By: heavy5commando. The girl who was picking on Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, had just finished delivering the rock and the steak to the boy and was ready to leave. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good" But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. Leni: So he did all of that for you..? Lincoln: And then Sylvester Graham used the Kikoho technique to push the dragon off the cliff and into the ocean. The two have finally got the chance to do the moment of what I can described as lovely. It's not right to take things that isn't yours, okay? It's Friday morning, and Lincoln is in his room, getting ready for an Ace Savvy convention at the comic book store. This was a soothing moment for both of them "Yeah", said Lincoln. Ronnie Anne takes a rag, wets it, and wipes the food off of her. LORI: No! And with that, he grabbed Ronnie Anne's hand and the two ran out of the house. Lisa: I believe there's a 90% chance that Lincoln will mess up at the convention. I haven't seen Lincoln since Friday. It was lots of fun having you here. Events from previous episodes, previous fan fictions, and idea episodes mentioned from Lincoln's message such asMaking the Grade,Study Muffin,Making the Case,Heavy Meddle,Brawl in the Family,Cereal Offender,No Such Luck,Sleuth or Consequences,The Sweet Spot(an episode I'm fine with),Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru,In Tents Debate, Trustworthy from YoshiPlayer13, There's an Impostor on The Loose at The Loud House,It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House(an episode that does have a situation of finding the money from the original owner of the house), and A Plan Gone Bad are mentioned on Lincoln's letter as why he had to run away after years of being treated as a neglected, abused, assaulted outcast. If we just keep trying! Ronnie Anne asked, sitting her crotch on Lincoln's. Takes place after no such luck. Where's the milk? They are 11 siblings in the Louds, here is the prediction of the future of the Loud family tree. Okay. Lori: (rolls her eyes) He's probably still sleeping. It is way too early to be talking about that. He looks at his sisters with a small glare, as all of the sisters suddenly get tears in their eyes), (All of the sisters run up to Lincoln, and hug him, tighter than they had ever done before). . Ronnia Anne looks at him. lincoln. Lincoln: "Hey, Lily. Loud House + Helluva Boss Crossover. #romance I was defenseless. Is he here? Bananas are good, and taste way better than peas. Ronnie Anne: We need a plan to get them back together. Did Lily give you a hard time? Then, his sisters start laughing hysterically at him). I better head home. Lincoln picks up Lily, who's holding her favorite blanket. Lincoln: "Uh-uh. Lana: Hey Pop-Pop, we're lookin' for Lincoln. We asked him nicely to give it back, but kept refusing. #ronnieanne *Gets away from Ronnie Anne's grip and run to the door while Ronnie Anne was behind her* S-sorry dude! I can't wait to beat you at Dance Battle again.". When Lily tried to take it back, he pushed her down and ran away. Lincoln: (as his voice breaks) Come on guys! "Ronnie, don't lie!" Then, Luna notices the broken family picture on the floor), (The sisters start to argue again, while Luna takes a closer look at the damage. They sure didn't miss me then, so why would they miss me now? Lincoln and his 10 sisters goes into the future Lincoln rushed to his window and saw some people smashing and throwing things at each other. Now, the last time I tried to go to a convention, my sisters were acting very jerky towards me for 'clogging the toilet', but I'm sure that won't happen again. SUMMARY:Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home. Lynn Sr grabbed Lincoln with his arms To Vanzilla But Lincoln Manages to run as He Can ( As told By Ginrai That He Needs To Run ) Lincoln Ran fast as he could But Lori manages to Run after Him as Lynn Sr Told Everyone to Go After Lincoln and Got into Vanzilla and Drove after Him. See you, Ronnie Anne. They looked back and saw destruction all around the neighborhood. Lincoln sees that Darcy has noticed Ronnie Anne on his computer. Are you okay?" Lola: Well maybe we wouldn't have made fun of him if he hadn't have clogged the toilet in the first place! Lincoln turns his