Updated photographs may be requested more frequently if there have been significant changes in the childs appearance. ___ I am on my inmates approved visitation list. Underwear must be worn at all times, but not visible. A visitor, who is arrested, shall be suspended pending disposition of the case, which may include any conviction, disposition, e.g., incarceration, probation, or parole. Correspondence that could reasonably jeopardize legitimate penalogical interests includes, but is not limited to: TN DOC - Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CoreCivic publishes the names of their inmates currently in their facility in Tennessee. It accommodates up to 2552 adult inmates (over 18 years old) who have been found guilty and imprisoned as Tennessee state law offenders. records Items allowed inside the secured perimeter of a unit: A small wallet, clear plastic bag (Ziploc type) or change purse; $25 cash (in coins) Vending machines are available in the visitation areas; Offender visitors with infants or small children may bring no more than three diapers, a supply of baby wipes, and two baby bottles (sippy cup for toddlers). The facility is part of Hartsville, TN judicial district, which has 0 facilities in total. Inmates may use these phones to make collect calls or use their pre-paid calling card. for Private Facility, What Are the Visitation Hours for Trousdale Turner Correctional, How To Save Up to 80% Inmate Calls at Trousdale Turner Correctional. Attempting to pass any of these unapproved items through security, even if accidentally, is illegal. We invite you to write and call. Inmates, who are in transient status, shall not be allowed any visitation for two weeks. employee screening. Inmates housed at the diagnostic centers awaiting classification and/or transfer to their assigned institution shall only receive visits from their immediate family members. General Public. [1] The facility opened in 2016, and holds a maximum of 2552 male inmates at medium security. Each facility has a bank of phones that are provided for inmate calls. Plans to introduce contraband into or out of the facility; Plans for activities in violation of facility rules; Threats to the safety and security of facility order, discipline or rehabilitation; Information which, if communicated, would create a clear and present danger of violence and physical harm to a human being (including racially inflammatory material); Letters or materials written in code or a foreign language when the inmate/resident understands English (unless the Warden/Administrator or designee determined that the recipient does not read and write fluently in English); Correspondence which attempts to forward unauthorized correspondence to a third party; Correspondence which encourages deviate sexual behavior which is criminal, in violation of facility rules, detrimental to the rehabilitation of inmates/residents, or determined by the Warden/Administrator or designee to be detrimental to the safety and security of the facility (these materials include, but are not limited to, pictures, drawings, or photographs which display or suggest vaginal, rectal, or oral penetration by a person or object, ejaculation, bestiality, sadistic or masochistic behaviors, child pornography, or the suggestion of child pornography); Correspondence which may enable one (1) or more inmates/residents to ascertain the time(s), date(s), and/or location(s) of upcoming off-site appointments or transports; Personal identifying information (e.g. Plaintiff alleges that, on an "almost daily" basis since arriving at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center in 2016, he has been led to and from the . Search. Offender Locator. a stranger The following, three-pod, housing units each house a maximum of 360 inmates: D, C, F, B and E. Housing unit W contains four pods, each holding a maximum of 128 inmates, for a total of 512. Phone: You can send money by phone using your credit or debit card. Contact your supervising officer if you were scheduled to report or you have any questions. Consequently, your name needs to be in the approved list of visitors before you go. Shoes must be worn at all times. photos A former employee at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center tied violence at the privately run state prison to chronic understaffing. Hygiene and grooming expectations
Over the past 45 years, the incarceration rate in TROUSDALE County has increased by 1,200% going from 3 inmates yearly to 39 inmates. Shorts or skirts/dresses are permitted provided that the leg is covered to within three (3) inches above the knee in the standing position. will not be accepted as proper identification. Call the jail authorities at 615-263-3000 for queries and requests. ___ I have packed facility dress code approved clothes and shoes. has been arrested. Trousdale County inmate records are public Tennessee Department of Corrections (TN DOC), Trousdale County - Private Facility - Tennessee, Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC), Blount County TN Juvenile Detention Facility, Bradley County TN Juvenile Detention Center. Inmates can use the money from their Inmate Trust Fund to purchase items from the commissary and pay other expenses. This information is confidential and will not be given out to pre-approved visitors over the telephone by the visitation department. Trousdale Turner Correctional Center Warden Vince Vantell 140 Macon Way Hartsville, Tennessee 37074 (Trousdale County) (615) 808-0400 Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) is