See this article and over 1600 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. We are not dead, not bankrupt, and not amused. Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Our Government v. Their Government -- Unanswered Letters 8 -- Reply to Jayne, Your offer to contract is hereby rejected, Note: International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam, LEARN THE NECESSARY STEPS TO SELF GOVERNING AS A LAWFUL PERSON. We are at the beginning of trying to settle such issues with the organizations responsible. December 2018 how to reclaim your strawman uk 08 Jun. Do you see what's missing? Common Law Vs Maritime Law We all need to become very much more aware of the "occupation" of the U.S. Army and the misconduct that has gone on in the international jurisdiction since the so-called American Civil War. You have to understand there is no money. August 2019 This is precluded by our prior claim to all land assets effective September 9, 1776, and our execution of International Notice, Liens and Re-Conveyances directly affecting all land assets in this country, including all land descriptions. Give Yourself Credit: Money Doesnt Grow On Trees! Then smile, leave a card with your contact information, and leave it all in the lap of the DA, who is supposed to be protecting you from racketeering. CQV Act 1666 When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. They will still try to play their "You Can't See Me" games using PARSE SYNTAX as the excuse. Dear Ernie. This is no different than what any Credit Card Hacker or Identity Thief does, except that these organizations have been masquerading as governments and abusing their position of trust as government service providers. The United States, , not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774),, 20. Roman & civil law. You will see your actual birthday and also a file date ---- the "birthdate". Invalid Signatures Once you can be recognized as a natural-born American state national, you can go to the Tax Assessor and claim back your land as the landlord exercising your "reversionary trust interest" ---- and demand that it be listed as private property and not annexed as residential, industrial, or agricultural property belonging to the State of State. Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT The United States of America will continue to work with The American States Assembly to ensure an orderly and safe re-venue process and will continue to press for reform and correction of U.S. operations, proper identification of American Civilians, issuance of credit owed to Americans, and overall restoration of our lawful government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Slave traders. By using Federal Reserve Notes a debt is not paid, it is simply transferred to someone else not paid. See also Final Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance, 2019-008503-0. Americans are invited to peaceably come forward and declare their proper political status and assemble their States of the Union. It appears to be a record belonging to us but, in fact, it is a registration document issued by a foreign government. Misidentified "US Citizen" All payment necessary for your continued functioning and for the reduction of your national debts is provided for via Mutual Offset Credit Exchange against credit already owed to the American States and People. Claim Your Strawman The All Capitals names are a form of Latin called "Dog Latin". We request immediate action to shut down the County and State Registrars Offices engaged in this unlawful conversion and an immediate return to a Normal Course of Business and traditional recording of land assets belonging to The United States of America. HE is officially legally dead, so whatever they do to HIM doesn't matter. The New World Order is nothing but the Old World Order, an endless repeated attempt to establish a global Roman Empire, an idea which needs to be put out of its misery together with its insistence on distorted musical scales, incorrect calendars, idolatry, immorality, abuse of power, and every other cruelty and stupidity that anyone can name. Where is the only power point against all this? It's decisions are supposed to be made by you. Instead, they've been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. Read this book at your own risk. And they fully intended to leave the clueless American People responsible for paying for it. These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY. Now all you have to do is prove who you are, that you objected to being "enfranchised" and that you have recorded your counter-claim to be the true and lawful owner of your Good Name and Estates and all derivatives thereof and re-conveyed your property (Name, Estate, and the derivative Assumed NAMES) back to their natural and permanent domicile on the land and soil of--- for example--- Georgia. (Bened. All of this was going on under whose noses? It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. The sleazy lawyers then step in as the owner's representatives and beat you silly and tax you to death in private customs houses disguised as public courts. So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. I think that the strongest tools we have are our own values and sense of justice. ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS - Straw Man Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. A right of action. And never register anything voluntarily. This has been going on since 1702 and has been outlawed worldwide since the Napoleonic Wars, but what the hey? 32. Think about that. It now becomes necessary for everyone to learn PARSE SYNTAX so that you can defend yourselves in the venue of international law and commerce. America is a British Colony. For middles, if you don't, you will not be "identifiable" as a living man or woman, which means they can murder you at will and face no consequences. It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an infant. The Birth Certificate is proof and evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes being used to defraud American babies --- literally in their cradles. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means The Certificate of Live Birth will usually have your name in Upper and Lower Case, First, Middle, Last --- just as you were taught to write it out in Grade School. So, when your Mother is subtly misinformed and coerced to register her new possession --- you ---- with the corporation posing as your government, guess what? They were to admit the fetal afterbirth material (amnion) resulting from each natural birth process as a "dying person" to the hospital record and use whatever Given Names our parents provided as the name of the amnion. The next thing you will most likely notice is that your name is spelled out in All Capital Letters, and that, most likely, other words appear in All Capital Letters. So, instead of there being evidence of a living man standing on the land jurisdiction of a State of the Union, doing business as a Lawful Person named "John Mark Doe", there is only evidence of a Legal Person (a British United States Citizen) operating as "John Mark Doe". . (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session), 15. Federal Reserve Notes only discharge debts. September 2017, All Straw Man - Birth Certificates You will notice that the inscription on the birth certificate is your name in all-capital letters. The foregoing mish-mash in which you have mistakenly enrolled or taken part in or been coerced to participate in programs meant for "US citizens" results in a lot of entanglements and potential controversies based on adhesion contracts. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. Citizenship Chart And though they are imposed "in the interests of public safety", American state nationals are not required to use driver licenses, either, unless they are engaged in some business or trade that makes use of the public roads for private gain --- commercial trucking operations, taxi and courier services, etc. Crown Corporation Are they issuing bonds against a Dead Man's Estate? Secret Trust Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. To say that we are dismayed and disgusted by the hypocrisy, graft, greed, disloyalty, guile, deceit, necromancy, identity theft, false probate of living estates in violation of their own statutory laws and U.S. Supreme Court decisions --- Scott v. McNeal, 154 U.S. 34 (1894), conspiracy against our lawful government in contravention of the Constitutions that created and empowered these foreign subcontractors to exercise our delegated powers in the first place --- would be a complete understatement. You were deliberately misidentified as a baby as either a "United States Citizen" [Territorial] or "Citizen of the United States" [Municipal] and unless you rebut the evidence, you will be claimed as chattel belonging as a property asset to one of these foreign commercial crime syndicates. Proof Of Non-Consent We are supporting it. Think of how hideous and unlawful the entire concept is. British and Europeanand yes, some American Traitors, set this Bunko Scheme upto secretively profit from American assets andto revivetheir old disgraced Colonial System--- allowing the Monarchs and Robber Barons to enslave and steal from others, and in our case, set us up to take the blame for them, too. Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 You present the BC and the two Witness Testimonies to the District Attorney. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. Copyright Your StrawMan It is therefore important to learn PARSE and follow up with a Corollary Deed written in PARSE and added to the land record so that they can't discount or "mistake" your meaning about any of this anymore. This makes it easier for us to pay taxes, fines, and court costs, how considerate. You still have to learn how to use these documents in your defense and be able to describe this whole circumstance, but taken together they form a competent rebuttal and evidence trail removing you from any "US citizenship" status, and returning you to your rightful status as an American State National. Force consisting in a physical act, esp. Social Security Numbers are issued by the U.N. through the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Now you are Master of your own "vessel" and nobody can say otherwise, and if they infringe on your copyright in an effort to defraud you, you can call them on it in no uncertain terms with the proof of your recorded Common Law copyright to shove in their astonished faces. The Territorial Courts and Administrators are required to observe strict interpretation of their boundaries and must cease and desist improper conscription of American medical personnel, licensing of American medical personnel, registration of American babies, and all other actions, procedures, and activities designed to steal our identities, unlawfully conscript our private assets, and otherwise trespass upon us. We daily struggle with all that is false and selfish and small-minded in human nature, in ourselves and in others----but at the same time, we have a glimpse of something in Mankind that is glorious and fine and generous, a part of All That Is. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. In the few hours since this broadside was published internationally, additional facts have surfaced which demand your immediate attention. Thatlegal person has no consciousness; it is a juristic person, ENS LEGIS, a name/word written on a piece of paper. Brith Certficates The British-backed Territorial State of State organization doing business as (for example) the State of Oregon has seized upon and laid claim to "First Middle Last" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE (for example, STATE OF WYOMING) has claimed an ownership interest in FIRST MIDDLE LAST. David E. Robinson Books We all recognize the criminality of trespassing on someone else's assets. This Notice is provided to encourage your understanding and assistance as we address this criminality and enforce correction of The Dead Baby Scam. This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state. March 2020 You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary. They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. Claim your strawman Become sovereign This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL of the life of i, The British Territorial United States Government has participated in one of the most massive human trafficking, kidnapping, conscription, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, and organized racketeering schemes in world history --- and it has conspired against us, against our States of the Union, and ultimately against the Constitutions which allow these corporations to exist and operate on our shores. And a lie however it is expressed is still a lie.