Wesson S&W M340PD, 340pd M-340 - Airweight NO INTERNAL LOCK Used and carried from time-to-time, but unfired. Prefer IWB carry. JHP. Because most users found it took work to hold a very small, light revolver steady against a relatively long and hard trigger pull, the single-action capability seemed important. It incorporated a grip safety in the backstrap that supposedly would require an adult hand to span both that part of the handle and the trigger. Then it went in for re-timing. Whether you're shooting a pistol, revolver, or rifle, you can be sure your Performance Center gun is made with a close . DETAILS. Rex approached S&W and asked the company to resurrect the Safety Hammerless in the format of the conventional outside-hammer, five-shot J-Frame in .38 Special, which the company had introduced two years before. I bought a 340pd and installed the XS big dot front sight for a M&P 340 onto it. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. There are many different J-Frames on the market, but I believe the 340PD to be the most unique. However, if I wanted to load it with Magnums, I could. Shipping, insurance, and FFL handling $90.00, if less I will refund the difference. Low Flash, Low Recoil JHPs. Mrgunsngear Channel 779K subscribers Join Subscribe 5.3K 167K views 2 years ago We head out to the range with the range with the Smith &. Low Recoil mags we managed to stick three out of the five in 1 even, although the remaining pair were about 3 left of that. Recoil Control: Though its a tad lighter than the .38 Special Model 642 Centennial Airweight stainless, the M&P340 has nowhere near the kick of an 11-ounce .357 Magnum Model 340PD or the .38 Special AirLite Model 342. I had put about 30ish rounds through it when it happened. I fell in love with it, mainly for its sights, and ordered one. He will beat you. Although rated for the .357 Magnum cartridge, you might find the 360PD easier to handle with .38 Special or .38 Special +P rounds instead. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, State Agency: The kicker, naturally, is the 11.2-oz. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, State Agency: . It cannot, however, hold a candle to any of the hammerless ultracompact J-frames like the 340PD when it comes to ankle or pocket carry. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, State Agency: Wyoming Game & Fish Department, State Agency: Technical Specifications: Caliber: .357. If I really wanted punch in a small, light package, I think the 9mm's like the Kahr PM9 or Kel-tec Pf9 offer better control and more rounds. My wife's 642 Airweight .38 +P is 15 ounces. . (I) Giveaway ends December 31, 2022. I limit them to .38 SP. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, State Agency: Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Barrel Length. A hopeless attempt at child-proofing had been the designs raisondtre. biking, etc. ***Personal sale via certified funds. (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. W.C. Wolff company offers reduced power rebound springs rated from 12 to 16 pounds. Re: Smith & Wesson 340/340PD Revolver-Thoughts, Comments, Cuggestions, etc. As already mentioned the M&P has a steel cylinder which is a positive aspect IMO. I hear .38 and .38+p are very tolerable and the .357's have a lot of snap to them and you don't want to spend a day at the range with only .357's. Per the comment on percentage on Scandium, if one studies metallurgy, very small percentages of alloy metals can totally change attributes. 32 years as a deputy sheriff. Litewave H3 Express Tritium/Litepipe S&W M&P Shield, Shield Plus S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present All NON-PINNED Barrels, the L-Frames, and the New Era Revolvers. The first was Buffalo Bores Low Flash, Low Recoil 158-gr. Brand Winchester Expiration date 2023-Apr-30. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. 's blog. Sure, the airlite is an amazing 1 hit wonder. Scandium is a very expensive and hard to find rare earth element that is currently mined in small quantities in China, Russia, and Ukraine. This is accomplished by using a scandium alloy frame and titanium cylinder. scandium alloy makes it as light or a bit lighter than a similarly sized aluminum-framed .38 Special Airweight, but its rugged enough to handle .357 Magnum ammo and a steady diet of .38 Special +P rounds, while the five-shot cylinder is made of PVD-finished stainless steel. Description: Smith & Wesson Model 342PD Airlite, 38 Special +P, with 2 sets of grips and original factory box. There are possibilities of changing a grip in the process of finding the right one. A proper gun grip is the first part on your Smith Wesson Model 340 that you will come into contact with while reaching for it in the holster. The Smith and Wesson 340PD launches the revolver into the modern era with an incredible upgrade in construction and materials. The fine folks at Smith and Wesson have told me to send it in and they would gladly fix it. Id surmise this is to caution anyone from using short, lightweight screamers that could be more likely to jump the crimp. (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. But thats a 38 that weighs ~16 ounces. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. Jan 29, 2020. The .357 just doesn t make sense in anything shorter than a three inch barrel, which is still quite borderline. I only use mine for shooting people, not target work. Built on S&W's J-frame, it holds five rounds, and is rated for +P ammunition. Rebound Springs - Trigger rebound springs are common to all Smith & Wesson J, K, L and N frame revolvers. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. But what sold it to a great many buyers was the sleek silhouette of the hammerless design. 340PD. They are iffy guns. Editor Dan Shideler. Durability: The M&P340 brings to the table a well-crafted mix of metallurgy. Have been retired for 15 years now. Its features are described in its Safety Hammerless designation. But there is a piece of knowledge id like to share that will benefit all. True? This is a carry pistol by nature. Quantity: Buy now. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. This model has an matte black scandium alloy frame, Titanium alloy cylinder, black stainless steel barrel, Hi-Viz fiber optic green front and fixed u-notch rear, and an external hammer. This is one revolver in which .357 Mag is simply superfluous. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! .357 Mag Power: This pistol weighs just under 14 ounces, which makes firing full-power Magnum loads painful and difficult to control. Theres also a flip-side to the Plus-Ps Plenty for Me argument and Ive heard it from very knowledgeable CCW types. 0. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Case in point: American Outdoor Brands, which spun off from Smith & Wesson last year, reported sales up 60% over its first two fiscal quarters; Vista Outdoor reported a 41% increase in ammo sales . Both are carried in my front pocket of my jeans. I have a 360 M&P (.357 Mag scandium snub nose). 340 PD has a titanium cylinder and a warning not to shoot 110gr or lower 357 mags in it. Also has bullet pull been a problem? This makes continual, daily carry a breeze for those who will not carry a larger handgun and provides a discreet option for those who need deep concealment. It's a 357 magnum and weighs about 11.4 oz unloaded. The gun's design makes it a good concealed carry option. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Smith and Wesson J-Frame revolvers have been popular carry options for decades. Buy whichever you like. 1974: In little more than 20 years, times had changed. The little gun has very little end shake. 6-shots and you can make an argument for a revolver over a semi-auto, but not with 5. Products from the Performance Center are the ultimate expression of old-world craftsmanship blended with modern technology. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. It's an excellent sight. The bright green HiViz fiber optic front sight is very quick to acquire. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. I gravitate more towards the Slim-Tuk because it locks into place firmly and has minimal thickness. Concessions to magnum force included a stainless steel J-shaped insert to combat self defense range than an external hammer model would be. Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, State Agency: I carry it IWB with a Clipdraw, and I don't even know it's there. Have (3) J frame S&W revolvers. Selected results are shown in the accompanying chart. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. October 6, 2008. Weighing just about two ounces more than my pocket gun, the 340 M&P comes with . Ruger has been using MIM parts for more than 10 years. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. It's a solid, well-built little gun. Despite all the damning evidence, the Smith & Wesson internal lock problem is likely not as bad as it appears. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. My bet is that the failure crack originated from a tool mark left over from broaching the cylinder recess in the frame. There have been enough J-Frames for a gun collector to specialize in and gather a substantial herd of them. No purchase necessary. I dont have a problem shooting hot loads in lt guns but the 360 is not a lot of fun but can be shot double tap with practice. Contest open to U.S. residents only. I carried a nickel plated model 442 IWB behind my hip for so long that my sweat wore away the nickel plating. By. The assembled features and good looks of the M&P 340 do come at a cost though, as Smith & Wesson's MSRP is listed at $869. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. .38 Special +P defense loads were noticeably more powerful, but still controllable. Carry a lot, shoot a little. A cute punch line for sure, but a too-flip description of an excellent carry snubbie a cool heir to a long line of Smith J-Frames. Lately, its worn a set of Crimson Traces LG-350G Lasergrips. The result was a dramatic loss in revolver weight. Smith & Wesson markets their M&P series of rifles, pistols, and revolvers towards the military and law enforcement, but they work just as well for the rest of us, and any Smith & Wesson dealer can order them for you. Hot 38+P loads produce some perceptible recoil but aren't terrible. Active rebates (10) Winchester Target Rifle Ammo Rebate 2023. At 50 feet we grouped the following .38 Special loads: Black Hills 148-gr. At least 8 of those rounds are from the 15 yard line and they all hit the man-size target with little effort, but I do practice often. It took all five of the feeble .38 Short rounds in the cylinder to stop the assailant in the nick of time. Ouch! It was smooth and consistent with a slight hitch tipping us off at the pause point. Smith & Wesson Model 57 Classic 41 Magnum Revolver, 6Rd, 6 - 150481. Smith & Wesson Model 642 38 Special J-Frame Revolver with No Internal Lock - 103810 $519.00. 2: 459: Ruger Revolvers, H&K VP9LE, Ruger American 45acp. LOVE IT!!! The time came when he was attacked by a crazed man with an edged weapon. The Shooter's Log, is to provide informationnot opinionsto our customers and the shooting community. Editor at, Purpose: Concealed Carry, Home Protection, Personal Protection, State Compliance. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM May 2023, P.O. As stated, the .357 can be a hand full. Caliber.357 Mag. The Smith & Wesson Model 640 Centennial is easily the most recommended variant of the J-frame line if the Internet counts for anything in gun selection. You are using an out of date browser. Contest void where prohibited by law. Specifications. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: That is up to you -- some think so and others not so much. Nothing wrong at all with a five shot revolver, just keep in mind its capacity and practice with it. Used $450.00. Benello said: I am thinking about getting a Smith 340pd snubbie with the titanium cylinder and scandium frame. The most notable problem I have encountered is shortly after I shot all that Remington Plus P in November 2011, I noticed the tritium front sight was out. Contest open to U.S. residents only. Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, State Agency: (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if required) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. Only time will tell if this newest allow will seriously challenge or supplant readily available and affordable aluminum alloys. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The muzzle can be pressed against the attacker and the gun will still fire at contact range. WTS Smith and Wesson 340PD. I carry .38 +Ps as my defense rounds. The Smith and Wesson 340PD is definitely not the best gun for target shooting or fun at the range, but it wasnt designed for that. Manufacturer: Smith & Wesson 800-331-0852. We only took advantage of the .357 chambering enough to try a pair of magnum loads. Though I do not carry in this way, the Galco Ankle Glove seems to be the gold standard. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. 5. Joined: Aug 2003. Low round count, just carried a lot in an ankle rig. Georgia Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: I vote it crack due to the crush fit barrel, I like the old pinned system better. All came with the ILS. He learned that the discontinued Centennial had become a sought-after cult gun among those experts, including Wiley Clapp and many more. Contest void where prohibited by law. The Smith and Wesson 340PD is no ordinary J-Frame revolver, it is the lightest weight .357 Magnum revolver on the planet. Deployed military should use stateside address. Ive had one since they came out & have had j frames forever. Front Sight for Smith and Wesson J-Frame Barrel 2.1 inch or Less Except 38 Bodyguard $ 49.03. My carry loads are either standard-pressure Underwood .38 SPL Defenders or the Speer 135gr. Yet it doesnt sag a trouser pocket or weigh down an ankle as much as the heavier, all-steel J-Frames. If you're going to carry .38s, you might as well save yourself $500 (retail) and get the Airweight for just 3 ounces more weight. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: The original Ruger LCR or "Light Compact Revolver" debuted just a few years ago in 2009. Sales instantly exploded, and the Airweight 042 and current 442 (blued and nickeled) and 642 followed. By contrast, this M&P340 has now gone a full decade of frequent 50- to 100-round qualifications with +P ammo, and some full-power Magnum shooting, and has not had to be touched by an armorer yet. The eight-round stainless steel magazine fits flush in theSW1911's scandium-alloy frame. So I have been hooked on and obsessed with a Smith and Wesson model 340pd revolver in .357 Magnum with a Scandium frame, Titanium cylinder and the high Viz front sight.