a medium security facility managed by CoreCivic, a private corrections management firm. It is managed by CoreCivic, a private corrections management firm. Hours will be discussed during the interview. A typical CoreCivic facility has a medical unit where physicians, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and medical assistants can provide routine check-ups, manage sick calls and address non-emergency needs. MCCX - Morgan County Correctional Complex Step 3 Go to the State Prisons List to select the prison and locate the address for the prison. Additions or substitutions to the approved list shall be made at least quarterly by the same application and approval system cited above. InmateAID offers postcards and greeting cards for only $0.99, discount phone lines that can save you $100s each month and a letter service that lets you upload photos and write messages to your inmate right from your cell phone. Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (CoreCivic) (615) 808-0400. The horrific . The facility houses Male Offenders who are convicted for crimes which come under Tennessee state and federal laws. Last week, Trousdale Turner Correctional Center inmate Deandre Ellis, 29, was arraigned after the Trousdale County grand jury indicted him on charges of attempted first-degree murder and . These photographs will be updated at ages 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. at Trousdale Turner Correctional, InmateAid Inmate Search, Find,& Connect With Our Inmate Services. 615-808-0400. FBI agents arrested Lister at his home this morning and he will make an initial appearance before a U.S. Magistrate Judge later today. criminals Trousdale Turner Correctional Center is a Medium security level Private Prison located in the city of Hartsville, Tennessee. terms In the event contraband is found, local and state law enforcement officials may issue written citations, make arrests or confiscate visitors' vehicles and belongings. Some facilities offer lockers in the facility lobby for storing these items. The sender may be subject to civil or criminal penalties and/or federal prosecution for violation of postal laws. Inmate Search in Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link. This prison has a capacity of 2,552 inmates, which means this is the maximum amount of beds per facility. We cannot guarantee that the information you receive through 140 Macon Way,
Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (ttcc) is a medium prison facility. Inmate testing at the Trousdale Turner Correctional Center was conducted Tuesday, April 28 and Wednesday, April 29 in partnership with TDOC. In turn the county signs an agreement with CoreCivic. Religious services
Guidelines for addressing mail correctly can be found on the webpage for each specific facility. Click here for contact information to schedule a visit. statewide inmate search on thispage. 2. ), a detailed written request shall be prepared and submitted to the Warden. Based on the information you are provided, you would then contact either a criminal defense lawyer or a bail bond service. home with prior written approval from the inmate's unit team or authorized staff member at Priority Mail, etc.). Only closed-toe shoes are permitted. Mail - Written mail through the U.S. Staterecords.org is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Even so, staying in touch can make all the difference. All sections of the CR-2152 shall be completed (the use of a PO Box as an address is not allowed). No wrap-around skirts are allowed. time in the federal prison system, state and county jails, and in a prison that was run by the private Type (s) of offenders: Adult Men. 2. Policy, All General Population Units 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Charlie Unit, Bravo Unit, Echo Unit 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM, Charlie Unit, Bravo Unit, Echo Unit 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM. ___ I have planned my visit during the facilitys visitation hours. Locating an Inmate in Trousdale Turner Correctional Center, Be Prepared to Trousdale Turner Correctional Center Visiting Rules, http://www.tn.gov/correction/article/tdoc-trousdale-turner-correctional-center, https://www.facebook.com/pages/CCA-Trousdale-Turner-Center/1647297652176356, All General Population Units 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Charlie Unit, Bravo Unit, Echo Unit 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM Alpha Unit, Delta Unit, Foxtrot Unit, Whiskey Unit 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Charlie Unit, Bravo Unit, Echo Unit 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM Alpha Unit, Delta Unit, Foxtrot Unit, Whiskey Unit 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Free inmate lookup, Search, and DOC services at Tennessee - TN. Staterecords.org uses public and private sources of information to supply you with search Note: Its always recommended to double check with the facility office before coming. Visits may only be terminated by the shift supervisor upon recommendation by the officer in charge of the visiting area; however, less restrictive measures are encouraged, such as warning the inmate and/or the visitor(s). Parole Technical Violators Diversion Program, Guide To Submit Visitation Form For An Adult, Guide To Submit A Visitation Form For A Minor. or call them @ 615-263-3000 to get the details you wish. Our correctional health care facilities typically include a dental clinic, too. It is the inmates