attention to Ronnie Anne. Lincoln! Disclaimer: The pictures or even the storyline doesnt belong to me! What happened? Luna: I would love to see what Lincoln does to mess up! That was The Final Straw For Lynn Sr And Rita They Can't Take It anymore with Lincoln But He Ran Fast As He could But Lynn Got Him at The Last Second they dragged Him Into Vanzilla As they were doing so Lincoln Yells At Them to stop and went Ballistic about They Should apologize to Him And Threatens to Break Up With Ronnie Anne That Makes Lori Upset And Burst Into Tears, Finally That was Enough for Lynn Sr he Grabbed Lincoln By The arm and Closed the door withLincoln's sisters They chew him out Of His actions But Lincoln Explains That He and Ginrai were Trying to Help Lady Amalthea But They Didn't Care About it They Yelled at Him about what He said And Made Lori Cry. Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. "But I'm a little too overrated to sign up." How do we know we can trust you after last time?! "I dare you to run around outside screaming 'I'm a pretty little princess'." Fanfic transcript "Who do you have a crush on?" "My family was attacked and I had to run, never to return", she replied, sobbing. Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his previous adventure. Lincoln: Eh. Open wide." Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. I guess it couldn't hurt.". Now I can Lincoln: Refresh my memory. I'll read you a bedtime story. #nickelodeon Is that alright with you? It's time to meet everyone's favorite superhero! + Ronnie Anne's POV + Luan: Maybe he came back home while we were gone. Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. I'm sure I'll remember it in the morning. I wonder where they could possibly be. When they arrive at the car park, the girls head inside the mall while Lincoln rushes to the comic book store). It wasn't me! Lincoln: "Sorry, Ronnie Anne. Page 2 Read Lincoln and Ronnie Anne finally meet from the story A Loud's Return by Cmdragon95 with 5,259 reads. ", Lori: "You know Lincoln, this is good practice for when you and Ronnie Anne have kids. She takes a spoonful of the food and brings it to Lily's face. He carried her to the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV. ", Ronnie Anne: "Listen. Lori: Alright everyone, let's go get breakfast ready. Ronnie Anne leaves the house. Can't you tell them what happened? (voice breaks) And we blamed him, with no proof?! While held captive, the unicorn is befriended by Ginrai and Lincoln: an incompetentmagicianin the service of a Mysertious woman. He then gets an idea. He couldn't believe his sisters were actually right! There was your pen pal. Well, I've decided that I've finally had enough. "Ready for this?" The Loud House also isn't owned by me! Lori: Yeah, after he's done with his little convention. Well if it isn't my favorite grandaughters! Its my free time today and then I remembered wattpad and I was like, Oh my gosh I haven't updated yet my stories! Pop-Pop: Hmm, for a minute I thought I was going blind. I know you're around here somewhere. helluvaboss. "I'mgoing to the bathroom." Why can't you girls do the same thing for me? Once Lincoln reaches his bedroom, he opens his door, then closes it behind him, wondering what the future holds for him and his sisters). He was an advocate for healthy eating, and he encouraged his followers to satisfy their cravings with whole grain crackers sweetened with honey. *Chuckles at her last awfully written statement* Do you agree with me? Ronnie Anne rose from her spot on the floor. [Lincoln sighs, ties his bindle shut, and walks out the door. "Sorry", Said Lincoln. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. "Wow, Loud. Ronnie Anne stopped on her tracks and went off marching angrily to her room then Bobby appears. This tastes good and is good for you. She disagrees about the importance of his actions, as they helped them to restore unicorns to the world; though she is the only unicorn to feel regret, she is also the only unicorn to know love. Rita: (off-screen) Girls! I had always planned a story where the Loud sisters finally realized what they did to Lincoln was unforgiving, and I wanted to do this story to make them seem more third-dimensional. Lana: I can't reach them! The notice the blanket I ripped and glair at him. I think Lincoln is gone (quietly) because of us! Lincoln: Wait. #old *Sits on the couch face to face with Luna* I have a question for you, why is lame-o absent? That leaves you with Lily. Luna: Yeah! Then, he pulls out a bag, and puts most of his things inside, including Bun-Bun, his clothes, and his bed gear. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. After the song ends the duo ran offon their own. It had been another great day for Lincoln Loud. (Meanwhile, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are on the sofa watching TV). We've been so worried about you! You let Ronnie Anne find you.". Inside the van, the girls talk about the video they uploaded to YouTube, as Lincoln continues to feel embarrassed. This would share similarities with Whatever Happened to Sponge Bob? Because if I find out you were treating Lincoln badly again, I'm breaking up with you. She stuttered slightly and punched him in the shoulder. The girls don't even have pr-. Luan: Luna! We're just kidding around.". They resumed and off went the underpants on the floor. ], [Lincoln starts walking towards the front again, and just when he reaches for the doorknob]. Ronnie Anne walks downstairs, leaving Lincoln with his nine sisters. Lily points over to the sand box, where there is a toddler playing with a lavender blanket. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yes, Ronnie. Would I lie to you?". (Lincoln wakes up to find Ronnie Anne, already dressed, sitting next to him with a plate of bacon and eggs in her hand). I'm sure we'll find Lincoln! You have moved to another city- Royal Woods. Lincoln just nodded and set her down on his chest. Plus, Ronnie Anne is there too, and she and Lincoln have a pretty good relationship. #fanfiction (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. Said the ringtone from the fallen. He thought he found his phone when he used Lori's phone by mistake. Hi, Lana. Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago get their relationship completed, as mavericks attack their homes and take over the others. When he tries to leave, the blanket is stuck on the bush. Pop-Pop: Heheh! So I rushed into my tablet and wrote this chapter. Ita true. Ronnie Anne Santiago. After a few seconds of laughter Lily begins to yawn. The Loud House Kids' Choice Awards Nominee Kids 2016 5 SEASONS TV-Y7 Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy. The one, the only, ACE SAVVY! Lincoln starts to laugh. ", Ronnie Anne: "Wow. The Unicorn suffers tremendous shock at the feeling of mortality in her body. The brunette female slumped down the wall and covered her face with her hands. He brings the thread and needle to Ronnie Anne. (Later, the girls arrive at Bobby's house. Ronnie Anne: "Thanks. I was originally going to make only Lincoln's meaner sisters (Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, Lisa) give him a hard time, but felt that it wouldn't be as strong. Read Chapter 12 from the story The Loud House Future [Remake and Continuation] by Reomatic (ReoTheWolf) with 682 reads. Mitchel just crossed his arms with an angry look on his face. This lasts for a few seconds. Fanfiction. Bobby: Hey, it was no problem bro. ", Ronnie Anne: "You bet. ", Lincoln: "We should build sand castles at the sand box. Ronnie Anne: "So, what should we do next? Ronnie Anne with her friends Sid, Sameer, Casey . Stay tuned for the next chapter! Bobby ran after her, worried. What you did on Friday was unforgivable, and I felt personally scarred for what happened. Crackers are salty! (Lincoln walks up to Bobby and Ronnie Anne). Lincoln: (whispers) "Shhh. With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. ", Rita: "Oh, absolutely. Leni: Well, him and Bobby are friends now. He tries to pull the blanket of it rips almost in half. Ace Savvy: Aha! Luna: No no no! Lana: (from inside) Hey! Ronnie Anne: Hey Linc, I got you some breakfast. Lori: Oh come on! What brings you here? Want to see how this story continues? I have to Babysit Lily. Luan: *Brings out a pirate hook from nowhere and places it in her hands* Yar! [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. We went to the park for a while and had a lot of fun. Well I lied to my family about being bad luck and they all banned me from the house and made me sleep outside. Glad that's finally over. Lori: Alright Bobby, what did you want to show us? Ronnie Anne: Its one of Lincoln's Stupid . Tell me everything. (It cuts back to the sisters walking towards their house). Leni: Like, remember the time Lincoln tried to be a Girl Guru? After this, Lincoln sits on his bed and begins to cry into his hands). Leni: Maybe you didn't see him because you're bl-. What do you say Lily? Ronnie Anne, are you sure you can handle this? ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, it's not bad actually. I'm still a kid myself. They begin to lean closer to each other with their eyes closed and lips puckered. Bobby: Sorry babe, but I haven't seen him. Let's see what else there is? (A collaboration with crafordbrian17) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Ronnie Anne S., Rita L. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,823 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 1h - Published: 12/18/2022 - id: 14174331 ", Lincoln: "Yes, that one. Luna: If this broken picture proves us anything, is that we hurt Lincoln, and we must feel like monsters to him! With the help of Ginrai and Lincoln, the Unicorn escapes, and The Trio Fled From The Carnival. The reason why he took the blame was so I wouldn't be made fun of by all of you. Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. Ronnie panted, "I'm glad you're enjoying it." Darcy: Are you really his girlfriend? Lincoln: I you fine, Lana. He stepped on Lana's mud pies on accident. ", Lincoln: "So what do you want to do next, Lily?". The sisters had finally realized what horrible people they have become to their brother, and felt nothing but guilt and heartbreak), Lori: And now thanks to us, (between her tears) Lincoln's gone! But then, his sisters stopped her. is the 9th episode of the 8th season and its a two part episode and it's a crossover with Transformers Master force. LINCOLN: Lori, back me up! Lincoln: Hmm okay, here we go. The schools resident tough girl who loves to pick on fellow student Lincoln Loud. They hear the door knob move and the door opens, right before they broke apart from the hug. You know what you need to do, right? Ronnie Anne: I think that can be arranged. See ya, Ronnie Anne.". Ronnie Anne carries Lily upstairs and Lincoln follows. After Rita Angrily puts him into his room. Ronnie: Okay, sit in our couch for a while just be comfy while I get you a drink. (As Lincoln tumbles off the stage, he knocks into a stack of comic books. Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. Wake up and smell the guilt! (to Lily) "I love you my little angel.". Sid: Okay, two things, first: That's gross and second: I really feel bad. I'll be here in a short while anyway! Ronnie Anne picks up Lily's torn blanket. "I apologized to . Lincoln: Uh, yeah, ask her yourself. It also Has a Crossover With Masterforce and The Last Unicorn ( 1982 ), The Scene Where Lynn Sr and Rita Yelling at Lincoln Is Based On the scene From "ELF" Where Walter Hobbes Yells at Buddy For Screwing Up A meeting with Miles Finch, The end Credits Is Based On The Disney Movie. If you don't, please read with discretion. Happy? He asked, patting her on the back. After looking for a bit, Leni has a nervous look on her face, then goes outside Lincoln's bedroom. We hurt Lincoln so much that he ran away! He departs to start anew. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and Bobby answers the door). Bro left us? I am so honored to be your loyal sidekick in the next comic book! Now he was worried about the person who knocked being outside with what was happening right now, so he zoomed down stairs to get the door opened. He falls on the ground, as the comic books all fall onto him. Lily is now all cleaned up. Lynn: I think she's trying to say that she was the one who broke the TV remote! Furthermore, he saw her enter an apartment building that the bodega store owned by that nice older man Hector Casagrande is a part of. Lana: Oh man! Ronnie Anne: And that's pretty much what happened, Lori and Bobby ended their relationship when Lincoln accidently threw up. Luan: Well, what about Ronnie Anne? You, me, and Lincoln. Are you sure this is a good idea? Lincoln couldn't help but giggle. "Dear God", he thought to himself, before turning to Ronnie Anne, who was crying under her shoulder.