responsibility to mail the applications. All rights reserved. Fri, December 9th 2022, 2:10 PM PST Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility (Photo: Tennessee Department of Correction) TROUSDALE, Tenn. (WZTV) Two individuals were transported to the. Trousdale county bookings are also helpful when looking for Inmates can receive money from outside to fulfil their needs while serving time. The inmate answering has spent considerable These strict safety procedures are very important and are just one of the many ways we maintain a safe and secure environment. The second box is the InmateAid Inmate Search. Prohibited Items not allowed inside the secured perimeter of a unit: Any food items, purses, diaper bags, briefcases, cameras, baby strollers, toys, dolls, photographs or photograph albums, paper money, knives, drugs, medication (exceptions are granted regarding prescribed medications on a case-by-case basis), tobacco, lighters, matches, cell phones, pagers, laptop computers, cameras, digital recorders or any other type of electronic/wireless devices, or any other non-authorized items. Once you have found the correct offender, you will need to write down the TOMIS ID number. To make sure the mail and package you are sending comes under approved item list and for more OR: First Name: Middle Name/Initial . As a last resort, you might have to pay for that information if we do not have it. In the event a visitor vehicle is found to be unsecured, that visitor will be instructed to leave the visiting area and the visit will be terminated for the remainder of the day. Calls are available for inmates between 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM and only to an approved members list. USA Background Search. the InmateAid community. Most of these convicts are serving their time for felonies which are less serious in character, for the term of less than 1 year. Please leave all personal items in your vehicle. Educational programs
stats Updated: November 11, 2022, Satellite View of TN DOC - Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CoreCivic. For more information on when you can visit an inmate and get directions contact the Private Prison directly. Ask a former inmate questions at no charge. Visitor(s) must bring identification and are allowed one car key, glasses, wedding ring, (1) other ring and earring(s). Trousdale Turner Correctional Facility is leading the nation in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, an estimated total of 1,393. Box 279010, Miramar, FL 33027. Possession of any of these items is a violation of TCA 39-16-201, introduction of contraband into a penal facility, and could lead to an arrest. No visitor shall be admitted for visitation until the application is approved, except for immediate family visitors of newly committed inmates. Visitors must wear appropriate undergarments at all times. Once the background checks are completed, the inmate is responsible for informing friends and family members that they are approved for visitation. Step 4 Address the envelope with the offender's committed name, TOMIS identification number and the correct institutional address of the offender recipient. Click here to get a list of nearby MoneyGram locations. Fax Number:
Some facilities require a birth certificate to be presented for children attending visitation, so check the requirement of the specific facility you are visiting. **PAY RATES are determined by the years of nursing experience and rates are on a "tiered pay scale" plus shift differential . We invite you to visit. How to Buy Inmate Commissary Care Packages Online. 1. With an inmate first, last name and identification number you can send via money order, cashier or check directly If you are unsure of your inmate's location, you can search and locate your inmate by typing in their last name, first name or first initial, and/or the offender ID number to get their accurate information immediately Registered Opened in 2016, It holds a maximum of 2,672 male inmates at medium security. If there is anything that you were looking for, but don't see, please email us at aid . Its a private owned prison CORECIVIC this makes life so much harder for the inmate Additionally, attempting to introduce illegal contraband, such as cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, weapons and cell phones, to a facility inmate is considered a security threat and will result in immediate legal action. He was placed in administrative segregation because of suicide attempts and hallucinations dating back to his initial bipolar disorder diagnosis at age 10. Staff is not responsible for damages or loss of the device during visitation. All food and beverage purchases from vending machines will be purchased by the use of a Debitek debit card. Trousdale Turner Correctional Center Hartsville, Tennessee Inmate Mail Information TDOC Policy 507.02 Inmate Mail All correspondence addressed to inmates must be sent by U.S. We have no ad to show to you! They will provide you with vital information which can be used to defend an individual and in a lot of cases get them released from detention while awaiting trial. No halters, tube or tank tops are allowed; all apparel must have sleeves. Nashville's chapter of the NAACP says it has received many complaints from people inside the Trousdale Turner Correctional Center, which is managed by Brentwood-based CoreCivic. Clothing with logos that contain pictures, slogans or vulgarity, or sign/symbols of security threat groups is not permitted. If such a request is approved by the Warden, the device is subject to search by opening compartments upon entry and departure of the visitor. We invite you to be involved and connected. Even though women are the fastest growing group of inmates in TROUSDALE County, men still make up the vast majority of inmates admitted to prison each year - nearly rate of 1,343 per 100,000 U.S residents yearly across the county. Turney Center Industrial Complex. Search Inmates in Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC). ", Horwitz has asked the court to reverse the gag order, saying Frensley's analysis "fails on multiple levels," including on First Amendment free-speech protections. criminal records Staterecords.org is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act Bill, Ross, and Teresa Anderson. Trousdale Turner Correctional Center Customer base: Tennessee Department of Correction - Facility Type: Multi-level Security, Owned since 2015 For updated visitation schedules due to the coronavirus pandemic, click here . Go to Search. We simply ask that you help us maintain safety and security by following our important guidelines. Debit cards may be purchased in the front lobby of the facility prior to entering the visitation gallery. Last A press release from the Department of Justice stated that . perpetrator Prohibited Correspondence - Correspondence containing malicious, false, inflammatory, or other types of statements or information, the purpose of which is reasonably intended to harm, or intimidate an employee, visitor, or guest may be prohibited. You can access complete information about Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA including inmate search procedure, direction to prison, visitation hours and rules, and methods to share mails, packages, or money with the inmates through this page. services for any purpose covered by the FCRA, including but not limited to tenant or Horwitz said he remains unable to comment due to last month's gag order. This facility is managed by Tennessee Department of Corrections (TDOC). Identification is not required for children under the age of 16 years: however, a copy of the birth certificate and CR-2152 with a recent picture must be on file. Name Trousdale Turner Correctional Center Suggest Edit Address 140 Macon Way Hartsville , Tennessee , 37074 Phone 615-808-0400 Website corecivic.com Main - (931) 729-5161 Annex - (931) 676-3345. Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (Tulsa, OK) Tulsa Women's Residential Program (Tulsa, OK) Turley Residential Center (Tulsa, OK) Webb County Detention Facility (Laredo, TX) West Tennessee Detention Facility (Mason, TN) Wheeler Correctional Facility Whiteville Correctional Facility State prison lookups can vary depending on locale, and inmates can often be moved from one location to another within the Tennessee Department of Corrections. In social media posts, Horwitz wrote that CoreCivic is a "death factory," "juices its profit margins by deliberately understaffing facilities and skimping on health care" and makes it easier to get drugs in its facilities "than almost anywhere else in America.". The prison serves as the state's new female prisoner intake and classification center, and it also houses all female death row . Every facility provides mail service for the inmate population. Postal Service mail. HARTSVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - Three correctional officers were injured Sunday at the Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) after being assaulted by . Identification
Aliases may be included when such have been legally changed through the court. also include things like fingerprints, To look for an inmate which is currently accommodated at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA - The suit asked the judge to declare that CoreCivic failed to maintain a constitutionally required level of inmate safety at Trousdale. Contact Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA staff for detailed information. A valid drivers license or state issued ID is required for all persons 16 years of age or above. Children under 18 years of age may visit provided they are accompanied by their parent, legal guardian, or guardian who is also on the inmate's approved visiting list. paperwork Denise Davidson, assistant warden at Trousdale Turner, described it as a high-profile event featuring local elected officials, CoreCivic leaders and the inmates enrolled in the program. Listen Listen. Children age six and older shall have a photograph (not a photocopy) attached to their visitor application. Health Care
Applications received seeking approval to visit an inmate, who is not yet eligible for a change to his/her list, shall be placed in the inmates visitation file with an explanatory note regarding the eligibility date for re-submission. All too often, for many offenders, the first time they receive comprehensive health care is upon becoming incarcerated. If overcrowding occurs, visitors who are first that day may be asked to leave to allow for others to visit. Baby items 1 clear plastic baby bottle, sealed jars of baby food (plastic spoon/fork only), no glass or metal items allowed and a clear pacifier. [6] As of 2016 Tennessee technically contracts directly with CoreCivic for inmates held at South Central Correctional Facility. Visit If an inmate is transferred to another correctional facility, please check with the facility before visiting to ensure all records were transferred at the time of the move. While we understand that some of these rules may be inconvenient or difficult for our visitors, it is our responsibility to keep all of our inmates, staff and visitors safe. You can send the mail or parcel with the following details: Be sure that mail or parcel you try to send is in facilitys approved items list. and their crimes. Get, Create, Make and Sign trousdale turner correctional center visitation Get Form eSign Fax Email Add Annotation Visitation Tdoc is not the form you're looking for? OffenderName/TOMIS ID Number NASHVILLE, Tenn. A private prison company has agreed to settle a federal lawsuit over a Tennessee inmate's killing that got national attention after a judge ordered the plaintiff's attorney to stop tweeting about it. justice All vehicles must be fully locked and secured (windows rolled up, etc.). Incarceration/Sentence Information: TDOC ID, Photo, Name, Birth Date, Status, and Assigned Location. 3. Refer toPolicy 507.02 - Inmate Mailfor guidelines/restrictions on mail content. Im starting this petition in hopes of getting trousdale turner correctional facility in hartsville tn closed down permit. Solicitations that mimic billing statements, unless accompanied by a prominent disclaimer;
Nashville\'s local news and NPR station. A press release from the Department of Justice stated that . All visitors who are currently on approved lists but do not have visitor applications on file, shall submit an updated application within 6 months of the effective date of this policy. [4] As of 2016, Tennessee houses state inmates in four private prisons. Visitation is available by appointment only. The United States Postal Services (USPS) prohibits the mailing of any of the following:
early because they have Hartsville is approximately 50 miles east of Nashville, TN. Find a detailed information on how to carry out aninmate search, send a parcel or money to your No. physical details about the 2,552
It's the largest known outbreak at a single facility in the entire state. No see-though or extremely tight clothing. 1) and an inmate trust . . Trousdale is a private prison for men in Hartsville, Tennessee, about an hour drive from Nashville. ("FCRA"), and does not supply consumer reports. The facility houses male inmates from the Tennessee Department of . make a search directly through their official site, Trousdale Turner Correctional Center. Phone: (615) 808-0400. InmateAid is a prison directory, an inmate locator & resource for sentencing laws - send your inmate money, letters, books, magazines - discount prison telephone service . In TROUSDALE County, white people are incarcerated in jail on average at a rate of 743 per 100,000 white U.S. residents, which is higher by 4% from incarceration rate of black people. In the event that sibling inmates are incarcerated at the same facility, immediate family members may visit those inmates at the same time at the discretion of the Warden/Superintendent. If you must travel a great distance to visit your loved one, you want your limited visitation time to go smoothly. Orientation and the inmate handbook ensure that inmates in our care can immediately address any concerns or questions and begin to participate in the programs and services offered at our facility. department details who sentenced them. Search; News. Everyone that will please sign this petition and share if it allows to do so thanks in advance! The inmate is responsible for advising the visitors of the status (approval/disapproval) of all applications. The lawsuit, blaming low staffing levels, claims correctional officers were not making timely rounds. The Trousdale Turner Correctional Center is a private prison for men, located in Hartsville, Trousdale County, Tennessee, owned and operated by CoreCivic (formerly Corrections Corporation of America) under contract with the Tennessee Department of Corrections. loved one, get a phone number of Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA to call or know exact visitation hours, Homicides reported at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center Adams, 29, was beaten to death in his cell on Dec. 17. All approved visitors that are 16 years of age and older must surrender a valid picture ID upon entering a facility for visiting. Only the visitors who have registered themselves with the administration are allowed to meet inmates. Note: Person may be imprisoned into a county jail immediately after they have been arrested, HARTSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) Advocates are concerned after they heard a nurse was brutally attacked by a prisoner at the Trousdale Turner Correctional Center. From 2010 to 2015, the male incarceration rate increased by 9%, while the female incarceration rate lowered by 193%. Ross ended up at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center back in 2017 after being convicted of killing his Rachael Johnson and her 5-year-old son Colton. Ask your question or browse previous questions in response to comments or further questions of members of All Salaries $40,000+ (541) $50,000+ (458) $60,000+ (350) $80,000+ (225) $110,000+ (109) Potentially hazardous materials that are not properly marked and packaged;
Walk-In Cash: To send money using cash, visit any MoneyGram agent location and use receive code 6188. In such instances, the Warden shall have the names of the inmates immediate family members added to the approved visitors list, until receipt and approval of the visitation application. detailing Visitors can use the map plotted below to find the driving directions to Trousdale Turner Correctional Center (TTCC) - CCA .